AN: I'll keep this quick stay to the end for an announcement! Without further adieu let's just jump into it!


9 months later.

The girls decided to throw Uraraka a baby shower. They decided to have it at Izuku's and Uraraka's house since it was the biggest. The women were outside in the backyard, while the men were inside in the workout room. Bakugo wanted to see how strong Izuku was now.

"Are you sure you want to do this Bakugo?" Kirishima asked, looking at his friend stretching.

"Of course! I'm not scared of him!" Bakugo said.

Kirishima said, "T-That's not why I'm worried. What if you get hurt"

Bakugo stood up straight and looked at Izuku, "Then I get hurt so what. Come on Deku! I'm ready!" he yelled out.

Izuku was talking to Iida when he heard Bakugo yell, "Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked, walking towards Bakugo.

He nodded, "Yes! Now come on, I'm ready"

Izuku sighed, "If I don't kill you Himari will. Alright let's get this over with" he let out his aura but didn't transform.

Bakugo smiled, "Alright!" He then followed suit with his aura pushing against Izuku's.

Iida put his hand in the air, "Are both fighters ready?"

The nodded, "Ready! Go!"

Bakugo rushed Izuku but to his surprise he was stopped when Izuku appeared in front of him, "Checkmate" faster than Bakugo could react Izuku punched him hard in the stomach sending him flying towards a wall breaking it on impact.

The guys blinked and missed everything, the only they heard was Bakugo hitting the wall and then him breaking it causing a whole. "Jesus, couldn't you like hold back Izuku?" Kamanari said as the dust cloud settled.

Izuku rubbed the back of his head, "Maybe...Let's see if he's alright" the guys walked towards the broken wall.

Since they were on the second floor they looked down to see Bakugo flat on his back, sprawled out in the middle of the girls. "Uh-Oh"

Looking at him was a very angry Himari, "Izuku!" she yelled out.

"Got to go guys!" Izuku quickly shot into the sky trying to run away from Himari.

"Get back over here you coward!" Himari yelled out chasing after him.

The guys made their way down stairs and onto the backyard, "So there they go again, ribbit" Tsu said looking into the sky. They couldn't see them but they heard the booms in the sky.

"Should she really be moving like that?" asked Momo.

The girls looked at each other and shrugged, "She'll be fine, yeah she's pregnant but she's also a lot tougher than most" Uraraka said rubbing her belly.

"I guess you're right but still...moving around in that…and at that speed" Sero said, grabbing a drink.

That's when Bakugo woke up from his little nap, "Oww looks like I'm still no match for him. Also don't worry about it guys the baby will be fine, she is a saiyan after all"

"Hey look who's awake" Todoroki said, helping Bakugo to his feet. "We told you fighting him was a bad idea"

"Yeah yeah, I know but still I wanted to see how strong he's gotten. Still he's gotten just a bit weaker in these last couple of months" he commented.

"Well he has been taking care of me most of the time but I promised him once the baby is born he could go back to training. Until then no training just desk work, I know I'm not being fair but he agreed too" Uraraka said.

"So when do we find out if it is a boy or a girl!?" Toru asked excitedly.

Uraraka smield, "Soon Toru, All Might and Inko are going to arrive soon"

Sensing something Uraraka looked into the sky, suddenly the two saiyans came crashing down into the pool causing a massive pillar of water. Eri was nearby and went to check on the two, "Mom! Dad and aunt Himari fought again" she yelled out.

"Who won dear?" Uraraka asked.

Eri looked back into the pool to find Izuku as a super saiyan blue had put Himari who was in her ssj2 form in a arm lock, "Dad won again"

"Thought so, thanks dear. Tell them to get out and dry off" Uraraka said, Eri nodded. "Well I think that's 150 wins for Deku and 0 for Himari. Deku hasn't trained in a few weeks but he's still strong"

The two saiyans jumped out of the pool and landed on the grass both powering down as they did, "Man still can't beat you" Himari said, holding her arm.

Izuku smiled, "You'll get there eventually, now come on let's get out of these clothes"

The two quickly went inside and changed Izuku, they finally came out and walked towards Uraraka. "So it seems you're not out of practice" she said looking at Izuku.

"Me? I'm never out of practice" Izuku said, transforming into a super saiyan and punching the air.

Uraraka chuckled, "Yeah yeah now power down our parents should be here any moment now"

Suddenly a voice was heard, "Oh Izuku, how many times do I have to tell you to take it easy" everyone turned to see Inko and All Might walking towards them. Izuku smiled as he powered down to his base form.

