Welp, here we are. I didn't think that we'd get to the end, to be honest. Thank you so much for all these years. Special thanks to Lillian Smith and InfernalFox, as always.
I hope you all are ready to part with my take on Ash.
It's time for him to move on, and I imagine he thinks his ending is overdue as well.
"Dewott, Water Gun in that corner! Boldore, help smooth out that wall!"
The new Champion of Kanto smiled as both Pokemon complied, helping each other clear the area for a concrete foundation. He strolled up to the mouth of the cave in satisfaction, catching a glimpse of his thirty Tauros—all stampeding through ice, snow, and rock to form a steep path.
Behind him, a group of Pokemon crowded behind a generator, a stack of solar panels, and a thick instruction manual. "The electricity works," Pikachu announced as the heater began to run.
"Great," Ash remarked. "At this rate, we'll be done by midnight."
"Noivern, Hawlucha and I'll go get the fridge," Talonflame volunteered, appearing beside her Trainer eagerly. With a beat of her wings, she lifted herself into the air, followed by her fellow Flying-Types. They swooped down into a steep dive, narrowly missing Donphan, who was using Rollout to make another entrance to the hideout. Next to her, Heracross single-handedly lifted a couch and brought it into the cave through the back entrance.
"Carpet coming in!" Unfezant trilled, gliding in circles around the construction site. "We're bringing it to the third floor!"
Krookodile roared in affirmative, poking his upper body through a window. With a grin, Gliscor handed his roll of material to the Dark and Ground-Type.
Nearby, Quilava and Buizel took turns flattening a peak.
Pignite and Torkoal were pushing a dozing Snorlax down the ramp the Tauros had previously made to flatten the area. Behind them, Glalie and Gallade used Ice Beam and Cut to form stairs and make ice sculptures.
"Blankets coming up!" Unfezant announced, her voice echoing throughout the construction site. "We'll be able to stay up here for the night at this rate," she remarked joyfully to Leavanny, who was stringing together fabric with some help from Servine.
"The water pipes work!" Swellow, who was perched on a windowsill, informed Charizard, Sceptile, and Meganium, who were laying down the kitchen flooring. Noctowl helped by using Psychic to lay down rows of tiles in ornate patterns as Espeon mixed plaster in a bucket nearby.
"Are you sure the foundation is stable?" Ash asked Sceptile (for the fifth time that day) as he picked up and carried pieces of a door frame under his shoulders.
"Of course. I've run plenty of simulations."
"Even with the pool room?"
The Grass-Type fingered the Mega Stone around his neck absentmindedly. "I have that considered. Did they remember the concrete and plastic?" he asked.
"Yes we did," Palpitoad spoke up, hopping around happily along with a smirk in his mouth.
Garchomp followed him, carrying a bundle of bedsheets and pillows in his arms. "They actually remembered."
The Forest Pokemon deemed his sources valid. "Did we remember to string up the lightbulbs?" he wondered aloud.
"Yep," Ash replied, beginning to walk off with the doorframe. "They made it parallel like you instructed."
"How about the bathroom?"
The Trainer froze in his tracks. "I knew we forgot something," he muttered.
It was one in the morning when the Mt. Silver hideout was finally completed. After a small celebration and a brief conversation with Moltres, Ash finally allowed himself to relax as he settled in his seat behind a metal desk and three monitor screens.
It was time to start his paperwork.
A week later, the Champion of Kanto was greeted with an angry knock at his door.
"Ash, get the door," Meganium called.
As the Trainer swung the handle behind him, he was met with a disappointed look on Gary's face.
"What did I do this time?" he asked, amused.
"Lance told me to get you off the stupid mountain."
Ash closed the door to the entrance of his hideout behind him. "Wow. I got plenty of threatening messages from him, but I didn't think he would actually make you hike up here."
"Blaine has asked me to personally escort you off or he'll fry the entire place himself," the Gym Leader warned.
"That's a bluff."
"Sure," the other teen replied, tightening his winter coat and crossing his arms. "Now take some Pokemon and follow me. You need to socialize."
"I socialize," Ash protested.
"I meant, with Humans."
"I'm talking to you, aren't I?"
The Researcher sighed. "I don't think anyone believes that floating above the highest mountain in the Kanto-Johto area is considered normal in a casual conversation. Plus, how do you even survive up here?! I'm freezing myself to death!" Gary exclaimed, jabbing a finger in the direction of the short-sleeved t-shirt Ash was wearing.
