Harry Potter and the Mothers' Intriguing Life Flings

Chapter 1

Co-Writer GreyKing46

We do not own these Harry Potter characters. All rights and credit go to J. K. Rowling

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We start, at a castle. A grand castle in Scotland, hidden from the world.

Concealed by a wondrous and mysterious power: magic.

This is Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

The school is over five stories tall, towers that seemed to reach the sky, large fields of vegetables, an open sports field, surrounded by a wild dense forest with a little brick shack near the outskirts.

At this school, children who turn the age of eleven are able to come here. Young witches and wizards who learn to control their magic and live in the muggle or wizarding world. Muggle, being the term for 'non-magic folk'.

And right now, it was near midnight and we find ourselves looking at a young man, sixteen years old, shaggy black hair, and bright green eyes. He was wearing a black shirt and trousers while reading an old looking map, next to a torn blue book.

This was Harry James Potter

And for the past six moths...It hasn't been the best.

Between having detention with a teacher he disliked, being 'recruited' into a teacher's club and having people he knows being hurt by someone he didn't like...it wasn't the best year to have.

He sighed, running his hand through his hair

'What am I going to do? Malfoy. Snape. Slughorn. Just...What can I do?' He thought to himself. On his legs, where he had the map and book he had an unusual looking blanket.

But it wasn't a blanket, it was his father's cloak of invisibility. A magical artefact that turned him purely invisible to any and everyone.

He was going to confront Malfoy

He grabbed his wand, his book and map and his cloak. He was going to find him and make him talk.

He left in his pyjamas and followed the map to where Malfoy was.

Using his cloak he hid from everyone, periodically checking the map and where he was going.

...and then he saw it.

'Draco Malfoy'

Emerging onto the map. Seemingly from nowhere.

Harry had seen this before when someone just appears on the map from seemingly out of obscurity. 'The Room of Requirement.' He followed as quickly and as quietly as he could, trying to catch up with Malfoy.

A left turn, turn to the right, another right, down the stairs...The bathroom.

Whatever Malfoy was doing, he was now in the bathroom.

...Was he crying?

'He IS crying. Why?' Harry thought, trying to breathe quietly, remembering the start of the year where Malfoy broke his nose.

Malfoy was splashing his face, looking in the mirror with his darkened eyes from lack of sleep. Draco had short blonde hair, pale grey eyes, wearing a white shirt and black trousers with a green and black tie.

And he seemed to be washing blood from his hands

'Blood?! Who's is that?' Harry gulped as he inadvertently stepped forward...and caused a faint splash with his foot.

Malfoy jerked around, looking to see who was there and pulled his wand out from his trousers.

"Who's there?!" He snapped

Harry tried to step back, gently lifting his foot off the puddle of water, but that made Malfoy shoot a hex as he saw the small ripples.

The spell flung Harry back and exposed himself. "ARGH!"

"POTTER!" Malfoy snapped, shooting another hex at Harry, who retaliated back with his own spell, defending himself.

Harry tried to conceal the map and book he had on him with his cloak, but Malfoy was trying to conceal something too, in his non-wand hand.

"What are you doing Malfoy?" Harry glared

"None of your DAMN business!" Malfoy flung another hex at Harry who dodged it and retaliated, defending himself.

Harry dodged it, getting into a stall as cover and struck at Malfoy.

"Expelliarmus!" He called, shooting the red spell once Malfoy's volley of spells was over with

Malfoy's wand was flung out of his hand, still clinging to the item in his hand.

"Gah! Screw you Potter!" He hissed

"What's in your hand?" Harry asked, pointing his wand at Malfoy.

"None of your business!" He glared

Malfoy looked at where his wand was and he leapt for it.

"ACCIO!" Harry called out, trying to summon the item.

Malfoy grabbed his wand and bounced it back at a wall, but the item was already out of his hand. A small golden bronze necklace with a tiny hourglass within it.

"Sectumsempra!" Harry called out, trying to hit Malfoy...but hit the necklace instead, fracturing it and caught Harry in its explosion.

