Hey everyone, I know it's been a while and I am sorry about that. I don't have writer's block or anything if anything I think I got burnt out by all the writing. I mean I was pumping out chapters on a weekly basis and I think it's all caught up to me, so I need a bit of a break. I hope to be back with another chapter eventually but for now I think I just need a longer break than I thought. But not all is lost, I have something a bit different but fun for you all to read today as a nice little place holder until I can get the next chapter out. Plus I can go ahead and answer the Guest reviewers and readers. So, enjoy.

Omnitrix Documentary #1

[This takes place after the Sports Festival, and a few days into the Internship Arc.]

The screen of a camcorder beeps and comes to life to find a piece of loose-leaf paper positioned in front of its lens. The loose-leaf paper is wrinkled with only two words scribbled onto it: Omnitrix Documentary #1.

^Omnitrix Documentary #1!^ cheers Glad-One as he tosses aside the paper to reveal the optimistic side of his being. ^Howdy-ho readers-oops, I mean viewers and welcome to Japan's Plumber Base!^

Glad-One gestures to the open monitoring facility of the Plumber Base with all of its screens, monitors, and stations.

Glad-One turns back to the camera and performs a semi-bow with his short stout body. ^Me llamo One-^

^-One…^ Sad-One pops into view of the camera lens before spinning the camera back at his other half.

With the camera back, Glad-One continues with his introduction.

^The Omnitrix is a strange and powerful device.^ he leans close to the camera like he's sharing a secret. ^We're still unsure what it's really capable of. There's only a few things we can say are absolutely true about it. For one it gives it wearer the ability to transform into any alien they wish! Amazing!^

^It's unnatural…^

^We also learned that the Omnitrix is capable of gaining new alien DNA, but the specifics on how that works is still up for debate.^ Glad-One turns to the camera. ^Do you have any guesses?^

Sad-One doesn't wait to respond with his usual suspicious and dreary tone. ^I bet some omnipotent force is manipulating our very existences for their own entertainment, and is choosing what aliens to put into the Omnitrix…^

Glad-One gasps in delightful surprise. ^Do you really think so?^


^Ha! You're funny!^

^No I'm-…^

^Well as I was saying.^

^You didn't let me finish…^

^There's so much about the Omnitrix that we don't know! However…^ Glad-One scurries closer to the camera. ^We can tell you all about the aliens that are inside of it.^ Glad-One backs away from the camera allowing the viewer a better look.

^To get you acquainted with the many aliens you are sure to encounter; I'm conducting a documentary video series about Deku's aliens. Isn't that exciting?!^ He asks joyfully.

Sad-One pops into view. ^Excitement is just an excuse for adrenaline junkies to validate their own existences…^

^True!^ Glad-One agrees before shifting back to the topic at hand. ^Each alien within the Omnitrix is as unique as their appearances and abilities.^

^By appearance we mean they're ugly and by abilities we mean they're overpowered…^

^And there's possibly even more to come, so to help you, the reader, drat I meant viewer, to better understand each of Deku's transformations we will go into depth about each of them! Hooray!^

^Yay…^ Sad-One suspiciously doesn't sound as enthusiastic as his other half.

^There are all sorts of aliens out there and each one is fascinating. For example you could see a creepy looking alien that shoots lasers from his eyes! Or a horribly dangerous alien that can spit acid slime!^

Sad-One interrupts to deliver his own P.S.A. ^Statistically speaking an alien is more likely to try to eat you rather than probe you…^

^Speaking of delicacies, let's start with this alien first.^ Glad-One pulls out another piece of loose-leaf paper with a horribly drawn blue phantom.

It's clear One-One drew this together in two minutes with the expert level of a five-year-old armed with a box of crayons but it's clear to anyone that it's supposed to be a drawing of a Necrofriggian.

