Hello readers! DevilWolf 9 here!

I'm back with another new story to add to the list! Sooooooooo sorry for the wait, I've REALLY been busy lately with studies and all. But now I'm back on the saddle!

A MediEvil/ Ed, Edd, n Eddy crossover

Now, onto the tale of epic magic, fantasy and humor!


No flames!

(The scene lights up, revealing a large stain-glass window illustrating a small peaceful village.)

In a time long ago,

There was a kingdom of Gallowmere

A land where the people were happy, war was unknown and children were polite and helpful at all times and not just when mooching for chocolate.

(The window shifts, showing an old man in royal clothing with a crown embedded with jewels.)

The monarch of the realm, King Peregrine was a wise and just and, all in all, a bit of a decent chap - Greatly fond of Philosophy, Literature, and pictures of kittens wearing bonnets he was an enlightened ruler.

(A tall and pale thin man in purple robes is shown in the glass,)

But he had among his retinue an official court magician, a brilliant but unscrupulous man by the name of Zarok.

Instead of confining himself with horoscopes and balloon animals for which he was employed, Zarok began to conduct horrific experiments on the bodies of the undead

(Zarok is shown waving his staff, causing several zombies to rise from the ground.)

Of course people often get quite sensitive about their deceased loved ones so it wasn't long before the King found out and had the sorcerer banished from the land.

Zarok skulked away from the wilderness and busied himself by perfecting his experiments, seething with rage, and practicing his diabolical evil laugh.

At last with an army of demons at his command, he set off to bring Gallowmere under his foul dominion.

(Zarok leads his undead troops towards the peaceful kingdom.)

Captain of the royal guard, Sir Daniel Fortesque led the militia into battle against the unholy horde.

(A tall lanky knight with full armor leads his men onward into battle.)

Songs are sung to this day how of he spearheaded the charge into the accursed multitude.

How the invaders fell before him like wheat before the scythe, and how at last though mortally wounded, he fell upon the infernal sorcerer and destroyed him utterly.

True these songs don't have particularly catchy choruses, but people cared less for chart success in those days.

And there came upon the land a time of peace, harmony and quality wines at affordable prices.

The tranquility was to last for 100 years,

(Once again, Gallowmere was shown, but began to darken with a light of dark red, foreshadowing the darkness that was yet to come.)

But then the sorcerer returned . . .

The story begins in the early morning in a small town named PeachCreek, there nothing much to it since it was all but a humble place famous for it's growth of Peaches and home of it's football team, the PeachCreek Cobblers.

The scene moves on to a cul-de-sac in the suburbs. The peace was interrupted by a loud crash that emanated in a nearby house,

"ED, YOU LUMP! WERE YOU TRYING TO WRECK MY HOUSE!?" Eddy shouted, grabbing the tall oaf by the collar of his green jacket and getting up in his face.

"Now Eddy, calm down. I'm sure ED has a complete legitimate reason for his actions, just give him a chance to explain himself." Double D tried to assure the short hot tempered boy.

Eddy merely grunted as he let go of Ed, the stupid grin never leaving his face. It was only a few minutes before Ed busted down the short ed's door and began running around his house breaking several furniture while calling out Eddy's name, saying he found something 'important'.

"Alright lumpy, what did ya find? Cause I swear, if it's another rotten mushroom sandwich you made from under your bed, I'll shove that thing down your throat."

Excited, Ed grabbed both friends in a bone-crushing bear hug and rummaged around his jacket to pull out a rolled up scroll covered in filth. With a quick flick, all the dirt and grime immediately flew off as the oaf opened it to his friends.

"Lookie what I've found guys!" Ed showed them the contents, "It's toilet paper from the stone age!"

Eddy just stared at Ed with an annoyed look, while Double D on the other hand looked on at the opened scroll with interest and gasped,

"Why Ed, it's a map!"

"A map?" Eddy scoffed with disbelief, "What's lumpy doing with a map?" It was hard to believe that Ed was able to get his dirty hands on a map to who-knows-where since the idiot was too dumb to even think. That, and he had a hunch it was another one of his older brother's prank maps. Just how did he get it?

"How'd you get it anyway, Ed?"

The tall boy merely stared off into space, not at all paying any mind to the his friend, until Eddy gave him a flick to his eyes.

