You're My Hero

Really fast intro that you can skip if you want. Just putting in some info and messages. To start off, some of you may know me from my Little Witch Academia fics, and if you're here from that, then welcome! I will be continuing both series in tandem. Secondly, this is a IzuOcha fic. It's practically canon, yet I hardly see it anywhere! I mean, the creator of the show even said that he has plans for development of the relationship in the future. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter! I have a quick note at the end of the Chapter

Things weren't supposed to end up this way. Midoriya wasn't supposed to end up like this, on the ground, unconscious and bleeding.

"Help! Somebody! Anybody!" Ochako yelled into the dark alleyway around her, hoping, pleading, that someone could hear her. To her, it had been all a blur.

She and Izuku had been walking down the streets alone, as Iida had not been able to come with them. They went every saturday down to town to socialize and window shop, it was like a tradition. Though being alone with Izuku made her nervous and awkward, she enjoyed the time alone nonetheless.

They had decided to cut across to the other road by taking the alleyway that split the block. They had been talking and enjoying each other's company so much that they didn't even hear the person come up behind them.

It had happened so fast. The man with the knife, telling Izuku and Ochako to give him their wallets and purses. He threatened to use his quirk on them if they didn't comply. Being the hero that Izuku was, he started to engage his strengthening quirk, expecting to make quick work of the lowly villain.

"Full Co-" Izuku only made it halfway through his words when he cut off, hand pressing against his side in panic. The villain was gone along with Ochako's purse. It was as if they both vanished into thin air. Izuku fell to his knees, clutching his right side, right under his ribs.

"D-Deku?" Ochako said, panicked, rushing to his side.

"He" Izuku said weakly, pulling his hand away to reveal it was covered in blood.

"Deku! What do I do?" Ochako said frantically. Izuku looked impressively calm, but his eyelids started to look heavy, as if gravity were stronger there than anywhere else.

"Deku! Don't fall asleep!" Ochako felt tears tugging at her eyes, "Someone help! There's been a stabbing!" Ochako's voice cracked and she wasn't sure anyone heard her.

"Did I ever tell you…?" Izuku said weakly, falling down on the ground, head resting on Ochako's lap.

"Tell me what, Deku?" Ochako barely kept the tears back seeing her friend in such a bad position.

"How your eyes sparkle?" Izuku passed out with a smile on his face. Ochako stared at him for a moment before realizing what had happened.

"No no no! Deku! Deku wake up!" Ochako tried to shake him awake, but to no avail. She called for help again, tears running down her cheeks.

"Deku…" Ochako said weakly, "Don't you dare leave me! Deku!" Izuku didn't respond, and his breathing was shallow and quick

"Help! Somebody! Anybody!" Was Ochako's last weak plea for help. She just leaned over and put her forehead against Izuku's and let the tears come. She didn't even notice when the paramedics came and tore her away from Izuku.

The next couple hours were a rush, and Ochako was barely cognizant for the most of it. She remembered riding in the ambulance with Izuku, watching as the paramedics attached him to an IV and bloodbag.

"He's lost a lot of blood!" One of the paramedics said. They also offered to check up on Ochako, but she declined, insisting they focus on Izuku. They got to the hospital and took Izuku on the stretcher straight to the emergency room. Ochako tried to follow, but they took her to another room, where a doctor determined she was in shock. As it wore off, Ochako just became more and more worried. Izuku's last words to her before he passed out kept repeating themselves in Ochako's memory.

Did I ever tell your eyes sparkle? Izuku had said. The words echoed in Ochako's mind, and she couldn't put a finger on why that is what he had chosen to say. After what felt like an eternity, a doctor opened the sliding door to the room she was in.

"Is he okay?" Ochako said immediately, shooting up from the bed.

"He's stable. You can see him if you'd like." Ochako eagerly nodded, following the doctor down the hallway and into Izuku's room. He was laid out on the bed, without a shirt and a large bandage wrapped around his stomach, just above the navel.

"Hey." He said weakly as Ochako walked in. She thought she had mentally prepared herself. She hadn't. As soon as she saw Izuku, sitting on the bed, tears welled up inside her, spilling over onto her cheeks.

"D-Deku…" Ochako said softly, rushing up to the side of the bed and sitting on the chair.

