The Treasure at Last

Eventually, the gummi ship made it to the end of the path. The beam ended before a deep canyon, stopping just off the side of the cliff. The KH team and their allies exited the gummi ship and looked about.

"Where is it?" asked Delbert.

"I…I don't know." Jim uttered. As they neared the point where the path ended, the laser path itself retracted into its metal sphere. Jim tried to open the map again, but this time it remained closed.

"Well, that's not a good sign." said Sora. "If Jim can't open the map anymore…."

"I wouldn't think of it as a bad sign." added Riku. "There must be something here that's letting the map act this way."

"Well, this be a fine kettle of fish." uttered Silver. "Where the blazes could the treasure be."

"Perhaps we have to activate the map in a different way." said Jim. He looked down to the ground and by chance saw a bizarre imprint of the ground. He pondered at what it was for a while.

"What did you find?" asked Sora.

"I don't know, but it looks like the inscriptions are identical to the surface of this map. Perhaps if I…" Jim placed the map into the imprint. Suddenly, when the map made contact with the imprint, a green light bellowed forth and glimmered in a miniature sphere of the galaxy. In addition, a triangular object appeared just behind the sphere, sitting on the edge of the cliff.

"What in the world…?" said Delbert. "How fascinating."

"But what is it?" added Silver.

"A big door opening and closing." Jim uttered. He reached over to the sphere and touched one of the planet icons in the holographic map. As soon as he touched an icon, the triangular object revealed that same destination. "So that's how Flint did it. He used the map as a big door to move from one end of the galaxy to the other in very little time. That's how he vanished without a trace after every attack he made. He would immediately return to this planet."

"But where did he stash it all, Jimbo!" said Silver, angrily. "He never gave precise directions on where the treasure is!"

"Think about it, Silver. If you had the loot of a thousand worlds, you would need to find a big place to stash it all. I think the treasure isn't buried anywhere on this planet, I think it's buried in the planet."

"And how are we supposed to get there!"-

"Just by opening the right door." Jim pressed the icon of Treasure Planet and immediately, the door opened to the center of the great sphere.

Before the group, appeared the grandest sight they ever laid their eyes on. Gold and jewels were piled like mountains upon each other. The group slowly entered the vicinity of riches.

"This is it." uttered Delbert. "This is Flint's legendary trove."

"It's even better than I imagined it would be." added Riku.

"Look at all that gold." said Donald.

"There's so much of It." added Mickey. "This is, without a doubt, the loot of a thousand worlds."

"Now I can see why the Empire wanted me to find this." Osiris uttered. "There's enough treasure to increase their income a thousand fold."

"That's why we can't have the Empire getting their hands on this." said Riku. "This gold would have given the Empire and endless revenue. They would have no financial problems for a thousand years, or more."

"After a lifetime of searching," uttered Silver, falling to his knees and grabbing a handful of gold and jewels, "now at last I can touch it!"

"I guess wishes do come true." chuckled Goofy.

"Well, I don't know about you, but I don't intend to go empty handed!" Silver reached down and picked up jewels and coins from here and there, stuffing his pockets full.

"We'll be rich." Donald said. He scooped up a handful of riches and placed it into his hat.

"I haven't seen this much gold since the Cave of Wonders back at Agraba." added Sora.

"There's something wrong here." Riku uttered.

"What do you mean?"-

"You think that having this much wealth stowed away in one place, there'd be better security to keep robbers from taking it."-

"You think this place is booby trapped, Riku?"-

"I wouldn't be surprised if it was and we didn't know it."-

The party made their way to an old ship that was half buried in gold and silver. Jim and B.E.N. were the first to reach the old hull.

"You know," uttered B.E.N, "this all seems so familiar. I have a feeling of some impeding danger beating around the bush."

"Captain Flint!" Jim suddenly said. B.E.N. looked to see what Jim had discovered.

"Captain Flint! In the flesh!" Before them, upon a grand throne, the remains of Captain Nathaniel Flint sat vigilantly watching over his treasure. "Well not really. I mean if you count out organs and living tissue, or anything that resembles flesh." Jim observed the skeletal remains of Flint closely as B.E.N. continued his commentary. "You know it's a funny thing, but Flint wanted me to remember something really important. If I only remembered what it was."

It was at that moment that Jim noticed a contraption of wires and circuits clutched in Flint's hand. Jim took the contraption and examined it.

"What is this?" he uttered. He then realized what it was. "B.E.N! I think I just found your mind!" Grabbing B.E.N, he placed the piece into the empty socket at the back of his head.

