Disclaimer: I do not own Deadliest Warrior.

NARRATOR: JTF2. Canada's special forces unit, who have been in every world conflict since the Bosnian war.

(JTF2 men fast roping from a helicopter into a middle eastern city and shooting enemies)

GROM. Europe's best fighters, hailing from the oppressed country Poland, and fighting terror for more then 30 years.

(GROM sniper on a hill shots an enemy in front of a building)


To find out, our world class fighters are testing histories most lethal weapons. Using 21st century science, we'll see what happens when two warriors go toe-to-toe. No rules, no safety, no mercy. It's a duel to the death to decide who is... THE DEALIEST WARRIOR!

Here at the fight club, we've gathered a team of scientists, doctors, and military operatives, to test the weapons of 2 of the best special forces units the world has seen.


Est. 1993

Force Size: Classified

Height: 6'2

Weight: 200 lbs


Est. 1990

Force Size: ~450

Height: 6'

Weight: 195 lbs

DESMOULIN: This is a battle of under-spoken countries. You have Canada, who is always over-shadowed by the U.S. And then you have Poland. The only reason a lot of people know about Poland is because it got invaded so much. However, these are some of the most elite fighters in the world. And because they're both great friends with powerful countries, it means that they have the best gear available. This one's gonna be close.

NARATOR: Wielding the weapons and gear for JTF2, are Simon Crauose and Dave Farse, JTF2 veterans.

And representing GROM, we have Rob Convich and Matt Forski, retired GROM trainers.

For the first test, we will test the two team's pistols.

For GROM, the pistol of choice is the H&K USP.


Range: 55 yds

Ammo: .45 ACP

Mag: 8 rounds

940 FPS

Going up against the USP is JTF2's favorite pistol, the Sig Sauer P226.

Sig Sauer P226

Range: 55 yds

Ammo: 9X19mm

Mag: 15 rounds

1,200 FPS

NARATOR: To test the 2 pistols, the 2 warriors will go through a kill house. Inside there are 5 enemies and 2 civilians. Each enemy killed is 1 point, each civilian killed is -1 point. Who ever gets through the kill house the fastest with the most points wins.

Going first is Simon wielding the P226.


Simon opens the door and shoots the 1st dummy in the 1st room 5 times. When he enters the next room, he shoots the enemy behind the desk 5 times, and shoots the enemy in the corner in the head twice, next to the civilian. In the last room, Simon shoots the 2 dummies guarding the civilian shooting one 3 times and one 2 times.


NARRATOR: After the test, they go to check the results.

DR. DORIAN: Okay, lets look at this first guy. You shot him 3 times in the heart and aorta and 2 times in the head. He is dead.

The second target, you shot him 5 times in the chest. He's dead too.

Look at this! you shot him right through the mouth. This would go right through the base of his neck, and kill him instantly.

Nice grouping for these two guys. you shot this guy 3 times right in the heart. And this second guy you hit 2 times in the forehead. These are both kills.

NARRATOR: Simon killed all 5 targets without any civilian casualties in 21 seconds.

Now it's time to see how well Rob and the USP will stack up to the P226.


Rob opens the door, and shoots the first enemy 2 times. In the next room, Rob shoots the dummy behind the desk 2 times and the 3rd dummy once in the head. He shoots the 4th dummy 1 time in the head and the last one 2 times in the chest.


DR. DORIAN: Let's go take a look at what you did.

The first target is dead. With 2 shots near each other, you made a huge cavity in his chest.

ROB: That's why GROM uses the .45 instead on the 9mm. You can kill someone in one shot, and conserve your ammo, were as with the 9mm you have to shoot them 3 times to kill them.

DR. DORIAN: Ya, well we can see that here, the bullet is much bigger and does more damage, basically ripping him in half. This is a kill.

This guy behind the desk is dead.

This guy holding the civilian hostage, you blew his head off!

These two guys are dead too.

DESMOULIN: Alright guys, here's the deal. Simon killed all 5 targets with 15 shots in 22 seconds. And Rob also killed all 5, but with only 8 shots. However, Rob took 24 seconds to clear the course.

