Author has written 1 story for Five Nights at Freddy´s. Hello everyone, my name is Bjnboy or you can call me Doug if you wish. _ I live in the tiny Caribbean island of Barbados and am going to be 27-years-old this month. My interests involve reading, writing, talking with my friends, collecting seashells and making shell art like shell mirrors and Sailors' Valentines. I'm also hoping to get into acting soon. I have Asperger's Syndrome and while it does make life and certain elements challenging, I would never wish for a cure because it has made me who I am today and given me a unique life experience; one I would never trade in for anything. I'm not in the habit of writing fanfiction, but there's an interesting story behind why I wanted to write this particular fanfic "Haunted Memories". I've never been a particularly big fan of the Five Nights at Freddy's games themselves, but I do thoroughly enjoy the characters, the lore, the artwork, fanmade I did not like the story myself either because I found the characters all annoying and forgettable with little to no personality, the story was hard to follow at times because the pacing was pretty haphazard, and I felt there wasn't enough descriptions of places and people, so I was left with hardly any visual guide to imagine what was happening. On top of that, the horror element, which is so played up in the games, should have been pushed much, much further, like in Graham Masterton or Stephen King's books. There really wasn't any character development or any exploration of the villain's motives to speak of and the ending seemed much too abrupt. In short, it was dreadfully underwhelming, even if you take it as a horror story by itself. My friend Jim joked that I could probably write a much better story than that book, so I decided 'Why the hell not?' and took up the challenge. I felt it was a perfect opportunity because I always wanted to star in a horror movie or horror story, so now I got my chance. The thing about my writing style is that I liked to add a lot of detail, and people have always told me that as a result they have a very clear picture in their minds about what is going on and actually feel that they're right there in the story itself. This will also be for people who are new to the series and have not played the games or anything. I've also been told that I have a good hand for writing action, so that will also be put to good use in this story. There will also be a fair amount of references to the FNAF games, lore and fandom, and even 'The Silver Eyes' as winks to the readers. Hope you all enjoy what I write. |