Disclaimer: I don't own nothing.
So I don't know if y'all heard, but MHA is on hiatus this week, and the next chapter will be published next week. If you need a source, I think it was his official twitter that stated it, I can't remember. And if I'm wrong, then you guys get to read this as a lifelong reminder that I'm a moron! So yeah.
Anyways, this is just a friendly one-shot that I wanted to write after seeing this marvelous piece of fan-art that you can find on reddit. Type in Apparently Deku got his mothers quirk of "attraction of small things" into the search bar on the subreddit for MHA, and you can find the fan-art. I'd link it, but I heard someone had the chapter taken down for something like that, so oh well. But if Kikkoooou (on twitter) is the artist... it's amazing and kudos to you! I loved it!
ANYWAYS! Of course, this contains spoilers for recent chapters of the manga, so if you aren't relatively up-to-date, then I shouldn't even need to say go away.
Gone? Good.
This is obviously going to be AU (alternate-universe), cause, let's be real, none of this is canon and I don't know the future so... yeah.
Let's see... no flaming and uh, there might be a tiny Uraraka/Izuku shipping in there, but it won't be much.
Characters might be OOC... I need practice writing them, hence why I'm doing it.
Izuku couldn't lie if asked had he ever thought about having his mother's quirk. Typically, on the nights when he'd stare up at his ceiling, the gentle caress of sleep evading him, he'd wonder what it was like to have the different quirks he witnessed on a daily basis. Obviously, his sweet and caring mother displayed her quirk the most, simply because he saw her regularly, and while she had tried to hide it from him at first, in fears of upsetting him, she eventually found he was more fascinated with quirks than he was jealous that he didn't have one.
He imagined secreting nitroglycerin, he imagined being able to extend his fingers to insane lengths, and, of course, he imagined having limited telekinesis, like his mother. To be honest, he wasn't really sure what his variation of the quirk would have been like, had he inherited her quirk. Typically, offspring didn't take the exact quirk from their parents - it was usually a mix between the two genetic donors.
In this case, his father's power was related to fire, so unless Izuku planned on levitating fire toward his body (which, he would rather not), he simply imagined being able to levitate something like metal objects, or perhaps medium-sized objects as well as small ones.
He'd never imagined that he might have inherited his mother's quirk in a different sort of manner.
"Are you all set for class?"
Kota sighed, stubbornly tugging on the strings that dangled loosely from his backpack in a vain effort to channel his embarrassment.
"I'm fine," Kota emphasized, looking anywhere but at the young man fussing over him. It wasn't that he disliked the attention. In fact, if the man shifted his attention anywhere else, Kouta would likely get jealous, and do what he could to regain that lost focus. He just wasn't sure what to do when the attention was directly on him.
Izuku blinked in surprise at Kota's stubborn reply, but then smiled as he saw the young boy peek at him from under his hat he was so fond of. While Izuku wasn't positive that the school teachers would let Kota wear the hat indoors, he knew that if anyone would convince them, it'd be the little man in front of him. He had a way of endearing himself to adults - especially female adults.
"You're not excited? It's your first day of primary school!" Izuku said happily, trying to excite the child in front of him. It wasn't working quite as well as the third year student of the prestigious U.A. wanted, but it wasn't having any opposite effects, either, so he'd just keep trying. "That's a huge step!"
"I know..." Kota mumbled. He looked down, suddenly finding more interest in the carpet beneath him than anywhere else. "I-it's just... I'm not sure what to think..."
There was a silent statement that went unsaid: Kota wasn't sure how he'd fit in, seeing as how he was an orphan. It was common knowledge that children that came from different backgrounds often struggled to adapt, because many young kids could be very judgmental. It didn't help that sometimes, it only took one slip of the tongue for a child to be ostracized - much like Izuku had been when he was revealed to be quirkless.