"I found it outside!" Ed exclaimed swinging his arm forward pointing outside, hitting Eddy in the face while doing so.

"But how did you find it?" Double D pressed on.

"Ooooooooooooooh," Ed realized.

Several sounds of crashes and loud noises rang out from all over Ed's house as the front door flew open with Sarah holding Ed by the collar of his jacket and the back of his pants, she tossed him a few feet across the yard and into the sidewalk to smash into a lamp post while hearing Sarah shout after him,

"Mom says you gotta go outside because you've been watching monster movies for too long! So you better stay out there until dinner time, got it!?"

"Okay, Baby sister!" Ed called out happily, spitting out a tooth.

With that said she slammed the door hard. Ed got up from the ground with a few patches of dirt and bruises on him before he spotted something poking out of the dirt near the lamp post he knocked over,

"Hello!", He scooped up the object and instantly recognized it as a scroll of some kind, he opened it up and peered inside. It wasn't that interesting though, just a bunch of squiggly lines and some words he couldn't understand.

Suddenly a thought popped into his mind, maybe Double D could figure it out! But where was he? Ed thought about it for a minute, his brain starting to beat from the process of thinking, something he's never done before. His brain beated faster and faster until he remembered that he went over to Eddy's house.

"Boing!" Ed held a large chunk of dirt and grass above his head, imitating an "idea lightbulb" and ran off to find his friends.

"Groundbreakingly fascinating!", Double D inspected the map further, making out the age-faded text.

"This is a map of the entire realm of Gallowmere, the very land we live in before it was settled and changed to 'PeachCreek!'"

Eddy picked his ear and snorted, "So? What's so important about that ol' piece of paper anyway?"

"Eddy, this map could show us the path to uncover not only information of forgotten history, but artifacts, documents, riches and hidden knowledge no archeologist has been able to find for centuries!"

Eddy's ear perked the moment he heard the word, "Riches" and snatched the map out of Double D's hands, he grabbed Double D by the hat and Ed by the ear and pulled them together.

"Well, what are we standing around for!? Lets' go find this Gallowmere junk! I can see it now! 'Eddy's museum of Gallowmere Artifacts!'

"My, my, Eddy, This must certainly captivated you! I've never seen you so excited for knowledge before!"

Eddy flashed the smart boy a grin while grabbing several items in large clumps and stuffing them in some suitcases while pushing his two friends out of his room and into the backyard.

"That's just the guy I am Double D! You and Ed get some supplies, that treasure- I mean, those artifacts aren't gonna dig themselves up ya know!"

Ed gave Eddy a salute, "You got it Eddy!", with that he dragged Double D along with him.

The shortest boy began to rub his hands together maliciously as the thoughts of riches rush through his thoughts.

"Oh, this is gonna be good . . .", he sniggered to himself while going off to do his share of gathering supplies for their search.

Later on that day, Eddy managed to "borrow" a few supplies from Rolf's place. Not entirely knowing what they would need, he just went with the essentials of exploration; a few lanterns, shovels, pikes, some rope. With as much haste he could muster, Eddy crammed all of these items into his small suitcases and ran off before Rolf would show up.

Double D looked over the list of supplies, his role was to get food for the trip since it may take longer than expected. He picked out several assortments of fruits, vegetables, meats, grains, and water.

Ed on the other hand, just grabbed everything that wasn't nailed down and somehow, managed to shove it into his gym bag. With all his might, he pushed the massive bag through the window from his bedroom and went on his way to meet up with the others.

Eddy stood waiting at the junkyard by the broken down van they used to hang out at, tapping his foot with impatience.

Where were they? Didn't they know just how important this was? Treasure and Riches waiting to be looted? The wait was killing him to no end. He then checked his watch. Half past Eleven.


The sudden shout immediately caught Eddy's attention as he turned to see his tall dim-witted friend run up to him with Double D closely behind.

"Bout time you guys showed up! What took ya!?"

"I sincerely apologize for the wait, Eddy. But you can't rush preparation." Double D stated as he fixed his hat after setting his bag to the ground. Once done, he looked up at Eddy.

"What?" He raised his eyebrow.

"The map? I believe YOU were the one who had it in your possession."

"Well, don't look at ME! I don't have it! Ed?"

