Title: I've Got a Plan
Rating: M – Mature
Genre: Romance, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Humor
Pairings: Randy/Evan
Warnings: Slash, smut, eating disorders, violence
Summary: If it was possible, the boy looked smaller, and it was unsettling to the Viper... Very unsettling...

AN: So, this is a challenge fic for Emono. She said that Evan looks like he's lost a lot of weight lately, and that's the basis for the challenge. The pairing is Randy/Evan, which will be fun! For those of you waiting on other updates, this one is going to be posted when all the chapters are finished, and it's going to be a short fic anyway. I'm working on something for Steamin' Up the Place, a one-shot for Nef, Heart of a King, My Addiction, and I'm sure I forgot something. Whatever. Anyway, here it is, Emono! Note: This one takes place on the May 10th episode of RAW, and is going to continue until... probably about Over the Limit. I haven't decided yet.

Disclaimer: I do not own World Wrestling Entertainment or any of the wrestlers mentioned herein. The wrestlers portrayed in this act of fiction are property and copyright of the WWE and their respective owners.


The arena was alive with sounds. People talking, laughing, screaming, joking, hitting one another. Techs moving around with last minute scrambling fury, wanting to make sure everything was perfect for whatever it was they needed to do. The wrestlers were making sure that they were stretched out like they were supposed to be, their spots were ready, whatever it was they needed to do. Hell, he didn't know. He just knew that he was doing what he needed to do to get ready.

Blue eyes watched as a few techs scrambled past, wanting to make sure that they got whatever it was in that box they were carrying around to the place it needed to be. It was probably just some empty box someone was going to sit on or be thrown into, but he didn't care. He shook his head, moving past them down the hall as they set it up, turning a corner and headed down the hallway. He turned again at a door, pushing it open and letting it swing closed behind him.

Randy tossed his bag onto the bench, not even really caring what it was he needed to do. To be honest, he didn't know why he cared. Vickie was back on RAW, which was going to do nothing but piss him off. Edge was already running his mouth about what he had to do tonight, something that didn't aggravate Randy as much as just tire him. Randy knew what he had to do. He shook his head, pulling his shirt over his head and stripping down as he changed into his trunks for RAW to start.


Evan sighed as he looked at himself in the mirror. Their current feud had brought out some nasty comments from behind the scenes, and they were starting to get to the high-flyer. Zack Ryder wasn't the nicest person in the world, and Evan knew this, but still. When Ryder had told Evan that the small boy was too fat to be a high-flyer, Evan had written him off. That was, until he realized that this trunks seemed to be getting tighter and tighter. No one said anything about them shrinking, so he had to be fatter... Since then, Evan had just stopped eating. It wasn't the best thing, and he knew it, but it was getting him to lose the weight. Too much, it seemed, because his trunks were loose. He puffed out his cheeks in thought, looking at the chipmunk-esque face in the mirror now before scrunching his nose at it. Well, whatever it was, it was going to have to wait.

A tech came to grab Evan, and the young high-flyer offered the man a smile. With one last look in the mirror, he moved away from the contraption, making his way out to gorilla position, waiting.

He knew Gail Kim and Alicia Fox were down there, waiting ringside, appearing to be Zack's adoring little fans. Zack was in the ring, Evan could hear him, talking about how he was going to prove that he was the better Superstar, and he was going to prove it to them. Evan rolled his eyes, bouncing out when he heard his music hit, his hands up in the peace sign, his smile glued on. He took off running, jumping and sliding under the bottom rope and into the ring like a pro. He played it up to the crowd, the cute little monkey they all thought he was.

Backstage, Randy had just moved away from his locker room, boredom starting to seep in. He, instead, decided that he was going to watch the matches, see what he could. Besides, he heard somewhere that Evan was on now, and he liked the little high-flyer. There was just something about the way the kid could bend that made Randy want to turn him over and pound into him. Of course, the kid was really nice too...

Randy shook these thoughts loose, turning into a lounge-sort of room where a TV was set up. He watched as the kid began to fight, his moves smooth, fluid, delectable. The Viper shook these thoughts loose again, growling at himself to knock that off. That was when he really began to focus on the match. Evan was doing what he was supposed to do, but his heart wasn't in it. Usually, he went out there, gave it his all, and made the fans go crazy. Tonight, however, it didn't seem like his heart was really into it, and he didn't seem like he wanted to be out there.

Randy tilted his head slightly, watching as Evan climbed up to the top rope for his rather unique finisher, only for Alicia to come up on the apron and grab his foot. Before she could pull him off, Gail Kim yanked her off, giving Evan the opening he needed. For one breath-taking moment, Evan was back in the match, his heart and soul showing through as he launched himself into the air, tucking his legs back, and landing on Zack. He then grabbed his leg in the pin, the ref hitting the 1-2-3, before calling for the bell. Evan celebrated as Gail seemed to go up the ramp, upset. It was all part of the show, and Randy knew it,but he figured it was now time to figure out what was going on with the high-flyer.

