AN: I wrote this story for my favorite girl, Alexx, and well, for myself. It's dark, it's bloody, it's sexy. Don't like it? Don't read it.

The cold of the night left chills across Matt Hardy's arms. He shivered and rubbed his arms together, wishing he had remembered to bring his jacket with him. He continued walking down the street, a little quicker now to reach his destination sooner. He was looking for someone. Someone with shoulder length blond and purple hair. Someone with a belly button ring and a tattoo running up their right arm. Matt entered the bar and searched around for that person. His deep brown eyes trailed the room,finally locking onto bright green ones. There he was, he'd found his baby brother. Jeff Hardy was sitting at the counter, alone, drinking shot after shot of whiskey,barely old enough to drink. Matt shook his head and headed over to where his brother was. Jeff sighed as he watched Matt approach,knowing he would get a lecture about being out and drinking. Matt sat down next to Jeff and took the bottle of whiskey and poured himself a shot, downed it,made a face, then turned to Jeff.

"Heya little brother"

"I'm not little anymore." Jeff grabbed the bottle out of Matt's hand and drank from it,finishing it off.

"You'll always be my little brother,whether you like it or not." Matt smiled and ruffled Jeff's hair, getting a crooked smirk out of the 21 year old.

"We gotta get going, Jeffro. It's late, we've got a lot to do tomorrow." Matt threw a few bills on the counter for the bartender and stood up, waiting for Jeff to do the same.

"That's it? No lecture, no over worry for my well being?" Jeff raised his eyebrow

"Not tonight Jeff, I just want to go home, with you." Matt sometimes had a tendency to over worry about Jeff. Ever since their mom died years ago, Jeff hadn't been...okay. Over time Matt had learned to cope with the fact his mother was gone,and had moved on, but Jeff seemed to get more depressed. Jeff stood, grabbed his leather jacket and walked out of the bar with his brother. Matt wrapped his arm around Jeff's shoulders as they walked.

"Dude, we're not gay." Jeff shrugged Matt's arm away

"I know that,I just want to keep you close and safe."

"Matt, no ones going to jump out and grab me and take me away. You and I can both kick some ass, I doubt someone could pull it off..." Jeff had barely gotten the last words out of his mouth when someone did grab him, and drag him back into the ally.

Matt yelped and ran after the person, only to be grabbed by someone else. The brothers looked at each other, eyes wide. They each had their captors hands over their mouths, so they couldn't make much noise. Matt tried to struggle,but it wasn't any use, whoever held him was too strong. Jeff's captor pulled a rag out of his pocket and placed it over Jeff's nose and mouth and told him to inhale. Jeff reluctantly did so and within moments he was slipped into unconsciousness,slumping in the taller man's arms. The man who held Matt told him to cooperate or they would make sure Jeff never woke up. Matt nodded, and Jeff was lifted over the leader's shoulders and the three walked down the ally. They passed a dim street light and Matt could see that the man in front of him had long wavy blond hair, past his shoulders, jeans and a black leather jacket. He couldn't see his face, though. They came upon a black SUV at the end of the ally that lead onto a back road. The blond opened the door and laid Jeff inside, using some sort of cable to bind his hands and ankles together. The man turned around and faced Matt. He had stunning brown eyes, and a smirk that couldn't possibly mean anything good. He grabbed Matt's arms and pulled them forward wrapping the same kind of cords around them. The man who had his hand over Matt's mouth removed it and the blond told Matt to open his mouth,but not to say a word. Matt did so,eyeing the rag in the abuductors hand.

"Don't worry, it's clean." the rag was shoved in Matts mouth, then secured with a piece of duct tape. "Get in the car,in the very back and sit still."

Matt did so, careful not to step on his brother who was lying in the floor behind the front seats. When he sat down he could see that his captor was also blonde, and the two could possibly pass for brothers they looked so much alike. The two blonds climbed into the front seats, the older one driving. They started driving off down the road, driving a bit on the fast side. The younger blond turned around in his seat to look at Matt.

