Reviews for Jedi Among Heroes
Guest chapter 15 . 7/22
Well U.A. can say goodbye to peace, innocence and the collective cover story of the people of the republic and hello to world shattering reveals,fighting for survival and the scars of war (physical, emotional, and mental)
Hope they survive
Mia chapter 1 . 6/30
I hope Izuku doesn’t die in this fanfic and pass One for all to Ashoka. That would be sad. I want to know if this story is going to follow the Mha anime and manga until the end of the story.
Mia chapter 1 . 6/30
I hope to god that nobody dies in chapter 16, because that would be so sad.
SSJ-Jolt chapter 2 . 7/2
Definitely needs proofreading to sort out all the grammar and structural errors. These two chapters are pretty bad, honestly. Periods when there shouldn't be, no periods when their should be, missing quotations either at the start of end of a piece of dialogue.

Its still an interesting story, so I will keep reading.
Mia chapter 15 . 6/29
I really don’t want the pro heroes, the students, and even some of my favorite characters to die at hands of the CIS. That would be terribly sad if something like that what happened in the story.
Mia chapter 15 . 6/29
Oh I hope none of my favorite characters die in the next chapter. Heck, I don’t want anyone to die in the next chapter. Plus, I hope the all might vs all for one does not come earlier than it does in the canon story of My Hero Academia. I hope the story continues in the same way the anime and manga does. If not, then okay.
Mia chapter 14 . 6/28
Even though Kacchan won the match, he’ll be like ‘Win but I didn’t beat her!’

And Kirishima will calm him by singing ‘let it go’
acarpiob1 chapter 15 . 6/29
Mia chapter 1 . 6/27
From what I could guess, this takes place after season 3 and before season 4.
Jthomajba chapter 15 . 6/29
can't wait to see how the hero get out of this mess
CommandantCo chapter 15 . 6/29
I get the feeling expelling Ahsoka is going to be the least of Nezu’s problems. Because this peaceful way of life is now over, and I doubt even the Symbol of Peace can stand against such impossible odds.

And Ventress, the League of Villains... I get the feeling Count Dooku will not be pleased with Ventress for not guarding the device, but he’ll undoubtedly acknowledge this is an opportunity that cannot be wasted.

And poor Ahsoka, undoubtedly Class 1A is going to be afraid of her, but it also makes me wonder, with the secrets identity of the Jedi and the clones be revealed? Because the CIS invading, there is no point in hiding now.

Otherwise, keep up the good work on this. Although despite my rambling, I’m excited to see what happens next!
JupitersMoon167 chapter 15 . 6/28
I felt like I was having a seizure while reading this chapter. Now that the Separatists are here, Anikan, Obi-Wan, Ashoka and the others are going to have to reveal their true identity’s as aliens. AHHHH IM SO EXCITED TO SEE EVERYONES REACTIONS!
Mia chapter 1 . 6/24
Sorry forgot question mark.

XDBOI chapter 2 . 6/25
Space chunniyo
Mia chapter 1 . 6/21
Will you be adding MHA movies two heroes and heroes rising.
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