Midoriya Izuku's life has changed.

In the morning sun light filters through the curtains of his room, set on the second floor of Heights Alliance. He rolls over, bedclothes shift, and his eyes open. Across the room his gaze settles upon one of many representations of his idol, his saviour, the one who gave him the chance to be everything he wanted to be. The words come unbidden, and Midoriya says them gladly as he looks into the statue, the poster, the photo.

"Thank you."

The day begins.

Noises come from a bird cage on the veranda outside, the parrot within expecting a treat. Midoriya feeds it, then prepares to dress himself. It is time to face a new day. He turns his attention down to a small bed at the foot of his own, a kitten curled up within. He'd been caring for it the night before, as he only had the bird on hand at the moment. It was still asleep. Cute.

A knock on his door draws his attention and it's Kouda, coming by to check on his guest. The animal rescue services Kouda has taken on, spread throughout his class, keeps him busy visiting everyone, but no-one really minds. The two spend a few minutes checking up on the kitten, Kouda assuring Midoriya he'd be taking it on to a shelter later that day. This was good. He smiled and continued on outside his dorm.

The smell of cooking fills the common room, Satou hard at work within the kitchen. Occasionally he decides to do breakfast of his own volition, at which point everyone falls within his pace and waits for him to do his thing. No-one ever complains.

"Midoriya, g'morning!" A wave from him is all there's time for, Satou is busy preparing a whole host of platters. Serving them all at once is important, and he has to keep a lurking Kaminari and Kirishima at bay while he goes. Never patient enough, those two.

As a muffin floats off a tray behind his back Midoriya can't help but chuckle, accidentally giving the invisible Hagakure away. Satou rounds on her with a scandalised yell, but the muffin is already fleeing down the hallway. He's a little too slow, trying to catch her for once so she doesn't get in the habit of always winning when it comes to pinching food, and he disappears on the chase for just a minute.

"Deku!" Uraraka's yell causes him to turn, seeing her waving from the table she's sitting at with Iida. Sticking her other arm out in front of Iida's eyes, she changes her hand to a thumbs up and nods once. Well then…

Moments later he's placing the entire tray of muffins on the table, Uraraka, Kaminari and Kirishima equally digging in and congratulating him. Iida seems ready to complain, but Uraraka pops a muffin right into his mouth and that's it for him. You can't complain with Satou's cooking on hand. You really can't.

The morning goes on.

Ojiro fetches those in the class that do training with him, Hagakure and Midoriya head out, followed by Kaminari, Kirishima and Sero. Whichever of those three actively takes part and which messes with the others of that trio differs each time, but it's never too bad. They all enjoy the time spent together.

It's a busy day though, barely is training done before Iida arrives on the scene. He had cleaning duty earlier, but now is ready to go out for a run, invites those who'll join him to come with. It's only Midoriya, Ojiro is too busy wrangling his more playful students, while Hagakure is just enjoying the show, so the two set off and run.

The grounds of U.A., hatchery of Heroes, are large, more than enough to accommodate all the brewing legends within. Lapping that, the first time took Midoriya hours. Not today though, today it'll take three rounds before he's even ready to slow.

When he and Iida have returned to the dorms, cleaned themselves up after their run, they're greeted by a showdown between Jirou and Kaminari. Ever since they collaborated to set up a sound system in the common room, every day has been a battle between them for control over it. Jirou chooses paper and Kaminari rock. Control swings her way for today.

Music mixes with lunch, more than enough left over from Satou's cooking earlier that – combined with a few bits and pieces from the fridge – everyone feeds well. Ashido and Hagakure pounce on Uraraka, dragging her away after she's done eating, leaving Midoriya sitting with Iida still. Shouji, Tsuyu and Mintea phase into the conversation, join them at the table, and they talk, for much lies in the days ahead. Much they need to be ready for.

Mineta wants some evaluation over his new special moves. Tsuyu continues to drop hints about what she's developing, but never quite gives it away. She's proud of it. Shouji helps the conversation flow, speaks occasionally but ensures there's never a quiet moment. They talk.

It takes Tsuyu remarking on her tasking for the day to remind Midoriya he's late for his, sending him rushing off and leaving the four behind to continue the conversation. Aoyama is already halfway done with his work cleaning the baths, but his work consists of adding flair and sparkle, not so much cleaning. The smell of scented candles is rich in the air, flowering vases set at key points. Midoriya honestly has no idea how he makes such things appear, but Aoyama seems to have a gift for it.

Cleaning is mindless work, leaving Midoriya's own free to roam. Aoyama takes to wrangling it, giving advice on ways for Midoriya to improve his own style. He dispenses those freely to whoever listens, though often Midoriya is one of the few who does. If that's politeness, friendship, or genuine interest, Aoyama doesn't seem to mind. He just likes to be able to talk.

When the job's done the afternoon is here, and Midoriya returns to the common room to find a new scene. There's tension everywhere, focused most intensely around a table and the five sitting at it. Arbitrating is Yaoyorozu, Todoroki and Tokoyami set against Bakugou and Ojiro. The game's unclear, but the expression on Bakugou's face says he's losing.