SIMON: That's why JTF2 uses the Sig. You have more shots that you can get off quicker, and we can carry 15 shots, and you can only carry 8.

( Guys go to decide which gun gets the edge)

DR. DORIAN: I give my edge to the USP. Although the Sig gets more shots and was faster, you need multiple shots to effectively kill. With the USP, it's one, shot one kill.

GIEGER: I don't know, Doc. With the Sig, you can kill more people faster. It only takes one shot to the head with any gun to kill.

DESMOULIN: I'm siding with Max. Yes, the USP does more damage, but the Sig is faster, has more rounds, and is more accurate. Edge Sig.

NARRATOR: For pistols, the JTF2 get the edge with their Sig Sauer P226.


NARRATOR: Now, we will test the two squad's long range weapons of choice.

For GROM, the sniper rifle of choice is...


Range: 2,200 yds

Ammo: .408 CT

Mag: 7 rounds

Bolt Action

MATT: This holds the record for the most accurate gun in the world. Its unique round, the .408 CT, is a little smaller then the .50, but the kinetic energy is greater. Plus, bolt action is more accurate then semi-auto.

DAVE: Ya, well semi-auto allows for faster shooting. And when some guy sees his friend get blown up by this (Holds up a .50 BMG round), he's not gonna stick around.

NARRATOR: The JTF2 strikes back with their favorite sniper.


Range: 2,000 yds

Ammo: .50 BMG

Mag: 7 rounds


NARRATOR:To test these two weapon's accuracy and power, we have a special test set up.

DESMOULIN: Alright, Dave, Matt. You will have to hit 5 targets from 300 yards. The first is an engine block of a slow moving pick-up truck. Then you have to hit the driver, the gunner in the truck bed, and the commander next to the car. Finally, you have to kill a hidden counter sniper. You get as many shots as you need. Who ever hits all the targets in the shortest amount of time wins.

NARRATOR: Up first is Dave with the M200. Dave will shoot while Rob spots.


Dave aims in on the moving car. He shoots, and hits the engine block, stopping the car. Dave then bolts the rifle, and takes aim at the gunner in the truck bed. He shoots, and hits the gunner. He then changes aim, and goes for the driver, hitting him in the head. He then shoots at the commander and hits him in the chest. Finally, Dave looks for the counter sniper. After a few seconds of searching, he finds him and takes aim. He shoots and hits the sniper.


(The guys then go to take a look at the results)

DR. DORIAN: Looks like you killed the engine.

Alright, look at the driver! You blew his entire upper-body up! He's dead.

This is an interesting shot. you shot right through the gun and into his chest. So now he has shrapnel in his chest, and the gun is useless. This is a kill.

You cut the commander in half, so he's obviously dead.

And you shot the counter sniper right in the aorta. This is an instant kill.

NARRATOR: Dave killed all 5 targets in 1 minute 46 seconds.

Now it's time to see how the Barrett stacks up to the M200.


Matt sights in on the engine block. He shots and takes it out. He then takes aim at the gunner, and hits him. Matt then looks for the sniper, and fires at it. He misses, then fires again, and misses. On his third shot, he hits him. Matt aims at the commander, and misses again. He hits the commander on the second shot. Now, Matt has to reload. When he finishes, he takes aim, and fires 3 shots in rapid succession at the driver, and hits.


(The guys then go to take a look at the results)

DR. DORIAN: It doesn't take a doctor to tell that all these guys are missing a large part of their bodies. All of them are dead.

DESMOULIN: All right guys. Matt, you hit all the 5 targets with 10 shots, in 2 minutes and 13 seconds. Dave, you hit all 5 targets with 5 shots in 1 minute and 26 seconds.

(Guys go to determine the edge)

DESMOULIN: This one is obvious. Although the Barrett is more powerful, the ChyTac is far more accurate and it gets the job done. Edge: ChyTac.

DR. DORIAN: Edge, ChyTac.

NARRATOR: For sniper rifles, the ChyTac M200 Intervention gets the edge.


