[A/N] For those of you who have been following this story, I appreciate your patience. I've been lacking in updates for this work. Part of it was just me having hit a bit of 'writer's block,' the other part being just uninspired to write... anything. Anyway, here's the last & final chapter for 'Ownership.' I hope you all like it. :D

-- bgw


"Ok, we can talk. But let's get showered & clean beforehand.," Jeff stated grabbing Phil by the hand.


After cleaning each other up in a quick, hot shower; Jeff poured himself & Phil a couple of glasses of Pepsi & sat down at the kitchen table. Jeff sat across from Phil so that they were eye to eye. If Phil came to talk, Jeff was intent on listening. He that to Phil, that & so much more.

"So talk to me, princess," Jeff smiled weakly.

"Jeff, I've missed you. I've missed you a lot. I've missed all of our good times, laughs, shit like that; but what I don't miss is how horribly you treat me sometimes," Phil said. Jeff's face paled at those words, knowing how true they were.

Phil continued, "The shit that you have done to me since we've been together has been reprehensible! I understand that you get mad at me sometimes, but some of the punishment that I have received from you has been more than what I have ever deserved. I've never done anything so wrong that warranted some of the punishments you bestowed on me. & what I don't get is how you can bring yourself to treat me so badly."

Jeff twisted uncomfortably in his seat as Phil continued talking. "& each time your hurt me, you're always so sorry. & I actually believe that you won't ever do something horrible to me again. Yet, you fail at that every time. That last time, was exactly that, the last time. I will come back to you, but this is my final time coming back to you. If things go wrong between us after this conversation, there will be no more chances for us. I will leave you for good. & no amount of your apologies, or sadness, will effect my decision to move on from you."

"I love you Jeff, I love you a lot. I don't want to be without you, ... I don't. But if my own happiness means that you have to be out of my life forever, then that's how things will be.I cannot, & will not, tolerate being treated like less than what I am just because you catch an attitude at times. I don't hurt you. Therefore, you shouldn't hurt me. I don't want you to hurt me. I just want you to love, & respect me, all of the time. No matter what. You got me?"

Jeff didn't say anything right away. He just sat there staring at Phil, soaking in everything he'd just said. He knew that Phil was right. He'd been such an ass to Phil. & Phil damn sure didn't deserve it. Jeff knew he had a choice to make; it was either change is ways for good, or lose Phil... for good.

"Baby-doll, you are right. You deserve so much better. So, so much better. & I understand that if I don't change, & change for good; then I'll lose your forever. That's something that I definitely don't want. I can't imagine spending the rest of my life without you in it. I don't even want to think about living the rest of my life without seeing that beautiful face of yours every morning. Lord knows that during the bit of time you were away, I had a lot of sleepless nights because my mind wouldn't let me rest well knowing you weren't around."

Jeff reached across the table to caress Phil's hands. He looked deep into Phil's gorgeous, olive eyes before he spoke again. "Baby, I know you mean what you've said. I totally respect it. & I'll do whatever I have to do to be a better person for you. I don't care if that means we have to go to marriage counseling, me going to anger management, whatever. I will do it for you... for us."

Phil smiled when Jeff leaned up & planted a soft, loving kiss on his pierced lips. They both stood & embraced each other. They stood there for a few moments, each loving the other's closeness.

"Come on baby, let's go grab something to eat! I'm so starving right now," Jeff suggested happily as he headed towards the door.

"Right behind you, babe."


-One Year Later-

Jeff & Phil sat in their new home. The two recently moved out to Rockford, Illinois & were enjoying their lives together. Jeff had just completed his anger management counseling & the two were still participating in marriage counseling. They were happier than they'd ever been. They'd even adopted a couple of puppies from the local SPCA to help keep things around the house exciting.

As they laid outside by the lake, looking up at the stars; Jeff couldn't help but admire how incredibly pretty his lovely looked under the shine of the moonlight. He leaned over, nuzzling at his smooth cheeks.

Phil giggled at the soft tickle, "what are you playing at, naughty boy?"

"Naughty boy, eh? I can show you naughty," Jeff teased as he climbed on top of his Phil.

"Stop it Jeff! We're out here on the grass for fuck's sake," Phil laughed pushing Jeff off of him, taking off running towards their house.

Jeff grinned deviously & chased after his lover. They spent most of the night making sweet love to each other until they were both too tired to continue.

"I love you, Phillip Jack Hardy," Jeff giggled kissing Phil's forehead.

"& I love you, Jeffrey Nero Hardy," Phil replied as they drifted into a blissful sleep.