"It's actually a pretty warm day. I have no idea what you're talking about," the Aura adept replied, grinning.
"I'm going to use my Type advantage on you," Gary threatened in a non-menacingly.
"Fine, I'll tell you," the other Pallet Town Trainer conceded. "Just use your Psychic as a shield around you. And we have heaters in the base, so it's not that cold."
The interregional meeting was not going well.
"Kanto's Champion does not feel this way," Lance argued, hitting his fist on the mahogany table to accentuate his argument. "He specifically said, 'Do you know how annoying it is to have three members of Team Rocket follow me on a daily basis?'"
"I see," Cynthia remarked, nodding sagely and gaining the attention of the room. "Kanto has been active in disbanding gangs in the past. And since he's received a warning, you want us to do something about it."
Steven shook his head. "I doubt that Team Rocket has set up in Hoenn. There have been no signs and no reports."
The black-clad Sinnohian Champion crossed her arms. "Is the Champion getting blackmailed? Who would have blackmail material on Ash?"
"Where is he, anyway?" Steven questioned.
Lance artfully ignored the two other members in the meeting. "Team Rocket has been in your regions," he informed. "Heck, both Ash and I were present when Team Magma and Aqua went through that whole Groudon-Kyogre fiasco. Steven, you owe us one."
"Wait, are you speaking as a representative of Kanto or Johto right now?" Cynthia asked.
"Johto, as the sister-region of Kanto," Lance continued, "has agreed to increase funding toward law enforcement."
Suddenly, the door to the room swung open. Ash walked in, carrying a large, black binder under his arm.
"Ash," Cynthia addressed the Champion of Kanto.
"Hello," Steven greeted cordially with a wave.
"Hey," the Pallet Town Trainer spoke up. "You all did get the email I sent about being late?"
"Yep," the Sinnohian Champion replied. "We understand the holdup."
"Oh yeah," Steven voiced his realization. "That's where he went."
Ash grinned. "Alright, that's great." He opened up his binder and took a seat next to Lance. "Now, I'm sure you all were informed about my proposal. I have a few documentations of Team Rocket sightings in various regions, and although they've been turning their attention overseas for the most part in recent years, I'd like us to keep an open mind and start implementing more security measures, especially for our companies and police force. Can we all do that?"
"Sure," Cynthia replied.
"I don't see why not," Steven agreed.
Lance sighed.
Misty glared at the pair of Rocket Grunts. "You wanted to talk to challenge me?"
"Er, uh…"
"Uh, you see…"
"Come back when you have a legal Trainer's License!" the Cerulean City Gym Leader shouted.
At the sound of her voice, Starmie immediately sprung into action, using Hydro Pump to blast the two Grunts into the air.
The Water-Type Trainer smiled at her ace. "Good job," she complimented.
"Oh, to you too, Psyduck," she added on, (even though the Duck Pokemon hadn't really contributed in all aspects but moral support).
"Next Challenger!" she called out.
"Hey Misty," Ash greeted the Gym Leader, casually walking up to her with a slight grin on his face. "Good job with those Grunts."
The Water-Type Trainer chose to ignore her old traveling companion. "So. You've finally decided to stop isolating yourself," she remarked.
"Actually, Gary is forcing me to," Ash admitted sheepishly. "He's going to dump me into Blaine's volcano if I don't come down and talk to someone."
"He's right, you know. What are you even planning to do now that you're Champion?"' Misty asked.
"Mimey won some tickets to some tropical vacation, so I'll be scouting out the region for a weekend next month," Ash explained. "I've talked to the Elite Four about it, of course. We're trying to establish some trade between Kanto and Alola, but their government system isn't very…" he paused, searching for the right word, "centralized, so I haven't been able to get in touch with them. Uh, I'm scouting the place out, I guess. And going on a date with my mom."
The Water-Type Trainer crossed her arms. "Of course you are. I bet you'll enjoy your little vacation while I lose to beginner Trainers by sending Psyduck into battle."
"Hey, I'll still be taking calls from people with my PokeNav. So if you ever want to rant about anything, feel free to call."
"Very funny. You should go say hi to Tracey," the Gym Leader suggested, lightening up. "I don't think you've seen him in quite a while. Oh, and check up on that Serena girl while you're at it. She headed back to Hoenn, but you have her number, right? Friends don't just stop communicating once they don't see each other anymore."
Ash flushed (more out of embarrassment than hormones, because, let's face it. Ash is romantically hopeless.) "Thanks, Misty," he finally spoke up.