NARRATOR: Now the two teams will test their mid range weapons of choice.

For JTF2, the weapon of choice is...


Range: 600 yds

Ammo: 5.56X49mm

Mag: 30 rounds

850 RPM

GROM's favorite assault rife is..

HK 416

Range: 600 yds

Ammo: 5.56X49mm

Mag: 30 rounds

900 RPM

The two teams will test their assault rifles of choice on the course.

DESMOULIN: You two will each have to hit 6 targets in 40 seconds. 3 are stationary, 2 are moving, and 1 is a pop up target.

The course is made like a hotel lobby. 2 of the stationary targets and 1 of the moving targets are in the open, 1 stationary and 1 moving are behind the bar, and the pop up is behind the main desk.

NARRATOR: Up first is Simon for JTF2.




Simon starts shooting at the first stationary target, then shoots at the moving. He then hits the other stationary, and hits the two dummies behind the bar. When the pop up dummy comes up, he unloads the rest of his clip into it.

(Guys go to check the damage)

DR. DORIAN: Wow. You hit all of the dummies in almost the exactly the same way, shoots to the heart and head.

All of the dummies were killed.

NARRATOR: Up next is Rob shooting the HK 416.




Rob puts the gun on full auto and shoots short bursts into the first 3 targets. He does the same with the two behind the bar. Finally, when the pop up target comes up, he switches to semi auto and unloads the rest of his mag into it.

(Guys go to check the damage)

DR. DORIAN: Impressive. Even with your gun on full auto, you controlled it perfectly. Shots to the chest, neck, and head, and five shots in each, except for the last. And all your shots hit. Amazing.

All the targets were killed.

ROB: This is why the HK 416 is the best assault rife. It's accurate, fast, and is actually armor piercing at close range.

DESMOULIN: What do you guys think is the better gun? I'm torn.

DR. DORIAN: Same here. We should have have another challenge to help the decision.

NARRATOR: The new course is the side of a 2 story building. There are 5 targets that will pop up and down in the 5 windows ( 3 on the bottom, 2 on the top). The two squads will be shooting at the targets from 75 yards, and will only get 30 rounds to kill all 5 targets.

DESMOULIN: This is the first time on deadliest warrior that we are using assault rifles at a longer range. You guys will be trying to hit 5 targets at 75 yards away, with only 30 rounds. Simon will go first.


Simon aimed for a few seconds, then shot at the bottom right dummy. After a few shots, he aimed for the bottom middle, then the bottom left. He then aimed for the two in the upper level, and continued until all 30 rounds were spent.

(Guys go to check the damage)

DR. DORIAN: You hit the first one in the chest. This is a kill. You also killed the middle bottom and upper right. The bottom left you hit, in the arm. It would hurt, but he can still fight. You didn't even hit the top left.

Simon killed 3 out of 5 of the targets, and only 19 of his 30 shots hit.

Now Rob will go with HK 416.


Rob aimed for the top right target first, and hit it on the first shot. Then he aimed for the second target. Then he moved onto the bottom row. After 17 shots, Rob finished.

(Guys go to check the damage)

DR. DORIAN: Wow, impressive. All of your shots hit the targets.

Wow, look at this one. You hit it right in the eye.

Looking over the targets, it looks like you killed all of the dummies.

NARRATOR: Simon shot 30 shots, killed 3 of the targets, and only 19 shots connected. Rob shot only 17 shots, all of which hit, and killed all 5 targets.

(Guys go to determine the edge)

DR. DORIAN: The new test made the decision easier. The 416 is very accurate, and powerful at close range. Edge, HK 416.

DESMOULIN: Agreed. Edge 416.

GIEGER: Edge, 416.

NARRATOR: For assault rifles, the edge goes to GROM's HK 416.


NARRATOR: Even with advanced weaponry, warriors still need to be proficient in close range combat.

JTF2's close range weapon of choice is the Karambit.


Fixed Blade

5.6 oz

4'' blade

stainless steel

MATT: The karambit Is a very special knife. The handle is custom sized to the width of you palm, so just the curved blade sticks out. You have one in each hand, one for cutting the arm, and one for finishing the job.