Harry screamed as the magic all around him seemed to drag him into an unusual mirror. All he could do was hold on for his life.

Malfoy was holding onto one of the toilets and not letting go, for his life.

Harry's book, map and cloak flew into the portal with Harry not long after. Being sucked into it and disappearing without a trace.

*? ? ?*

Harry was frozen in place, seeing the world around him blur and change around him, faster and faster, like a cyclone. Until it began to slowly come to a crawl...and then...STOP!

Harry fell to the floor in pain, his book, map, wand and cloak were with him in the bathroom. He felt like he was struggling to breathe, but he felt better as his mind and breath were now coming back to him.

He looked around and saw the bathroom back in pristine condition. No battle had taken place here, no destruction...nothing. Harry panted as he looked around for Malfoy...he wasn't there. Could he have escaped? No. He couldn't have.

"Where...what happened?" He asked himself. He saw his stuff and picked them up. He'd have to figure this out later.

He headed back to the common room, he needed some rest. Putting his cloak on, he headed back. Everything seemed to be normal, the walls and the paintings were in place. Nothing seemed to be amiss. "The Fat Lady." He whispered as he approached a painting, which was the doorway to the Gryffindor Common room. He had to wake her up, since it looked to be midnight still. "Quid Agis." He spoke

"Huh? Who's?" The Fat Lady asked, looking at the now revealed Harry.

"I-You KNOW me." Harry responded, looking puzzled. "Quid Agis." repeating the password.

"I'm sorry, dear boy. I've-James Potter...What're you doing here, before school?" The Fat Lady asked, looking puzzled herself.

Harry was beside himself. "Wh-what did you call me?" Harry asked

"James Potter, is this another one of your tricks?" The Fat Lady asked.

"I-I gotta go." Harry answered, running off from the common room's portrait.

"Wait! WAIT!" The Fat Lady called out

"Shut up! Some of us are trying to sleep!" Voices responded from around the stairwell, it was all the portraits. They were enchanted and conscious.

Harry ran down the stairs, trying to make sense of it all. 'BEFORE school'? 'James Potter'? What was going on?

Running into the corridor he tried to find some help. But the only one at this time would be the caretaker Filch and Mrs Norris, his cat. He had to get somewhere where he could hide...And that was when a door appeared behind him. "The Room of Requirement!" He thought to himself

"Who's there?" A curmudgeon voice called out.

Harry immediately ran for the door and slammed it shut behind him. He could now relax.

Inside the Room was a large bed, a desk, a calendar and all sort of assortments for Harry.

The Room was special. It only appears to those who have a great need for it. And apparently, the room saw fit to grant Harry what he needed.

Harry fell onto his bed, huffing softly

'Thank god...It's warm.' He thought to himself, trying to get some sleep. What the hell, was going on?

As he fell to sleep, he could feel his energy come back...and MAYBE get something to eat for breakfast.

A few hours had passed and Harry was feeling better. Being rested in a bed that didn't have a loose spring in it, definitely helped.

He groaned and rubbed his eyes, he needed some new clothes...and luckily, the room provided. It gave him a new set of black trousers, black jumper, white shirt, a red and gold tie and new shoes. "Thank goodness." He sighed in relief, rubbing his face to get awake, he began to get changed. He looked at the calendar that the room provided...and noticed something was off. "What? Sep...September 1st? That's wrong, it should be March." He whispered, clasping his hand over his mouth. Did he...Did he miss months of his school year? Was he going to have to repeat? Even after all the crap, he went through? No. No, it couldn't be like that. "Dumbledore...I'll go find Dumbledore." He thought, going outside of the Room of Requirement and began to make way to Dumbledore's study. He thought if ANYONE had a clue what was going on, HE would.

Harry took through the corridor like a snitch on a Quidditch field and zipped to the Gryphon statue that guarded the way. "Sherbet Lemon." He spoke the password to activate it...Nothing. Not an inch of movement. "Sherbet Lemon!" He repeated. He could hear footsteps coming from behind him. Why didn't he bring his cloak?