"Now, get out of my Gym before I kill you with my mallet!" the Water-Type Gym Leader shouted, pulling out said mallet from...somewhere. "You're making my actual Challengers wait!"
As the Trainer raced out of the building, calling out his Staraptor, a crowd started to form once they recognized the familiar face of their Champion.
"It's Ash!" a teenage girl shouted before sighing deeply.
"Ash!" a boy—the Trainer from Pallet Town recognized him as Raimund (the guy who liked to wear red)—echoed. "Wow, you exist!"
"I'm internally reveling in your distress," Staraptor spoke up.
"Sheesh," Ash replied, keeping his voice low. "Please take me to Oak's, like, now."
"Which one?" the Normal and Flying-Type asked.
"The Professor!"
"I'm pretty sure they're both professors by now."
"I don't think Gary is, though…yet."
"Alright," Staraptor conceded. "Was just messing with you. Let's go."
Ash was studying, which was actually a rare sight to see. He had been signed up—against his will—for online classes at Castelia University in government, international relations, and Trainer studies. Anyway, he'd decided to cut his sudden bank account losses (wonder how that happened?) by listening to his Servine's advice to "just do it."
"Wait, I'm pretty sure you used to say your attacks aloud," the Trainer spoke up, addressing his Starter, who was lazing around on a nearby couch. Mt. Silver was pretty empty that day—most of his Pokemon had gone out to patrol the region for Rocket Grunts—so Ash was able to enjoy the lack of shouting for the first time that week as he typed up all the possible moves a Smeargle could learn (which was…pretty much everything, 'cause...Sketch).
"Some Pokemon do," Pikachu replied. "In fact, I do it sparingly. But no, we can't anticipate the moves of another Pokemon. Usually, that shouting you hear me do is just for me to release energy more efficiently. I guess it's the 'Pokemon' version for words like 'Hiyah!' or 'Ha!'"
"Thanks," the Trainer replied, scribbling something down on his scratch paper. "By the way, what move do you learn at level 42?"
"I don't understand that question. What are 'levels?' I do get more powerful in increments, but I don't think whatever leveling system they have now has a genuine real-world application, especially since it's not completely accurate. Which question was that?" Pikachu asked.
"18. I also don't know number 23. How do eggs come into the world?"
"They're personally created by Arceus, I think. What else do you need to know?"
It was a beautiful morning at the local Daycare. Twenty young Pokemon crowded around a certain Dragon-Type, climbing all over his fins and dozing against his tail.
"Professor Oak asked the boy to pick a Pokemon," Garchomp read aloud, flipping a page with his claws. "'Which Pokemon do you want?' he asked. The Trainer said, 'If it's okay with you, Professor, I'd like this Clefairy.' Then, the Fairy-Type stole the Professor's wig!"
The Rufflet laughed so hard he fell on his back. Chikorita started to giggle, and Bellsprout jumped up and down for more.
"The Pokemon World Explained," Ash read the book title aloud, casting an inquisitive look at the now renowned author.
"I know," Gary replied, smirking. "In the back, there's even a section on the validity of the entire book. I mentioned you as a source."
"Practically your only source," the other Pallet Town Trainer remarked, crossing his arms and gazing down at the Training Grounds of what had been dubbed as the 'Mountain,' where Infernape was being a very good drill sergeant.
"Hey! I had Umbreon, Dodrio, Nidoking, grandpa, Professor Ivy and Birch—"
"It's pretty obvious that I gave you most of your resources."
Sceptile and Meganium stood at the edge of the Training Grounds' cliff, casually chatting and laughing. The setting sun illuminated their silhouettes as it cast a glow on the scenery.
"Teach me your ways," Dewott whispered, sighing intently.
Next to him, Servine promptly used Vine Whip to shut him up, smiling internally as she began to drag her fellow Unovian Starter away from her fellow Grass-Types.
As Ash continued to shift through his paperwork at his desk—the Champion had been adamant about building new schools in the region—Torterra lazed around, watching the sun set in the distance.
"Giovanni knows you're Red," the Grass-Type suddenly spoke up, shifting his position to peek at his Trainer from half-closed eyes. "You don't know his next move, do you?"
"I've convinced Champions around here to step up their gang catching. The Jenny's have been more strict at the airports and have caught so many attempts to get back into Kanto," Ash replied, shrugging.
"Do you have a plan?" the Grass-Type asked. "I know it costs more money, but it's worth it."
"I have an army of Tauros."
"No offense," Dan the Tauros spoke up, walking into the hideout at that second, "but we aren't your army. We're your ninja-assassin-fighter-warrior clan."
