DISCLAIMER: Boku no Hero Academia is not owned by me but by Kohei Horikoshi, Bones studio, and Shonen Jump. Please support the official series.
Chapter 4
A Place To Stay
"Are we there yet?"
"Are we there yet?"
"Are we there YET!?"
"No! Wait, didn't we already do this before?" Was the very legitimate question Midoriya asked his two goddess companions.
The sky was getting as dark as it was when they first set out, only difference was that while the earlier one signaled the start of a new bright day with an infinite amount of things a person can do, this one will lead to even more darkness. Signaling the end of the day where one must wrap up whatever activity they had decided to take part in for the day or at least preparing to put a pin in it to save for another day. For Midoriya that was getting out of these woods and making it to town so the group can find a place to stay.
"Yes we have!"
Answered a voice inside his head, this voice would quickly form the astral body of Nana floating next to him.
"Not that it matters, no one pays attention to filler anyways," The raven haired goddess states.
"What?" Midoriya asked, looking confused from the bizarre statement.
"You read stories don't you? Those little side adventure the characters goes on that doesn't have much significance to anything is usually called filler," Nana explained, her arms crossed right under well-endowed chest, "That's what I'm calling your detour to find Nejire even though she wasn't that far away from us, filler~."
"Pretty dismissive behavior to have for your own confidant," Midoriya points out, while she was right about how unnecessary his actions were, it should be her being overly cautious. Considering there's someone out there with something possibly magic related, actually scratch that it's definitely some kind of magic that she, an experienced goddess, hasn't encountered before that can disable a god's body.
Despite that troublesome fact looming over their heads, it doesn't seem to bother the goddess who nonchalantly replied, "Unless you haven't noticed, she's not really the kind of goddess you can hold down in one place. Well I could do it easily because I'm me but not everyone has my kind of capabilities."
Nana didn't give Midoriya the chance to vocally respond to her prideful comments as she knew he would because of his sensitivity to her crude way of speaking. She followed up with quite a thoughtful statement,
"If anything this is the time where she should take the initiative to control herself and do her part to make sure she's not dragging down the group or even take charge of the situation."
Her lack of sex jokes was the real indictacator to the boy that she was being serious as she continued, "No matter how you look at it I'm in a heavily hindered situation where I'm unable to compotently do my job, as embarrassing or disappointing as that is to admit considering my status. As my pupil who I've trained for years, she should recognize the situation I'm in and act in a considerate way that'll reduce the weight on my shoulders by at least taking care of herself so I can get through the ordeal easier. Not like I'll always be there to look after her and she needs to be able to live by herself eventually."
It left Midoriya astounded when he thought about it because it made a bit of sense. seeing his reaction Nana would become smug, taking the silence as an opportunity to boast more, "Ah yes a expected reaction, no surprise that a mortal boy like you will be left speechless when I share with you a droplet of my vast ocean of godly knowledge obtained over the years."
Despite the goddess's claims he wasn't shocked because of what she said, he was just astounded that she can speak with such poise, made him wonder why she doesn't talk like this more often. When he had first met her it seemed like her godly dialect was all for show compared to how she talked once she spoke from the heart, even in her more desperate hour her voice seemed to favor a more crude choice of words then philosophical. Perhaps originating from the Goddess of Victory title for almost all her active years as a goddess may have played a part, maybe being prayed to for ruling over such a domain will create narcissism in anyone, something he should keep note in the future just in case since he's now baring that title. He also had to keep note of other habits Nana has because he still doesn't know why her casual speech and usual sense of humor are so libidinous. It just doesn't make sense considering how Nejire, her loyal pupil knight with a pureness to always say what she's thinking, is not on that level of lust and she is already open about her interest in the sexual subject. At least physically she has, he's not sure if getting a window view of his body in an indecent position meant she knew about intimacy.
"Don't worry, take as much time as you need to soak in my wisdom but not too long, your mortal lives are so short and I can't have you paralysed here forever before I obtain my body back," Continued Nana with her self-satisfied remarks.
