This is the end! Another story come and gone. There are a lot of extra scenes in the 'outtakes' fic on Darth Krande's Profile.
I must say most of the credit for this goes to Darth Krande after she put up with my temperamental laptop and strange working times. We had fun writing this and hopefully we will work together on something else soon.
Chapter 24 - Epilogue
Filius Flitwick, Charity Karkaroff and Gellert Grindelwald sat next to each other at the high table, enthusiastically clapping their hands for every student being Sorted.
"Now, for the announcements," Albus rose. "Miss Burbage has gotten married to Durmstrang's Headmaster Karkaroff, so please remember that her name has changed." There was some modest applause, but the wedding was old news for everybody.
Then the headmaster turned to the witch on his left. "As usual, let us welcome a new Defence Against Dark Arts professor: Dolores Jane Umbridge." There was a disappointed grumble from all four tables, noted by everyone except for the witch in question. Gellert eyed the next to-be victim of the curse with a slight disdain. When he had asked Percival Weasley about the woman in the pink cardigan, the wizard asked him to 'give her hell from the entire Ministry'. It looked like the Senior Undersecretary would provide plenty of opportunities for that.
Dumbledore continued, "And last but not least, we welcome back Gellert Grindelwald, or Professor Wohl as most of you knew him, who will take over History of Magic, not for the first time."
"Yes!" Miss Granger shouted before the storm of applause could have suppressed her voice. She had always been a bit more enthusiastic than her peers.