"Same difference."
Torterra huffed.
"Fine," Ash conceded, "I'll install surveillance cameras around Indigo Plateau for the Silver Conference. But I'm pretty sure they're not going to show up. After all, Giovanni kinda promised."
Servine had been volunteered by Ash's Grass-Type community to ask Bulbasaur (who was still at the lab) about Grass-Type strategies. The two Starters were helping rebuild the Pallet Town, using their vines to move planks of wood from one place to another.
"Vine Whip is a secure way to move between platforms, especially when dealing with swimming pools and lava pits," Bulbasaur advised. "And I know a Razor Leaf secret. Come over sometime and I'll show it to you. Another thing is that you always want a way to heal yourself, so that you'll seem more annoying, and once they send out a Fire-Type, use Toxic. Even better, Sleep Powder. Wish and Protect are also good combinations. Oh, and for water stages, don't be afraid to Stun Spore the entire pool."
The other Grass-Type nodded through the screen of the stolen PokeNav, taking mental notes. "How about Bug-Types?"
"Just don't let them move. They can usually fly, so Vine Whip or Leech Seed are good moves before you hit them with status. I particularly like Frenzy Plant—"
"You know Frenzy Plant?!" The Unova Starter interrupted, gaping. "You have to teach me!"
"So…you're Dan?" Ash asked, pointing at the leftmost Tauros in front of him.
"Nope. I'm Don. Dan's the third from your right."
The Trainer pointed again. "You're Dan?"
"So it's Don, Dave, David, Daniel, Dylan, Dean, Drew, Dan, Denny, and...Danny."
"Where's the herd leader?"
"Oh, you mean Sally. He's in the back."
"Ah, I see. Wait, but there are times when other Pokemon call you guys different names, right?"
Dave the Tauros nodded. "It's a way of acknowledging the community for those who aren't as familiar. Like, I'm Dave from the Taro herd. So I'm Davetaro."
"Okay, so I definitely don't have to memorize all that," the teen remarked, trying to process it all. "So how do I remember who's who? Like, do you have any tips or tricks?"
"It's just like how you know the difference between Swellow and Staravia."
"You're not helping."
"Some kid blew up my Gym," Lt. Surge reported, staring down at the glaring Pikachu clinging onto the Champion's shoulder. "Need money for renovations, cuz plummeting his Pokemon didn't really fix anything."
"Don't we give you a salary?" Ash asked. "Sabrina hasn't asked for money in years. And Gary built his Gym from scratch with his prize money. There's even a cool puzzle you have to solve before you battle him."
"And yours," the electric mouse added, addressing his Trainer.
"Shut up."
"Well, we do give Gym Leaders a hundred thousand Poke each year for Gym renovations," Lance added. "The problem is, we don't give it out until January. Surely you can wait that long."
"Go do what you have to do," the Trainer spoke up, addressing his Gallade.
"Thank you," the Blade Pokemon replied. "Sorry for…not telling you anything."
Ash took out a Pokeball from one of his pockets, handing it over to the Psychic and Fighting-Type. "It's alright. As long as you're okay with it, I'll be. And come back at any time."
"We might be on opposite sides of the field, though."
The Trainer brightened, giving his Pokemon a determined look. "Don't worry, we won't hold back! You better be training, then, because we'll be ready for you!"
"Alright, I guess I'd better start preparing. Thank you once again, sir," Gallade replied, using the old nickname he once used for his friend.
With one last bow of reverence and respect, the Blade Pokemon Teleported away, off on a new adventure.
Pikachu huffed. "You ignored me in Kalos. Replaced me with that frog, who—you tell him this—I can plummet any day!"
"Will you stop bringing that up?! I've already apologized, and you're making me feel more guilty than I'm supposed to be!"
"Welcome to the first annual Fuchsia City Battle Tournament! We are pleased to announce that the winner will be privileged with the opportunity to battle our Champion, Ash, in a one-on-one battle!"
The embarrassed Trainer, who was sitting in the press box, sheepishly waved to the audience and made his Pikachu laugh.
"It seems like you're always making fun of me," Ash remarked. "For that, I think Dewott gets that winner's battle."
"No. Please no, I'll do anything…"
Charizard grunted. "I thought I was battling."
Next to him, Sceptile's eyes lit up. "She has a well-balanced team," he commented, pointing a finger at a Trainer with light-brown hair and a white fedora.
"I like the guy with the hair net," Garchomp opinionated, shrugging. "He has potential."