"Hey! Hey!" said B.E.N, suddenly filled with a new energy. "You know Jim, I was thinking that maybe…. Hey! I'm thinking! Now I remember why Flint extracted the memory from my circuits! That way I wouldn't warn anyone about his big booby trap!"

"Booby trap!" said Riku, who just climbed aboard. "Did you say booby trap!"

"What booby trap!" added Sora.

Suddenly, there was a powerful rumble from beneath their feet.

"Speaking of which…" uttered B.E.N. The entire trove began to collapse around them. "Flint told me that if anyone were to stumble upon his treasure, then this entire trove was to blow sky high!"

"How sky high!"-

"The entire planet will be destroyed!"-

"Then, we better get out of here!" shouted Jim. "Everyone! Get out of here now!"

"You don't have to tell us twice!" Delbert replied.

"Come on, fellas!" cried Mickey. "Let's get back to the gummi ship!"

The party quickly exited the vicinity, going through the door and reaching the gummi ship. At the same time, the ground gave way beneath their feet and millions of tons of gold and silver fell into the blazing inferno within the center of the core.

"Hurry up, Jimbo!" shouted Silver. "We haven't a lot off time!"

"But all this gold!" said Jim.

"I know! I know! But what's the point of it if you lose your life!"-

"Good point!"-

Jim and Silver ran towards the exit, but the ground suddenly cracked beneath him. Jim suddenly fell into the core, but managed to cling onto the side of the crack's walls.

"Jimbo! Grab me hand, boy!" Silver ordered.

"I can't reach!" cried Jim.

"Come on, by thunder! I know you can do it! Do you really intend to die here!"-

"No! No! I don't wand to die here!" Jim swung as best he could and reached for Silver's metal hand. With a good shove, he leaped up and grabbed hold. Silver pulled him up.

"Silver! You…"-

"Just lost a lifelong obsession? I'll get over it!" The two jumped over each crack and made their way to the exit.

Meanwhile, Sora looked around to see if anyone was left behind. It was then that he saw Osiris running towards the exit.

"Hurry, Standing Eagle!" cried Sora. "Hurry!"

"I know!" Osiris replied. Using his energy, he accumulated a great amount of wind and blew away most of the falling debris.

"The entire trove is caving in!"-

Osiris took to the air, flying about and dodging the falling slabs of metal. Using the wind element, he used all in his power to maintain a protective perimeter around him. Suddenly, an explosion erupted in front of him and a shard of metal slashed into his side. The young shinobi fell into one of the cracks.

"Standing Eagle!" cried Sora.

But at that moment, Riku suddenly appeared and managed to grab hold of the falling young man by the arm.

"No one is dying here!" he said. "Not even you!"

"R…Riku." Osiris uttered. Riku pulled him up.

"Riku!" cried Sora, running to assist. They pulled the maimed warrior from the ever widening gap.

"Come on, Sora! Get him out of here!" Riku said, slinging Osiris's arm over Sora's neck. "Let's get going!"


The three continued on their way. But again another explosion caused immense rumbling beneath their feet. Riku lost his balance and fell into the boiling core.

"Riku!" cried Sora, as he could only helplessly watch his lifelong friend fall to his doom. Riku fell nearer into the core and the molten lava below. But from out of nowhere, a figure appeared and grabbed hold of him. Sora couldn't bare to see his friend die, but hope presented itself before him. Sora looked up in shock, not believing who it was that helped Riku from certain death. "It…it's…. Lu Bu!"

"You can kill yourself, but not while I'm around!" said Lu Bu, dropping Riku on the ground. Riku slowly rose to his feet and saw who it was that saved him.

"Lu Bu." uttered Riku. He smiled. "I guess you don't want me to die after all!"

"Only until we face each other again! But right now, let's stop stalling and get out of here now!"-

"I hate to admit it," said Sora, "but I'd have to agree with Lu Bu on this one!"

The four ran out of the cavern and back to the gummi ship.

On reaching the gummi ship, Mickey and the others were waiting for them.

"Hurry up you guys!" shouted Donald

"We have to go!" added B.E.N. "We have fifteen seconds before the planet's instability causes it to explode!"

"Hurry up!" It was then, as the four boarded that they laid eyes on Lu Bu. "Oh God! It's…!"

"Not right now!" shouted Lu Bu. "You can be shocked later! Let's get out of here for the time being!"