"I'll give you two some privacy." The doctor said, shutting the curtain and door as he left. Ochako sunk into Izuku's shoulder, and he put his hand on the back of her head, stroking it through her hair.

"I'm okay now. That's what matters." Izuku said, trying to comfort her.

"Y-You almost…" Ochako choked up.

"It's alright."

Ochako just sat and cried into Izuku's shoulder, until she was out of tears. Izuku just sat the whole time, rubbing his hand up and down her neck and back.

"All better now?" Izuku joked. Ochako laughed weakly. She removed herself from his arm, sitting upright.

"All better." She said, giving him a weak smile. They sat in silence for a while, until a thought came to mind.

"Hey Deku, what did you mean by the last thing you said to me before you passed out?" Ochako asked tentatively. Izuku had a confused look on his face.

"Last thing I said to you?"


"I just remember getting stabbed. Everything in between is a blur." He stopped, "What did I say?" I blush rose to Ochako's cheeks.

"O-oh it was n-nothing." Ochako said, "Anyways, what was that guy? He just disappeared from thin air and you were stabbed and my purse was gone!" Ochako tried to clear the tension in the air. Not to mention the fact that she needed to get her mind off of what could have happened and focus on the fact that Izuku was okay now.

"I read about him, actually. I didn't realize who he was until it was too late, though." He forced his palm up against his forehead in frustration and started muttering.

"Deku! Earth to Deku!" Ochako interrupted, pulling him from his muttering.

"Sorry. What I was saying is that they call him 'Timetable'. He's a small time villain with a crazy powerful quirk. He's trying to just do petty crimes just like the one he did to us so that he could keep under the radar. Basically what he does is he is able to create a time bubble around himself. Basically he speeds up time for a small area around him, so he is moving much faster than real time. They way he can stretch time to the point where a full minute inside his bubble is the same as one second outside of it." Izuku explained. Ochako just eyed him, blinking.

"What?" He asked.

"You are such a nerd." She said. Izuku blushed.

"W-what do you mean? I just like to resear-"

"Nerd" Ochako cut him off.

"So what if I'm a nerd?" He responded.

"Nothing. I'm just stating facts. And the fact is that you're a nerd." she teased. It was good to mess around right now. It was something to keep her mind off the darker topics that threatened to seep through. They did anyways.

"Deku...Don't be so rash." Ochako said softly.

"What do you-"

"You could have died, Deku." Ochako looked him in the eyes, "What if you had died?" If Ochako had any more tears to shed, they would've came out then. Izuku looked down in shame.

"I know what I did worried you. I know I act without thinking sometimes, but I couldn't just sit by. I couldn't just let him stand there, breaking the law. Stopping criminals is that heroes are for!" Izuku clenched his fist. Ochako rested her hand on his, trying to comfort him.

"I know I'm not a hero yet, but I can't become one if I ignore stuff like that." Izuku said, looking Ochako in the eyes.

"You're already a hero. In a way." Ochako said, "You're Kouta's hero. You're Eri's hero." Ochako's voice went soft, barely audible, even in the silent room, "You're my hero"

Izuku nearly jumped in the spot at the last three words. He looked into Ochako's eyes, as if he were looking into her soul.

"What do you-"

"You're my hero, Deku." Ochako said, louder this time, "You're my hero. Whenever I'm feeling beaten down, or in a pinch, I think 'What would Deku do here?' and everything turns out alright. You're so brave and care so much about everyone else, even putting your life on the line!" Ochako choked up. Izuku just looked at her in shock.

"I'm your-" he started.

"You're my hero, Deku." She repeated, squeezing his hand, as if to reassure him. Then, amazingly, Izuku smiled.

"I won't let you down, Uraraka!" He said, voice firm and intention clear.

"Thank you, Deku." Ochako said softly, "Just try to not die while I'm around, okay? I wouldn't know what to do with myself."

"I'll try not to."

Deku, you're the most important person to me in the world! The words caught in her throat, threatening to break loose. Not now. Can't let either of us get distracted from anything. She scolded herself.

There was a knock on the door. Ochako quickly moved her hand off of Izuku's, blushing, just is Iida stuck his head in the room.

"Hey Iida!" Izuku said, greeting him. As he entered the room, Ochako had expected him to be the only one, but person after person filtered into the room, until every person in class 1-A was present. Izuku was flooded with questions.