"Please. You've gotten soft from babysitting," Pikachu rolled his eyes. "We need Infernape to make you run ten miles after this."
The mentioned Pokemon smirked as the Dragon and Ground-Type visibly took a step in the other direction.
As Ash and Pikachu were enjoying a nice stroll through Viridian Forest, alone, they were suddenly met with a familiar-looking pit trap.
"Wow," the Trainer muttered almost sarcastically, rubbing his backside. "Wonder who could've done this."
"If you ask who we are, prepare for trouble!"
"We'll tell you our names as we make it double!"
"I'm surprised we've managed to avoid those idiots for such a long time," Pikachu remarked.
"Not long enough," his Trainer groaned.
"With beauty so radiant, the flowers and moon hide in shame! A single flower of evil blooming in this fleeting world: Jessie!"
"The dashing and gallant hero! An evil apostle for revenge against this tragic world! It's James."
"It's all fer one and one fer all! A small, dark star glimmering amongst good friends! Meowth shines bright!"
"Team Rocket takes flight!"
"Surrender now or prepare to fight!"
"That's right!"
Ash blinked in surprise. "Pikachu, say something," he instructed.
"So I'm not going crazy. He's just stating his name."
"Wobbuffet," the Trainer answered, clutching his head.
"Oh yeah. He does that."
"Hi, Twerp!" Jessie called out, looking down at the duo. "Do you like our new motto? We're still working on it!"
"Jessie!" James reprimanded his teammate. "You're being impolite! Let me handle this." He cleared his throat. "We're just here to tell you that we're off on a mission in another region, so we won't see each other anymore! This is goodbye!"
"Yeah, goodbye!" Meowth echoed.
"I am Wobbuffet!" Wobbuffet cheered.
"Wait, what?" Ash asked, shouting (because the hole was pretty deep). "You're leaving?"
"Which region?" Pikachu asked.
"Going ta some tropical islands!" Meowth answered. "It's a shame ya can't come, too. We'll miss chasing ya around, Pikachu!"
"Bye, Twerp!" Jessie called out. "We'll miss your annoying, self-righteous face!"
"We're fresh outta training and ready for da world!" Meowth shouted. "Da Boss says we're moving outta Kanto but we'll try to visit!"
"Awww, he missed us," Jessie remarked, addressing her teammates.
"How old is he by now?" James asked, wiping at the tears falling uncontrollably from his face. "Sixteen? It's like watching a baby grow up."
Meowth cast one last glance at the speechless Champion before looking away. "You ready ta go? Da balloon is ready!"
"Let's leave!" Jessie announced.
"Turn over a new leaf!" James exclaimed happily.
"I am Wobbuffet!"
Once the quartet had finally left, their voices fading off into the distance, Ash let himself relax against the dirt wall. A Diglett dug past, ignoring the Trainer and Pokemon.
"Huh. Well, that happened. I'd forgotten how eccentric they were."
Pikachu nodded. "Yeah."
"On the bright side, we won't be seeing them for a while."
"You're right. Now, uh...how do we get out of these, again? I've forgotten."
In an unnamed forest of Kalos, a certain Water and Dark-Type took a break from vine-slashing by immersing himself in a handheld video game.
"Teach me how to play, señor," Gallade spoke up, looking over Greninja's shoulder and shocking his teammate. The Ninja Pokemon had almost fallen from the tree branch he was sitting in at the Psychic and Fighting-Type's sudden Teleport.
The Water and Dark-Type laughed. "So you start out as a character named Red—but of course, you can change your name…"
Ash couldn't help but notice that the Mountain had become almost too peaceful. Apart from the occasional (very occasional) Trainer who wanted a shot at the Champion's team, no other Human (besides Gary and an angry Misty) would even attempt to climb up the higher levels of the mountain range.
The Trainer hadn't seen or heard of any sign of regional Team Rocket activities in the last month, which was a monumental first in quite a few years. (The 'Terrible Trio-plus-Wobbuffet' didn't count.) He planned to bring it up in the monthly Gym Leader meeting a few weeks later along with plans to deter people from joining criminal organizations, especially those in need of income.
A few days ago, he had fought a guy with a Darkrai, taking him down easily with Sceptile (seriously, people with Darkrai battled against him way too often). It had been a quick battle, especially with the Trainer on the verge of fainting from the long hike, but Ash couldn't help but feel a little guilty.