Midoriya catches Ojiro's eye, makes a gesture of support and 'don't give up', only to immediately have Bakugou yell at him not to distract his teammate. Kacchan never really misses a beat, does he?

He's shuffled off before the scene turns ugly, Sero calling him to come help outside. This scene's a little more entertaining, though no less focused; Shouji's busy holding four floating classmembers by their feet while Uraraka loses her lunch nearby. She'd overdone her Quirk, but that wasn't knocking it out and she wasn't in a condition to undo it right now. Whoops.

Ashido seems to be having the time of her life, insisting Sero wrap his tape around her so that Shouji can let her go and play in the air. Mineta, Iida and Aoyama are all slightly less keen to be let go, happy enough for Shouji holding onto them. What a scene.

The answer's obvious, Midoriya solves it in a moment. While Shouji pulls Mineta down to ground level, Mineta can attach an orb to it, and Sero can wrap him with tape and stick its end to the orb. That'll keep these student balloons anchored a little closer to the ground.

Ashido continues to complain until Sero gives up and lets her have her mid-air joyride. She loves it.

Eventually Uraraka's back on her feet, Tsuyu having spent the past minute rubbing her back. Quirk released, everyone drops, Sero and Shouji catching the suddenly falling Ashido between them.

Most of the class had come outside to see this show, raised voices momentarily heard from the open door as they exited. Midoriya can only guess the game was not going well.

Still, with this many outside, they just hang out and chat for a bit, enjoy the afternoon light. It's natural to move to the trees they climb, arrange themselves all up and down it, so that's what they do. Another day amongst the branches.

He chooses to climb up high today, branches more often occupied by either the most energetic or most skilled at climbing. Jirou's hanging out at the base as he sets his hands into the branches, offers a wave as he goes by. Midoriya misses her then elbowing Kirishima in the side and whispering something to him.

Sero and Hagakure are at the peak, Midoriya third highest after them, with Ashido and Tsuyu just a little below. Uraraka's staying grounded as her stomach was still queasy, poor thing.

His favourite topic is strategy and everyone's developing Quirks, but three of the five are more interested in discussing the latest entertainment, talking about movies worth going out to see. That's not bad either, and it's good to plan things not as students but as friends. They'd have to go somewhere after the Provisional License Exam. Celebrate, unquestionably. They had confidence.

Tokoyami's the only one from Yaoyorozu's game to come out and join them, he ascends the tree rapidly, as he does, to sit with Midoriya. Bakugou and Todoroki have gone into sudden death matches apparently, which they've been unable to tie-break for the past ten minutes. At that point he and Ojiro decided to leave them to it.

When the sun begins to descend they return to the building, ready to face the night. It's not long before the Exam, and they need to be ready.

Inside Yaoyorozu sits alone, enjoying a quiet cup of tea. Todoroki retired to his room, she informs those who ask how the game went, Bakugou being convinced he threw a match just to end it instead of competing legitimately. She doesn't give her opinion on whether or not that's true.

Kouda returns soon after the rest, having gone out with Satou earlier to deliver a whole host of animals to a nearby shelter that Heights Alliance has become a sort of staging ground for. There's a tiny puppy resting on his head and Ashido and Hagakure immediately get into a contest over which of them will be looking after it. Somehow Aoyama wins. Somehow.

Dinner's the duty of Ojiro and Kaminari today, but naturally Satou's helping out all the same. Kaminari fries things too often, while Ojiro's cooking skills are fine but lacking the micromanaging necessary to feed twenty.

Study before food, Midoriya sits with Tsuyu, Tokoyami and Yaoyorozu, the four conquering their subjects while others either try and absorb study potential off of them or just hang out and chat.

Todoroki and Bakugou both appear to eat, but the second won't even look at the first right now. Kirishima and Kaminari waylay him, manage to get him into a conversation of their own, and food is served. A meal together.

Time ticks by.

A game of cards where Yaoyorozu is the only one who knows the rules, the others playing with her tasked to figure them out as they go.

A discussion of movies and shows, entertainment in the world. Iida and Ojiro get involved talking about the nature of Quirks being used or ignored in fictional settings.

Special Moves are the rage right now, what everyone's focused on developing. Midoriya finds many want to bounce ideas off of him, and enjoys discussing such with them. Aoyama sits in to help with aesthetic evaluation in addition to Midoriya's strategic.

Kouda brings Yuki down and she gets all the attention, that spoiled bunny.

The night deepens.

Some of their classmates will be up past midnight, while others choose earlier bedtimes. Most of them will choose early awakenings however. Some will just take as much sleep as they can get.

Not the earliest, but by far not the latest, Midoriya turns in. Each day he gives it his all, and in return a good night's rest is needed. He bids farewell to those still downstairs, roughly half the number now, and heads up. Time to rest.

Curtains are drawn, the parrot set to be handed over tomorrow, and Midoriya spends one last moment looking at all the memorabilia around his room, all the symbols of All Might.

Because of him, his life has changed.

And he couldn't be happier with how it had.