Within all those comments a question did arise in Midoriya that he actually wanted to clarify, "That reminds me Nana, how old exactly are you?"
"I've had this thought after you called Nejire a 'younger goddess' to explain why her," Midoriya would take a moment to clear his throat, "Complexion might be more refined than yours in certain areas. I realize it meant that not all Gods were born at the same time, at least the ones that are born into a title and the ones that are raised to inherit their titles obviously came into existence at different times." It was an innocent question out of pure curiosity to learn more about the lore of the world he's about to enter for his adventure. He never know when this information might be useful to learn-
He also never knew that a Goddess can be just as insecure about their bodies and age like mortal women are and is about to regret learning that piece of information.
The type of look Nana bestowed on Midoriya made him eternally grateful that she only had an intangible body to use or else the wrath of god could've been rained down upon them. Her expressions went from what could best be identified as surprise, to embarrassment, to irritated, to enraged, and then back down to irritated before saying, "Ok first off her features aren't refined she's just lucky her youth lets her have a better natural constitution, I'm the one who had to work hard to refine my body to this perfection! Second, never dare ask a goddess her age if you want to maintain your well-being. That can get you killed!"
Despite his better judgement of the situation Midoriya had to ask, "Why would divine beings such as yourself care about that?"
"Because-...ack...well we just do and you better watch yourself young Midoriya, remember that you're novice proxy to this whole god tittle thing with very questionable legitimacy," Nana warned, her tone was caught between her own frustration and Depending on how far you pry into something at the wrong time to a dangerous person and you could end up like me, being stabbed with an apparent god killing weapon followed by having a Nomu sent to finish the job. Except in your current condition being impaled once would do you in so whoever you've displeased can save time on sending a Nomu."
That was all Midoriya said, he figured it was smart not to say anything else before he accidentally pushed her too far, seeing as she's already aggravated.
Unapologetic about her harsh words Nana crossed her arms over her chest before stating, "If you find that hurtful then you're in for one excruciating journey, this is me letting you off easy because I don't have a body or else the things I'll do to you...oh boy you won't be able to walk straight~"
Midoriya stayed silent after that ominous sounding threat, that didn't stop him from confining himself to his thought to comment about her actions, 'She's so mean! I hope we run into whoever she convinced to pass down the god title Goddess of Happiness to her. It must've been quite persuasive for one to trust her with such a caring domain to rule over from a background of ruling over a domain that's a lot less humble.'
His thoughts were interrupted when the more kind Nejire spoke up, "You're so mean Nana~! You know this is going to be the reason why Midoriya will always question your succession as Goddess of Happiness no matter how much you try to boast about your status."
Internal screaming.
Today became the first time Midoriya would internally scream and something told him it wouldn't be the last.
His neck instantly snapped toward the flowing blue haired goddess with a horrified face, 'Why did you say that outloud!... never mind I know why but still why! And why was this the only time she ever said my actual name!' he thought.
Noticing the look he was getting, Nejire turned her attention to the green haired boy's face, analyzing his face for a bit before saying, "See, it's all over his face. You can do whatever kind of torture, possibly kinky torture from what I've seen, to him and he'll still doubt you're fit to rule over that domain."
The worst part was that she actually thought she was helping the situation, she had critiqued Nana's methods a few times before, but instead she only made Midoriya internally scream for the second time in his life. There was barely any sign of composure nn his eyes, hanging on by a thread as he tried to think of a way out of this situation.
"All he did was adknowledge how you establish that I have a better natural body than you because of your age or something." Nejire continued.
Now all the composure in the boy's face was long gone, Nana may not be able to do anything to him yet but already seeing how petty and spiteful she can be this moment could have it's commuperence at the worst time for him.
Nejire would get another read on Midoriya face, "I think he didn't want me to say what he was thinking even though he completely believes in what I said, oops. Sorry about that man."
'You just said my name correctly a second ago!' Was what Midoriya wanted to focus on, but he didn't have the luxury to worry about that. Like a child who heard his name being called after his parents viewed his report card, he hesitantly looked back toward the astral goddess.
Most of her face was hidden from his view because of her hair and the angle her head was facing but one small but terrifying feature could be seen.