A week ago, Gary had received a Pokegear call from Paul, who had been demanding a battle with the Champion (apparently, news spread quickly in the Kanto-Johto-Hoenn-Sinnoh area). Gary had told the Trainer, in the place of his childhood friend and rival, to 'get up the Mountain and I'll battle.'
He realized that there were more Pokemon to explore. Maybe they would be waiting for him at another region. The Alola Region, maybe? He was pretty excited for that vacation (which he definitely deserved). And Pikachu would have to lose to another Snivy.
Heh, that was a funny thought. Ash would have to convince him with ketchup.
"Alola Region," Ash read the pamphlet aloud to an excited Sylveon. "What do you think? I'll have to leave you guys at the Mountain, but everyone can take care of a stray Trainer or two. Plus, Infernape can keep you all in shape."
"Ash," Vivi spoke up.
Vivi held out a ribbon for her Trainer to take. "I want to travel, too."
"What do you mean?" Ash asked, letting the Fairy-Type's ribbon wrap around his hand.
"I want to explore the world…maybe find my fellow Eevee or a way to permanently evolve. You know."
Her Trainer smiled. "Yeah. I get that."
"I'm still an Eevee, and it's time for me to decide my future," Vivi decided confidently. "But I'll come back when I'm stronger!" she promised.
Ash nodded. "Alright, I guess we're both going on our respective journeys, then. Good luck!"
"Red," the Kanto Trainer introduced himself, shaking the other Trainer's hand on the steps leading to the Viridian Gym. "And you are?"
"Brendan," the other teen replied. "I'm from Hoenn. Professor Birch's son."
"I see. So you're a Pokemon Trainer too?" Ash asked.
"Yup. My partner's Swampert," he pointed to the Mud Fish Pokemon who was conversing with a Pikachu on the other side of the road about the weather.
"Huh. That's my Pikachu it's talking to."
There was a slight pause of silence.
"So, are you collecting badges?" Ash asked.
"Yup," Brendan replied. "Well, I mostly go to the Battle Tower now because honestly, traveling can be a pain sometimes."
The Champion of Kanto reflected on his journey. He'd been rained upon, chased down by Legendaries, possessed, and even sick (he counted that one to be the worst because when he was sick, he couldn't do anything). But still, there were some rewarding parts, like fighting in Gym battles and camping outside under the stars.
He forced himself to stop thinking. The League year would start again in only three weeks, and he still had some forms to fill…
"—but now, I think that I'll try their Battle Tower this year, or the Kanto League," Brendan finished.
Ash realized that he had just missed a bit of conversation. "I'll see you there, then," Ash replied, smiling implicitly.
"Oh, so you're competing too?"
"Something like that."
Gary walked out of his Gym. "Hey," he greeted.
"Thanks for the battle," Brendan replied, waving.
"What happened?" Ash asked before taking a sip out of the water bottle he was holding.
"I beat him. None of his Pokemon were a match against Swampert," the Trainer answered, crossing his arms and grinning
Gym Leader raised up his hands to defend himself. "Hey, in my defense, I asked him, 'How many badges do you have?' And he said, 'In Kanto? None.' So I thought, 'Maybe I'll use Nidoqueen and Nidoking to give him a good Type Advantage.'"
"Gary's a new Gym Leader," Ash explained. "He doesn't know what he's talking about."
The Researcher gave his childhood friend a weird look. "But you never know what you're talking about and you're the—"
Ash purposely bumped into the other Pallet Town Trainer. "Please, no. He'll be asking for autographs."
"I told him my name was Red."
"That's practically lying!"
Ash threw his water bottle at Gary. It 'caught on the wind' and instead hit the Champion's side.
The Trainer had a sneaking suspicion that Gary had used Psychic but couldn't prove it.
"If all the Gyms in Kanto are that easy, I'll become Champion in no time," Brendan thought aloud, and the other Trainers glanced at each other for a second.
"Heh. For a moment, you kinda sounded like that Trainer I battled the other week," Ash remarked, shrugging. "Ethan, was it? Anyway, gotta go. I'm heading to Hoenn to watch a friend's performance."
"I've heard that the Coordinators have gotten pretty competitive, there," Brendan commented as the Trainer walked off. "I'm from Hoenn myself, you see."
"I can tell," Gary remarked, looking at the Swampert on the side on the road.
"Sabrina's such an awesome person," Gary fantasized. "She's so powerful, yet she has a degree of understanding. Like, there was this time when we were throwing boulders at people on Route 18…okay, not the best example—"
"She tried to enslave me as one of her dolls once," Ash replied. "Very friendly."
