Reviews for A Witcher in the Empire
Axccel chapter 10 . 17h
Wolves fight as one slayer with many jaws.
Axccel chapter 9 . 18h
This was a very good chapter for a very good story. Great battle, great twist, and Geralt’s reaction to goblins, beastmen, and skaven is believable for him. Disgust and hatred but nothing he can’t handle.
Axccel chapter 8 . 19h
The great irony is that the cause for human-on-human warfare often stems from loyalty to sworn oaths. Even though loyalty is a virtue, it can easily be abused. An irony I think a dwarf would understand if informed. Why march to war? Because your king said so and you swore loyalty to him. Why fight other lords for the throne? Because your lord said so and you swore loyalty to him. Why fight for your country, even if it is the aggressor? Because your government said so, and you swore loyalty to it.

Yet, not having oaths of loyalty would cause everyone to do as they pleased and result in complete self-destruction from a lack of co-ordination and teamwork. With or without war.

And let’s not forget that both the elves and the dwarfs have this same problem and fight wars among their own species just as humans do. The only reason that doesn’t happen in the witcher world is because there aren’t more than one kingdom for each of those two species left.

I think that’s why dwarves in the witcher and dwarfs in Warhammer generally get along fine with humans. There are some places where racism includes the dwarves in the witcher, but generally they’re not treated particularly badly overall. Elves are left alone to their own territories when they either become allies or vassals of a human kingdom. The only reason they kept getting destroyed was that they refused to surrender or simply ally with any human kingdoms.

When you need room because your species population is rapidly growing, it doesn’t matter who’s in the way unless they’re of benefit as an ally or vassal. This is no different for dwarves and elves than it is for humans.

And let’s not forget that bigotry against non-humans in the witcher isn’t necessarily undeserved. The Wild Hunt’s breed of elf is, for example, what the elves were like before humanity defeated them. And in White Orchard that dwarf who turned to support Nilfgaard was shunned only because he made weapons for the people who, y’know, slaughtered their armies and razed villages and towns. Pretty good reason to shun him. Even the novels note that anti-dwarf bigotry is for their extreme greed.
Axccel chapter 7 . 20h
And one of the Empire’s greatest flaws comes out. It’s inability to realize neither Sigmar nor Ulric give a damn about worship so long as you don’t worship Chaos. They help when asked because you’re fighting their enemies or living up to the qualities they value.
Axccel chapter 6 . 21h
It’s ironic that in Warhammer, the humans generally like dwarfs and the dwarfs just pretend to like humans (although, they genuinely do consider the humans as good allies at the least). They don’t see humans as friends and exceptions on the individual level tend to be tricks to gain personal advantages and favors.

Truly, Warhammer is where good hearts go to die and everyone is an asshole.
Axccel chapter 4 . 22h
Awesome! And yeah, this’ll help dramatically.
Axccel chapter 2 . 22h
The village she helps is going to turn into a Chaos-ridden mess and Geralt’s going to discover he helped it happen and the Empire’s paranoia is actually common sense.

Hedge mages, healers, etc. in Warhammer are a common source of Chaos corruption. Which is why they are often hunted and persecuted: they usually deserve it.
Axccel chapter 1 . 23h
And so, Geralt sets out to learn his home world had it pretty damn good. There is a bad, there is a worse, there is a “things can always be worse”, then there’s Warhammer, and then there’s Warhammer 40,000.

One huge flaw, though. Given his armor and weapons, they wouldn’t have assumed he was a witch from what he said. They probably would have assumed he was going to say “Witch Hunter”. Especially since the witch hunters of the Empire wear a silver chain and Geralt’s medallion is on a chain. It’s unlikely any of those guys had seen an actual witch hunter, after all.

Now, when he explained a witcher is a mutant, they totally would have tried to kill him.

Geralt will eventually learn their reaction to him is completely justified in Warhammer.

In fact, since Chaos is so strongly linked to mutation, it’s entirely possible he is or soon will be infected by Chaos. In fact, isn’t the source of magic in the witcher series called Chaos?

Oh dear.
010101010101011 chapter 10 . 7/30
So I have an idea about how to make witcher and warhammer vampire lore compatible.

Once original vampires(witcher vampires) existed in warhammer world and nagash wanted to utilize the powers of vampires. So he genocided them used their genes to create his own undead vampires and he succeded. However since they are undead his vampires were flawed and not strong as original but since they were once human they can use magic.

So basically warhammer vampires are ''corrupt'' versions of original vampires.

What do you think?

also a good story please continue. I hope you did not abondoned it.
G3neSyS chapter 10 . 7/29
I will say this , I'm not sure how i've found this story but i can say that i enjoyed every bit of it .

I loved how you had Geralt interact with the world until now.

You respected the world and Geralts prowess , the fact that you made him close to Ulric earned even more point from me.

Bravo for this story , i want to read more ! This deserves more reviews !

Hope you will update again soon !
Guest chapter 10 . 7/20
I hope this story is not abondoned, it's awesome to read so far.
p6lishb6kser chapter 10 . 7/13
It's good fic, I'll follow:)
Guest chapter 10 . 6/20
can't wait until geralt hears about Tomb Kings they are my favorite race
Code Viper chapter 10 . 6/19
lol if beastmen, goblins, and skavens are already freaking Geralt out, just wait until he finds out about the variety of crazy Elf factions, the vampire counts, the Tomb kings, the larger and beafer cousins of the Goblins (Orks), the Lizardmen and Worse (Chaos).
Guest chapter 10 . 6/11
I hope this will be updated soon.
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