Even now, Izuku wouldn't lie if he was asked if he was nervous for young Kuta. The hero in-training was completely aware of how school could go for someone that wasn't the same as the other kids. He was scared, nervous, and anxious for Kota... but he was also excited. Regardless of how primary school went for Izuku, he knew he'd gained a lot from it, as well.
And, for what it was worth, it had its moments.
"Hey," Izuku said quietly. He gently lifted Kota's head with his hand and smiled softly. "I know you're scared. It's okay to be a bit nervous."
"I'm not nervous!" Kota said defiantly, but even as he spoke the words, his eyes spoke differently, and he trembled ever-so-slightly. His words wavered at the end, and before he knew it, his defiance melted away in the face of the truth. "I don't want to let my parents down."
Izuku studied the young son of the once-famous Water Hose heroes. He'd only physically grown a little in the two years since he'd been raised by Sosaki, but mentally, he'd changed so much since the first day Izuku had run into him. Whereas he was jaded and opposed to heroes as a whole, he was now enamored and enthralled by their existence, and wanted to get to know them so much more than before.
It had helped that the man that slaughtered his parents was now safely contained in a secure prison, destined to wait out the rest of his days within the guarded walls of the secure facility.
His personality had done a complete flip since then, as well. He no longer played his loner routine, though he did retain his moments of defiance in the face of adult figures, and he often rejected radical changes, such as when Sosaki originally had Kota enrolled in a day-schooling program that was meant to prepare him for primary school. It had taken Izuku and Sosaki both to convince him to go, and even then, he flat-out hated the first few weeks. Only after exposure to the other kids and their warm attitudes, did he finally begin to accept the change.
Otherwise, he was much more open with Izuku, and he'd often confide his insecurities in the older boy. Maybe it was because of his admiration, or perhaps because of his sheer ability to help, but Kota felt comfortable with the wielder of One-For-All, and he didn't abstain from confessing certain internal musings. It also helped that Izuku knew what to say, when to say it, and how to say it. His personal experiences were invaluable, and many times, they seemed perfect for the situation at hand.
"I know they're proud of you," Izuku finally said.
Kota looked up at him. "How do you know that?"
Izuku smiled. "Because I am; and I know they would be, too."
A smile crossed Kota's face and he leaned in for a hug, to which Izuku returned happily. The little boy sniffled, but otherwise, kept himself composed. The only thing he hated doing, was crying. He'd done it during the fight with Muscular those two years ago, and afterward, he'd made it a goal to avoid crying in front of people.
"They love you, nothing you do will change that," Izuku whispered quietly.
"Thanks... Deku."
Izuku pulled back, a large grin across his face. "That's my hero name; you're only supposed to call me that when I'm wearing my costume!"
"Y-you're always... my hero," Kota admitted quietly, and for a moment, time stopped for Izuku.
It was the first time he'd heard that from the little boy. Izuku felt his heart almost melt at the words, but did his best to pull himself together. Heroes didn't cry, he told himself as the tears prickled at his eyes. It had taken Aizawa blandly scolding Izuku for crying at certain events for him to finally decide to control his active tear ducts.
Even now, he still had difficulty with it.
"H-hey, so... finish your breakfast." He stood up to his full height. "I'm gonna go check on Eri, then we'll go."
Kota pouted, but obliged. The young boy didn't dislike Eri... he just didn't particularly enjoy how she managed to snag some of Izuku's attention. As he saw it, she was the only thing that could tear away Izuku's attention from him, depending on the circumstance. Well, her and Uraraka, but Kota only knew that was because Izuku was completely smitten with her.
Eri had shown up around the same time as Sosaki decided that Kota needed another good role-model in his life. Knowing his fascination with Izuku, she decided to involve the then second-year student in an engagement that involved Kota being sent home with Izuku in order to help the young child adapt to the settings of an actual home - not the "home" of a group of pro heroes. Especially with all the chaos that happened following Shiretoko's loss of her quirk.
