Welcome all, I've been wanting to make a story like this for a while now and I'm happy to finally bring it to everyone. It's pretty simple but entertaining nonetheless. Now shall we see what happens when the girls (and therefore everyone) find out My Hero's resident cinnamon roll is quite the beefcake. Will involve a fem. Bakugou and fem. Todoroki because why not.

I own nothing, if I did that'd be great.


Izuku "Deku" Midoriya never saw himself in a very positive light. Being quirkless, Bakugou's constant bullying, and his complete alienation from everyone his age made sure of that. Even after his idol, All Might himself, acknowledged and took him under his wing he didn't see himself as much. That started changing when he made it into not just his dream school, but the greatest hero school in the world: Yuuei Academy, and made his first true friends.

Iida and Ochako both did wonders for helping pull the shy boy out of his shell somewhat always bringing a smile to his face whenever he was feeling down about anything. Tsuyu joined shortly after the USJ incident and the way she always spoke her mind still takes him off guard at times, but he does appreciate her companionship. Kirishima was also a pretty big help, even if he hung out with Bakugou and the "Baku-squad" more than them. The hardening user would always uplift Izuku's spirits whenever he praised him for his "Manliness" as he put Todoroki joined his small group, sitting with them instead of going off to eat on her own. Ever since the sports festival and she had been drifting closer and closer without the shy boy noticing. His friend group was small, but he didn't mind, he was just happy to have friends that didn't mind his more awkward tendencies like his rapid muttering. It both did and didn't help his jumpy nature when they all moved into the dorms, being around people who calm him down and make him smile but also being under the same roof and Bakugou and the hyper Mina.

He had finally started to get somewhat used to the hyper girl and his former bullies taunts when things got. . .awkward in his perspective about a week ago. . .

It was Saturday morning and everyone was in the dining area enjoying whatever breakfast they had prepared for themselves when Ochako noticed someone was missing.

"Hey, where's Deku?" This caused some of the other students to look around noting their green haired classmate was indeed missing from the table. Bakugo just seemed to growl at his name being mentioned when Iida spoke up addressing what many were now wondering.

"Worry not, for you see I passed Midoriya this morning when coming back from my morning jog. He said he would be back later most likely during breakfast, therefore he should arrive at any moment," Iida's voiced boomed as he swung his arms around robotically. While the group deadpanned at his delivery they did perk up at the sound of the dorm's door opening followed by the cinnamon roll announcing he was back. Many smiled as they waited for their friend to join them, but they would not be ready for the sight they were about to see.

"Deku-Kun! Great to see your ba-AAAAHHH!" Ochako's greeting was cut off by her shocked screech as Izuku walked in, panting, covered in sweat, and completely shirtless. Izuku looked at her confused before shrugging his shoulders and walking to the fridge, pulling out a water bottle he had stored in there before he left. As he walked he couldn't help but notice the uneasy silence that had taken over the group. Gulping lightly he cracked open the bottle and took a long gulp leaning against the counter. However a shout from Kirishima caused him to jump in shock and start violently coughing.

"Holy Shit Bro!" Kirishima rushed up to the smaller boy smiling widely, "Your jacked! How much can you bench man!"

Sato nodded his head wondering just how strong the little green brickhouse was and if it could beat him when his Sugar Rush quirk was working at max.

Izuku could only start stuttering, stiffening from nervousness. Unable to answer his friend he just looked down blushing and shrug his shoulders lightly. Kirishima simply smiled putting his hand on the emerald child's shoulder causing Izuku to look up.

"Well then guess you and me are gonna have to get in the gym together to find out huh? Can't have your manliness overtake mine now can we?" Izuku smiled back at Kirishima chuckling softly at his excentrics.

"A-alright will do, m-maybe sometime n-next week after class?"

"Yeah bro, whenever is fine" Kirishima smiled holding his fist out. Izuku smiled repeating the gesture and fist bumping his sorta close friend.

"Midoriya-san now that you have returned I highly urge you to eat something, after all breakfast is the most important meal and you are in need. . ." Everyone couldn't help but sweatdrop at Iida rambling off while moving as a robot, again.

"I-I'll come down later I-Iida, first I k-kinda need a shower f-from my run." With that Izuku made his way to the elevator blushing and looking at the floor on his way there. After he had disappeared many of the other students started to finish up and clean their dishes. However there were some who were to shocked at what they had saw.