A smile.
An extremely crooked smile.
The kind of smile that could only foreshadow a disaster coming his way that was being concocted at the very moment and all Midoriya could do was watch because he had no idea how to stop her.
That was before the troublesome Nejire spoke up again, "Guy I think we're there now!"
Sighing as the man has already accepted his fate Midoriya would respond, "Nejire we told you almost a hundred times we're not- oh my god we are there."
"Hey, we're both here! Nana may have been a bit harsh toward you but that doesn't mean you should ignore her existence," Exclaimed Nejire.
The small distraction was thankfully effective in drawing the attention of Nana out of whatever nefarious scheme she was conjuring toward viewing what the rest of the group was looking at.
While they weren't paying attention they had made it out of the woods they've been traveling through for the better part of a day, they were no longer surrounded by an endless amount of rough tree barks and slick leaves. Now seeing the beautiful green plains that Midoriya was used to and not far out of sight was the outline of a familiar looking city. By the time they took their first steps into the city it was a little past dusk and the street's activities were starting to slow down.
Midoriya presents the city with all its glory to his travel companions, "Nana, Nejire, welcome to Musutafu."
Taking a eyeful of the city's landscape Nejire exclaims, "It's-"
"Desolant and pitch black," Nana bluntly interrupted, obviously unimpressed with what she was seeing, "Sorry I meant dark not pitch black, if it was pitch black then I wouldn't be seeing how barren the place looks."
All she saw was the dirty deserted streets of the town. It was bad enough that the nighttime shade had dulled the place's appearance but the lack of life someone, no less a god, would expect from a city only brought disappointment. It was almost a blessing in disguise that the darkness made getting a clear view difficult, it at least left them with the imagination that the city looked wonderful if though the current condition of it made the place look less like it was a developed city.
'It doesn't seem right, hard to tell but can this be caused by one of them?' Nana thought to herself as she continued to look around.
"She's right," Nejire added, "I'm always excited to go to places I've never been to before to see what creative liberties the humans there made compared to others but at the moment… it's a lackluster first-impression."
"Seriously it looks like the Hosu incident happened here," Nana commented.
"No it doesn't, the only similarity is the lack of people in the area."
"That's why I said it looked like it happened here, cause there's no one around!"
"Nana~ you can't compare an event like that to anything, something like that needs to be saved for some super ultra special! Anything else is just an incorrect use."
"Oh who cares!"
"What incident are you referring to?" Midoriya asked.
"You wouldn't get it," Nana told him.
"It's an event only other living gods will understand," Nejire explained, "It's really long and not fun to explain though but Nana's use of it here is a really big exaggeration of this situation. Like a major overstatement!"
"So you'll just have to believe us that it was a world shaking event," Stated the raven haired goddess but something was off, her eyes seemed to change from her usually nonchalant look to more concentrated serious expression. The only time he remembered a look like that on her face was back at his house when she heard that the Nomu was not far behind. It seems like whatever happened at this incident had a deeper effect on Nana then it did on Nejire.
If it wasn't for the fact that this city can get a bit dangerous at night Midoriya would've loved to pry as much information from them as possible. Only a matter of time needs to pass before he can finally fulfill some of his desires, all he needed to do was find his mother and get them shelter for the night. From there, he can begin the process to hit the sensation that people usually get from having sex, his body shivered thinking about it; He was close to living the wet dream of literacy fanatics all over the world.
"I'm requesting you hold that thought till I find my mother, she works at a motel here so she should be able to get us shelter and we can talk all we want!" Midoriya declared without actually raising his voice giving them a happy smile, but as soon as he turned around to face forward he quickly but carefully walked down the uneven streets, "Beside it'll be a great way to waste time till the sun comes back up and then you can take in the beauty of the city."
Guided by the knowledge he had Midoriya confidently lead the group through the city, despite not being lost he couldn't help feeling a bit eerie as he walked through the dreary streets. Every once in a while within the dark shadows by the buildings or through the windows the white of a person's eye would appear; their eyes locked on a man seemingly harmless they found good natured but foolish.