"Hey everyone, sorry we are late we had to pick this up. But it wasn't ready so we had to wait a bit for this" All Might said, holding a white frosted cake with a giant question mark in the middle.

"This boy never rests, does he?" Mr. Uraraka laughed. "Just wait until the kid is born you will be begging for a goodnight sleep. I remember when Ochaco was born we didn't get a wink of sleep!"

Mrs. Uraraka stabbed into her husband's side, "That's enough dear don't scare them"

"Thanks mom, oh and don't worry I know things are going to be tough but I think we are ready for anything" Uraraka said holding Izuku's hand.

Inko went over to hug Uraraka, "Are you excited to find out if you are having a boy or a girl?"

They pulled away from the hug, "Of course! Come on I can't wait anymore!"

Everyone gathered around a table and All Might set down the cake, "Alright before you cut, what is everyone's final call, boy or girl?"

"Boy!" "No Girl!" "Girl" "Girl!" "Boy!" "Boy!" "Girl!""Girl!" "Boy" "Boy" "Girl! I have $20 on it!"

"Well Izuku, what are you hoping for, boy or girl?" asked All Might.

Izuku thought about it, "Honestly I will love them no matter what but if I had to say I would want a boy"

All Might nodded, before turning to Uraraka, "What about you Ochaco?"

"Hmm I have to agree with Deku with this one. I would like a boy but I'd still love to have a girl" she said looking at her belly.

All Might smiled, "Well shall we find out? Alright you two on the count of three cut the cake! One! Two! Three!"

As soon as they heard Izuku and Uraraka both grab a knife and began to cut, they slowly began to lift the slice revealing the color blue! "It's a boy!" Mina yelled out in excitement!

Izuku's eyes went wide as he saw the color, Uraraka yelled out in excitement. "Well it looks like there is going to be a little mini Izuku running around soon" Inko said, wiping away a tear.

Izuku hugged Uraraka, spinning her around in a circle, "I'm so happy Deku!" she said hugging him back.

"Me too! He's not even born yet and there's already nothing I wouldn't do for him" he said, putting Uraraka back on solid ground.

Suddenly all their friends began to crowd them and congratulate them, they smiled enjoying this moment. After a few tears and congratulations everyone back to celebrate, playing some games and then came the gifts. Since the group didn't know what the gender was going to be they each bought something for each. It was about the tail end of the party when Izuku and Uraraka pulled Todoroki and Momo aside to talk.

"So we have something we like to discuss with the two of you," Izuku said with Uraraka by his side.

Todoroki and Momo looked at each other, "Is everything alright?" Momo asked with concern.

Uraraka smiled, "Oh everything is fine, don't worry"

"We have a request," Izuku said.

Both of them looked confused, "We would like the two of you to be the godparents of our child" Izuku said putting his arm around Uraraka's shoulder.

Todoroki's eyes went wide, "Y-You want us?"

Izuku nodded, "Yeah, we'd think you two would be the perfect godparents. If anything were to happen to us, we'd feel you two would be able to take over for us"

"I would be honored," Todoroki said. "What do you think Momo?"

A look of worry fell across Momo's face, "I-I'm not so sure"

Izuku and Uraraka looked at each other, "Why not? What's wrong Momo?" asked Uraraka.

"I still haven't forgiven myself for what I did to you two" she said looking at the ground in shame.

"Momo…" Uraraka gave her a look of sadness. "We already forgave you years ago and so did Eri"

"I'm sorry I still can't," Momo said.

That's when Izuku spoke up, "Alright then how about this, earn your forgiveness by becoming our child's godmother. That way you can forgive yourself"

Momo lifted her head, "D-Do you think I can forgive myself by doing that?"

Uraraka smiled, "That will be up to you but I do know this you will be an amazing godmother"

A tear began to form, "Alright I'll do it!" she said smiling.

"Awesome! Now let's get back to the party before the others notice we left" Izuku said leading the way.

They went back and the party went on as usual, it was about time for everyone to leave but everyone had one final surprise for the parents to be. They told them to cover their eyes and lead them towards the house, "Alright we are going to take the blindfolds off now, 1...2...3!"

Removing the blindfolds Izuku and Uraraka the mountain of postcards and letters that their fans had sent congratulating them. The letters came from the USA, China, United Kingdom, France, Egypt, Mexico, Brazil...someone from every country had written at least one letter, "What the!" Uraraka said, looking at her living room filled with letters.

"H-How many are there!?" asked Izuku admiring the pile.

"Our estimates have it at least 25 million letters, so what you are seeing is less than half. The rest is back at UA, it was the only place big enough to store them" Iida said fixing his glasses.