'OhmyGodOhmyGodOhmyGodOhmyGodOhmyGod!' where the thoughts of the resident invisible girl Tooru. Unknown to anyone she was biting her lip and rubbing her thighs together, the image of Midoriya's muscular form burned into her mind.

'Who knew Midoriya-kun was so muscular. He looks almost as if angels sculpted him. Wait, What am I thinking!?' Momo chastised herself for her thoughts, keeping her stern face as much as possible while washing her dishes.

'Wow, didn't expect Midoriya-chan to be so in shape. Though it would make sense considering what his quirk is and how often he trains. I already liked him before but now seeing all that. . .k-kero.' Tsuyu blushed lightly putting her finger on her chin and poking her tongue out making it look like she was in deep thought. Shifting her gaze to the right she couldn't help but laugh internally at Ochako, who's brain seemed to stop working as she stared at the doorway doing her best tomato interpretation.

Surprisingly Bakugou of all people wasn't faring much better, seeing her childhood friend shirtless really took her by surprise. 'Fucking. . .shitty. . .hot. . .muscular Deku!' She grit her teeth together trying her hardest to destroy the image of him she subconsciously burned into her memory.

'Hmm so that's how muscular he is,' Todoroki thought quietly with a light blush as she ate her cereal. It was no secret she had a type of infatuation with the emerald child ever since their match, but nobody really knew how deep it went. While she wouldn't consider herself a tsundere or yandere, she did have a bit of a habit of watching him like a hawk and getting quite possessive of him whenever a girl was looking at him for longer than she was comfortable with.

There were only a few students still in the dining area wanting to sit and relax a bit before cleaning their dishes, or in Ochako's case still short circuiting. Momo, Tooru, Tsuyu, and Todoroki all tried to snap her out of it, slightly worried at the small amount of steam coming from her ears. Bakugou just stared at the small group when she noticed Mina drooling slightly while looking at her lap.

With an annoyed scowl she barked out "Oi! Raccoon Eyes what the hell's got you drooling over!?" That caused the other's heads to snap to look at the pink girl, who was wiping the drool off of her chin and blushing a unique shade of lilac. Mina couldn't help but smirk at the other girls.

Holding up her phone she giggled out "oh nothing, just some pics of muscles is all. I mean come on did you see that body! Those hard pecs, abbs you could grate cheese on, tight back muscles, and arms that would make you feel safe when wrapped around you!" Mina's blush deepened as she started to drool again while listing off parts of Izuku's body causing the other girls deadpan with blushes of their own. "Plus his ass looked fucking amazing in that track suit." That caused a few reactions she wasn't expecting.

First was Ochako accidentally making herself float mumbling incoherently, that caused Momo to stammer out trying to deny she was eyeing Izuku at all while also attempting to help the gravity girl down, Tsuyu's face went bright red but other than that was unreadable, and (most surprising to her) Todoroki seemed to lose control over her quirk causing both ice and flames to burst from the stoic girl.

Least surprisingly Bakugou immediately caused a small explosion denying any kinds of thoughts like that entered her mind before standing up and going to was her dishes. Mina simply smirked to herself laughing internally at Bakugou's tsundere moment. She didn't need to know Tooru's reaction as she was already planning to send the stealth hero the pictures later. She decided after she got back to her room she would make a group chat and send them to the girls then. 'It'll be quicker than all of them just coming to me one by one asking for them.' With that the remaining girls decided to get up and clean their dishes (other than Momo as she already did hers).

Later when Aizawa came into the room and noticed the scorch marks on both the table and ceiling. Sighing loudly as he walked to the fridge he contemplated what he should do as a punishment for both Bakugou and Todoroki. "Why do I have the feeling this was because of problem child?"

XXWith IzukuXX

Sighing happily after exiting his shower, Izuku looked at his phone checking the time and seeing he got a message from Jirou, surprisingly. "Ara? Why is Jirou texting me? Our music session isn't till later tonight."

Jirou: Yo Izu, just a heads up but I'm pretty sure I saw Mina take a few pictures of you earlier. Good luck with that one lol

With that Izuku sweatdropped.

Izuku: Oh haha. Very funny Jirou, like that would happen. What's next, Midnight and Mount Lady coming on to me? Lol

While Jirou and him weren't close per say, they still watched each other's backs whenever needed. He had opened up with her a bit, explaining how he was bullied a lot for being a "late bloomer" (though really Jirou recognised the signs and asked him when the two were alone after class). After that the two decided to set up a music therapy session at least once a week just to help unwind and take away any stress. A few weeks into there sessions Kaminari confronted Izuku about it, and after a shaky explanation Kaminari apologised several times over feeling as if he had insulted the emerald boy.