Glad-One folds the drawing slightly so it can stand on its own while he takes center stage. ^This cool looking alien is a Necrofriggian or better known as…Big Chill.^

^That's such a dumb name…^

^This alien is the personification of Jack Frost. With the ability to move through solid objects like a spooky ghost, woooooo. Fly with the cold breeze. And manipulate the cold around him to create freezing breath blasts.^ Glad-One cups the bottom of his head. ^Actually he could generate ice from any part of his body, guess we'll have to make sure Deku finds out about that later.^ Glad-One turns to Sad-One who is still holding the camera. ^Do you have any fun facts about Necrofriggians?^

^They like to kill their enemies slowly, sometimes dragging them into space and allowing the dark vacuum of the never-ending void to suck their life away…^ Sad-One gets uncomfortably close to the camera, glaring into the lens. ^And their souls…^

^All true.^ It's disturbing how undisturbed Glad-One is about that fact. ^And Big Chill will definitely be someone Deku can rely on, although…it's unclear how he got him, hmmm… Oh, well. No point in thinking about it, so let's move on!^ Glad-One unceremoniously kicks away the poor drawing.

^I think this is worth discuss-…^

^Here's the next alien!^ Glad-One tosses up another piece of paper.

^Or not…^

Glad-One holds up his next drawing; it's another poorly colored abomination that's supposed to pass for a Megawatt. ^This is Buzzshock.^ He leans the drawing in closer. ^Say hello!^

Sad-One deadpans. ^Go away…^

^Megawatts are an interesting bunch: they eat electricity with the same gusto as how trick-or-treaters devour their candy at the end of the night.^

^They are such gluttonous pigs…^

^It's honestly quite impressive, but what's even more impressive is how they use electricity they absorb.^ Glad-One points at his horrible drawing. ^These little guys can multiply to insane numbers and each one has a pension for mischief and mayhem! Yay! And each one is also capable of releasing bolts of electricity.^ Glad-One turns to the camera. ^So be careful when you run into one, you'll be in for a shock when you see how much trouble they can cause, Teehee.^ Glad-One giggles to himself, finding his inside joke rather humorous.

^Yeah, just ask Thirteen…^

Glad-One's attention snaps back to his counterpart. ^Oh, that's right…^ Glad-One peers away from the camera as he reminisces about that day. ^Thirteen had a very bad experience with Megawatts.^


^Yes, it was back when they were a recruit. Don't you remember?^

^Wait…waaaiiitttt…Oh! Oh, yeah…I remember now…^ Sad-One shivers. ^That was a very traumatizing experience…^

^It sure was.^ Glad-One stares off into the distance allowing an eerie silence to fall upon them all.

Through all the silence Glad-One can still hear the screams and cries of those inflicted that day, oh that horrible and traumatizing day…

^Let's move on, shall we?!^ Glad-One's so excited that he kicks away the Megawatt drawing.

Sad-One deadpans as his other half digs around for the next drawing. ^You sure bounced back quick…^

Glad-One hugs the next paper close to his body. ^This next alien hasn't had too much screen time recently, so we'll make up for it now.^ He throws up the paper. ^Tada!^

The drawing is as bad as the others, with the poor drawing being yellow and black in color, with its head detached from its body, and weird curved horns on its shoulders.

^Meet Lodestar!^

^We've met…^

^Lodestar is a Biosovortian; beings known for manipulating the magnetic field around them. They are so in tune with magnetic fields that their entire bodies are made of magnetic particles that can regenerate and reform when injuries occur.^

^They essentially have no reason to fear death…which means they have no real appreciation for life…^

^I'm sure that's not true, I mean look at me! I love life! And I'm a robot, I can live forever if I wanted to.^

^Sure, but all of your friends will slowly die away leaving you to a sad existence that's nothing but an endless cycle of losing loved ones that you can never hope to meet ever again…^

Glad-One blinks in response to Sad-One's usual pessimistic view on life. ^Right…^ He turns to the camera. ^Well I have one more alien for you all today, and it's a special one.^

Glad-One reaches off screen and grabs one last piece of loose-leaf paper. ^Deku got himself a new alien the other day, and I'm so excited to share it with you!^

He drags the paper closer to the camera, trying to build up the suspense.