So, by the time Evan made it up the ramp with Gail, Randy was waiting there. If Evan thought this was strange, he didn't say anything. He simply waved to Gail and tried to continue going. Tried. Randy grabbed his arm.

"Mind if we talk a minute." It was obvious it wasn't a question, but rather a statement, phrased as a question, to try for politeness. Evan wasn't buying it.

"Actually, I do. I need to shower, and I'd love to get out of this sticky ring gear," Evan said, obviously oblivious to what his words did to Randy. Randy, to his credit, merely blinked, turning a harder gaze to Evan.

"Too bad."

With those two words, spoken softly by the silver, forked tongue of the Viper, Randy led Evan down the hallway, taking a left at the corner and then leading the small boy into a room that Evan recognized. It was his own locker room, the one he shared with some of the other mid-carders. If Randy was trying for privacy, he was seriously failing. Evan felt it was up to him to point this out.

"... Privacy fail," Evan muttered. Randy stopped, turning a hard blue gaze to Evan. Evan blinked up at him. "What?"

"Privacy fail?" Randy repeated. Evan tried hard not to laugh, and managed a grin instead.

"It sounds weird now that you say it..."

Randy ignored Evan, pushing the small boy in the room and telling him to grab his clothes. Evan frowned, but did what Randy said, mostly because he was extremely curious as to what he had planned. He grabbed his bag, waved to Santino, who waved back as he headed out in the hallway, and then went out, looking up at Randy.

"Now what?" he asked. Before Randy could reply, however, a series of loud squeals came from the room down the hall, and Evan distinctly heard a thick, Italian accent scream out, "AH! MY EPIDERMIS!" Santino walked out, holding his face. Evan immediately turned to look at him.

"Are you okay?" he asked, his eyes wide and fearful, like that of a cat that had just been startled.

"I think I am," he said. Then, wearing only a towel around her body, Maryse flew out of the Diva's locker room, causing Randy to move, grabbing Evan to pull him close. Santino, however, was less fortunate, and got a rather sharp stiletto shoe thrown into the back of his head. He immediately fell down, face first, and stayed there. Evan looked like he wanted to help him, but Maryse fixed that.

"If you touch him, Evan, I will throw something at you too!"

Evan held his hands up, nearly dropping his duffel and moved away from Santino, following Randy away. To Evan's surprise, Randy led the small high-flyer to his own locker room. Evan gasped in surprise as Randy held the door open for him, letting the smaller man in. He was so surprised to see only Randy's stuff sitting there, just in one small pile. There was a mini-fridge looking thing in one corner, and Evan couldn't help but go over to it, swinging it open. Inside were a few bottles of water, some Gatorade, and then a couple of nutrient bars... Interesting.

Realizing that he may have just crossed some kind of barrier, Evan turned pink and turned around, about to apologize. Randy, however, was leaning against the wall, one eyebrow arched in amusement.

"If you're this excited about my locker room, you should see John's. He's got a TV in his," Randy said. "You can change in there. I want to talk to you, so hold off on the shower for a minute."

This time, Randy didn't bother trying to hide the order in the demand, so Evan stuck his tongue out as revenge for being ordered around and went into the shower area. As ordered, however, he didn't turn on the shower water.

"What's wrong with you? Why aren't you as into the matches as usual?"

Evan froze as Randy's voice came to him, the question obviously unexpected. Randy stayed patiently in one spot, just waiting for the answer.

"I don't know what you mean," Evan finally said, his voice tense. Randy's eyes narrowed.

"Uh-huh," Randy stated, his voice obviously disbelieving. Evan sighed.

"Look, I just don't really like facing Zack, okay? He's... weird."

Randy probably would have laughed at the way that Evan said weird if it wasn't for the fact that it was so obvious that Evan was using it as an excuse. However, before Randy could do anything else, a knock came to the door.

"Mr. Orton, you're up in about ten," a tech said. Randy groaned, calling out a 'fine'. He turned toward the shower area.

"Since I've got to go, you're welcome to stay here and use the shower. Use whatever's around. Next week, you're in my locker room too, got it, Bourne?"

Evan went to object, but the loud sound of the locker room door slamming closed sounded too much like finality for Evan to object. He sighed, his thoughts turning back to what Zack said.

If I'm too fat... then why is Randy Orton paying me so much attention... He must just feel sorry, Evan thought, frowning as he looked at his clothes. He didn't want to stay here. He didn't want to take off the ring pants that were loose. They were loose, and he didn't want to try to squeeze his fat body into the regular clothes. Then again... for those few minutes he was in Randy's company, he hadn't felt fat... He hung his head, hugging his shirt to his chest.

But I am fat... Too fat to be a high-flyer, and too fat for Randy Orton to care about...


AN: There ya go! First chapter, done. I really kind of like it. Chapter two will be up soon, I'm sure!

.: TheMizMagnet :.