Reviews for Prophetic Intervention
Guest chapter 3 . 6/30
i'm not clear why the conspirators still want to paint a target on the potters & longbottoms when they have the opportunity to hide them completely from his interest.
MrsFH chapter 9 . 3/28
Super! Thank you for a very enjoyable and original story.
tcl7189 chapter 9 . 1/29
Saissa chapter 9 . 10/20/2019
Great story! Thank you for killing off the Mouldy Voldie early enough so that Harry finally gets a decent childhood!
Zile0 chapter 9 . 9/7/2019
Loved it!
BelleHart chapter 9 . 9/7/2019
Great story. Always refreshing to see adults take responsibility.
Jestrbob chapter 9 . 4/11/2019
Nicely written, a few rough spots here and there but nothing to get upset about.

It was not what I expected therefore the pleasant surprise. An nearly original solution.
Monster King chapter 9 . 1/11/2019
Great job
Ariadne Venegas chapter 9 . 1/11/2019
I like to think Harry would be a little more sirius like his mother, just a little as Neville without been as shy because I think with friends both will have a heart of gold and confidence, but being Ron friends really? I don’t think so they are not friends with Molly, but with their brothers and Ron is not a kid they could have liked, the twin sure thing their uncles bring them to play but Not Ron. So they must knowing hin only in passing.

I wa hoping Lily was teaching potions, who is?
serialkeller chapter 9 . 11/27/2018
Great stuff, thanks for writing :D
lojosmom chapter 2 . 11/11/2018
Albus angers me. I really do not like him. He isso manipulative. Am a firm believer that most people are good. I am also a realist that knows some are pure evil and cannot be "saved."

I enjoyed when the Potters and Longbottom gave him a well deserved smackdown.
lojosmom chapter 1 . 11/11/2018
Great start! I am glad Abe was there to bring Dumbledore back to earth.
chuffed4angst chapter 2 . 10/8/2018
So very twisty! I had to read through this chapter 3x to make sure I followed all the logical jumps. (At least I hope I got them all.) Love it! On to read the rest...
Guest chapter 2 . 8/17/2018
I've never understood why Fumbles would rather see innocent people slaughtered then those that do it. The De's torture, rape, murder and arson to muggle homes, muggle-born homes and pureblood homes that refuse to serve Riddle. They've burned whole families to death trapped in the homes. They're worse then rabid animals! Now why has no one asked Fumbles how many DE's he's redeemed? Could it be that the answer is NONE? As they haven't sought out redemption on their own by this point in the war, why does Fumbles believe they deserve it? Even the Catholic Church says you have to ask for it before you can get it!
Bronze chapter 1 . 8/17/2018
That prophecy is as phony as a rubber knut! You missed at least one other glaring point in it! It never even hinted at WHAT COUNTRY the child would be born in! It's a mighty big world and with no hint where to look how are they supposed to know where this child is? Just because the PHONACY ( phony prophecy ) says a child will be born that'll vanquish the Dark Lord DOES NOT mean the child will be born in England nor anywhere else in the UK. Thus the only reason Fumblewhore had to believe it was it could be used for his glory. Look at his actions in canon and you'll find ol' Fumblewhore is a Dark Lord masquerading as the Leader of the Light.
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