When Izuku was first engaged, he was somewhat surprised - and frankly, hesitant. As it turned out, he was also assuming temporary care of Eri, as her situation was resolved from a governmental standpoint. Inko, Izuku's mother, was adamant on taking temporary care of Eri during the time where she was having to undergo multiple medical procedures as result of her time with her abusive father.
Izuku's large heart prevented him from denying the exercise, and thus, he'd taken responsibility for watching Kota, as well. At first, he'd been a little scatterbrained, not knowing how to balance the two radically different children. Eri was clingy, needed constant attention, and simply desired contact. She was timid, and she hated talking. Kota, on the other hand, was independent (as much as he could be) and he didn't seek out active attention.
However, as Izuku became more and more acclimated with what he had to do, he began finding a perfect balance for the two, and Eri found herself wanting to talk more and more, whilst Kota found himself accepting the attention he received... and yearning for a little bit more. He'd never realized how deprived he was of it, until Izuku took the time to cook a special meal for him, or let read him one of his favorite books.
The Pussycat heroes were great, and they cared for him the best they could, but they were busy being heroes, too. They couldn't always do everything he needed, and time and time again, he found himself having to wait for their return, which was marked by silence. When they did return, they were tired, and sometimes hurt, so they didn't always have the energy to do the little things that Izuku was able to do.
Even after meeting Eri, and becoming acclimated to her, Kota still became jealous from time-to-time, though he understood she needed the attention just as much as he did.
Because of that, he'd share.
Eri's room - which was technically supposed to simply be a guest room, as Eri's stay was supposed to be temporary, but ended up being much more permanent than anticipated - was marked by a door that was messily labeled during an art-and-craft day that she and Izuku had during her first few days at the Midoriya household. It was designed to show her that this was her home (albeit, temporary at the time, but Inko more than likely knew more than she let on) and she could do whatever she liked.
Izuku delicated rapped twice on the wood, placing his ear next to the door. "Eri, you in there?"
"J-just a minute..." came the soft voice in return. There was a shuffling, followed by the turning of the doorknob, and Eri's timid face peeked through the crack of the door.
Judging by the red, puffiness of her eyes, it was clearly apparent she had been crying.
For the second time that morning, Izuku knelt down as Eri pushed the door open more so that her whole body was visible. "H-hey, what's wrong?"
Eri didn't waste a moment in diving into Izuku's open arms and she buried her face into his shoulder - conveniently, the opposite shoulder that Kota had leaned into. They had their sides, and they both knew it. "I'm scared!"
Izuku took a few moments to rub the young girl's back, tracing delicate circles on her back as she cried, hiccups occasionally interrupting her sobs. While she obviously wasn't Izuku's genetic relative, one couldn't ignore the active tear-ducts that she, too, somehow had come into possession of. If she had black hair, it might have been too difficult to tell that she wasn't a blood-related Midoriya.
A gentle shushing was the only thing that Izuku said, opting to calm the girl down first before speaking. Her sobs became slowly, and her body began to cease trembling, which signed for the end of the crying. Izuku made sure his tight grip wasn't suffocating, but he also made sure not to loosen his grip, otherwise she might think he was trying to get away from her.
"School is scary, I know." It was almost déjà vu to Izuku, but he refrained from making a comment. "But what's so scary?"
He'd often found it helped to identify the problem before rattling off suggestions, when it came to children. By figuring out their fears beforehand, it became much easier to address their problem, and find a solution that made sense. Often times, the most logical answer was either the one they'd overlooked, or was the answer they didn't want, so they simply needed a second perspective.
"What if I don't fit in? W-what if the other kids don't like me... or worse...? What if the teachers don't like me?"
Like Kota, Eri, too, was beginning her first day of primary school, though she was a year above Kota, and transferring in for different reasons. Kota was finally in the age-range to enroll - Eri, on the other hand, had been... well, home-schooled wasn't quite the term, but thanks to her father's interventions, she was unable to attend school.