"Who's there?" Filch's voice called out, gravelly as ever.

Harry gulped, trying to run and hide from the almost ancient caretaker. He panted as he ran for the Great Hall or out of the castle, anywhere where he could get help. 'Help'? "Hagrid!" Harry realised and ran for the edge of the Forbidden Forest. Hagrid's Hut!

He was just about to make it out of the front door, but suddenly, he was caught out.

"MR. POTTER!" A familiar voice called from behind him.

"P-Professor McGonagall?" Harry asked, turning around and looked behind him.

"What on EARTH are you doing here?" The elderly woman demanded in a stern tone. Dressed in dark blue and green robes, small glasses over her eyes and looked to be younger than Harry last recalled her. Her grey hair showed more signs of being auburn brown and tied back into a bun. "I thought you'd be-?" She began to ask before Harry ran to her and shocked her at his immediate running TOWARDS her.

"Thank goodness! You can help me!" Harry smiled in relief, looking pleased to see a friendly and familiar face.

"Help you? Potter, what on EARTH is-? If this is another one of your practical jokes-" Professor McGonagall asked, taking VERY steep precautions around Harry, mistaking him for someone else.

"No, no I SWEAR, Professor. I-I need help. I need to find Professor Dumbledore." Harry explained

"Professor Dumbledore is asleep in his office." Professor McGonagall responded. "In fact MOST of everyone in the faculty is asleep."

"Professor...I...PLEASE. I need help." Harry spoke passionately as he looked at Professor McGonagall.

Said professor was taken back. The boy she thought of as a different 'Potter' was asking for HER HELP! "I...Very well, Potter. Follow me." She answered, leading the way

Harry felt a wash of relief over him. He could finally get some answers and clarity.

She led Harry to the Gryphon statue from before and recited a password. "Now, let's see if he hasn't changed it yet. Delight Strawberry."

Harry blinked in shock at that, did Professor Dumbledore forget to tell him about a password change? Couldn't have been. But it worked, the Gryphon statue began to twist around and expose a winding staircase. "Excellent; follow me, Potter." Professor McGonagall instructed and lead the charge.

Harry began to follow after her. Dumbledore would know what was going on. He could make sense out of this.

The two arrived in Professor Dumbledore's office, seeing the books and portraits, and the perch where a large red bird with golden feathers rested. "Fawkes!" Harry smiled, seeing the bird and almost ran to it.

The bird turned its head as it looked at Harry...and tilted its head.

"Mr Potter, would you be still?" Professor McGonagall asked, frowning at Harry as he went over to Fawkes like he was a personal friend.

"S-Sorry Professor." Harry apologised.

"Minerva." A elderly and kind voice spoke, walking through a door. Immediately, Harry knew who this was. The man he was looking for to help him. "Is everything alright?" The voice asked. It was Professor Dumbledore; an elderly man with a long grey beard, purple robes and half-moon spectacles.

"No, Professor Dumbledore. It isn't. Mr Potter is here." Professor McGonagall responded

"Mr Potter? Here?" Professor Dumbledore asked, looking at Harry.

"Professor." Harry smiled, seeing one of his favourite teachers. Almost ready to burst asking questions looked on

Professor Dumbledore's eyes slowly widened at seeing Harry. "Minerva...Would you care for a cup of early morning tea? I believe our young Mr Potter here has something to ask and tell." He asked kindly.

"I...Would, rather enjoy a cup of tea." Professor McGonagall answered although it sounded begrudging.

"Please, Professor." Harry answered honestly.

The three sat down at the table and were all given a kettle of tea each. China teacups and a bowl of sugar to share. "Now, Mr Potter...What is it that you wanted to say?" Professor Dumbledore asked kindly

Harry began to think on where he could start. Well, maybe to know IF he had missed months of school for a start.

"Potter, you've been to all your classes last year. Albeit with your friends, causing mischief." Professor McGonagall asked

"'Mischief'?" Harry whispered to himself. "Well, there's...that. What about Malfoy?" He asked

"Malfoy? You've never even spoken to the lad." Professor McGonagall responded as Professor Dumbledore took a sip of tea.