For the green hair adventurer, this was a side of the city he had experienced before but have always but have always hated it. Already he was cursing the fact that he took that detour to look for Nejire if it meant he got here a bit earlier, if he did then maybe the throat clutching feeling he was experiencing might've been lessen or at least he would be seeing a few friendly face that would've eased it; at least then he had something to feign ignorance to what he always wanted to believe wasn't there. He was always on point when he visited, either from good time keeping when he walked or because a horse was provided usually by a kind nieghbor and mostly the only remaining parent of his childhood best friend, so he would never had to think about the consequences of what would happen if an ill-place break happened. Now he knew and he didn't like it at all, but this place had a lot of meaning to him that he didn't want his new found companions to think bad of.
In simple terms, he was afraid but too afraid to show it.
Those feelings were so strong that even Nana in her mostly disconnected Astral body was getting a strong sense of it despite her not even paying attention to him for once.
'After watching this boy walk for practically a day straight I can certainly tell that his movement are more rugged than usual, his breathing seem like he ran a mile to get to a gathering but was trying to hide it to save himself the embarrassment of others knowing he just had to run, and the fingertips of his left hand are shaking; he probably doesn't even realize it yet. This is probably the first time he felt so exposed to the creepy aura of city streets at night, a place where so much can happen.' Nana thought, 'He really is such a kid despite being 19, it's like watching an inexperienced guard deal with a heckling drunk peasant. I wonder what he felt when he was always alone in that house?'
Swooping in to take their minds off of things Nejire decides to ask, "So Midoriya how often do you come here? You seem like an expert at navigating here, even though I need directions once in a while in the palace I used to live in with sensei."
Nana commented on her pupil's statement, "How do you live in a single building for decades and still not know where everything is inside and out? I never got how that was possible."
"There were so many bathrooms!"
"You guys lived in a palace?" Midoriya mumbled under his breath as he had never even seen a palace, much less even a castle, "Wait why would goddesses need so many bathrooms for?"
"Mind your damn business Midoriya!" Snapped Nana aggressively, it seems that this was another touchy subject for her for some reason, "Now answer Nejire's original question!"
Clearing his throat he answered, "It's been 2 full years since my last visit, I would visit more since it's only a day long trip but she's really strict about me coming into the city."
'I can see why.' Nana thought to herself, uncharacteristically keeping a comment like that to herself.
"But usually it's once or twice a year to drop off something my mom needs... This time I don't have anything to drop off because our house was destroyed," Midoriya continued, feeling dread as he realized a very uncomfortable conversation was going to occur very soon "Oh god how am I going to explain this? Tell her that a literal god passed out in the backyard and I took her in which was the first step in a domino effect that led to a giant monster destroying our home."
"Ok first off, when you say god and not gods in the presence of two or more gods it's basically you making a statement that you don't acknowledge the other gods there as...well gods. Second we told you already, you only lost ⅓ a house!" Pointed out Nana, she had forgotten how annoying it can be to deal with mortals that don't know the proper terms.
"Why are you guys so poise!?" Midoriya asked, it barely been a day since he met them and it seems like so many little things can offend a god, "Oh wait."
Nodding her head the astral bodied goddess would reply, "Thank you, you've read so many stories about gods and yet you're acting surprised that we can be extremely petty over stuff. If you think this is bad you should see some of the others, we're even giving you a free pass on calling us 'guys' sometimes, stepping on a leaf the wrong way around them might offend one of them one day and next thing you know they send men eating plants on you as punishment."
"Overly religious bitch," She mumbled the last part.
"...I-i don't think you should tell a novice all the negative things about an adventure like this before he gets a taste of it first," Suggested Midoriya who wanted to keep some form of optimism of his adventure before he inevitably faces the many nonsensical hardships that awaits him.
As expected Nana shrugged it off, giving a last message before returning to Midoriya's body as a voice in his head, "Don't tip over what you're not ready to discover."
He really should be careful what he asks.