DAVE: Well, thats seems fancy, but in a knife fight, range is everything. Thats why we use the classic Ka-bar.

NARRATOR: GROM's favorite knife is..


Fixed Blade

1 lb

7 in Blade

Carbon Steel

NARRATOR: To test these two weapons, we have a special test.

DESMOULIN: First you guys will kill this ballistics gel torso. Then you need to kill this pig.

Finally, you need to kill a moving pig.

NARRATOR: Up first is GROM with the Ka-Bar knife.


Dave's first strike is a stab to the neck. Then he stabs the torso multiple times in the chest, then cuts the stomach and throat. Dave runs up to the pig and cuts it in the stomach. He then proceeds to stab it multiple times in the chest neck and head. When the pig comes at him, Dave stands in from of it and stabs it in the chest, leaving the knife in it. Then he walks away.

DR. DORIAN: Wow, this is impressive. Every strike you made was a kill. All the slashes and stabs hit arteries. All of the targets are dead.

Up next is the Karambit.


Matt starts with cuts on both sides on the neck. Then he stabbed the gel torso in the eye. He stabbed it 2 more times through the ribs. When he got to the pig, he went crazy and stabbed the pig a lot in the stomach and chest. When the last pig came by, he slashes at its gut and legs, then moved with it and stabbed it more in the neck and chest.

DR. DORIAN: Your strikes were very precise and deadly. The neck shots cut the jugular and carotid. The eye shot blinds him and actually goes into the brain, killing him. The chest shots went between the ribs, and punctured the lung. This dummy is dead.

You gutted this pig real good. You actually punctured the aorta, heart, and his guts would be spilling out right now. He's dead.

The moving pig is also dead. You would have cut the hamstrings, so he couldn't walk. The stabs would actually hit the heart and kill it.

NARRATOR: The ka-bar knife killed all of the targets. As did the karambit.

Now Matt will demonstrate the advanced techniques of the karambit.

MATT: The first move is to go low and cut behind the knees, then you come up and cut the jugular.

When they fall forward, you knee them in the sternum, and stab them in the eye. The advantage of having two knives is that when the opponent stabs at you, you grab the wrist, and cut the inside of the elbow. They drop the knife and there you can do whatever you want to them.

(Guys go to determine the edge)

DESMOULIN: This one goes to the karambit in my mind. You get 2 knives, and they're small and concealable. So you can be in a fist fight one moment, and have a knife in your eye the next.

DR. DORIAN: That's true, but the Ka-Bar is longer, and does more damage. Why cut someone 5 times when you can stab once and be done with it?

GIEGER: I agree with Geoff on this one. 2 knives is twice the kills. Edge: karambit.

NARRATOR: For close range weapons, the edge goes to the JTF2's karambit.


NARRATOR: Now, the two teams will test their final weapons, machine guns.

GROM's machine gun of choice is...


Range: 1100 yds

Ammo: 5.56X49mm

Mag: 100 rounds

850 RPM

NARRATOR: JTF2's favorite machine gun is the M249.

M249 SAW

Range: 870 yds

Ammo: 5.56X49mm

Mag: 200 rounds

750 RPM

NARRATOR: The two machine guns will go head to head in an urban environment challenge.

DESMOULIN: You guys have to kill 8 targets in this urban environment. You each will get 200 rounds. Who ever does the most damage wins.

The course is 2 building walls, each with 3 windows and 3 targets. Then there is a sandbag barrier with 2 dummies behind it.

NARRATOR: First up is GROM with the MG4.


Rob aims at the 2 targets behind the sandbags, and rips the first one in half, then shoots a few rounds into the second dummy. He then aims for the 1st building and shoots at the 3 targets. Then he moves on to the next building and finishes.

(Guys go to check the damage)

DR. DORIAN: This first guy is basically ripped in half. The guy next to him is also dead.

You killed 2 of the 3 guys in the first building, and injured the 3rd.

You blew one of the dummy's heads of in the second building, and injured the second. You killed the 3rd.