This got Harry REALLY confused. "But...No, he. He cursed a friend of mine, Katie Bell." Harry answered.

"Potter, there isn't a 'Katie Bell'. Well...Not that I know of. There is a 'Robert Bell'." Professor McGonagall answered.

"Robert? Draco Malfoy sent a cursed necklace to-" Harry felt his temper and confusion rise, trying to get a straight answer out of this mess.

"'Draco'? There's no 'Draco Malfoy'. There's a 'Lucius Malfoy' in Slytherin." Professor McGonagall answered

"Lucius?" Harry's colour began to drain from his face. "I...No, just get Professor Snape. He'll-"

"Severus?" Professor Dumbledore asked, picking up the term 'professor' in Harry's speech.

"Yes, Professor Snape!" Harry answered with a feverishly fast nod.

"Potter, Severus Snape is a STUDENT. NOT a teacher. What the devil is going on with you?" Professor McGonagall asked, becoming befuddled by all this.

"No. He-he's the Potion's-" Harry tried to answer

"I believe what young Mr Potter is trying to say is, that young Severus will possibly be working here, taking over Horace's job." Dumbledore chuckled with a bit of mirth and taking another cup of tea.

"Professor Slughorn? He's the Potion's teacher?" Harry double-took, looking at both of them

"For goodness sake. YES, Mr Potter. Professor Slughorn is the Potion's teacher, honestly, it's a wonder you pay ANY attention in class." Professor McGonagall responded, putting her cup down with a clatter on a desk.

"Professors-I..." Harry struggled to get the right question out. 'What the HELL is going on?' He thought

"I think young Mr Potter needs to go see Poppy. All of this seems to be having a great deal of stress on him." Professor Dumbledore spoke kindly.

"I believe so. But if this is another one of your tricks James Potter-" Professor McGonagall spoke

"'James'?" Harry asked in shock, hearing that name for the SECOND time in as many days.

"Oh, don't tell me. Playing 'forgetfulness'? Any more of this James Potter I will-" Professor McGonagall responded

"My name is 'Harry'!" Harry almost screamed out, trying to correct them. "I-I'm not 'James'." He panted in shock, realising what he just did. But after all his trials this year, he needed to vent out somehow.

The two professors looked at each other and back at Harry. He seemed to be clutching his head and almost choking back tears. "What the HELL is going on?" He coughed

"Minerva." Professor Dumbledore asked gently, seeing Harry racked up like this.

"I-I will, Professor." Minerva answered, seeing that Harry was so hurt by this. "This way...Harry."

Harry looked up at her and nodded. "Thank you...Professor." He answered sincerely as she lead Harry to the medical wing.

Professor Dumbledore sat in his chair as he saw the two leave his office, turning his head to Fawkes, the phoenix seemed to look back at Harry. "Hmm." Professor Dumbledore hummed as he took another sip of his tea.

As Harry and Professor McGonagall walked he tried to get to grips with what was going on...and there was only one question swimming in his head right now "Professor...What...What year is it?" He asked

"It's...1976." Minerva answered honestly.

Harry stopped still as he heard that. 'Nine...Nineteen seventy-six?' He thought in shock. 'Then...That thing. It-it was a-'

"Harry? Harry, are you alright?" Professor McGonagall asked, seeing him frozen like this.

"Professor...I...I'm-" Harry tried to answer, but with this sudden revelation, the lack of food and excess running had caught up with him and he passed out onto the floor.

"POTTER!" She gasped

*Time Skip*

Harry was now resting in the medical wing; Poppy, the school's nurse, was looking after him. "He needs his rest, Minerva. Poor lad...You said that his name was 'Harry'?"

"Yes...And it's remarkable, he looks SO much like James Potter. It's uncanny." Professor McGonagall answered.

"The best thing for both of you is to get something to eat, it's still early lunch." Poppy answered

"Yes...Do take care of him." Professor McGonagall answered.

"I always do." Poppy responded, letting Professor McGonagall leave.