"I'm Christian. This is Adam. I assume you're wondering where we're taking you and what we want from you, right?"

Matt nodded.

"Well, you'll figure both things out in due time. Right now we need to discuss ground rules. Don't speak unless you're spoken to, don't attempt to escape because you have no idea who you're dealing with. You're not going to be released, so begging for it won't help. You can be assured that as long as you cooperate, you and Jeff will be treated well."

Matt's eyes widened at the fact that the abductors knew who they were. How? Had they been watching them? Were they friends of Jeff? What's going on? Christian turned around facing the front, staring out the windshield.

"We should've flown." Matt heard him mutter and Adam shushed him quickly.

Flown? Where the hell were they going?

"Get comfortable, Matthew, it's going to be a long ride." Adam smirked before turning up the radio

Matt sighed and laid back in the seat. Wasn't much he could do to help the situation, so he might as well relax as best he could. About 20 minutes into the ride,he dozed off into a deep sleep.

"Finally" Christian said to Adam,who turned to his younger brother and flashed a bright smile, flashing his sharp fangs.


Matt woke up when the car stopped and its engine shut off. Jeff was awake,still bound and lying on the floor, and whimpering. He now had duct tape over his mouth, and was looking at Christian with wide eyes. Christian grinned at Jeff, revealing his long sharp fangs, scaring the young Enigma to death.. Chritsian got out of the car before pulling Jeff out. Adam opened the other door.

"Get out." he ordered

Matt slowly moved out of the car, hitting his head on the roof as he did. Since his hands were bound,he couldn't reach up to rub his head and ease the pain. Wincing,he stood straight and waited for Adam's next command.

"Move." Adam ordered, pushing Matt forward.

As he walked, he started to look around. He first looked at Jeff, who was being drug by Christian, then at the surroundings. He blinked at what he saw. A large house, had to be worth at least three million was dark, and huge,bigger than his. No other signs of life were around. Almost sensing what Matt was feeling, Adam spoke.

"We're in the middle of no where. You can't run, because there's no where to run to. We'll find you,be sure of that. There's no one that can,nor will, help you. The sooner you accept your fate,the better off things will be for you and your brother."

Matt shivered, not wanting to know their new fate. They walked up to the front door, and Adam opened it, pushing Matt inside before allowing Christian to pull Jeff in.

"Go sit on the couch in the living room. Don't move."

The boys went into the living room,which was adorned with crosses, a dark red velvet couch and two chairs, black fireplace with a fire lit, red and black candles, and red silk curtains. Matt raised his eyebrow at the decor, Christian and Adam didn't seem the goth type. He sat on the couch and Jeff sat next to him,scooting close and snuggling up to Matt the best he could. He looked at Matt and made a few whimpering noises in an effort to try to say something. Matt just nuzzled Jeff's forehead with his chin,resting there, not knowing what else to do. He started struggling with the cords around his hands, now noticing that the cord was cutting into his wrists,leaving bruises and marks because they were so tight. The more he struggled,the tighther they got. He gave up just as Adam and Christian returned. Adam went over to the couch and stood in front of the two brothers.

"Say a word, he slits your throat." Adam nodded to Chrsitian,who was holding a very long,sharp knife. Adam reached out and ripped the duct tape off Matt's mouth, then Jeff's. Matt winced, licking his lips to get the sticky residue off them. Jeff whimpered and burried his face in Matt's shoulder. Adam sighed and grabbed Jeff by the hair, pulling him up.

"Matt!" Jeff gasped starting to struggle in Adam's grip.

"Looks like we're going to have to work on not depending on big brother so much. Get on your knees."Adam threw Jeff to the ground, then looked at Matt."You too,on your knees. Now."

Matt slid to the floor and got on his knees. Adam kicked Jeff in the ribs before pulling him up.