Ed reached into the back of pants, "Don't worry guys! I put it in a safe place." He rummaged further until he finally pulled out the map which was, thankfully, still intact, despite being covered in a few patches of dirt and grime.

"Um, yes. Thank you, Ed. Now, let us take a look, shall we?", Double D carefully told hold of the map with some rubber gloves as to not get filthy.

"Alright, according to this, we should head into the forest up north. There, we would reach what's left of the Gallowmere cemetery, shouldn't be too much of a hassle as it's just a straight ahead."

"You heard Sockhead, Lumpy! Get movin'!", Eddy tossed his suitcases up on Ed's large bag along with himself up as Ed hoisted them up on his back.

"Get on up here, Double D!", Eddy pulled up the lad by the end of his shirt and set him down beside him, "Just sit back, relax and let Ed handle the traveling."

With that, he laid back and decided to take a few winks. Double D was too fixated on the map to talk to anyway.

Hours have passed by as the trio traveled, the sky began to turn dark, it's bright blue sky fading to a misty orange-purple hue. The trees were starting to look taller and darker the deeper they went into these woods, nothing but the chirping of crickets and the caws of crows accompanied them. Double D raised the lantern, illuminating, the path. He squinted his eyes, normally the darkness would cause one to think of seeing figures of someone or something. This was different, as he looked further, he tapped on Ed's head to cease his tracks.

"Eddy! Wake up, we've reached it!", the boy tried to wake his sleeping friend but to no avail as the the only sound he managed to get out of him was a snore.

"Allow me, thank you!", Ed held to Eddy by his hairs and with a simple toss, threw eddy into the cemetery.

"Huh? What the- OW! HEY! OOF! GAAK! WATCH IT!", alas, Ed's strength was too much and the two eds could only watch the short boy bash into several tomb stones making pinball sounds with each hit and rolling off into a dug up grave nearby!

"Gutterball!", Ed pumped his fist into the air in victory.

"Oh dear me! Come along Ed, Eddy will be needing our assistance!" Double D ran to the grave hoping his friend was alright. And to his relief, he was.


And his personality was still safely intact. Joy.

"Don't worry, just don't go anywhere! Ed and I will get the rope!"

Eddy looked around the grave, seeing nothing but dirt."Yeah, I'll stay put alright.", he scowled.

The two pulled Eddy out once he got a hold of the rope, Eddy stretched his back as he got onto his feet. But not before feeling a painful sting. "OW! What the?", reaching behind his shirt, he pulled out an old trinket. The item seemed to be a golden helm used to keep something intact.

"Could it be?", Double D came close to see the item himself, his eyes widened with amazement. "It is! A piece of the mythical Anubis Stone, an ancient Egyptian artifact given to the kingdom of Gallowmere! Isn't this grand, Eddy? An artifact eluded by time and it has finally been recovered! By US no less! Eddy? Eddy?"

Eddy's smile grew wider, "Ha . . .Ha ha! AHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAAA! We're rich! RICH, I tell ya! Dirty, filthy, disgustingly rich!"

It took only a second for Double D to realize the Stone began to glow an eerie bright green light in the short ed's hands, being too busy celebrating his treasure. The wind and leaves began to whip fiercely through the trees as clouds surrounded the sky,"Eddy! The Stone! Drop the Stone, NOW!"

"What? No way, jose! What makes ya think I'm gonna - Hey, what gives with the light show?", looking down, the Anubis Stone then shined brightly with the wind and leaves circling around them like a vortex.

"The Stone has chosen us!" Was the last thing Ed yelled before the trio disappeared in a flash of green light.

- Gallowmere, 1386 . . .

The old sorcerer flipped through each page and studied carefully as he searched for a spell essential to his plans. During the time of hiding, the elderly sorcerer studied his dark arts in hopes of gaining the power he needed to conquer the realm along with the world. Running his thin bony finger along the text, he read over the following,

Explosive spell? No, it will draw too much attention. He wanted to execute this plan of his stealthily, he was in no mood of being greeted by the village guards.

Hypnosis spell? Close, but not enough.

EverNight spell? . . . Yes. YES!

"Ah ha! Found it!" The sorcerer laughed evilly, he had found the spell he was looking for! Turning into a billow of crimson smoke, he teleported from his study and to his next destination.

Sleeping Village.