"How's your training?" the Pokemon Researcher asked.
"I still haven't managed to find Riley, so I'm stuck with self-learning. And being creative. And Sceptile. It's funny, 'cause I don't even know how half the stuff I do works. Actually, I doubt Riley would even want to teach me 'cause I've been so reckless with Aura."
"Heh. At least your Pokemon are helping you. My Pokemon beg me not to use them in Gym battles. They're so lazy."
"Really? I can relate. Before the Kalos Team appeared, they were really laid back."
"You really stepped up your game there."
The Champion laughed aloud. "Just went against a bunch of Megas. No biggie. By the way, how's Mega Blastoise doing?"
"He almost tore off my roof yesterday; thanks for asking."
"And Mega Alakazam?"
"I think he knows the shape of the universe now, understands general relativity, and can do a bunch of math I don't understand. But that's okay. He still promises to battle at least once a week. Wants to publish a book, too."
"See, I did not totally ignore you in Kalos," Ash argued, putting his feet up on his desk.
"Yes you did. It took like three snowballs to make you realize I was importa—"
"How did you know about the snowballs?" the Trainer interrupted.
Pikachu reached for another Oran Berry from the fruit bowl. "Uhhh, Noivern told me."
"I didn't do that," said Dragon and Flying-Type muttered.
The Kanto Champion shook his head, clearly offended by the snowball comment. "He's more normal than you. Therefore, you're lying."
"Greninja did it! He also gets his games from a Klefki on the black market!"
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"He told me he'd get me the newest console but he still hasn't gotten to that!"
"Oh, so that's what this is all about. Wait, why are you blaming me for Greninja's forgetfulness?"
"Hello?" a Pokemon Trainer asked, standing outside the Lumiose Gym and knocking on the door. There was a giant 'CLOSED' sign at the entrance, but the teen didn't pay much attention to it.
A blonde girl answered the door.
"Ash!" Bonnie exclaimed, excited. "Are you here for a battle?"
"Nah. I'm just visiting today. Going to see Serena's contest afterward."
"Kay. Hey, Pikachu!" she greeted the electric mouse before turning to Ash's ride. "Hi, Noivern!"
"So where's your brother?" the Trainer asked.
"Being his antisocial self back in the Gym. I think he just lost to some newbie who used a level five Chespin."
"Poor him," Ash remarked. "Wait, you mentioned that it was 'level 5,' right? Does Kalos use the new proposed 'Pokemon Leveling System,' too?"
"Professor Sycamore says that in a few years we'll be able to calculate a number of experience points a Pokemon gets for battling. I think he found a formula for Fennekin already."
"Amazing," the Kanto Trainer marveled, then looked to Noivern. "Say, why don't we get some ice cream?"
The Dragon-Type shuddered. "But…"
"Not for you, silly. For Bonnie."
"Plus, you spend most of your time up at the Mountain, anyway. You're like, Ice-Type resistant already."
In Ash's opinion, the trip was a success. He had surprised Serena at the end of her performance, and she fussed over him for a few minutes in an angry tone as she realized that he'd been watching her. So while she was having a mental breakdown, he complimented her ballet/jazz routine, but not after pointing out that Kalosian dances were 'too hard to understand anyway.'
"You're too hard to understand," Serena retorted, still in a flustered mood for some reason.
"No one else sees this couple?" Hawlucha asked. "No one?"
"Hawlucha, after the word 'couple,' you need a noun to specify what there is a couple of," Ash commented.
Pikachu snickered.
"I don't think we've ever just played in the park as a team," Ash told his Kalosian Pokemon Team. Goodra and Greninja had joined them for the evening.
"I think we have," Talonflame shrugged, unperturbed. "Once or twice."
Pikachu shrugged. "You know, before coming to this region, Ash has always had a monthly break from training for relaxing purposes. No wonder all of you are tryhards who don't know how to play."
"I brought my card decks and coins," Noivern announced with pride.
"Oh yes! I shall beat everyone at the great game of six-way TCG!" Hawlucha pointed a fist into the air.
"Please, boys. All your egos need a pound," Talonflame announced, smirking.
Pikachu glanced at Ash with a confused expression, and his Trainer shrugged.
"I'll deal the cards," the teen volunteered.
"Loser gets a 1v6," Greninja suggested.
Talonflame narrowed her eyes. "Then we'll have to make either Greninja or Ash lose so the rest of us don't get beat up."
"Countering Ash-Greninja is easy," Pikachu remarked, amused.
