Author has written 8 stories for Naruto, Fairy Tail, and My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア. Hi-ho to all those individuals that actually look at the profiles of people out there! if you would all direct your attention to this link http:///photos/images/original/000/640/542/75f.png you will understand why time is necessary for our works. thank you |
DragonoftheEastblue (13) Drake Clawfang (69) FanaticLAguy06 (5) jukehero461 (8) KATTALNUVA (52) | kyugan (36) rex1011amit (16) serioushugsies (6) Silent Soul Ken -SSK (21) Skylight Sparkle (12) | Stephen Ratliff (99) Tatsurou-san (89) TheSavageMan100 (17) whackybiscuit (183) xxxxinactivelb (0) |