"25 Million!" they both yelled out in complete shock.

"That's right, you won't believe Aizawa's face when he saw how many letters you received" All Might said snickering.

Izuku grabbed one of the letters, "Look Ochaco, this one is from someone in the USA" he opened the card and began to read it outloud.

"Dear Mr and Mrs Midoriya, thank you for inspiring me and my brothers in becoming heroes. I am currently aiming for the prestigious Avengers Academy, wish me luck! PS Congratulations on the baby!"

"Well you look at that you two are inspiring people across the ocean" All Might said proud that his students were achieving greatness.

"Yeah it's amazing isn't it Ochaco?" he said, turning to her but to his surprise she was looking facing away from him. "Ochaco? Everything all right?"

She turned around with a look of worry on her face, "Umm Izuku…" Izuku did a double take, the only times she calls him by his first name is when it's something serious. "...I think it's time…"

"Time? Time for what?" he asked, tilting his head.

Turning around everyone in the room eyes went wide, "M-My water broke"

Izuku began to panic, "W-What do I do! We got to get you to the hospital! I can carry you but would that be safe?! What do I do! What do I do!?"

That's when Uraraka began to have contractions, "Izuku! Pull yourself together, get her to the hospital your parents won't be far behind!" Bakugo said, grabbing Izuku and shaking him.

That's when Izuku snapped out of his little panic, "R-Right!" he quickly went to Uraraka's side and gently picked her up, he then turned to his mom and Uraraka's parents. "Meet us at the hospital" he then addressed everyone else. "You guys are more than welcome to stay here, we'll call you all when everything is over"

Izuku rushed the door and quickly flew off into the air with Uraraka in his arms, the hospital was far away but not for Izuku. He wanted to get there fast but not too fast that he would hurt Uraraka, after a 2 minute flight they landed right at the door.

Landing Izuku was holding Uraraka's hand as they walked into the hospital, "Hey a little help here please my wife is going into labor" he announced.

Seeing the situation the nurses quickly rolled over a bed for her, "How long has been since she started having contractions?" asked one of the nurses as they pushed Uraraka through the hospital.

"A few minutes now" Izuku said running beside the bed holding Uraraka's hand.

One of the female nurses checked Uraraka, "The baby is crowning we need to get her to the maternity ward now! Lucky you it looks like this is going to be a quick birthing process" she said to Uraraka.

"L-Lucky me" Uraraka said as the contractions began to happen more frequently and painfully. "How are you holding up Deku?"

"Me? What about you are the one who's going into labor" Izuku said smiling.

"Remember when Mira tortured me...yeah this is worse" she said, giving him a smile.

"Just hold on Ochaco you are doing great" they soon arrived at the maternity room where they had a room ready for her.

Izuku was about to walk in but one of the nurses pushed scrubs at him, "Put this on"

Without a second thought Izuku cut them on and quickly followed the nurse inside, there he found Uraraka in a gown yelling and grunting in pain. "I'm here Ochaco" he said running to her side holding her hand.

Izuku could feel her grip, "Wow you're stronger than I thought...ow ow ow" Uraraka was crushing his hand, but the pain he felt was nothing compared to her pain.

Just then the doctor walked in, "Alright Mrs. Midoriya, how are you this fine evening?"

"Could be better doc" she said wincing in pain.

"Alright let's see how you are coming along, it looks like this little guy wants out already. It usually takes hours for birth to happen, this little kid must really want out. Alright Mrs. Midoriya I'm going to need you to push for me" the doctor said.

Uraraka began to push, Izuku could feel her grip tightening, "Alright one more push should do it. On the count of 3, ready...1...2...3! Push!"

Izuku could only confront his wife, then suddenly the sound of a baby crying was heard. "Congratulations you two, it looks like you have a nice healthy baby boy" the doctor said smiling under his mask. "Would you like to cut the cord Mr. Midoriya?"

"Y-Yes" Izuku was given a pair of surgical scissors and cut the umbilical cord.

Uraraka was in tears when she heard the baby cry, "Here you are Mrs. Midoriya" one of the nurses had placed the baby on Uraraka's chest. As soon as she did the baby stopped crying.

"D-Deku look...he's...he's…" Uraraka couldn't get the words out.

"He's so beautiful," Izuku said as tears ran down his face.

"Look he has your eyes emerald green" Uraraka said as one on the nurses covered them in a warm blanket. "He also has your messy hair for better or worse" she said giving a small chuckle.

