Chapter One: Orihime and Tatsuki
Tatsuki Arisawa sprinted up the steps as quickly as she could. But even as she reached the top, the black-haired, long-legged tomboy realized she was too late. Halting at the top she watched as the train pulled away from the station. "No, no, no!" She stamped the ground. "Damn it, that was the last train to Karakura."
She turned from the tracks to where Orihime was climbing up the tracks. The auburn haired girl's huge breasts bounced with every step she took. The bra she wore beneath her orange shirt did little to change the fact. Her big blue eyes looked down at the concrete sadly.
"Sorry Tatsuki." said Orihime. "This only happened because I wanted to check out that store."
Tatsuki sighed. "Don't worry about it, Orihime. We'll just stay at a hotel."
"How about we go to that hotel," said Orihime, "the one called Maid's Milk we saw earlier."
Tatsuki felt the sudden urge to agree with her and go there at once. Even so, she also had the sense that it might be a bad idea. "Maid's milk? I don't know, it looked kind of sketchy. Isn't it a Love Hotel."
"Why not, Tatsuki?" asked Orihime. "I mean we've never stayed at one before."
"With good reason." said Tatsuki. "Come on, let's go somewhere else."
Orihime grabbed her by the arm and got close. "Oh come on. Let's splurge Tatsuki. Please!"
Tatsuki couldn't deny her when she got like this. "Fine, fine."
And that was how Tatsuki Arisawa and Orihime Inoue walked into the lobby of the Love Hotel, Maiden's Milk. At the desk they found a tall woman waiting for them. She had long, dark hair, huge breasts even larger than those of Orihime, and bright blue eyes. Actually, the eyes looked more than a little unnatural.
"Welcome to the Maiden's Milk." said the woman. "How can I help two lovely ladies such as yourselves."
"One room for two, please." said Tatsuki, blushing beet red.
"Of course, here are your keys." said the woman. "Now about the price…"
Tatsuki found herself almost unable to speak, just looking at the woman. Her eyes glazed over as she read the price and put the money on the table. Taking the keys she and Orihime made their way through the halls toward their room.
Tatsuki regained enough presence of mind to look at the bill. "That cost me far more than I wanted to pay, Orihime." She said as she unlocked the door.
Then they walked in.
It was a huge room with a wood-paneled floor and pink painted walls. A hot tub could be seen in the corner, and there was a huge king sized bed on the opposite side. In between the two was a counter filled with all kinds of perfumes and other things.
"Yeah but look at this room! It's great!" said Orihime. Tatsuki blinked. "Actually yeah. This is way better than I paid for."
Then she looked at a table directly across from the perfumes. On it was a triple layered cheesecake with chocolate frosting. There were also two plates stacked neatly there, a knife and two forks by them. Just looking at it made Tatsuki's mouth water. She found herself walking toward it on reflex.
She stopped herself from picking up one of the plates. "What's this cake doing here?"
"I don't know." said Orihime. "Maybe we should try eating some?"
Tatsuki looked at a sign. Picking it up, she read it. "…Compliments of the hotel. It's like they were expecting us. Well, I guess we might as well try it."
Taking the knife, Tatsuki cut a clean incision down the cheesecake. Cutting another one, she served Orihime a piece, then did the same for herself. Her hand clenched around the fork almost of its own accord. Before she knew what she was doing she and Orihime were wolfing down their slices of cake.
It was delicious. The texture was smoother than anything Tatsuki had ever tasted. It was neither too sweet or too bitter, and the sensation of it melting on her tongue made her hot.
Letting out a moan she finished the last piece.
"That was good." said Tatsuki ."Right- what the heck?"
"What is it, Tatsuki?" asked Orihime, who was already cutting another piece.
"Why are you wearing that?" asked Tatsuki. "When did you put it on?"
Orihime was wearing a frilly black and pink maid outfit. She had pink thigh high stockings, and the lacey top clung to her ample bosom. The outfit had a lot of cleavage. Around her neck was a black bow attached to a collar. On her head was a white lace headpiece.
She looked really hot in it. No, those aren't appropriate best friend thoughts. Not at all.
"Hmm," said Orihime, looking down, "wow, when did I put this on? And Tatsuki, you match me."
Tatsuki looked down and realized this was true. The only difference was that her outfit didn't have as many curves to cling to and that it had red instead of pink. Tatsuki felt a sudden surge of jealousy that Orihime was blessed with such curves.