^It's a really cool one! Well, actually it's a weird one, but still cool! Do you want to see?! Are you sure? Ask nicely, please.^

^Get on with it already…!^

^Wee! Okay, okay.^ Glad-One readies to lift up the paper. ^You ready because here's Deku newest alien-^


Glad-One drops the paper as the alarm rings through the entire Plumber Base; flashing red lights spin around the room as each monitor flash with warning signs that someone unwanted has broken into Japan's Plumber Base.


^Hm?^ Glad-One cups the bottom of his head. ^That's an oddly specific alarm that I don't remember.^ He turns and tries to smile at the camera. ^But it's probably definitely nothing to worry about.^

Sad-One spins the camera around and leans in with his skeptical gaze. ^That's what they want you to think…!^

And with that the camera's feed cuts away, leaving One-One alone to figure out why the alarm is going off.

I know it wasn't a real chapter, but I hope it was enough for now. And I promise to continue writing. I just need a break for a little bit so I can regain the motivation I need to write. So, please hang on for a little longer. Thank you for understanding and I hope you'll kindly await the next chapter to arrive.

*Just to be clear this semi-chapter takes place during the Internship Arc and we will get to see what's broken into Japan's Plumber Base.

*Yes, Izuku will be gaining a new Ben Ten alien during the Internship Arc. But you'll just have to wait and see which one it is.

*This semi-chapter is based off Infinity Train's "The Train Documentary" shorts from Cartoon Network. And I will be using this format as place holders for when I am late with new chapters.

Responses to "Guest" reviewers from Ch.27:

Shark: Dude or dudett, this fight was amazing. It honestly reminded me of the fight between Superman and Zod from Man of Steel. I liked the characterization of Ochaco's doubts and her feelings toward being somewhat outclassed. I'm surprised to hear you lost motivation while writing this cause the energy of the fight was amazing. Great Chapter, honestly one of my favorites. With the world a mess right now it's great having something like this keep my mind distracted a bit. Stay safe

CreateGunner1209: Thank you I'm so happy to hear that you enjoyed the fight so much, I had to stop writing while working on the fight scene that I was worried it would be too choppy and not flow too well. I do think part of it was that I was forcing myself to finish the chapter and thus burnt myself out. So I'm sorry we won't be having another chapter for a little bit, but I promise to keep writing. Be sure to stay safe out there as well.

Aztec 13: A other incredible chapter, again worth the wait, Izuku reaction of see heatblast after the all the excitement from his match is over is funny, now the fight with Ochaco and Bakugou was intense with both going over the limit of their powers especially Ochaco unlocking a new skill, I can't wait for the next chapter with Izuku and Ochaco , the power of the Omnitrix vs one for all that is going to be awesome, please continue.

CreateGunner1209: Thank you and sorry but it's going to be a bit of a longer wait than normal. So, please hold out until then. Thank you. I'm glad you thought that Heatblast's scenes were funny. I knew if I had it at the start of this chapter that it would work out better. Otherwise it would be a huge shift in tone and give nothing but whiplash. I'm happy you enjoyed the intense fight between Ochaco and Bakugou. Hopefully Ochaco vs. Izuku will be just as enjoyable, when I'm able to get it out at least. Thank you again for taking the time to read and review my fanfic. It means a lot to me.

Atom king: I love this chapter, i love the start of this chapter with Izuku freaking out that he's on fire and midnight hitting him with a fire extinguisher, and the reaction of his classmates seeing him as heatblast, and using to roast marshmallows, I like reference of Izuku eating one like Ben did in the first episode.

Now we see Shoto talking with endeavor with Shoto telling endeavor that he doesn't need him, now endeavor I wonder what plans he has towards Izuku, like will he do his own investigation on Izuku to try and ruined his life cause I can totally see endeavor doing something like that heck I wouldn't be surprised if he becomes like the Ben ten villain Captain Nemesis.

Now on to the lead up to Ochaco and Bakugou during the clean up after Izuku and Shoto wow, anyway the talk between Izuku and Ochaco is great with Izuku giving Ochaco advice on how to use one for all with the going with the flow, and I like the tower of Babel reference you did with Izuku having a notebook on his classmates powers and skills.

