Um, hi? So I'm still here, and still working on this story. I know it's been forever and a day, but I didn't forget it, just got stuck. I was way too ambitious about the show and stalled, but I am back on track. I will make no promises about posting schedules, but I've got plans. So until I finish writing the big show, here is a teaser to get you interested again. Thanks for sticking with me and all the support you all have given me.Chapter 18- On With The Show!
Never had the Gotham Concert Hall been so full. It made Batman nervous because if something happened, these people would be trapped, including more than half of the city's police force. The officers lined the walls and aisles, keeping an eye on the criminals who had promised to behave, and not just the ones who were helping put on the show either. Word had gone out to the more colorful, yet dark side of Gotham that there was a truce for tonight, so anyone not currently in custody had showed up. Penguin, of course, was one of the first. He was holding court with several of his girls in one of the boxes, though he had to share with Harvey Dent. Even, Killer Croc was given a pass to see the show after the Straw-hat's cyborg cried and begged him to come. He was underguard, with a muzzle on, but seemed excited about it. Scarecrow and Clayface were locked up in Arkham, thankfully, but Riddler had breezed in like he was invited and took a seat with a grin. The Mad Hatter had also slipped in at some point and was talking peacefully with the green clad trickster, sipping his tea without a care in the world. Harley assured Batman that everyone would be on their best behavior. That didn't relieve Batman's worries, though nothing had happened so far. The only loose rouge who had yet to make an appearance was Mr. Freeze, but Batman wasn't really expecting him anyway. Musicals weren't really the doctor's thing anymore.
Still, the criminals were only a small percentage of the crowd. Most of Gotham's elite were here, filling the seats to capacity. Bruce Wayne of course, knew everyone, but there were people that Batman trusted as well. Dr. Leslie Thompkins, Lucius Fox and Alfred had highly prized seats in the third row, a row of policemen between the civilians and the pirates and rouges in the front. Batman glared at his butler and oldest friends, but couldn't say a word about them being there. Alfred knew it too; the Englishman had a look in his eye as he glanced over at Batman.
Before the hero could react, the Straw-hat's swordsman, Zoro stepped out from backstage. He was scowling as usual, and people cleared out of his way instinctively. Then he saw Alfred, he started in the butler's direction. Batman stepped forward, ready to intervene, but he was pleasantly surprised.
"Mr. Pennyworth," the green haired man called out. "Come to see the show?"
"Yes, thank you, Mr. Roronoa," Alfred said, stepping forward. "Let me introduce some friends of mine, this is Dr. Leslie Thompkins, and Mr. Lucius Fox."
Zoro bowed politely. "Let's find you some good seats," the man said succinctly. He glanced around, and waved for the three to follow him. Alfred did with no reservations and after sharing a look, Leslie and Lucius followed his lead.
Zoro took them to some seats in the third row, as close to the front as possible. "My crew is up front, since we've got parts in Brook's show, and the police have the other row closed off, but you can sit here," the swordman explained.
A young woman, one of Gotham's pretty debutaunts, spoke up angrily. "These are our seats!"
Zoro turned an unimpressed glare on her and her two friends. The three girls quailed under the pirate's gaze, but remained stubbornly in their seats. It looked like a situation was growing and Batman was about to send Nightwing or Batgirl over there (Batman was not the best choice for this kind of problem) but again, before he could act, a pirate stepped in.
The pirate's cook, Sanji, swept up and bowed to the ladies from their other side. "Excuse me, beautiful flowers, don't mind my meathead crewmate. Mr. Pennyworth, it's nice to see you again."
"It's my pleasure, Mr. Sanji," Alfred said with a smile. He pulled out a folded piece of paper. "I have that recipe you wanted."
"Thank you very much," Sanji answered cheerfully before turning to the pretty girls. "Now, you ladies don't need to sit so close to these rough men, let's find you some seats more suitable for such delicate flowers."
His charm swayed the girls, and he lead them to new seats while Zoro looked smug as Alfred, Lucius, and Leslie sat down.
After getting settled, and after Zoro returned backstage to finish helping, Alfred turned to give Batman a look. Bruce knew that look, he had been on the receiving end several times in the past, when Alfred had done something against orders. Usually that look meant that he knew he was right and he didn't care what Bruce said. He was usually right, too, and Batman could only hope that this time would prove the same.