"Where are my clothes?" asked Tatsuki. "What happened here?"
"Wow, Tatsuki, you look really pretty." said Orihime.
Tatsuki put down the plate and reached up to try and take the outfit off. But she couldn't. He hands stopped mere inches from it, and she couldn't move any further. "I… I should take this off, but I can't. What is going on here?" Then she noticed something else. "Orihime what happened to your lips?"
Orihime looked up. Her lips had changed. Before they had been fairly normal. Now they were now huge, exaggerated avatars of poutyness. So thick. Tatsuki licked her lips and realized that her lips as well had changed to be an exact match of Orihime.
"I don't know." said Orihime. "But you look great, Tatsuki."
Even as she spoke Orihime shoved her plate in front of her with a new slice of cake. Before Tatsuki could think she was eating it. Orihime was doing so as well. It was so surreal.
As soon as Orihime took a bite of her cake her long, auburn hair flipped into the air. As it fell, it grew longer and longer until it fell beyond her sexy rear. And it began to curl so that the bangs were in the form of spirals.
"Orihime your hair!" said Tatsuki. "It's gone all curly!" Orihime giggled. "Yours has too Tatsuki."
Tatsuki looked down and realized that she was right. Her short, spiky hair had grown to fall down to the small of her back, curling just like Orihime. She tried to put down the cake, but couldn't until she finished it.
Finally, she set it down?
"How could it grow out this much so quickly!" What was causing this?
The cake! "This cake… there is something weird in it." Even suggesting the idea was hard. "We shouldn't eat anymore- Why can't I stop eating it…" At that moment Orihime put a slice of cake between Tatsuki's lips. Before she could stop herself, she was wolfing it down hungrily. At first, nothing happened.
Then Tatsuki felt an unbearable heat within her chest. She'd never exactly been small, though she paled in comparison to Orihime. But all of a sudden her chest ballooned outwards. It grew larger and larger, straining her outfit. It seemed to stretch with her bust, however, so it didn't tear.
Tatsuki felt herself up and moaned. "My breasts, they were never this large before." She was now actually larger than Orihime. More than twice her size. Even a slight movement sent her jiggling. Even not moving at all didn't stop her from jiggling. And the pleasure…
Tatsuki could hardly think now. Cake. She needed more cake. No, that was what was causing this. But it was so good. No, it felt good. But how was she supposed to go to school like this?
She didn't have to go to school, came the answer. She could stay here in the Love Hotel.
Orihime was just finishing her piece. And as soon as she did the results were immediate. Her already huge breasts ballooned outwards at a rate which eclipsed Tatsuki. Such was the force of the growth that her tits bumped into Tatsuki. It sent the former tomboy falling backward onto her rump.
Orihime lost her balance and fell forward. She pinned Tatsuki to the ground and upset the table. The cheesecake flew into the air and landed between them in their cleavage. Then Tatsuki and Orihime were face to face, covered in cake. Orihime's tits were more than four times the size of Tatsuki's so that they had pinned her arms to her sides.
"Mine neither," said Orihime. "Let's see what will happen next."
Tatsuki wanted to say yes. But she beat it down. "No Orihime! We have to stop eating this before-"
But Orihime had already taken a bite out of the cheese case between their tits. Taking it into her mouth she kissed Tatsuki on the lips and forced it into her mouth. Tatsuki felt herself speechless, blushing deep red as the cake dissolved in her mouth. More of it was tongue fed to her, little by little and she soon found herself returning the favor.
But nothing happened.
At first. Then Tatsuki felt a heat in her butt and realized she was rising. Suddenly she was sent upwards like a spring, throwing Orihime off her. Orihime landed on her butt and what a butt it was. Before she had been curvaceous, but now her ass was gigantic. Like two huge pillows attached to her rear. And those hips, Tatsuki had to grind against those.
"Wow Tatsuki!" said Orihime. "Those hips of yours look really nice."
"Orihime, we need…" gasped Tatsuki, "need to stop…" But she cut herself off. Her hands gripping the remnants of the cake in her cleavage, about one slice worth, and devoured it.
Orihime did the same.
Tatsuki waited for the inevitable result. And it did not disappoint. She felt sudden wetness on her breasts. And she saw two huge damp spots appear on Orihime's top where her nipples were. Soon they were more than damp spots. A milky white substance was soaking through their clothes. Then it was pouring out of their breasts and onto the floor.