NARRATOR: Rob killed 6 of the 8 targets, with 74 rounds.

Now Simon will test the SAW.


Simon aimed at the 1st dummy and shot several rounds into it, taking off it's head. He then aims at the next target, and shoots. He then aims for the 1st building, and hits the 3 targets, destroying them. When he gets to the 2nd house, he shoots at the last 3 dummies.

(Guys go to check the damage)

DR. DORIAN: You mowed down everyone. You ripped 3 of the targets in half, and shot all of them.

It looks like you killed all of the dummies except for one, which is wounded.

NARRATOR: Simon killed 7 of the 8 targets, with 137 rounds.

(Guys got to determine the edge)

GIEGER: I can't decide. The SAW has more rounds and performed better, but the MG4 is faster and more reliable.

DR. DORIAN: I can't decide either. I think it's a draw.

DESMOULIN: Yes, it's a draw.

NARRATOR: For machine guns, both teams tie.


NARRATOR: Now with the testing complete, we will enter the data into the battle, developed by Slitherine Studios, to simulate a battle to the death between these 2 warriors. T make sure the victory isn't snagged by a single lucky blow, the battle will be simulated 1,000 times. Who will win the battle of the special forces? The Canadian JTF2, or the Polish GROM?

For pistols, the JTF2's Sig Sauer P226 shot down the GROM's HK USP.

For sniper rifles, GROM's ChyTac M200 Intervention out shot the JTF2's Barrett M107.

For close range weaponry, the JTF2's duel wielded Karambit sliced GROM's Ka-Bar knife.

For assault rifles, GROM's HK 416 mowed down JTF2's Colt Canada C8 Carbine.

And for machine guns, GROM's HK MG4 was dead even with JTF2's M249 SAW.

It's time to find out which warrior is truly the deadliest.

Max hits the button and the simulation begins.

The battle takes place in a parking garage on the edge of an abandoned city. On the top of the parking garage, a squad of 5 GROM commandos looks over the city. About 3 blocks away, a squad of 5 JTF2 fighters rounds the corner and heads towards the parking garage.

GROM: 5 JTF2: 5

The GROM commander sees them, and tells the sniper to take aim and fire. The GROM sniper goes to his ChyTac Intervention and takes aim at the JTF2 gunner. BLAM! The GROM sniper fires and hit the JTF2 gunner.

GROM: 5 JTF2: 4

The rest of the JTF2 squad takes cover behind overturned cars, and the JTF2 sniper runs into a near by building. The Polish sniper takes aim again, but misses. Meanwhile, the JTF2's sniper goes to a 2nd story window and takes aim at the GROM sniper. BOOM! The GROM squad watches in horror as their sniper's head blows off.

GROM: 4 JTF2: 4

The JTF2 sniper radios in to the commander: "Sniper down." The Canadian commander, relieved, barks an order to one of his men to grab the SAW. The sniper is ordered to stay in the building, then they continue toward the parking garage. The GROM squad heads down the parking garage. They stop mid way down and wait. The 2nd in command props open the stair well door and guards the stair well from behind a car. The gunner props up his gun on the hood of a car, while the commander and his comrade hide in 2 cars a floor down. When the 3 JTF2 men get to the base of the parking garage, they split up. One goes up the normal way, while the other 2 head up the stair well. When the JTF2 man gets mid way up the parking garage, the GROM gunner opens fire, hitting him multiple times in the chest. The JTF2 man was not killed, but severely wounded. Knowing he was going to die, he played dead for a few seconds, then sat up and shot the unexpecting gunner in the head, killing him. The wounded Canadian, satisfied, died with a smile on his face.

GROM: 3 JTF2: 3

The 2 JTF2 members in the stairwell, hearing the gun shots, decide to hurry up. When they get mid way, the GROM commando guarding the stairwell opened fire on the point-man, shooting him in the head, killing him almost instantly.

GROM: 3 JTF2: 2

The JTF2 commander, angered his man had died, exchanged fire with the GROM commando. After a few rounds going each way, the JTF2 commander decided to retreat back down the stairs. But the GROM commando wouldn't have it. He followed the opposing commander down the stairs.