A good lesson to keep in mind as they've finally arrived in front of an old wooden built building with the creative name of 'MC Motel', like everywhere else in the city the night sky made it looked runned down and poorly maintained; having a grim looking theme seems to be infecting everywhere in the city at night.
Regardless of how it might look on the inside it would be preferable than staying out in the streets any longer.
When the group stepped inside it was what they were already expecting to see, the bread and butter aesthetic one would see of a haunted house coupled with an irritating odor; most likely caused from the rain that happened almost a week ago. It must've sunk through the rooftop and is creating wet wood. It was a sad sight to see if anything when it hit people that this is supposed to be a real building that people should live in.
As always Nana described it best in her signature way.
"What a dump!"
"Is someone here?"
When a soft spoken voice rang Midoriya instantly recognized it as his mother's, turning just in time to see her pushing aside the curtains that lead to a hallway so she could enter the room. Though he was expecting to see her, he couldn't help but look shocked at the sight of his mother. Both from the fact that it's been so long since they last saw each other and because she looked completely different then how he usually saw her when he visited, it was like she was a different person.
When she raised her head to greet the guest and saw her son there, her brain stopped dead. Here she was working like any other day before suddenly she saw her son enter a motel, with a woman that seems to be about his age but a little older who looked so impeccable one would think she had a deceptive body, and the fashionably designed flamboyant mint green dress she had on was made to stand out. It painted quite the perfect scene, like son like mother she stared at him astounded at what she's witnessing.
Despite how misleading the situation looked, it didn't take too long to clear up any immediate misunderstandings. What took the most time was getting her to speak again, she stood so stone cold still Nana suggested that she must've died thinking "her son picked up a prostitute" and then began to laugh. The second hardest thing was convincing his mom that he didn't come with a escort, or at least subtly convey that message to save the both of them the embarrassment of having that conversation; explaining why Nejire's wears her gown in such a asymmetrical ragged way without exposing the fact she was a goddess was not ideal.
The following conversation between Izuku and his mother could be paraphrased as the following.
"Hi Mom." Translation: 'H-hi mom. Surprise to see me?'
"Hi sweetie." Translation: 'OH MY GOD WHY ARE YOU HERE!? Whose this whore you brought here!? Why are you into prostitutes now!? Did you already pay her for the night!? I knew I should've sent you to a 'church school' but I didn't have the money! Is this my divine punishment for not going the extra miles even if it meant eating only tree bark for 5 years to pay it off!? I'm a terrible mother!'
"Sorry if this was a bit unexpected." Translation: 'Mom I'm so sorry, I can explain!'
"It's no problem at all. Who's your friend?" Translation: 'I feel like I might have a heart attack, explain why you brought a fucking harlot to my workplace! Are you a gigolo and you came here thinking I'll get you a great deal in a room!?
"I'm Nejire~!" Translation: 'I'm Nejire~!'
"Oh I see." Translation: 'NO ONE ASKED YOU SLUT!'
Through careful wording, a few tears from his mother, and Midoriya doing all the talking, they had a semi-believable story to why Midoriya was with the girls that didn't involve prosistution. Though he left out many details like what their future plans were going to be, the amount that was given satisfied her current concerns enough to leave the rest for morning. With it being night time, his mom was just grateful that he found his way here without harm, that didn't stop her from giving a look that spelled out how he wasn't going to get an earful later about how dangerous it was to come unannounced and arrive at night.
"Apologies for the late introductions, my name is Inko Midoriya, pleasure to meet you."
With her warm welcome she was quick to lead the group into the room she was staying at to sit down in, this time the poor quality of the room shocked even Midoriya. Crooked wooden floors, discolored wood probably from rotting and poor construction, dust and dirt everywhere, extremely small space despite there not being much furniture, and the furniture that was there seem terribly dated both in appearance and functionality. The house they lived in before wasn't much of a spectacle; they weren't rich but it looked maintained, if it wasn't for the fact that his mom worked here for pay, he would've thought this was a room in an abandoned house; a commentary Nana had no issue pointing out.
"I'm Nejire~! Oh wait, I said that already hehe," The bluenette goddess said with a giggle.