The fight itself was epic with the first half going identical to the main story with Ochaco using the rubble to attack Bakugou only for him to stop it, but after that the real fun begins with Ochaco letting all for one flow through her body and boom she is going all out, she can now fly full on flight, flying around avoiding the blasts my favorite part of this chapter was Ochaco crashed into the commentator box.

Now with a all for one powered Mercury smash Ochaco has knock Bakugou out can't wait to see the aftermath of this match, like Bakugou reaction when he wakes up.

So the next match is going to be Izuku vs Ochaco the wielder of the Omnitrix versus the new holder of one for all, extraterrestrial versus mankind who is going to win?

I guess we have to wait and see.

CreateGunner1209: I really loved the start of the chapter too. I thought it would be really funny if Izuku had a bit of a panic attack and yeah, I wanted to include the Ben Ten references. And I'm glad I wasn't the only one who enjoyed them too.

I wouldn't say Endeavor delves too much into Izuku, but he'll definitely have his eye on him. That said I have something else in mind for that side of things. There's just one more thing I need to introduce before we can get there.

I enjoyed the talk between Izuku and Ochaco too and yeah, I decided to throw in the Tower of Babel reference in, just for fun. I may use it for something later down the line but for now it was a nice prop.

I also greatly enjoyed Ochaco's fight and I thought her crashing into the commentator's booth was a nice touch.

Unfortunately, we'll have to wait and see how Ochaco vs. Izuku pans out.

Guest: The next chapter is going to be epic with the aliens powers and one for all going crazy I wouldn't be surprised if the would stadium is destroy from the fight please continue

CreateGunner1209: I got something in store for the next fight, trust me. I think you'll enjoy it.

Guest: Amigo que izuku se transforme en shock rock para derrotar a uraraka

CreateGunner1209: Sorry there will be no aliens from the rebooted series (Please be sure to read past Author's Notes I have expressed this point a lot). Main thing is that I haven't watched it, I did try but it wasn't for me.

SilverKirito: Ok this chapter was just as good as the last one. Love the old ben 10 refrence and the fact that you let the first half of ochaco vs bakugo fight be the same as in the anime. I hope that the tower of babel doesn't come back to bite him back or to help all might think he is the traitor. I don't care how long it takes for an update becuse this is one of the best BNHA/Ben10 crossovers that I have read.

CreateGunner1209: I'm glad you really liked it. I knew people would enjoy the Ben Ten references. I may use the Tower of Babel notebook in a latter arc down the line but for now we'll just put a pin in it. I do apologize but the next update will take longer than expected.

JackKnifeDrum: I have only one word for the fight between of Ochako and bakugo: EPIC! The fight was so amazing, I never could have predicted that you would have done that zero gravity full cowling combo with Ochako, and that made their fight was amazingly epic. And you thought of something that I have wondered about for a long time: why don't the one for all users use the air pressure attacks to fly through the air? With Ochako it's easier because she can make herself weightless, but in the show and manga always wondered why Izuku never used the air pressure from 20% full cowling to fly, so it's so epic that you include the using air pressure to fly thing because it is awesome.

Also something that I feel you need to know about Big chill for when you bring him out in later chapters (that I forgot to comment on last chapter), Big chill is actually really strong physically as seen in the episode where Big chill laid eggs he can tear apart a metal statue and snap iron girders in half effortlessly with his hands, also Big chill can create ice like Todoroki but from any part of his body and can even fire beams of ice, I just wanted to tell you this cuz I like Big chill and most people think big chill is not physically strong or can only freeze things with their breath.

But once again epic chapter and epic fight, also I really like how Izuku reacted to when he calmed down and realized he was heatblast it's just like how Ben reacted to when he was first heatblast so nice reference it was funny. And I hope you have a great day.

CreateGunner1209: It truly was epic wasn't it? I agree that the air pressure was a good choice on my part but I'm going to give Ochaco a different means of moving in the air that won't drain her stamina as much. But the air pressure will still appear now and again.