It poured out in larger and larger doses, forming puddles on the floor. Tatsuki stared in horror as a veritable ocean of the white stuff began to form beneath her.
"What is this?" asked Tatsuki, putting a finger to it. "Is that milk?" She lifted it to her lips. "No… it's cream! We're lactating cream!"
By now they were up to their ankles in cream. Orihime was smiling and moaning. "Wow, we're like cows Tatsuki!"
And then the flow of cream stopped. But the pressure didn't. Tatsuki could still feel it inside her, pushing against her nipples. But something had sealed it up. It was torture. The cream already in the room all surged toward the hot tub and filled it completely. Suddenly the cream pouring out of their nipples surged toward the hot tub. The hot tub activated and began to bubble with heat.
Orihime and Tatsuki found themselves walking without meaning to. They walked over to the king-sized bet and lay down on it. Their long, curvaceous legs were pulled upwards. Their knees were next to their necks and their ankles in the air. Smiles came to their faces, and they clutched their breasts seductively.
Anyone looking at them from the door would have had a perfect view of their underwear.
And someone was looking at them. It was the woman from before. Tatsuki and Orihime blushed furiously as the long-legged woman came forward.
"Oh, I see you've been enjoying our special feature. I'm glad." she said. "We always try to give our most beautiful guests a nice time before we recruit them."
Sanity returned to Tatsuki. "Recruit? What are you… I'm not working for you…"
"Oh but you are." said the woman. "You don't have a choice anymore. Now kiss Orihime."
It was something Tatsuki had wanted to do for years. As soon as the words were spoken, she sat up and pressed herself down on Orihime's bosom. Straining she sought to press down hard enough that she could reach the lips.
Those perfect lips. But their bosoms were so huge… They would never reach each other.
"What is… I can't…" began Tatsuki.
And then Orihime wrapped her arms around Tatsuki. Together the two girls pulled each other close. Their lips met, and their tongues explored each other's mouths.
Then they were drawn back.
"This is a great sight if ever there was one." said the woman. "You two make a cute couple. I think I'll keep you both as a tag team. Maybe even make you into my pets."
Tatsuki couldn't escape. She couldn't do anything but obey. "What… what are you going to do with us?"
"Well for a start; there are six burly men who'd love to get acquainted with you." said the woman.
Then the woman reached into her bodice and somehow drew out from that a full-length katana. Putting it forward, a faint glow appeared around it. "Have your way, Reipu Yogosu."
Brown energy shot from the sword. From the ground emerged six claylike figures that took on the form of gigantic tan-skinned men. They had muscles on top of muscles. Just one of their arms were thicker than Tatsuki's waist, and their pure red eyes leered at the two girls. Their intent was made clear by six very long, very thick, very erect parts of their physique.
"No…" said Tatsuki.
Except she was tensing in exhilaration. Although mentally she was horrified her body was looking forward to it. Her legs were widening on instinct, and she felt a wetness between her legs.
"Wow Tatsuki." said Orihime. "We'll get to meet new people."
This was insane. "Orihime they're…" gasped Tatsuki. "they're going to-"
And then one of the men gripped Tatsuki by the panties and tore them off. Being separated from her costume was like losing a part of her. She lost another, very real part when he pulled her up and plunged in between her legs. Tatsuki screamed as the man wrapped his arms around her waist and crushed her against his chest.
"Get used to it." said the woman. "It's going to be a very large part of your life from now on."
Every bone in her body should have been broken by it. Instead, it was just painful in a very pleasurable way.
She looked to Orihime. The auburn haired girl had been thrown onto the bed. Her panties had been torn off a man was directly beneath her, thrusting upwards. Another was behind her, pumping against her massive ass. The third had a limb stuck deep inside her mouth.
Orihime's eyes were closed, and she was sucking on it like a lollipop. She was enjoying this. She wasn't even trying to resist.
"Orihime!" cried Tatsuki. "Snap out of it!"
Tatsuki pulled her hands free and punched the man in the face. It was like hitting concrete. The man smiled. "Oh, a struggler are we? Get beneath her. We'll break this worthless bitch the old fashioned way."
Then he tightened. Tatsuki felt her entire body groan beneath the strain of his press and tried to ignore the pleasure. The pleasure of her gigantic new tits rubbing up against his rock hard chest. The unyielding sensation of his girth spreading her wider and wider. With every passing moment, it got better.