"And I'm your son's sex slave," Was how Nana introduced herelf, "After saving me when I was completely defenseless, I must repay his kindness with my body to sastify his every desire." she made sure to top off her debut by massaging her own breast in front of them in a seductive fashion.
She earned herself the reaction of Midoriya's sudden jerk to his feet letting out a high pitched squeak voice, "Nana!"
"Are you ok!?" Inko asked him, holding her chest as she breathed heavily. She quickly scanned him to see if anything was wrong but found nothing, leaving her looking confused as to what he was freaking out about.
It was at that moment that Midoriya realized his mistake.
Smugly Nana stated, "Oops, guess we both forgot that no one can see me."
Satisfied with her work she dissolved her astral form and returned back to Midoriya's body to rest. She might've only stayed out for that long just for that single joke.
Nejire was sitting there smiling as she caught on much earlier to what she was doing, this was not the first time she witnessed this, which is why it was easier to behave in this situation; the experience. A little talking can actually help her learn something and improve, like how she was smart enough on her own to not fly when they entered the town because Midoriya and Nana wanted to keep a low profile; they already stood out enough.
Knowing he had to give some answer Midoriya said, "O-oh I thought I saw a spider… it was just a small dust bunny."
"Oh. Don't jump like that, it almost gave me a heart attack," Inko whined, "Sorry for the mess, I had a long day today and didn't have time to clean up."
"Oh you're such a dirty little liar!"
Ignoring the rudeness of it, Midoriya knew Nana was onto something. Back at home, it didn't matter if she had just killed a bear or spent the whole day tending the fields, she'll always keep her room clean. Not only that but her hair was no longer in the flowing style she use to have but a fuzzy ponytail and her cloths looked more rugged than anything he had ever seen her wear, it felt like a betrayal to the many years she spent teaching him tricks to maintain his appearance as well kept so people won't pass him off as a dirty peasant and see him as presentable. Not to mention she may have put on a few pounds since his last visit.
Like the feeling they had back on the street, something wasn't right.
In a flash the situation was about to turn for the worst when a hoarse voice rang out from outside the room, "Hey Inko, what the hell is with all the ruckus? The fuck you doing in there!?"
Inko was someone with a light heart and can be frightened easily, but this was the first time he ever saw her shivering at a person's voice.
The door was swung open with such force that when it banged against the wall, it felt like he might've well put a hole the wall. Standing in the entrance was a tall average built man, he had a bushy black beard big enough that it made his mouth unseeable, and black dead eyes; He haven't been in the room for more then 5 seconds yet alcohol reeked from his beard.
Who was this man, what's his relationship to his mother, and why does Midoriya already have these resentful feelings toward him?
Quickly Inko rose to her feet, approaching the man with her hands up. She was stammering as she spoke, "Mr. Lampris I'm s-so sorry, my s-son and his friend was stopping by and didn't have a place to stay so I thought I'll let him stay-"
"No! Not happening, get them the fuck out." Lampris rudely interrupted.
"Oh I don't like him."
'Me either,' Midoriya said to Nana in his head.
"I sensed unfamiliarity in you, shouldn't you know who he is? You came here multiple times before."
'Every time I visited Mom said that he was out of town or was busy with something and wouldn't be back for the day. In retrospect it makes sense why she was so strict on when I can come visit
She had a feeling this would happen but determined Inko pleaded with her boss, "Please sir, it would only be for tonight and it's close to midnight. You know how dangerous the city can be at times, especially with the spring of incidents that's been rising recently."
"I don't need to be reminded that crap has been dampening my business lately. Which is why I don't got time to be dealing with stupid children nor do I pay you to either!" He told her, shooting a glare past her directly to Midoriya.
"You know, if you want Nejire is already on standby, if this gets to be too much you can always just say the words."
Hearing this Midoriya glanced at Nejire to see what she was doing, she was sitting quietly staring at Midoriya, most likely waiting to get instructions from Nana allowing her to act.