Izuku smiled, "Yeah but it's brown like yours and hey no tail. Wow you did an amazing job Ochaco"

"You deserve some credit too Deku, I couldn't have done it without you" she said as Izuku leaned in and kissed her on the forehead.

The doctor's job was done so he went away but not before congratulating the new parents. The baby suddenly began to cry, "Oh what's wrong little guy?" Uraraka asked.

"He's probably hungry, here let me help you" one of the nurses said, helping Uraraka sit up straight to allow the baby to breastfeed.

"There you go, you can rest now. We will be back in a bit to check on you three" the nurses smiled leaving the happy family.

"He's got quite the appetite doesn't he?" Uraraka said, looking at the baby.

"Well all saiyans eat a lot so it makes sense," Izuku said caressing the baby's head gently. "So what are we going to name him?"

Uraraka smiled, "I got the perfect name. Isamu...Isamu Midoriya"

" courage...I like it. Isamu Midoriya" Izuku smiled looking at his son. "My son Isamu"

Just then the nurses returned, "Mrs. Midoriya we have to check the baby now to make sure everything is alright"

She nodded, "Deku go tell the others I can sense them outside" Uraraka said motioning toward her stuff.

Izuku nodded as he left the room, he removed the scrubs and went to the waiting room. There he found his mother, All Might, Eri and Uraraka's parents all waiting for them. Her father in particular was pacing back and forth in the loddy that is until he saw Izuku.

He ran to Izuku and grabbed him from the arms, "My baby girl how is she!? What about the baby!?" The two women and Eric quickly walked up to Izuku to hear his response.

Izuku smiled, "They are both fine, no complication, no nothing. A few minutes ago Ochaco gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. The nurses are in there right now checking on the baby. "

"So when can we see our grandson?" Asked Inko.

"Yeah when can I see my new little brother!" Eri said jumping with anticipation.

"Soon, they will call you in after they give us the all clear," Izuku said, patting Eri on the head.

"So have you two decided on a name?" asked Uraraka's mom.

Izuku nodded, "Yeah we did, Isamu...Isamu Midriya"

"Isamu, I like it sounds like courage, a fitting name!" Uraraka's father said excitedly.

"I'm going to call the rest of the guys, wait here until the nurse calls you" Izuku turned around and pulled out his phone, the first person he wanted to tell was Bakugo.

Izuku began to dial the number, after only one ring Bakugo picked up, "Deku!"

He smiled, "Hey Kachan"

"So how is she? Everyone wants to know if everything went well?" Bakugo asked.

"Is everyone still there?" He had such good friends.

"Yeah there are here… and they are pushing ME!" he said yelling.

Izuku laughed, "Put me on speaker"

As soon as Bakugo did the questions started to heard, "How's Ochaco!?" "How's the baby!?" "What's the baby's name!?" "Did you come up with a name already?"

"Guys relax, Ochaco is fine she gave birth a bit ago. The baby came out fine, I was just about to go check up on them now. As for a name we decided on Isamu" he said, the awww's could be heard from the girl and the boys could be heard celebrating.

"So how does it feel Izuku, having a baby?" Himari said through the celebrations.

"It feels like a dream...I now have another thing I have to protect," Izuku said smiling.

"Well you better do a good job at it" said Bakugo. "My kid is going to need someone to train with"

"We'll talk about that later anyway, I call you guys later. Oh feel free to drop by"

"We will!" they all said.

After finishing his call he went back to Uraraka's room, opening the door he saw something he's been waiting his whole life to see. There was Uraraka on the hospital bed with baby Isamu in her arms wrapped in a blanket sleeping. "Hey Deku, come here" Uraraka motioned him to come over.

Izuku walked to her side, "Hey Isamu this is your dad. Here hold him"

He was nervous he had never held a baby before, "I-I don't know, how do I hold him?"

Uraraka chuckled, "It'll come to you once you hold him, for now support his head and put him up against your chest"

Izuku picked up little Isamu and began to cradle him, "There you go, you got it"

"Hey there little guy, it's me, your dad Izuku" he said, rocking the baby gently. Little Isamu yawned, "Aww aren't you just the cutest"

"Can you look after him while I get some rest Deku?" Uraraka asked, her eyes half open.

"Yeah of course, you get some rest. Good job Ochaco" she nodded as closed her eyes.

About 2 hour passed and Uraraka began to wake up, looking around the room she noticed her parents, Inko and Eri standing around her. "Hey everyone"

"Mom! You're awake, how are you feeling?" Eri asked.

"I'm fine Eri just a bit tired" she then looked at her mother who was holding Isamu. "Hey mom, hey dad"

"You did a good job Ochaco" her father said holding Isamu.