Backstage, the props and sets were getting a last second make over by Franky. He was a marvel with a hammer and nails. Before their eyes, the hastily thrown together sets turned into works of art, which were hard to distinguish from the real thing. In fact only an hour after Batman and his followers had joined the party, everything was ready. The only hold up was the two missing straw hats.
"We can't start without Ussop!" Luffy pointed out willfully. "Or Chopper! They are part of our crew too! This is their story as much as ours."
"But the show must go on!" Joker argued his hands on his hips as he tried to intimidate the smaller man. "Look, I'm sorry that they haven't come yet, but we've put this much effort into the show and I will not let you stop it. He fingered the flower on his chest; it was filled with concentrated Joker Toxin. If he had to spray the kid, he would. It's not like anyone would notice at first because the kid was always laughing and grinning anyway.
"Let's stay calm, Mr. Joker, Captain," Nico Robin said, appearing out of nowhere, making Joker startle. "I'm sure our friends will be here soon. Let's finish preparations for our show before we take any hasty actions."
Luffy sighed, pouting at his friend. "Okay, you're right, Robin. I'll wait. I'll go outside to keep watch. I know they'll be here soon. Come get me when Brook is ready." He skipped off, seemingly lighthearted again.
"Mr. Joker," Robin said, leaning a little too close to the clown. Across the room, Nightwing noticed the tension and hurried over, leaping over some of the boxes and set pieces. The archaeologist paid the worried hero no mind, focusing on Joker. "Remember that we are your friends tonight. We all want this to go smoothly." She lowered her voice to whisper in his ear, "It would be a pity if something were to happen to change that, wouldn't it?" She straightened up and walked away, waving politely at Nightwing as he slid to a halt before them.
"What the hell was that?" Nightwing asked, more than a little anxious to be so close to Joker without fighting, especially since the man looked shaken. They could never guess what that maniac was thinking.
Joker glared at the younger man. He had hated Robin and he hated Nightwing, considering him bait at best and a distraction at worst, but still he was honest as he looked into the hero's masked eyes in disbelief. "I think I was just threatened, my boy," he admitted. "And I believe her, heaven help me, I believe her." He threw back his head and laughed. "Oh this in wonderful, all of these pirates keep surprising me. I love it. Now excuse me, Bratwing, I should go welcome some of our esteemed guests. I think I saw Two-face earlier. I wonder if he's forgiven me for interrupting him last February. Tootle-loo!" The madman flounced away leaving Nightwing confused but grateful that things worked out. They might actually be able to pull this off.
Only minutes before even Luffy was about to give up hope, Chopper and Ussop came running up to the front doors. Luffy whooped with glee and launched himself off the roof, where he had been perched, to tackle his friends.
"Come on, you almost missed it. Hurry, hurry, they've saved us seats. And Brook has parts for you, so you have to talk to him. This is all so cool!" the rubber man crowed with excitement as he dragged the last two members of his crew inside.
They hurried backstage where Brook was finishing checking over everything one last time.
"Yo ho ho ho, welcome Ussop, Chopper! We were sick to our stomachs that you would miss the show," the skeleton said as he turned to his friends. "Not that I have a stomach, yo ho ho ho!" He pulled out a couple sheets of paper from his hat. "Here, these are for you. I have small parts for all our friends, but most of the show will be performed by myself and the wonderful actors and actresses who work here. That way you can sit and enjoy the show, too. Just watch for your cues, okay?"
Joker, dressed up as a marine admiral, and trailed by Harley who was holding a clip board, strode up to the little gathering. "Finally," he exclaimed. "Well, since the gang is all here, can we start the show?" He sounded a little crazier than usual, as if the stress of throwing together a multi act musical in the space of a few hours was getting to him. No one was really sure if he was acting or not. He tipped his head to regard Chopper, who was hiding the wrong way behind Ussop. "Well, aren't you a strange one? Oh well, never mind! We need to get the show on the road, places people! Lights, cameras, action!" he called out as he strode away.
"Yosh! Let's go!" Luffy cheered and hurried to his seat.
Chopper and Ussop shared a look. "Well, at least no one asked us where we were," the sniper said.
Chopper nodded. "That's good, right? That way Dr. Freeze's machine will be a surprise! It will make everyone very happy. Come on, let's go find our seats."