As everyone talked, Ochako found her thoughts drifting back to the alleyway, once again.

I was useless in that entire fight Ochako realized. She looked over to the hospital bed Izuku was sitting on, chatting with a few of the other classmates. Instead of letting her emotions get the better of her, Ochako steeled herself.

I will become stronger she commited herself.

Did I ever tell your eyes sparkle?

For Deku She resolved.

"So did you hear what the doctor called Izuku and Uraraka?" Denki asked. There was resound laughter.

"What did he say?" Izuku asked concerned.

"He said, 'Are you Mister Midoriya's friends? He is in there with his girlfriend'" Izuku and Ochako just looked at him for a moment before looking at each other. Their faces turned redder than tomatoes.

"Well they may as well be." Mina added. Ochako's face was so hot from blushing, she felt like if she breathed out, then steam would erupt from her nostrils.

"Now now, let's stop teasing them." All Might said, stepping into the room.

"All Might!" Izuku said, sitting up ever so slightly taller.

"Hey Champ. How's the side?" All might pointed to his side of his body, and a realization dawned over Izuku's face. Then, he burst out laughing, leaving everyone else confused, out of the loop over whatever joke the two were laughing at.

"Anyways…" Ochako said, interrupting the two, "When can Deku leave?" the doctor looked down at his clipboard.

"Looks like he could leave right now so long as he stays careful and doesn't put in any extraneous activity for the next few days. I had to put in seventeen stitches." Izuku sat up from his spot on the hospital bed and set his feet over the edge.

"Can you walk? Do you need someone to support you?" Ochako said, face full of concern.

"No, I think I'm fine." he said, standing up.

"Now, I'll need to see you in a few weeks to remove those stitches." The doctor said. All Might put his hand on the doctor's shoulder.

"I don't think that'll be necessary, Doc. We have it covered." With that statement, All Might quickly changed to his muscle form for a brief moment before going back. Realization dawned on the doctor's face, and he realized who he had been dealing with the whole time.

"Class 1-A? From Yuuei?" He asked, incredulous. Everyone nodded. With a gasp, he doctor fainted. Everyone laughed and started to filter out of the room.

"We need a doctor for the doctor!" Tooru joked as she left the room.

As soon as everyone got back to Yuuei, Izuku went to recovery girl and got his cut healed and stitches removed. He stretched, feeling as good as new.

"Ah! Good thing I can still train and go to class! At least we have a weeke-ah!" Izuku jumped when he saw Uraraka waiting outside the door for him.

"You waited around for me?" He said, looking to the clock, "I was in there for at least an hour!"

"I wanted to. I felt like walking with you, I suppose." Uraraka shrugged. Izuku felt butterflies in his stomach. He was used to such whenever he was talking with Uraraka, but it was hard to suppress a blush nonetheless.

As the two walked in relative silence, Izuku's thoughts drifted off.

She waited around for me. She worried about me, and got me help. She cried on my shoulder...she called me her hero… It was a lot to take in, especially since he had been crushing on her for a while, with no inclination that she reciprocate his feelings.

Could me back? Izuku dismissed the thought, She's just my good friend. There's no way he resolved. Still, he couldn't help but wonder.

"Deku?" Uraraka said, catching his attention.

"I'm sorry, what? I must have spaced out." He apologized, small blush forming on his cheeks.

"Thinking about how to track down Timetable?" She guessed. Izuku smiled.

"Yeah I suppose…" Let's go with that, "Anyways, what did you say."

"I was wondering I-if…" She trailed off, seeming to consider her next words, "When do you go training in the morning?" Izuku was taken aback by the question.

"Like my runs and workouts?" He asked, confused. Uraraka nodded eagerly.

"Well," Izuku started, scratching the back of his neck, "I go for a eight to twelve mile run every morning at five thirty, and then sometimes I lift some weights for about fourty five minutes, then sometimes I practice with my quirk for about an hour then go to class. It depends on the day. Why?"

"W-well...I was wondering...if I could start training with you?" Uraraka asked sheepishly. The request once again caught Izuku off guard.

"I guess I don't see why not." Izuku shrugged, "Though I do want to ask why?"

Uraraka blushed slightly, "Well, you see, you're so hard working and strong and It's part of what makes you such a good hero. I think that If I start training with you in the mornings, then I'll get stronger!" It was Izuku's turn to blush now.