"Alright! Alright!"-

Donald shut the doors and the gummi ship blasted off into the distance. The planet, reaching melt down, exploded into millions of tons of debris.

Upon reaching the planet Montressor, the party returned to the estate of Dr. Doppler. There, they presented the treasure than they managed to save. Though the amount seemed like very little, the price they would be paid for was a great deal. Sora peered down upon the mound of gold and jewels as they gleamed in the morning sun.

"Well, I know it's not as much as I promised, Mom." uttered Jim. "But it's still enough."

"Enough?" said Delbert Doppler, examining one of the jewels. "That's more than enough. Do you realize how rare some of these crystals are? This shard alone is worth a great deal."

"Then, I guess it was worth it."-

Mrs. Hawkins however, could only wrap her hands around her son tightly. Jim hugged her tightly.

"The best thing I ever had in my life was having you as a son." uttered Mrs. Hawkins. "I'm so glad that you're home."

"I sure like happy endings." Goofy sobbed. "It brings tears to my eyes."

"I don't know whose worse," uttered Donald, "you or him."

"Donald. Shush!" said Mickey.

"Well, that's done with." said Riku. He then gazed about at the faces of the company, but realized that two of them were missing. "Hey! Where are Osiris and Lu Bu?"

"They're gone." Sora replied.

"What do you mean they're gone?"-

"They left when we landed." Sora held out his hand. "Standing Eagle gave me this as payment for our troubles." Sora presented before Riku with the information disk.

"I guess it was a parting gift, telling us that he was sorry. He was an OK guy after all."-

"He also gave this to me as a token of his appreciation for battling against him." Sora opened his hand accumulated a small whirlwind in the palm of his hand. "I now have the ability to deploy tornados. This was Standing Eagles Twister Strike." He then put out his other hand. "He also left this for you." He handed Riku an energy icon. Riku was suddenly filled with a great energy. He had learned the Hurricane Slash. "He said if he ever wanted to give his best attacks, he would give it to those who were willing to befriend him."

"Standing Eagle."-

The KH group reassembled and faced Jim and the others.

"Well, it's time we get on out way." said Mickey.

"But must you go now?" asked Mrs. Hawkins. "I was thinking about having a celebration honoring your return."

"That's sound like fun!" Sliver chuckled. "Drinks all around!"

"That sounds tempting," said Riku, "but our job here is done. We must continue on our way to stop the Dark Empire from further expanding."

"I see." said Delbert. "Well, if you must do what you must do, then we will not delay you any further. But feel free to visit us anytime. We would look forward to your company."

"We appreciate that."-

"Thanks, you guys." said Jim. He then stood before Sora and extended his hand. "I must thank you personally, Sora. You've done so much for me." Sora and Jim shook hands.

"I have no regrets in my actions." With one last glance, the KH team departed the estate and headed back to their gummi ship.

When reaching their ship, Donald placed the information disk into the decoding machine. When completed, the message read.

Madam Caesar will be awaiting your success and hopes that you will join her in the "Ico Realm." Her task is to retrieve the mystic blade so that we may analyze the energy resonating from it and attempt to upgrade the blades of our mobile droids.

"I take it that the 'Ico Realm' is our next destination?" asked Sora.

"Seems that way." Riku replied.

"But first things first." said Mickey. "We must first return to Traverse Town to restock on Senzu beans. Also, we need maintenance on the gummi ship and we need to refuel."

"We also need to write out a progress report to Sneer." Donald added. "It's what he requested."

"Then, let's get back to Traverse Town." said Riku.

"Hey!" Goofy stated. "We have an incoming transmission!" A message had made its way through to the gummi ship. Donald activated the transmission screen.

"It's Lu Xun." Sora uttered. "I wonder what he wants."

"This is a declaration from Sneer." Lu Xun began. "There is some Imperial activity taking place in HalloweenTown. We believe that they are constructing a powerful weapon called the Apocalypse Cannon, which is capable of wiping out a galaxy. You must destroy the cannon before it reaches completion. General Durovano and the other Gatler Generals are their overlooking the project. Defeat them and destroy the cannon." With that, the transmission ended.

"That's serious!" said Sora. "We better take care of that right now!"

"But we still need to restock on supplies!" said Donald.

"Taking out that cannon is the most important thing right now!" Riku replied. "I don't think we should delay!"

"He's right!" said Mickey. "If we resupply, that cannon might already be completed by the time we depart to destroy it!"

"By the map, Halloween town is directly between us and Traverse Town." said Goofy.

