I love doing shorts for this show! I also do a lot of them for Black Lagoon.

I do not own RWBY or its characters.

It had been another long hard day on the training grounds of Beacon. Jaune was so bad out of it he was barely able to drop his clothes before stumbling into the shower.

Ahhhh, hot water, that's what I needed! He thought as he leaned his head against the wall and let the steam rise around him. He had just started to soap his chest when he heard the bathroom door click open. Maybe it will be Pyrrha, he thought. She said she needed to talk to Professor Goodwich, but maybe she finished early.

He frowned as he heard a voice that was not his girlfriend's.

"Come-on Yang, I know Nora said we could use their shower, but we should have asked Pyrrha first!"

"Calm down Kitty cat! We'll be in and out before you know it. Unless you want to get frisky that is…"

Jaune turned around to find a beautiful blond and very naked Yang Xiao Long and her cat Faunus partner standing in the shower entrance.

"Oh meow! Looks like we found a prize!" the blond bombshell said with a smirking grin on her face.

"Oh damn, it's…" Blake exclaimed before she trailed off and turned her head slightly to the side. Oh…damn…Nora's right!"

Jaune was simply frozen in place as he took in two of the most beautiful girls at Beacon. Yang stood with her hands on her hips, big round, full chest pushed out at him as her pink nipples hardened, while the gorgeous catgirl stood next to her. On top of Blake's head, her cat ears quivered with excitement and then stood up straight. Not able to pull his eyes away, Jaune took in the beauty's full breast that had dark nipples, and like Yang's, were now standing at full attention. She also had, he noticed, trimmed her black pubic hair into a heart shape while Yang's was a golden landing strip with a downward pointed arrowhead.

"Like what you see, lady killer?" Yang asked in a sultry voice.

"I would be an idiot to say I don't and that would also be a massive insult to both of you," Jaune replied. "Now we have that out of the way…please don't kill me, I was here first!"

"Right answer lover boy!" the blond declared. "Don't worry we're the ones that pushed our way in. As an apology, why don't we give you a little show?"

"What do you mean a show?" Blake asked as Yang turned on the second shower and shoved her partner under it. The catgirl cutely hissed and spit in surprise, that is until the blond bombshell grabbed some shower gel and began to rub it all over Blake's breasts. Then she suddenly let out a very cute mewling sound.

Jaune found he could not pull his eyes away as his jaw dropped onto his chest.

"There are people that would pay big money to see this!" Yang declared as she proceeded to soap her own breasts and then press them against her partners. "Think it's worth a few hundred lien?"

"Apparently he does!" Blake said as she looked down to notice Jaune at full staff and seeming to get harder by the minute.

"Wow," Yang said as she also took in the sight. "Woah, calm down there a little bit stud, looks like you're gonna burst a blood vessel!"

"And how would I do that?" the knight asked, much more calmly than he really felt. "Anything I could do right now might be considered sexual harassment and I would end up labeled as a pervert."

"No, no, Jaune, no one here is that cruel! We're all friends! I wouldn't mind if you Yangged one-off and I'm sure Blake would be interested also!" The catgirl nodded in agreement with the brawler.

"But I might have something to say about that!"

The trio looked toward the door where a very naked Pyrrha Nikos stood.

"Oh, shit busted!" Yang muttered. "Oh hey P-money! Don't worry! Nothing going on here except a little teasing! I swear we didn't touch anything!"

"I am quite sure of that, otherwise Jaune would not be in the shape he is in," the Spartan said as she strolled across the floor. "I don't mind a little teasing, Yang. Oum knows Nora has already had her hand into it. But since Jaune is my first real boyfriend, you understand I would like to keep him for myself at least a little while longer." With that, she reached down and took 'Little Jaune' in hand.

"Um, Pyrrha, if you do that you know I'm going to…OH MONTY!" the young man cried out as he exploded and shot a long arc of semen through the air, to land right on Blake and Yang's breasts.

"Damn! That was a hell of an arc, Arc! And a damned good shot!" Yang exclaimed as Blake let out a little 'Nyaaan!'

"Now, shows over and if you don't mind I would like to spend some quality time with my man." Pyrrha declared.

"Oh yeah, sure P-money, just let us clean this off and we'll get out of your way!" Yang said as the pair quickly rinsed off and headed for the door.

Poor Jaune could not help but take one last look at the girls as they left, admiring their butts and most of all the famous 'Bella Booty'.

"I'm sorry Pyrrha, after all this I just had to take a look as they left," he said.

"Don't worry about it, dear," she replied. "I myself have taken several long looks at Blake's famous 'Bella Booty'. But the question is, how do you feel about mine? Do I measure up to at least Yang's?"

Now it was Jaune's time to smirk. "Tell you what, you lean over right here and I'll show you how much I like your Spartan booty."

"Oh good!" the redhead sighed as she did as her boyfriend asked.

A/N: Please review and favorite!

Posted: 3/17/2020