"You're an Electric-Type. Of course you think it's easy," Ash replied, rubbing the back of his neck with a sheepish look.
"But Greninja's too hard to hate on," the Scorching Pokemon admitted. "He'll somehow just miss being last."
The Ninja Pokemon sat down, clasping his webbed fingers together as he tried to act sage-like. "You see here, hate...is the...opposite of love, and because of this, you guys, y'know, shouldn't hate…"
Hawlucha snickered. Noivern shook his head in disappointment.
"I give up."
"That was a horrible proverb. Noctowl can give you advice," the Fire and Flying-Type suggested.
"Wait," the Sound Wave Pokemon spoke up. "Since we're not going bully Greninja, who will we team up against?"
Everyone's heads turned to their Trainer.
"My name is Tess, and I challenge you, Champion!" a girl suddenly shouted, walking up to the group. Ash was losing the game badly.
"Woah, hold it," the Trainer instructed his Pokemon, who were about to put down their cards for the next round. "I'm not the Champion of Kalos," he told the girl. "And I think Diantha's in Snowbelle right now."
"You're not?" she asked, confused, before crossing her arms. "I don't believe you. My brother said that you were the Champion, and Tobias is always right."
The Kantonian Champion raised an eyebrow. "So you're brother is the Tobias, huh?"
"He said he lost to you earlier, and I don't believe it."
"Wait, your brother was the one who challenged me a week ago?" Ash asked.
"You won't lose against me and Cresselia!" Tess announced, ignoring the question.
The Trainer forced himself not to double over in shock. "Uh, w-wait a second. I need to get my Pokemon." He turned around, cupping his fingers and lifting his hand to his mouth. "Guys, get over here! We have a challenge!"
"But it's just a little girl," Hawlucha replied. "Hurting little kids' feelings isn't morally right."
"Fine. I guess I'll just use Pikachu against Cresselia, then."
Greninja looked visibly hurt. "Ah, wait, I have the Type advantage..."
Giovanni crossed the mountains of Unova, motivated by nothing but an old series of picture books accounting a long-lost bedtime story of a young Unovian Champion's demise.
He was sure the premise was very real...at least, in another world.
Ash's team had grown after their journey together. It was a shame that they'd also grown separated.
Pidgeot kept the peace in Viridian Forest alongside Gary's Fearow.
Talonflame and the rest of Ash's remaining main regional Flying-Types (Noctowl, Swellow, Staravia, and Unfezant) had left the Mountain in order to train, bond, and explore the Kanto-Johto regions. Lead by their senior, Swellow, the group had their eyes set on getting stronger.
Vivi had left on her journey.
Garchomp had started his new job at the Pokemon Daycare and rarely spent much time at Oak's Corral and the Mountain. The baby Pokemon expected him daily and loved his visits.
Sceptile had started a nice relationship with Meganium. The Grass-Types could rarely be seen without the other—whether they were eating, training, or relaxing—and loved to decimate their opponents with their Double Battle strategies.
Gallade had gone looking for his old Trainer—the one Team Rocket had stolen him from. After bidding Ash a tearful goodbye, he'd set off for Kalos, carrying his Pokeball with him.
Infernape had been appointed by Ash's Pokemon as the drill sergeant and overseer of the Pokemon training at Mt. Silver whenever their Trainer was gone—which was practically every day. He also trained teams for Mt. Silver Challengers whenever the Champion was busy with political duties and meetings. On weekends, he, Torterra, and Daro the Tauros could be seen hanging out on the shore of Vermillion City or Cinnabar Island.
Charizard had left for the Charicific Valley and for Charla.
And Pikachu? He was perched on his Trainer's shoulder, intimidating a Challenger clad in red, black, and yellow with a determined, calculating stare.
"He'll use his Starter last," the Electric-Type muttered to his Trainer. "And he'll choose a counter to me first."
"Definitely an offensive Trainer," Ash replied with his Aura. "And yeah, I agree. He'll save his Typhlosion for the end."
"Hmmm. Get's confident easily," the Mouse Pokemon nodded. "Choose Buizel and throw him off."
"Maybe." The Trainer took a Pokeball from his belt. "I don't want to use you until the end. Do you think he has a Mega this time?"
"Well, you do. It doesn't really matter."
"That's not the point," Ash replied, smirking at his opponent. "Buizel, come on out!"
Well, he's headed for Alola, now.
(On the bright side, a "sequel" will be out, like, next week.)
(Edit: It's out now.)
Peace out, and we (Ash and I) shall see you on the other side.