"Then, we'll take care of that situation on the way to Traverse Town."-

"But this time, we'll have to be careful." Donald explained. "We have no more Senzu beans to heal us."

"He's right." Sora uttered. "So we'll have to be extra careful."

The gummi ship's engines began to spark and roar. The gummi ship coordinated itself towards space and took off in a flash, vanishing without a sight.

At the same time, two solitary individuals watched as the KH team departed from the "Treasure Realm." Lu Bu and Osiris watched as the gummi ship disappeared from sight.

"So, it's over." Lu Bu uttered. Osiris sat up; his wound had been bandaged up. "How's your wound."

"I'll live." Osiris replied.

"So now what?"-

There was a dead silence between the two for a few minutes before Osiris spoke again.

"I'm going to turn myself in to the alliance authorities." He uttered.

"Why?" asked Lu Bu.

"I'm tired of fighting. That's all I've been doing for the past ten years of my life. I've been fighting, killing, and being sent to the front lines constantly. General Kai said that we could end this war against the alliance within a month. But it's been ten years now and I still see no sign of peace. I'm tired of it. So that's why I'm going to turn myself in."-

"That will not bode well with the Empire."-

"That's alright Lu Bu. As far as they know, I'm dead." He looked at the giant warrior. "What will you do?"

"I don't intend to give up that easily! Not until I settle the score with Riku! He will pay for my last defeat! And I will see to it that he pays in his own blood! Only then, will I return to the ranks of the Empire and claim title as the mightiest man alive. Until then, I'm KIA!" Lu Bu began to walk away. "This is far from over, Riku! I swear to it!"

"The Empire is doomed to fail." Osiris said to himself. "They intend to expand beyond their reach and there are only so many resources to keep them stocked. Sooner, or later they will crumble! Most definitely from within! Knowing the conflict between Arakis and Ameba, it is definite that even if they do achieve total unification, the chaos won't end amongst them and war will again erupt. That means their present sacrifices would all be in vain."

With a final sigh, Osiris picked up his cloak and jumped to his feet. He headed northward as Lu Bu headed south. The two went their separate ways, but neither was to join the ranks of the Empire ever again.

Meanwhile, in the city of Vandor, the capital city of the Empire, plans were being set for the completion of the new Apocalypse Cannon. Lord Arakis oversaw the transportation the necessary materials needed to finish their devilish weapon.

"With the Apocalypse Cannon completed, we'll be able to defeat our enemies from a great distance away." he thought to himself. "But what would the point be for us to maintain our abilities to fight if we can no longer touch the enemy."

General Kai entered the facility. Spying Lord Arakis, he approached him. He bowed respectfully to him.

"Preparations for the Apocalypse Cannon's completion no doubt." said Kai. "What would the point be of it though, to destroy our enemies from a great distance away and not be able to have a crack at fighting them?"

"I understand your concern, General Kai. By eliminating the use of soldiers, not only do you lose the romance and excitement of battle, but also the sorrow and pain of battle. When you are able to destroy your enemy without having to see them up close, then that is the most cowardly of acts. We depend too much on the use of machines and technology nowadays. Because of that, no one knows what it feels like to really enjoy the ability to test one's true strength."-

"But I'm sure that the venerable General Ameba is tickled pink at the idea of wiping out an enemy. Not just an enemy, but an entire civilization."-

"We must face the facts General Kai. We abide by philosophies that are outdated. But despite that, these so-called outdated ideals are a necessity for us. Without honor and pride, we could care less about what happens and who gets hurt. We would wage war amongst each other like mindless fools who don't know the concept of cause and sorrow. For those who believe war has no limit to how much destruction they can wreak upon people, they have no concept of life's value."-

"But we do the same thing though, my lord. Despite our philosophies, we at times had to carry out with such acts."-

"There are times when we cannot stop intervention of non-combatants. As a result, those non-combatants who become victims of circumstance become casualties of the conflict."-

It was then that General Ameba approached the two.

"Well, well, well." said Ameba. "I didn't expect you to be here, Your Excellency." He overviewed the supplies being placed into the carriers. "I take it that the supplies being stocked are resources to help with the completion of the Apocalypse Cannon? With that weapon in our hands, we'll be able to force our opponents to submit without having to lose any resources of our own and suffering any casualties on either side. Is that not what you want, my lord, being able to win a victory without taking the lives of others?"

"You misinterpret my philosophies, General Ameba." Arakis replied. "Either that, or you are attempting to mock me of my ideals, hoping that I would become unstable!"