'They will pay dearly for what they've done to me. Soon, I shall show them all that they have made a fatal mistake of making me their enemy'

Zarok gazed upon the village afar on a distant hilltop, smirking to himself and held his trident-like staff high. He channeled his power into incantation and could only watch as the staff shot out a smoke-like blast into the sky, heading towards the sun. The early morning brightness faded to complete darkness leaving what was left of the sun to drain into nothing more but a second moon.

The villagers were still not out for they still laid fast asleep in their homes, not knowing that the evil fiend they once banished has once again returned, and walking down the streets of their village no less!

Again, Zarok called upon the power of his staff to aid him his quest for vengeance and emit green electricity running through his staff and onto the streets, the poor innocent villagers were fast asleep, blissfully unaware of the danger they were in. The electricity extracted their souls, leaving their bodies as nothing but zombie-like husks.

With the souls of his victims in his clutches, Zarok continued his path into the Graveyard. His face in an angry sneer, he recalled his previous army destroyed by that bumbling coward who had "supposedly" killed him in battle. The thought of turning the fool into an undead minion was quite an amusing thought.

The souls the villainous sorcerer collected passed through the graves and into the earth, causing immediate movement from underneath. It was not long before the bodies within those graves began to rise from their permanent slumber to once again enter the land of the living and cause havoc.

Paying no mind to this, Zarok went on his way further into the graveyard, spreading the reanimation of undead corpses.

Unknown to him, he failed to notice a flash of green light and three boys falling onto the ground in a pile. The shortest one was the first to speak.

"GET OFF ME, MONO BROW!", kicking Ed off with a kick to the face,"Ooow, my aching back!" Eddy rubbed his hands on his bruised backside. Eddy took a look around and immediately took a double take on his surroundings, the buildings were completely old looking compared to modern architecture. Were they on a movie set? The entire place looked like something out a medieval show!

Eddy snapped out of his train of thought to notice they were on ed short. "Double D? Yo, Poindexter, Where'd ya go!?"

"Oh! Oh! Found him, Eddy!", Ed peeled the boy genius off of his stomach who was literally flattened like a pancake and set the dazed ed on his feet.

"T-Thank you,Ed.", Double D thanked. "My goodness!", he looked around the village, "Where in sam hill are we?"

"That's what I'd like to know!", Eddy yelled at the top of his lungs, "I had the treasure right in my hands,Double D! RIGHT IN MY HANDS!" He then deflated, "Now it's gone . . . "

"B-b-but this is impossible! How could an artifact transport us here? There has to be a better explanation to this!"

"Oh! I know where we are, guys!", Ed pulled his buddies over to him and whipped out a comic book from the hammer space of his jacket. "The mystical stone of might that was found by three adventurers have transported them through time and must fight the legion of monsters to get themselves back to once they came!"

Eddy just gave a blank stare, "That's got to be the stupidest thing you've ever-"

"Now, now, Eddy.", young Eddward slowly and carefully slipped out of Ed's hold and brushed himself off from the filth that got onto his shirt. "Let's not be too hasty. We'll just ask for assistance, I'm sure the local residents wouldn't mind telling us where we are. Perhaps we'll get answers of how to get back to the Cul-de-sac."

Eddy scoffed, "Whatever . . ." , still miffed about losing the stone.

Finally agreeing, the three searched around. But to no avail, no matter where they went there were no signs of anybody. The shops were empty and not a single street held a living soul, no sounds were heard in this place but the sounds of their own footsteps. In other words, it was a complete ghost town.

"Man, where is everybody?", Eddy looked through the butcher shop window, hoping to see anyone inside, only to find utter blackness.

"Odd.", Double D inspected his watch, "Time has passed and it's 10 in the morning, usually people rise and start their business at this hour. Yet, the sun hasn't risen yet. Strangely peculiar."

"Oh, too cool!", the two of them turned to Ed, seeing him looking back into the graveyard.

"Yo, Ed! We ain't got time for sightseeing! In case you hav-", Eddy paused, "Whoah."

Eddy stared in awe once he and Edd saw several green lights were seen flashing in the resting place of the dead. The two of them were so captivated in the light, that Ed slowly began slowly walking his way towards the graveyard entrance like a the attraction of a moth to a flame.