After a bit of reassuring that he didn't mind the confrontation Izuku asked a question that entered his mind when Kaminari first asked, why did he care? It was then Izuku learned Kaminari had a pretty big crush on Jirou, stating at the end that he was trying to be better in hopes of getting a chance to ask her out. After that Kaminari was also a regular to their therapy sessions, causing him and Jirou to slowly get closer to each other.

It was also during the sessions that caused him to start smoking weed (I will explain at the end). While he tried to keep it on the low down he was caught by his mother at one point. Surprisingly she took it rather well stating that as long as he was smart about it and as long as he kept it out of her house she would look the other way.

Smiling softly at the memory as he got dressed he had a feeling today was going to be a good day. It was then he got a sharp shiver down his spine, as if the universe was telling him to watch out for the future. Shrugging it off as just the breeze hitting his still semi-wet hair Izuku smiled leaving his room to go get something to eat, less Iida remind him how he didn't eat breakfast for the rest of the day.

XXLater with MinaXX

Mina sat in her room letting her tv play whatever movie was on at the time, not paying any attention to it whatsoever. Instead the pinkette was busy on her phone adding the girls of 1-A into a group chat so she could send those pictures of Izuku she "discreetly" took this morning. Letting out a heavy sigh since all the girls numbers were scattered around she decided to just take the easiest route she could, having her phone's a.i. do it for her. Smirking devilishly as her phone complied she sent the first message.

Mina: Sup Girls!

Tooru: Mina? Why did you add us to a group chat?

Tsuyu: Glad I'm not the only one wondering that kero

Momo: I agree.

Ochako: Heyyy cool a group for just us girls!

Jirou: Lil busy at the moment so I won't be on much, peace

Bakugou: What the Hell do you want Raccoon eyes!?

Todoroki: Is there something you need Mina?

Mina's devilish smirk widened, making sure that all the images were ready to be sent she typed out her message to the others.

Mina: Oh no reason, just wanted to give you all. . .THESE!

Mina couldn't help but laugh as she imagined all the girl's faces. 'God I wish I could see them all!'

Ochako: !

Momo: M-Mina how lewd!

Tsuyu: K. . .kero!

Tooru: Miiiiinnnnnaaaaaa!

Bakugou: W-why the fuck would I want these!? It's just shitty Deku! Nothing special!

Todoroki: Well then. . .ummm

Mina started laughing hysterically watching as her classmates proceed to freak out from the pictures she sent. Jirou had yet to answer her and Mina figured it was probably because her and Kaminari where smoking and having a music session. She had to admit she was jealous how how Jirou and Kaminari got high at least once a week, but she'd leave the two to themselves. For now at least. Keeping her smirk as she kept reading everyone's comments she was surprised when certain names popped up.

Ibara: S-Such sinful images! I should not have looked!

Mei: Oh Ho! He's even more muscly than I thought! I'll have to make some adjustments if I want my babies to work for him

Itsuka: No way is that really Midoriya!? Wow I need to ask him for a spar soon

Pony: Woah! He looks like he can bench press me!

Nejire: Wow, I wonder if all those muscles are just because of his quirk?

Staring at her phone Mina quickly checked to see who her it's a.i. added to the chat. Her eyes widened in surprise when she realized she accidentally added not only the girls of 1-A but also 1-B, Mei, and Nejire. She could only really stare at the chat as numerous messages came through. Mina put a hand on her chin and raised an eyebrow at some of the comments, wondering how this would play out.


And there you have the first chapter everybody. Short I know but I prefer keeping first chapters short and sweet, just so people can immediately tell if they want to keep up with this or not.

Now as for the whole "Stoner Deku" thing it's partly because I haven't heard/read any fics where he is a stoner and thought it would be funny at first. But then I also factored in that weed does help those suffering from depression and Izuku does have a form of it. Also I decided to have Jirou and Kaminari be the ones who introduced him to it because 1) I can honestly see them being stoners, and 2) I'm gonna be aiming for a whole "Big Bro/Sis" thing with them and Izuku.

Anyways thank you for checking this out, let me know what you think in the reviews. Constructive criticism only please. Till then, peace out.