Rubbing her hands, Poppy got to work on supplies, letting Harry rest.

Over by Harry, he was starting to come round...that sleep had helped clear his head. He was now in the past. Stuck in the past.

'No.' he thought in despair

Harry covered his eyes with his hands. How could he be so STUPID? That necklace...it was a Time Turner! A device that allowed people to travel back in time. He and Hermione used it all in their third year. He tried to get up and saw that there was a tray of food prepared on the side for him. Nothing too heavy, but some chicken, bread and vegetables. Easy stuff for him to eat for when he woke up.

Feeling his stomach rumble and remembering the fact he hadn't eaten, he began to take the meal.

He just wanted to go home...But home was probably here now. All his friends weren't born yet, Snape was a student, his parents hadn't married yet-

"Mum...Dad...They're...they're alive." He realised. He could SEE them! He could warn them-! "No...No...I can't, Hermione said...Terrible things happen to wizards who mess with time." He frowned, dropping the piece of bread. "Sirius." He whispered to himself. He had to get out of here. He needed to figure out how to get home.

If he got back to the Room of Requirement, he could maybe get a clue from a book or something. He wiped his mouth after taking another bite from his meal...and continued until there was nothing left. "Guess I was hungry." He joked lightly to himself.

He got out of bed and began to walk to the Room. It would be some hours before he would see any students...plus, he didn't want to hang around when Filch was on the prowl.

Harry tried to keep his head low, but with Professors Dumbledore, McGonagall and Poppy knowing about him, MAYBE he could be safe. For NOW at least.

He found the door once again and entered it...and found a VERY unusual cloaked woman there and holding his cloak of invisibility

"Who-?" Harry asked in shock, seeing her there.

"Where...did you get this?" The woman asked, in a ghostly voice. But it wasn't haunting, but it was welcoming. She stood up, turning around to face Harry.

Harry's eyes almost bulged out of his head, seeing this woman. She was dressed in a sleek black cloak, emblazoned with a strange triangle symbol he hadn't seen before. Her face was covered but from her nose down she had milky white skin, her chest was almost exposed, showing a boob window with stitches connecting it together holding her ample G-cup bosom.

Both Harry and the woman gasped as they saw each other. Harry was just awestruck to see such a beautiful woman. And the woman was holding her hand over her heart "It...it's you." She whispered

"What?" He blinked

The woman reached out before she felt embarrassed and pulled back. "My...My Master." She whispered, looking lovingly at him.

"M-Master? I don't understand. I'm not anyone's 'Master'." Harry responded nervously.

"Yes. You ARE My Master. You have one of my gifts." The woman answered, bringing up the Invisibility Cloak.

"That's my dad's, he left it to me." Harry answered. "I'm sorry but; who are you?"

He was honestly getting a bit freaked out now

The woman blushed and looked at him once again. "I. Am Death." The woman introduced herself honestly. "I am the one who gifted this to your ancestor who has gifted it to you."

Harry blinked... and began to back away 'Step away from the crazy woman.' he thought

"Do you want me to prove it?" Death asked, looking at him, feeling hurt that Harry was backing up.

Almost as if she read his mind

"Err-" Harry gulped and fell back onto his butt as Death began to show off her power, as darkness began to swirl around her

Harry's eyes widened as he saw the power and majesty in the darkness, seeing her command it with such grace...and he understood. This woman WAS telling the truth. She WAS Death!

"Oh crap." He mumbled before he fainted

"M-Master?" Death stopped and knelt down to his side. "Oh~, I did it this time." Death frowned, holding his head.

*In Dumbledore's office*

Back in the headmaster's office, Professor Dumbledore was pacing slowly in the purple robes that he got dressed in. He was thinking deeply about Harry. How he looked so much like James, but they were so different. How he knew things he shouldn't. 'Who IS this boy?' He thought

His mind did go to one possibility, one answer. But it sounded too... 'out there' even for him

"No...No, no, no. It can't be something like that." He mumbled, stroking his beard. "However...I WILL have to keep an eye on him."

To be continued

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