Double D caught wind of his and quickly blocked Ed's path, preventing him to go further. "Oh no, you don't! Don't you even THINK of going in there, mister! If you have noticed, we are already in a serious predicament. Just going there will only make the situation worse than it is!"

"Aww.", Ed looked down in disappointment.

"Now,hold on there a minute, Sockhead.", Eddy intervened, "Ed's got the right idea of going in there!"

"I do?", Ed asked in confusion.

"You can't be serious in Ed's idea of heading in there, are you, Eddy?"

"Yeah!," Eddy grabbed them both and pulled them close to huddle up, "Listen, that freaky green light is what got us here in the first place, right? So I figured, why not go and check it out? If it can take us here, then it could take us back!"

Double D was about to object and say that the idea was absurd, but what Eddy said was correct. It could be possible, and it's not like there was any option in the moment, so he supposed he could just go with it.

"Well? Any smart ideas, Einstein?"

"Very well," Edd sighed in defeat , "We'll go in"

"Heh, I thought so." Eddy smirked. Together, they marched past the entrance and towards source of the mysterious flashes.

The scenery was quite dark and eerie as it was to expected, several gravestones were cracked with age and entangled in roots of nearby plants. The crunching of the gravel path was quiet with every step they took through their passage of the lonely resting place. They even lost track of time as they were too focused in making their way through the incredibly large graveyard. Double D was beginning to feel unnerved, taking glances at each of the graves which have strangely seemed to have holes in were the bodies would be. Recently dug up holes.

"Hello, mist!", Ed waved at the ether that snaked around the entire ground. What it was, Double D had no idea, but it was best to keep Ed away from it for in case it would turn out to be harmful.

"Hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngh . . ."

"Oh, come on, boys. Man up, will ya?", Eddy called, " It's not my fault you don't have any leg power to keep movin'!"

" Um, Eddy? . . .", Double D broke into a cold sweat,"That wasn't us. . ."

"Huh? If it wasn't you guys, then who?"

Ed pointed his finger to the shadows and cried out,


On cue, the three watched as several or more zombies emerged from the darkness. The pungent smell of decomposition from many years stung their noses. The clothes of these reanimated monstrosities were ragged and tattered, covering what was barely left of their rotted green skin. They stretched out their arms to the young Eds and let out a hostile hiss, stumbling over to them quickly now that they found their dinner.

"RUN FOR IT, BOYS!", Eddy took off sprinting away from the zombies while pulling Eddward with him.

"Lothar will banish you unholy spawns of death back to the realm of hades!", Ed prepared to charge if not for being yanked by his jacket collar. "Aww, but Eddy, I wanted to banish them from whence they came!", whining of his missed opportunity.

"That won't do us any good if they end up eating us, you idiot!", Eddy continued to run, dodging the hands of zombies rising from the ground till they reached the biggest tomb at top of the hill.

Eddy paced in panic, there was nowhere left to run and nothing for them to use to defend themselves. His fear increased as the sound of hisses and moans grew nearer.

"Eddy, they're coming this way!", Double D backed up into the tomb wall, trembling. The tomb was the only place Eddy thought of that may give them the safe haven they needed.

"Quick, in here! Ed, bust the door down! Hit it with something! Something big!"

The tomb door bursted open with a bruised Eddy flew down the entrance and landed at the bottom of the stairs with Ed and Double D following suit once they closed the stone door before the zombies arrived.

" Good job, Ed . . . ", Eddy groaned.

"We have avoided the clutches of the evil undead horde!", Ed danced around in victory.

"Ed, this is serious! We are trapped in a tomb surrounded by those- those- THINGS!", Double D grabbed Ed by the arm, still shaken by what just occurred.

"I know, isn't it cool?"

Eddy got up and dusted himself, "Well, we're not gonna stick around until we find a way out.", Eddy scanned the tomb and was amazed by what he saw, "Wow . . "

The entire place was large, the walls and floors were painted in bright heroic colors as the rooms were filled with strangely enough, a training room and a study in the next room apart from it. They each had one question going through their minds,

'Whose tomb is this?'

The three of them stopped once they reached the end and stood in front of the skeletal body of the tomb's resident. It was in an instant, they reared back when the skeleton was engulfed in a flash of green light and awaken from his eternal rest.

How fortunate it certainly was to find themselves in the safety of the tomb of Gallowmere's greatest hero,

Sir Daniel Fortesque.