"That actually makes sense. I-I'm glad I could be of help?" Izuku could feel the awkwardness in the air. He had a hard time when it came to conversations with Uraraka. She blushed and smiled.

Though it is awkward sometimes, I just ease when I'm around her. Izuku thought.

"Well, where should I meet you?" Uraraka asked.

"I-I usually leave the dorm at five thirty like I said, and I head down to the beach to run. You can meet my by the exit to the dorms if you'd like."

"Sure, sounds great."

"We'll also have to do a shorter route tomorrow. Even if you are in shape from hero basic training, you can't just skip straight to a half marathon, like I tend to do. We can start you off with four miles tomorrow and I'll run eight. Then weightlifting…" Izuku started another one of his muttering sprees, not paying attention to where he was going. He walked straight by his own room. It was late and everyone was already in bed as well. Uraraka reached out and grabbed his hand to stop him.

"Heh. Sorry." He said, walking back to his dorm door, where Uraraka was standing. He was blushing, hoping it wouldn't be seen in the dark.

As Izuku approached, he reached to go open his dorm room door, but was interrupted when Uraraka stepped in front of him, pulling him into a tight hug.

"I'm glad you're okay." She said softly, not letting go. Izuku's face was as red as a beet, and he just stood in shock for a moment. Finally, he brought his arms up and wrapped them around Uraraka, returning the hug.

"I am too." He said, smiling, ignoring how hot his face felt. Izuku thought she was going to pull away, but she just kept holding on, squeezing Izuku tightly.

"We should probably go to bed. We have to be up early tomorrow." Izuku reluctantly said, not wanting to let go. Uraraka let go of him, arms dropping to her sides. Her eyes were puffy, but not quite teared up.

"See you tomorrow." He said, reaching for his door handle.

"Goodnight, Deku." Uraraka said, turning to leave.

"Goodnight!" He shut the door behind him, and immediately slouched against the doorframe, sliding to the ground, still blushing profusely.

Ocahco made it back to her room, shutting the door carefully behind her, before leaning against the doorframe, running her hands through her hair. Her face was still beet red.

I can't believe I hugged him for so long! Did that give me away? Ochako worried, unable to fall asleep, even when she laid down.

Unbeknownst to the trouble that plagued both of them, they stared at the ceiling in their beds, and groaned in unison, "Ugh! What am I going to do!"

So that's the first chapter! I have a few things to clear up in this author's note, so here it goes! First of all, If you like Little Witch Academia, then go check my other fanfic over there! If you're from over there and reading this fic, then don't worry! I will be updating both of the stories equally! The main reason I'm actually writing this now is that I love Boku No Hero, and I realized I suck at fight scenes. So writing here will not only be fun, but also improve my writing!

A few things to clear up about this story in particular, since it has to do with names. In the actual series, Characters call each other different things, and it can get confusing. For example, Izuku is "Midoriya" To All Might, "Deku" To Bakugo and Uraraka, and "Izuku" To others. Another is that Uraraka is called different things by many different people. So to make things easier, The Characters will be named based on the POV, which will always be either Ochako or Izuku. So when it's an Ochako chapter, She thinks of herself as 'Ochako' so the text would be "Blah Blah Blah" Ochako said. Alternatively, Izuku sees Ochako as Uraraka. So instead of Ochako, it would be Uraraka. I hope that makes sense. The only exception to this rule is that Ochako calls Izuku "Deku", but he'll be refered to as Izuku in the regular text, as to not overuse the nickname. So it would my "Uraraka calls me Deku" Izuku said. I hope all this makes sense. When you're reading it should all be fine. I just wanted to make sure I was clear.

One Final thing! This fic and the LWA one will update on about a weekly basis, since it takes be about 4-5 days to make a chapter most of the time for each, so there will be an update for on of the stories every 4-5 days, and I'll switch off. Okay I'm done! Hope you enjoyed!

P.S. Don't forget to Review and tell me what you think! I really love to read feedback and want as much as possible! Also, since this is a new story, It would really mean a lot to me if you dropped a follow so i can see how many people want this story to be written out!

EDIT: I'm stupid and wrote this whole first chapter with saying 'Ochaco' instead of 'Ochako'. I know they're interchangeable, but a lot of the fandom uses the ladder, so I've gone through and changed it!