As for Big Chill I am aware that he can be physical strong but that was mostly because of inconsistencies with the show and I don't want to make every single alien OP. So some like XLR8 are weaker when it comes to physical strength. Although Big Chill will be strong enough to at least pick up All Might when the hero is fully bulked up. And Izuku has yet to discover how much manipulation over ice he can achieve. For this chapter alone I wanted to focus on his main three abilities first. Thanks anyway.

Also I'm happy to hear that you enjoyed Heatblast's panic attack.

I hope you have a great day too.

Guest: Nunca dudé de ti sabría que estabas vivo, buen capítulo, ahora estoy emocionado por lo que vendrá y quién será el próximo alien de Deku.

CreateGunner1209: Yeah, I'm not dead. Thankfully. And a new alien will eventually make it if this last chapter was anything to go by. We'll have to wait and see who it is though.

Guest: You know I been wondering about something, ragdoll Powers allow her to find someone and learn about their powers and weakness so would that work on aliens?

CreateGunner1209: Maybe, I'm still working on that detail. I'll definitely have something by the time we meet her.

BlueRanger-Lyric: This was a very good chapter, and I like the idea of Deku having a journal of every hero's weaknesses, and I find it kind of funny that Izuku knows how to handle the new aliens better than he does with One For All at that time, I also have mixed feelings about how Uraraka is handing One For All compared to Deku, but with all Uraraka does with All Might's quirk, I still and will always believe that Deku is the best choice for One For All, that much will never change, never the less, I do still look forward to seeing how far Uraraka will go with that quirk, and I'm even more excited to see how the fight between Deku and Uraraka will go, and how Bakugou will take his loss to her, keep up the good work

CreateGunner1209: You certainly had a lot to share and I thank you for sharing your thoughts with me. It's greatly appreciated. Admittedly I'm taking some creative liberties here with what some of the characters are able to do: such as Deku and his alien powers or Ochaco handling OFA. I have a specific reason for giving Ochaco OFA and I hope that during the Internship Arc you will truly begin to understand why I made the choice that I did. But first I have to write up Izuku vs. Ochaco, pray that it's a good one.

Aztec 13: Hey I been checking out what happens later in the main my hero academia story and holy cow things just went insane, I hope that Izuku gets stronger and unlock more aliens like atomix and alien x for what is coming down the road.

I have question in alien force vilgax use a machine that allows him to steal powers from other aliens now my question is that could vilgax use that machine to steal quirks like from all for one?

Please continue

CreateGunner1209: The closer we get to the current manga chapters, the more powerful Izuku's aliens will become and more he will unlock as the story progresses. I will say that Atomix will have joined the party by this point in the manga.

As for the machine used by Vilgax, I have a specific plan in mind for it. Trust me.

Guest: Next chapter is going to be super epic!

CreateGunner1209: I promise that Ch.28 will be, please be patient. And sorry for the wait, that's on me.

Guest: Yay I now want know what happens next

CreateGunner1209: I do too, please hold out a little while longer. And thank you for reading and reviewing my story.

Ben10nMHAfan: Good Chapter, surprised you decided to let Uraraka win against Bakugou, bit over the top with the fight honestly and hope the final Match between Midoriya and Uraraka be tone down a bit on the damage for I think having two epic battles for one day is quite a lot and no need for a third. (but if your going to do it it's not I can stop ya)

Oh, also please don't make it a tie between Midoriya and Uraraka I don't care who wins the match just think doing that again feels cringe to me.

For writing your Fanfics, I say just take your time honestly and two weeks is a bit of a rush (I don't know how you manage to write that fast) maybe after you finished this Sport festival Arc give yourself a break and see if your still motivated not to continue the story?

CreateGunner1209: Yeah, I know it definitely was a bit too much at times, but I couldn't help it. Actually I will be introducing a little something during the next match to help with the destruction that could occur between Deku and Ochaco. And trust me, there is no way I'm making it a tie. That would feel like a cop out to me. The winner will be revealed next time, promise. And yeah I think I'll take your advice. I think I burnt myself out trying to write the last chapter, which I was looking forward to the most out of the Sports Festival. I'm still going to try to get the next chapter out but it'll be a little bit.