"We couldn't be more proud," her mother said, kissing Uraraka on the forehead.

"Thank you, I love you too," said Uraraka.

That's when Uraraka's mom saw Eri looking at baby Isamu, "Would you like to hold him dear?"

Eri looked up at her before turning to Uraraka, "Can I mom?"

"Of course you can Eri" she said as little Isamu was placed into her arms.

"Wow he's so tiny" Eri said as she watched his sleeping face. "I can't wait to have my own baby," she said jokingly.

Izuku's head learnly twisted off when he heard that, "Excuse me what? Oh you gonna wait, you gonna wait at least 12 more years" he said, protective of Eri. He's been like this since he found Eri and Kota kissing while on a date.

Uraraka laughed, "Relax Deku she knows, make sure to support his head Eri"

Since their parents were already there for a while they felt it was time to let some of their friends in to visit the four of them, first up was Bakugo and Himari.

As soon as Himari walked into the room she immediately went over to little Isamu, Eri was sitting down holding him in her arms. "Awww he's so cute! He's got your eyes Izuku!"

Bakugo went over to Izuku and slapped him on the back, "Well he's the spitting image of the both you...congrats"

"Thanks Kachan," said Izuku.

"Want to hold him Himari?" Eri asked.

Himari's eyes gleamed, "Can I!?" she looked over to Uraraka who nodded.

Eri handed over Isamu and as soon as he was safe in her arms Isamu began to cry, "W-What did I do!?"

"Maybe you're scaring him, that face is kind of scary" Izuku said laughing at Himari.

Himari's face filled with despair, "W-What no that couldn't be...right?"

Bakugo then walked over to her, "Here hand him over"

She reluctantly handed him over to him, as soon as Bakugo grabbed him Isamu stopped crying. Bakugo turned to her and gave her a smirk, "Looks like he likes me more"

Himari felt so defeated, "W-Why...he doesn't like me, even though I'm going to be a mom soon too"

Izuku placed a hand on Himari's shoulder, "It's fine babies don't know anything right now, I'm sure as he grows up he will like you"

Himari looked at him with a tear in her eyes, "Really?"

"I know so" he gave her a big smile.

"Alright good" she said standing back up.

Two by two their friends came in to congratulate them and hold little Isamu, towards the night the doctor came in and told them they would be going home in the morning. They wanted to keep Ochaco overnight for observation standard procedure. Izuku was allowed to stay but Eri was not still being a minor and everything. Inko told her to stay over at her place and that first thing in the morning they would meet their parents and her new little brother at home.

Izuku being the number one hero got Uraraka a bigger room, one where he could at least have a seat and sleep. Kissing them both goodnight Izuku went over to the chair and went to sleep, Isamu woke up a couple of times but he was only hungry so Uraraka took care of that.

Izuku now had everything he could have ever wanted, a wife, amazing friends, two beautiful children and most importantly a family of his own. He dreamt of the good times to come, but as of all dreams it must come to an end.

Secret Underground Base-Location Unknown

A shadowy figure walked along a long hallway full of giant tubes with something inside them. Each tube has a green liquid and in that liquid the figure of deformed human was seen, each so disficed they didn't even look human.

"Doctor how is the procedure coming along?" asked someone coming from the darkness. His body was covered in a black mist.

The doctor smiled, "Come...let me show you"

The two figures walked in the lab and at the end of it a tube similar to the other was seen, "It was difficult but after months of trying I finally was able to reverse engineer the blood sample I collected from that weird looking cat. That's when I found out what type of power it had, a power very similar to his"

"So did it work?" asked the mist.

"As far as I can tell yes but the process is slow. My best estimate has full completion in 7 days" the doctor said looking at the person in the tube. His hair white in color, his skin broken and dry.

"With these new powers not even the number one hero would be able to stand a chance" the mist said, stepping out of the light revealing to be Kurogiri. He then placed a hand on the glass tube, "Soon the whole world will see what you've become"

Slowly the person in the tube moved his fingers, then from out of know where he snapped open his eyes revealing them to be red in color, Shigaraki had reawakened. His eyes gleamed red but to Kurogiri's surprise a hint of purple energy surrounded his eyes.

AN: Boom! Another chapter done! Izuku has a baby now and everything is perfect…right? NOT! I honestly thought I was going to end the story here but no! I got an idea and I'm going to write about it in one final hurrah! This time no holds barred match... anything goes... people will live, others will die, stay to find out who. Also take your guesses on what new powers Shigaraki has.