Mr. Lampris continued, "I've heard rumors before saying you had guests here whenever I'm out of town before but I never believed it until now. You're pretty pushing my kindness lately! First I gave you a room to sleep in, then I gave you a job despite not having the required skills to be eligible, and paid you better than most of the crappy places here yet you can't even show a little respect. Maybe I was too genorist and should start cutting back on what I give you, like your pay, I don't know what the fuck you spend all your pay on but maybe I should deduct it if it'll get you to behave."
Those words utterly frightened Inko, it was written all over her eyes as she muttered, "But, I can't afford to lose any of my pay. I wouldn't know what to do." It was obvious at this point that she was standing on thin ice, any wrong word can easily lose more than just some of her pay. But if she doesn't, then she'll have to kick out her own son from the only place he knows he can sleep at during the deadly nighttime. On one hand, this was the only job she can get with her set of skills that pays well enough to support her home and son, on the other she'll be risking the life of her son and may cause him to hate her forever for betraying him at this moment. It was a paradox where choosing one decision damages the reason she was doing something in the first place.
Clenching his fist Midoriya walked forward, he hated to see his mom be talked down like that, having a room here was of no concern to him anymore; he wanted to hit someone.
But rrright before he did anything stupid he remembered a old memory of his
It was when he was a lot younger and his mom came back from the city.
"Izuku, I'm back! Got something special!" Was what his mom called out.
When he had run out to see her she had something wrapped in her hand, unwrapping it to show four red bean paste rice balls. At least it was supposed to be four but apparently the trip back accidentally destroyed two of them leaving only two edible rice balls. Both riceballs weren't very big, they were the size where one would at best work as a snack while two could barely satisfy as a meal. We didn't have much in store to eat at the time hence why she was there to help with the harvest that wasn't till tomorrow, but without hesitation she gave both the riceballs to Izuku.
"Mom you can have this one, there's enough for us both to get one," I tried to tell her by giving her a rice ball but she refused.
"No need, I'm on diet." She said with a smile.
It took him years to realize that was a lie
The malice Midoriya was feeling waviered when he relived the memories, 'My mother no matter what she faced has always sacrificed herself for me my whole life. It's time for me to take a risk for her.'
With all her fears Inko looked as if she was about to continue bargaining for Midoriya's stay, but then she felt her son on her shoulder.
"It's ok Mom, we can go, we were just stopping by."
Inko looked at her son, "Izuku you can't-"
"Don't worry about it, Nejire and I know someone here who can give us a place to sleep in." Midoriya assured her, before leaning in close to whisper, "You should be able to relax for once, I'm not a child anymore, I can take care of myself."
Thus the trio from the beginning found themself now outside of the motel they just spent the day trying to get to. Right before they left Inko rested out to give Midoriya some wrapped up rice balls, a gift to eat once they found a place to say.
"You don't have to do this, don't you need to eat as well tonight?" Midoriya asked.
"I'll be fine, I got alternatives. Besides, I'm on diet."
The two shared a smile before he departed, daringly walking down the horrendous streets.
"She seems nice, sucks Mr. No Mouth was there. I don't like him!" Commented Nejire, breaking the ice.
"So, where to now?"
"No idea, I was kinda lying when I said we knew someone." Midoriya replied.
"Knew it," The goddess sighed, "No matter how many years passed it's the same thing, humans acting tougher than they are. You can't even hide the fact that your legs are shaking! You were better off just punching that asshole to spend the night there."
"Yeah but then it would end up with me being arrested for assault and my mom being out of a job," He explained, looking at both sides of the streets to see if there was another inn they can stay at, "Beside I'm 19, I have to grow up and face my fears eventually. Can't depend on my mother forever."
"Hmp!" Nana went as she formed her astral body next to Midoriya and made the movements to look like she was walking next to him, "That was well said, guess you passed the test of restraint and logic I have you. As a reward I'll be next to you so at least you feel like you're with company."
"You were testing me?"
"Yes, I'll always be testing you so you best be on your best behavior."
"I'll do my best then."
"Good, now let's find some place we can sleep at."
"Nighttime Adventure!" Called out Nejire.
((Hope you enjoyed the story, follow it if it interest you and leave a review on what you thought of the chapter.
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