"I would never do such a thing, my lord."-

"I know you, Ameba. And when you say something to me, you usually say in an indirect manner. The reality is that I show sympathy only to those not involved in a fight. I know they don't wish to fight, so I don't force them. However, when it comes to soldiers and warriors, or any combatants for that matter, I show them no quarter. If a few civilians die by my hand, it'll be only by a twist in fate, or by accident. However, the fates of combatants are already decided for. Thus, I wipe them out, men and supplies. A soldier's purpose is to die. They are hired to die for the sake of others, whether it be to protect, under orders, as self sacrifice, whether they are willing to give up their lives or not."-

"But what about Sora? He is a warrior as well, but still you spared him."-

"He is the one exception though. I intend to see how far he'll go for his friend, Kairi."-

"But what if something were to happen to Kairi though?"-

"Then, Sora will fight for vengeance, or he will diminish."-

"But as we speak, that brat is intervening with all our activities in the other dimensions. He's already managed to prevent our takeover of the 'Seed Realm.' But from what reports say, he and his friends prevented our attempt to retrieve the riches of Flint's Trove from the 'Treasure Realm.' With that money added to our revenue, the Empire would have been able to sustain prosperity for a thousand years. But thanks to that boy, we gained nothing. From what accounts say, both Lu Bu and Osiris were killed by the KH team. They are interfering with our activity. And if I recall, you said that if Sora and his friends were to step out of line, and begin meddling in Imperial affairs, that you would see to it that quarter would no longer be a qualification for them."-

"And I stand by my word on that."-

"Yet what actions have you taken to stop him!"-

"Not me. It's not my responsibility. It's yours."-

"What do you mean it's mine!"-

"I can't always be there to stop Sora. I have greater matters to attend to."-

"And what greater threat could possibly be greater than Sora!"-

"One name. Kakarrot." Ameba's eyes grew wide with fear.

"Son Goku?"-

"That is correct. Kakarrot has been intercepting our forces and has managed to defeat each of them with very little effort. The Z team has already managed to kill several of my best men, including two members of my own unit, the Death Lords. With every passing day, he and the Z team draw nearer to Vandor. Thus, I must concentrate on confronting the might of the Z team. And believe me, the power of the Z team dwarfs Sora's threat by far."

"We can't allow that Saiyan to draw any nearer. But at the same time, we can't allow Sora to continue interfering with our activity."-

"That's why you will take care of Sora. Since facing Kakarrot is out of the question, you'll just have to deal with the key bearer." Arakis turned to General Kai. "Where is Sora headed now?"

"Last reported, they are heading back to Traverse Town."-

"That's where you should send your two assassins, Ameba."-

"You mean you knew about my plot?" asked Ameba.

"Do you take me for a fool, Ameba?" Arakis chuckled. "I know you sent out the Asphyxia Twins to silently kill the young keybearer. But you must understand that we don't want any of them dead. Sora and his friends would be worth more to us alive." Arakis began to walk away, with Kai by his side. "If you can somehow ensnare Sora and bring him before the Imperial council alive, I will see to it that you gain rank as lord. My authority is absolute and the council cannot object to it unless they engage in a unanimous vote. And knowing some of them, they are either close acquaintances of yours, or they concur with your no-quarter ideals. Either way, I think your services to the Empire are impeccable, despite the fact that our philosophies counter one another."

"You mean you are willing to help me despite our rivalry within the Empire's political aspect."-

"You are a fellow soldier, General Ameba, so I can't complain. You definitely earn your keep around here. And after two thousand years of loyal service, I think you need a better position than that of a mere general. Bring Sora and his friends alive and I will see to it that you are given your Lordship."-

"I will, Your Excellency! Thank you very much!"-

Arakis smiled and he and Kai walked away, leaving Ameba thirsting to achieve his goal.

"Do you think it was wise to allow that promise to reach Ameba's ears, my lord?" asked Kai.

"It will be interesting for sure." said Arakis. "However, even if Ameba were to gain status as lord, it would make no difference. If he wishes to express his opinions, then so be it. However, he will need a unanimous decision from all the lords of the Imperial council in order to veto a decision laid out by one of the Three Excellencies." Arakis gazed at the resources for the Apocalypse Cannon. "General Kai. I want you to accompany the shipment of resources and overlook the progress. General Durovano will be there and I will send word to him that you are on your way."

"Yes my lord." Kai replied. Kai boarded the cruiser as Arakis continued to watch the shipment being loaded.