Meanwhile, in the cars, the GROM commander and his comrade heard gunshots and decided to exit the car and regroup with the last GROM member on the floor above. On the way up the JTF2 sniper saw them, and shot the GROM man with the commander.

GROM: 2 JTF2: 2

The GROM commander, horrified of what has become of his now half-comrade, crouched down and stayed behind the wall. The sniper, realizing he could do no more, headed toward the parking garage, leaving the bulky rifle behind. Meanwhile, at the bottom of the stair well, the JTF2 commander radios in with his sniper, telling him to meet him at the top of the parking garage. But right behind him, coming down the last flight of stairs ever so silently, is the GROM commando, his Ka-Bar knife in hand. But about 5 feet behind the enemy commander, he excitedly lunges at him. The commander hears him push off, and ducks out of the way just in time. The JTF2 commander and GROM commando stare each other down, as the JTF2 commander pulls out his Karambits. Because it was dark, the GROM man did not see the JTF2 commander pull out his knives. The GROM man lunges again, but the commander sidesteps, and the commando goes into the ground. He turned around just in time to block the commander's strike, and kick him with both feet in the chest, pushing him back. The commando gets up, ready to fight. The commander decides to execute his move. The GROM man, learning his lesson, decides to take it slow, slowly inching over to the Canadian. Then, without warning, he slashes at the enemy commander's neck. The GROM man had fallen right into his trap. The commander ducked down and cut behind the GROM man's knees. Before he can react, the Canadian slashes up, cutting his throat. The GROM man, surprised and wounded, fell forward right into the enemies knee, which knocked him back up. The last ting the GROM commando saw was a curved blade going into his eye. The commander, slightly overwhelmed, cleans his blades and checks his gear before going up.

GROM: 1 JTF2: 2

Meanwhile, at the entrance of the parking garage, the remaining GROM man turns a corner, only to have his gun pulled from his hands. Unfortunately for him, he had the gun on a sling, so he fell to the ground with the gun. Reacting quickly, the commander pulls out his USP and fires at the silhouette of a figure above him, bring it to the ground. Fearing that he shot his own man, the commander pulls out a flashlight and checks the man he shot dead. He was relieved. It was the enemy sniper, Had he hesitated, he would have been shot by the pistol in the man's hand.

GROM: 1 JTF2: 1

Shaken, the GROM man decides to get moving and silently sprints up the building. Meanwhile, at the bottom of the stairs, the JTF2 commander is still trying to radio his man. With no success, he decides to head to the top of the stairs. With the GROM commander, his flashlight hangs useless at his side, he gets an idea.

When the JTF2 commander gets near the top, he sees the shine of a flashlight across the parking garage. Silently, he gets out of the stair well, slowly and quietly moving toward the shine. When he's about 30 feet from the flashlight, he realizes that it's just on a car bumper. It was a trap! Just as he realizes this...

The commander didn't have time to comprehend what had happened, as across the garage, he had been shot in the head by the GROM commander's rifle, dyeing before he even heard the shot.

GROM: 1 JTF2: 0


GROM: 542

HK 416: 287

HK MG4: 123

HK USP: 82


KA-BAR: 19

JTF2: 458


M249 SAW: 158

BARRETT M107: 42


SIG SAUER P226: 27

NARRATOR: In this battle of special forces units, GROM came out on top. But it was still close battle, with only an 84 kill difference.

DESMOULIN:In the end, I think that the long range superiority of the HK 416 was the deciding factor. And let's not forget the range and accuracy of the M200. Also, I think that the sheer quality of the weapons was a factor. The chances of you jamming any HK is like trying to jam and AK47. And the accuracy of these weapons are top notch. The training also came into play. The JTF2 are very proficient at combat, but GROM is trained to make the best of their surroundings, like the flashlight trick in the end.

We see the GROM commander recovering the bodies of his dead team mates, right as helicopters arrive.


Next time, on deadliest warrior, it's a battle of emperors, As the faithful Constantine the Great takes on the giant Charlemagne!