The year after her escape, she'd been subjugated to multiple medical examinations, and often, she was forced to stay in the hospital for a day or two, making her sudden enrollment rather difficult, aside from her already messy background and lack of government certification. It had been unanimous that she should just wait a year and enroll then.
"They'll love you," Izuku said confidently. Eri slowly pulled her face from his shoulder and looked at him uncertainly. "My mom and I love you, so why wouldn't they?"
"You two are different..." she mumbled, leaning her head back on his shoulder.
He was warm... caring... exactly what she wanted from a father.
Izuku stifled a chuckle at that. "How are we different?"
"Just are..." she muttered, feeling the gentle embrace of sleep beginning to overtake her. Luckily, or rather, unluckily for her, Izuku caught on and gentle jostled her, clearing her darkening vision.
She groaned loudly in protest, but Izuku had none of it. "C'mon, it'll be fine, I promise. Aren't you excited to make new friends?"
"No," Eri said quietly. "I don't know if they'll like me."
Izuku could sympathize with her. He had the same thoughts when he first began attending school, and that was adding in to his quirkless-state. Thankfully, neither Kota nor Eri had to go through that problem, and that already took away a reason for Izuku to worry incessantly.
"Well, if they don't..." Eri lazily shifted her gaze to look at Izuku, as he pulled her back. "Then they're not worth it anyways. Besides, you have all of class 1-A!"
Truthfully, the class of 1-A was overwhelming captured by Eri's delicate nature and cute exterior. The girls of class 1-A loved to interact with her, almost as much as they loved to interact with Kota. The guys, minus Mineta and Bakugou, enjoyed giving Kota some "needed guy time" and involved him in some minor athletics, while they were never really sure what to with Eri, before realizing she, too, loved athletics.
"I guess. I just want friends my age, too."
"That's reasonable. And I promise, if you can make friends with my friends... then you'll have no problem with your class," Izuku said. Eri thought about what he said carefully, and decided, hew was more than likely right.
He normally was, anyways.
"Come downstairs for breakfast? We have to leave, soon." Eri eagerly took Izuku's stretched-out hand and followed him into the kitchen, where Kota was just finishing his breakfast.
Inko had gladly taken his plate, smiling and began fussing over him, resulting in him once again, being consumed by embarrassment and becoming unsure of where to look.
"Oh, don't you look adorable," Inko said as she caught an eyeful of Eri. "You're both gonna have a great first day! Why... I can remember Izuku's first day... all dressed up and bouncing foot to foot... he wouldn't let go his All Might figure, though. Said it was too important to let go."
Izuku blushed, but didn't deny it. "And it got me through that first day, too."
"Do you want any breakfast, Eri?" Inko asked, knowing the young girl was probably going to ask for a fruit. She was typically a small eater in the morning, but throughout the day, her appetite became far more voracious for someone her size. Inko chalked it up to years of not getting enough food, although she couldn't help but enjoy the fact that she now had two big eaters in the house, as Izuku's appetite was always massive after beginning his daily training.
She thought for a moment and settled for an apple, which Inko gladly gave her. She took a big bite and smile, the apple juices running down her chin. Izuku laughed, and quickly grabbed a napkin to prevent her from staining her uniform on her first day. While no other student would care, the teachers would probably make a remark to him when he went to drop them off, and that was the last thing he wanted.
They very likely already remembered him from his time at school... he didn't need to give them a reason to dislike him now.
"You guys ready?" Izuku asked, holding out his hands. Immediately, the duo went, and gripped his scarred hand. For some reason, it was their favorite hand, though Izuku had yet to figure out the reason behind that. They exchanged a look, and Kota reluctantly switched arms, but not without scowling lightly at Eri, who in turn, buried her head into Izuku's elbow.
He laughed, a sweat-drop running down his head; he might not have inherited his mother's quirk, but he somehow had gained the attraction of other small things.
In this case, he couldn't have been happier.