"I said your knees, Jeffrey."

"You didn't have to kick him." Matt glared at Adam.

Adam raised his hand to slap Matt but was stopped by a sound of someone's throat clearing. Adam immediatly dropped his hand and dropped his head forward, staring at his shoes. Matt looked forward and saw the source of the voice and gulped. A large man, who had to be almost 7 feet tall, with long black curly hair, wearing a black trench coat over black jeans and a black shirt approached them. He stood beside Christian, whose head was down like Adam's. The dark man reached out and stroked Christian's hair, whipsering something into his ear before walking in front of Matt and Jeff. Jeff was leaning forward, holding his ribs. Matt stared up at the large man looming over him.

"Stand up." The man's deep, voice said smoothly and calmly.

Matt tried to stand,but had difficulty because his arms were still bound so he couldn't balance himself well. The man grabbed Matt's hair and pulled him up. Matt looked at the man's face. His features were prefectly chiseled, his eyes as dark as his hair, and were lined with eyeliner on the top and bottom lids. The man trailed his eyes over Matt, before speaking.

"My name is Mark,or commonly known around here as The Undetaker. I'm the one who wanted you and your brother here. You are to do everything I say, you are to address me as Sir or My Lord. Nothing else. If you disboey my commands, there will be punishment. Do you understand Matthew?"

Matt nodded and swallowed hard. He had no idea what was going to happen to him,or his brother.

"Good work, Edge." He said without looking away from Matt.

"Thank you, My Lord." was Adam's response.

"Take him away, Christian. Prepare him."

Christian handed the knife he was holding to Mark, then took something out of his back pocket. It was a black collar with a ring in the middle. He snapped it around Matt's neck, locking it in place, then hooked his finger through the ring and lead Matt away. Jeff looked up as he heard his brother walk off.

"Matt, don't leave me!" Jeff tried to stand up but fell over, sharp pain hitting his ribs.

"Jeff...Jeff it's okay, just do what they say and we'll be okay."

"No! Matt please they're going to kill us. They're vampires!"

"Jef..wait, what? Vampires?"

Mark glared at Christian, sending a look that said to get Matt away now. Matt struggled as he was pulled down the hallway and up the stairs to a room. Christian shoved him inside and closed the door. Matt gulped at what he saw.

Downstairs, Jeff was trying to crawl away from Adam and Mark, but wasn't very successful, for Adam grabbed Jeff and pulled him up, holding him in his strong arms.

"Look at me boy." Mark growled.

Jeff stared at the floor. Mark nodded to Adam, who grabbed Jeff's hair, forcing his head upward to look at Mark.

"LOOK AT ME" Mark raised his voice, startling Jeff.

"Please...don't hurt me..or Matt...just let us go."

Mark grabbed Jeff by the throat, lifting him from Adam's grip and into the air.

"I will never let you go. I'm going to make you mine, and you will never return to your old home. I've been watching you Jeffery. You're perfect,and you're mine." Mark kissed Jeff roughly, licking the younger boys bottom lip before pulling away and giving him back to Adam.

Mark turned and walked away,leaving Adam and Jeff alone.

"Jeff...sweet, innocent, baby Jeff..." Adam cooed as he hooked a collar around Jeff's neck like Christian had done Matt. "Lets go"

Adam flung Jeff over his shoulder and carried him upstairs, down the hall, and to a room. He closed the door behind him, then tossed Jeff onto the bed.

"Things are about to get very very different for you Jeff. Whether these things are bad or good is up to you." Adam climbed on top of Jeff, dangling two pairs of hand cuffs on his finger. "I'm hoping you choose bad...I like being bad."

So the yum's about to begin. Yes, this is a Vampire story. No,it's not Twilightesque. I will make twilight readers cry if they read this, I warn you all,it will be graphic and bloody. Hot sweaty Vampire/Human sex is coming,and no one can stop it!!!

Give me reviews! Please?