And then she felt another violation. One driven upwards through her behind. Tears welled from her eyes as she was stretched to her limit, crushed between the huge muscles of the men.
"God this bitch is tight! I'll bet she's never had a cock before!" said one of the ones' having his way with Orihime. "Lucky us, we get the first slice."
"Tight?" asked one of Tatsuki's assailants. "This ones' cunt is a fucking vice. Hey, pass me the orange haired broad, I want to give her a spin."
They pulled out of Tatsuki. The one holding her up picked her up and threw Tatsuki forcibly against the wall. Her gigantic ass cushioned the crash, and she fell down. She landed tits first on the oiled chest of one of her assailants. As she tried to get up, he gripped her by the arms and pulled her down.
Then she saw a huge dick directly in front of her. "Hey, black-haired bitch, put this in your mouth now." said one of the men.
It looked delicious. But Tatsuki struggled. "No way in-"
And then she took it in her mouth. Before Tatsuki knew what was happening she was licking it with her tongue and sucking on it like a popsicle. Even as she did one of the men got behind her and plunged into her ass. Another took her front.
"Oh what's wrong?" asked the man. "Did your little defiant rant get cut off by your status as our fuck toy!"
As she was ravaged Tatsuki looked further down the bed. Orihime was in the same position as Tatsuki. Her hips were moving faster and faster. The men were obviously enjoying themselves.
"I can feel it! This is the real deal!" said one. "Hey, black haired slut! Why don't you make like the orange haired cunt and get with the program! Nobody is letting you up until you've taken our cum so get to work!"
Get to work. Yes. She was falling behind Orihime. She wasn't giving nearly as much pleasure. No, no she wouldn't! She wouldn't play along! She pulled her assailant out of her mouth and stared up with all the defiance she could muster. "Yes… yes, master."
All the defiance she could muster was a downcast and broken acknowledgment. Tatsuki could feel her hips beginning to move in rhythm with the men around her. Her thoughts were betraying her. Her body was betraying her. Now she couldn't even trust herself to talk a good game.
Not that she could say anything. Heck, breathing was a bit difficult with the huge length plunged down her throat.
"That's more like it." said the one below her. "Now let me try one of those nipples."
He pulled one of her breasts free and began to suckle on it. Tatsuki felt a surge of pleasure as a surge of milk was released and squirted down his throat. The man sucked some more, then slapped her on the ass.
"Hmm, now that's good milk." said the man. "Let me taste the auburn broad."
And just like that, the six men all pulled out of the two girls. Tatsuki and Orihime landed on the bed, their huge tits bouncing. They had only an instant to rest before they were grabbed by the hair and forced up against each other. Tatsuki was face to face with Orihime. From behind she felt herself beginning to be pummeled in her most intimate areas all over again.
Except for one thing. This time the two groups of three had switched places. Orihime and Tatsuki stared deep into each other's eyes. Their tongues lagged out as they were bucked repeatedly.
"Heh, that's way better." said one of the ones' who had been on Tatsuki earlier. "Guess the black haired bitch is just a placeholder."
It stung Tatsuki's pride. She was second best to no one. "I'm not a… placeholder…"
"Oh, but you are." leered the man. "You're the hot maid slut equivalent of the ugly girl. We keep you around to make the other look pretty. I'm only gangraping you cause it isn't my turn to fuck your friend.
"Now suck, you worthless bitch!"
Orihime's nipple was forced into her mouth, and one of her own was put into Orihime. Both of them sucked. And both of them loved every moment of it.
Tatsuki and Orihime spent two days straight with those men. They were put in every possible position, both with the men and each other. On and on it went and by the end of the first hour, they had been soaked in cum and milk.
No one entered the room. There was no sign that anyone even knew they were there.
The woman merely watched from where she was bathing in the hot tub. Finally, she snapped her fingers, and the men faded away into nothingness. Finally having a chance to rest, Tatsuki and Orihime clutching each other tightly. Pleasure surged through them as their enormous bosoms pressed together.
"Well, both of you seem to have had a great deal of fun with that." said the woman. "My zanpakto truly is a work of art."
"Yes mistress, beyond a doubt." said Orihime.
Some part of Tatsuki still held on to her sanity. Now that the neverending pleasure was over it pressed in. "Orihime…" she gasped.
"My," said the woman "you really are strongwilled aren't you? Not that I mind. Forcing someone to do what I want them to do is more fun anyway." She snapped her fingers.
