Resident Evil:

The Whole Story.


When the man awoke he was in a cold, dark, wet place. His clothes were drenched and felt like he was going to be sick from the constant motion and foul smell all around him. He tried to sit up and he discovered that he was floating in a large pool of water. The room he was in was pitch black and he could barely see a few inches in front of him.

The man frowned heavily, where was he?

Something floated by him and bumped into his arm, he turned to look at what bumped into him and his eyes widened in disbelief and horror.

It was a body, even with how the dark room was he could easily see that, he couldn't tell what gender it was it had atrophied so much but it was a body, it's unseeing eyes looking straight up to the roof of whatever room they were in. The man pushed the body away and swam hurriedly backwards to get as far away from the body as he could.

His head collided hard with something and he looked up to see that he had bumped into the railing of a walkway. The man's hand shot up and he grasped the railing of the walkway and he used it to pull himself up and over the railing.

The man collapsed down to the cold floor of the catwalk and took deep gasping breaths to try and calm himself down. Once he was calm enough that he felt he could at least try to stand he used his hand to grab the railing and used it pull himself to his feet and used it as a support. The mans eyes widened as he looked out into the pool.

The pool was full of bodies, each one as badly atrophied as the one before it. What was this place?

The man let go of the railing and slowly walked down the walkway to see if he could find a way out of this place, whatever this place was he did not want to stay here. After a few minutes of walking he found a door that was shut he pulled on the handle with all his might and with a loud snap the handle came off in his hands.

The man frowned and dropped the handle to the floor of the walkway where it made a loud thunk sound. This place must have been very old, how else could he explain how the handle came away in his hands?

He decided that the door must be so old that if he gave it a firm enough shove then he might be able to open it. He placed his palms on the door, summoned up his strength and pushed. The door went flying off its hinges and it collided with the wall of the hallway beyond.

The man stared at the door that had fallen to the floor with a loud clang in disbelief. He glanced down at his hands and frowned heavily, maybe it wasn't just because this place was so old after all.

The man stepped through the now empty doorway and glanced to the left and then to the tight, neither way looked particularly inviting but he had to get out of this place, if those bodies weren't evidence enough it was clear by the fact that this place was abandoned that something awful happened here.

He couldn't put his finger on it but something deep inside himself was telling him to go left, he couldn't say what exactly but he wasn't getting the same feeling when her turned to look right so he decided to follow his gut and go left, if he needed to he could just turn around and go right.

He walked down the corridor for what seemed like hours but in reality could only have been a few minutes or so. The place was as silent as a grave the only sound he could hear being the sound of his own wet footsteps echoing around him as he walked further and further down the corridor.

He didn't know why but he found himself stopping in front of a plain metal door. He didn't know why he felt compelled to stop here, it wasn't because of the feeling in his gut, it was as if someone had stopped him moving not as if he himself had stopped.

He felt himself spinning on his feet so he could properly face the door and watched as his hand reached out and pushed on the door gently. With low creaking sound the door slowly swung open.

The man walked through and glanced around his new environment, desk on either side of the room, microscopes and other scientific equipment resting atop said desks and specimen tanks that currently stood empty. There was no doubt about it, he was in a laboratory.

The man didn't know why but for some reason the feeling that something bad had happened here was back and it was much stronger now than it had been before, it was so strong in fact that all the man wanted to do was turn on his feet, rush out of the room and leave this terrible place and never look back but he didn't something compelled him to stay.

The man walked over to one of the specimen tanks and looked at it their was one large thing that was different about this tank than all the others, this tank was broken, the glass was scatted on the cold floor.

The man didn't know why but he felt sad, as through once, a very, very long time ago something so precious had been held within this tank and now it was gone. That thought made him so sad that he got the urge to lay down on the floor and weep.

But he didn't, something complied him onward. The man approached a small desk where syringes, scalpels, forceps and a small silver tray much like the ones used in a high school dissection lesson rested.

Just as the man was about to reach down and pick up one of the scalpels to examine it his foot hit something small. He looked down and frowned as he saw a bullet casing on the floor. His frown deepened as he leaned down to pick up the bullet.

Had someone been shooting at something? At someone?

For some reason that thought mad the man so very angry that he tossed the bullet away from himself. He watched as it flew through the air and as it fell to the floor with a clatter.

The man didn't know how he couldn't notice before now but he noticed that his ears were ringing. At first he thought it was easy to explain, after all he had been down in that pool for god knows how long it was more than possible that some water had gotten in his ears and damaged them.

But he soon tossed away that theory as he actually stopped and listened to the noise. It wasn't ringing it was laughter. Somebody was laughing and it made the man so angry that he wished he could whoever was laughing and crush their throat, with his new strength it would be so easy.

As soon as that though crossed his mind James Marcus remembered everything.

He remembered being born.

He remembered by raised by his grandparents in southern Italy.

He remembered going to collage and meeting Spencer and Edward.

He remember the wars, he remembered his fear of the call up both times and how scared he had been, so very, very scared.

He remembered after the war when he met up with Spencer and Edward again, he remembered that both he and Edward had been invited to hear Spencer's proposal.

He remembered when they started their new company.

He remembered when they discovered the mother virus.

He remembered when Spencer had phoned him despite years of not once getting in touch with him to tell him that there had been an accident at their new lab in Antarctica and that Edward had died.

He remembered when Spencer named him the manger of the new training facility in the Arkaly mountains.

And he remembered when Wesker and Birkin arrived.

He remembered how he found he could develop a new virus by fusing the mother virus or the progenitor virus with the DNA from leeches. And the result was the Tyrant virus or T-virus for short.

And he remembered how those men in gas masks broke into his lab and shot him. Shot him again and again until he fell to the floor.

He remembered how Wesker and Birkin came in to the lab then, smug smiles on their faces and they tell him that they would take his research and use it to fulfil their own goals and that Spencer had no more need of him. They then ordered the guards to take him and dispose of him.

That explained how he ended up in the pool at least.

But how was he still alive?

An idea entered Marcus's head. What if still was the wrong word, maybe he was brought back to life. The T-virus was still so new he didn't understand it's full effects yet, maybe it had somehow brought him back.

But how did he get infected in the first place?

He then glanced back over the specimen case and a smile slowly appeared on his face. His Queen, his precious Queen Leech must have done it how he didn't know but maybe he understood all he had done for her and in her own way was trying to thank him.

He would not let her gift go to waste.

Spencer. Wesker. Birkin and Umbrella.

They would all pay.

And the world was going to be very afraid.

End of Prologue.