Instantly the white liquid covering Orihime and Tatsuki faded away. Their maid outfits restored themselves in moments. The two girls found themselves forced to stand and strike poses.
"Now clean up the mess." said the woman.
"Clean up…" said Tasuki, unable to speak.
"Well you are maid sluts." said the woman. "You do need to do some cleaning." She raised a hand and in it appeared a mop and bucket. "Here's a bucket and mop."
Orihime caught the bucket and began cleaning at once. Tatsuki was tossed a feather duster and soon found herself working. She bent over provocatively to dust off pieces of furniture, showing off her huge ass. Orihime mopped and mopped while humming a jaunty tune. Every so often she struck poses that showed off her legs and huge breasts.
Eventually, the entire room had been made spotless. It looked like it had when they had first come in. The woman smiled and raised a hand. Chains of energy locked around their necks and she pulled them forward. The floor opened up to reveal a stair leading downward.
"Good work." said the woman ."Now it's time for you two to be put into the milking devices."
"Milking devices, Mistress?" asked Orihime as they were led down the stairs.
"Yes." said the woman, stopping. "You don't think we gave you those bosoms just for show, do you? I was just having a bit of fun earlier. You'll be doing one of three things here from now on for the rest of your lives. Number one." She slapped them both across the ass. "Being the fucktoys of our clients. Number two." She snatched away the mop and feather duster. "Cleaning up the rooms. And number three." She gripped them by the breasts and squeezed, sending them writing. "Getting squeezed for every drop of milk your worth. That milk goes into making that cheesecake which transformed you.
"Your milk will help turn other women into milkmaids."
She led them the rest of the way down and they came to two huge machines. There were two metal frames next to a treadmill with two empty bottles on it. Nozzles attached to a glass tank were directly over the tank.
"Now get down on those frames, you sluts." said the woman.
"Yes mistress!" said Orihime with a salute. "Why… why can't I say no…" gasped Tatsuki as both lay down.
"Because I've already stolen your will." said the woman as she locked them in. "But I haven't stolen your mind. I deliberately left it intact. It's no fun if there isn't at least a token resistance. So I left you obedient, but still aware of how wrong what is happening to you is."
She kneeled down by Tatsuki and drew her into a long kiss. Then she pulled down Tatsuki's blouse and set two suction cups to it. "Don't worry, and there is some good news. You'll never age now that you've eaten that cake. You'll be like this forever. No escape for either of you."
She went to Orihime and pulled down her blouse, setting up the suction cups.
"Are you two ready for an eternity of this?"
"Yes mistress!" said Orihime. "Please, milk us!"
"Please…" gasped Tatsuki. "Don't do this…"
I'll tell you what." said the woman. "I like you, so I'm going to give you a bit of fun on the side." Then she set one high heeled boot on Orihime's ass. She slid the frame and turned her around so that her frame forced her and Tatsuki face to face. Breast to breast. "You and Orihime will be in kissing range of each other whenever you are milked." She raised a remote control. "Now begin!" Tatsuki's scream was cut off as Orihime kissed her. Before she could say anything, she found herself in a make-out session with her best friend of years.
She tried to break free. But her body wasn't willing to try. She tried to stay sane. She couldn't help but do that. She tried to break the kiss.
The milk began to pour out of their nipples and into the tank. Pulling away Tatsuki managed to get her mouth free from Orihime for a moment. "Oh god…" she gasped.
Then Tatsuki was pulled back into the kiss. And with no other options, she kissed back. The tanks were beginning to fill, and the nozzles dispensed milk into the jars. When they were full, the treadmill activated and pulled the jars out of sight. New ones came to replace them.
On and on it went, the two milkmaids engaging in a neverending makeout, milking session. Finally, they could bear it no more. They looked skyward as everything came to its climax.
"Orihime!' cried Tatsuki.
"Tatsuki!" screamed Orihime.
Then both slumped. Both were utterly defeated. And the milking had only just begun.
The woman stretched. "Now this is what I call a successful acquisition. I'm looking forward to a long career from both of you."
Orihime Inoue and Tatsuki Arisawa had a very long career indeed. They were sold as a packaged deal and soon became one of the hottest selling duos in the business. Every waking moment of their existence was filled with pleasure.
And while she came to enjoy her life, Tatsuki knew that a small part of her would continue to scream until the end of time.