Well, since I love 'How to Train Your Dragon' and 'How to Train Your Dragon' Watching the Movie Fics so much, I've decided to write down one myself. It first started as a script only but I eventually decided to write something that I've always wanted to read.
This fic is a 'Watching the Movie' story. The movie is 'How to Train Your Dragon 2' and the characters watching it will be the ones from before the first movie. So no Hiccup and Toothless, no battle with the Red/Green Death, no peace between Vikings and Dragons. I've always wanted to read how everyone would react to seeing themselves riding dragons with no idea how it happened.
Also, a warning; there are some lines which I didn't completely understand because of accent and such so if you can figure out what they really said feel free to correct me please. I will mark the lines I'm unsure of like this: (?).
I do not own the 'How to Train Your Dragon' franchise. They belong to Dreamworks and Cressida Cowell.
The room was big. And white, except for the big, comfortable looking seats wrapped in red cloth. They were organized in rows that ascended to the back of the room and all of them faced the same blank wall.
Stoick took a moment to blink in confusion and take in what was happening. All around him dozens of baffled, overly violent Vikings examined their new surroundings as only people of their proud heritage could. The only problem was…
"Where's my hammer?"
"My axe is missin'!"
"Where in Hel's name are we?"
Stoick checked. His faithful axe was gone. The weapon he had always carried with him was nowhere in sight. Tendrils of rage filled his being and with a roar that brought silence among his tribe he cried to the room.
"Show yerself, devil! What is this wretched place? Come out and face us with honor, ye coward!"
As the echo died down and the clamor of cheering people eager for battle begun, the chief heard the timid voice of his son right next to him.
"Ah, uh…dad?"
Turning down with a scowl that Hiccup found only a tad intimidating, he noticed where the boy was pointing. On the closest seat there was a white folded paper. Not sparing him a glance he grabbed the paper and unwrapped it. His dark gaze melted into one of confusion all over again. Stoick turned back to the Vikings and only now noticed their fired up state. He sighed and called for silence which they immediately obeyed.
"Apparently, the one responsible fer this left us a message: No violence allowed, only truth. Take a seat and learn."
Whispers flew all around the room as everyone scratched their heads at the cryptic message. Gobber the Belch, eccentric man and all around best friend of the chief's shrugged his shoulders.
"Well, that's that ah guess." And he limped his way to the middle of the first row and plopped down. "Aw, cozy."
Stoick huffed, hesitant to do as told, but when his son and the other teens followed, spreading out along the front seats he joined them as did the rest of the Vikings, grouping into families or friends. He sat down next to Gobber with Hiccup on the smith's other side and the rest of the teens on the row behind them.
"What kind of sorcery is this?"
Gobber was quick to answer his friend's murmured question in his usual cheery manner. "Whatever it is, there's no way out and we might as well stick around and see what's gonna happen. Can't hurt, right?"
Before Stoick could say anything there was a flash of light from the side of the room that bared no furniture. What followed next was a slice of pandemonium as Vikings jumped on their feet, instinctively reached for their missing weapons, while dragons of all kinds growled, desperately trying to untangle themselves from the pile of tails, limbs and wings they've fallen into.
Battle cries and savage howls filled their air as both parties tried to figure out what was happening but to their utmost surprise, the Vikings found themselves unable to step away from their seats and the dragons' fires were mysteriously empty.
Right before Stoick's face, another piece of paper fluttered down out of nowhere. He grabbed it angrily and read aloud, his voice booming with barely restrained anger.
"No violence allowed, only truth. Watch the wall."
The suddenly dimming lights brought a new wave of chatter but it all quieted down, humans and dragons, when the wall the chairs were facing burst into motion and colors. Stoick wanted to curse the spawn who brought them there with the dragons and refused to show itself or at least let them have a go at their mortal enemies. The moving images were stunning and he was quite curious to know what it was. With a nod, he turned around to address his people.
"Alright! Everyone, since we cannet fight or move much, we will listen to these…letters…for now." He sat back down but not before throwing a heated glare at the dragons who seemed to be in the same predicament as them in the mobility department.
The beasts made sure to return the look.
"This ought to be interesting." He heard the blacksmith say.
Stoick personally had a few different words to describe it, but kept his mouth shut. Behind them, the villagers were still talking quietly and always kept an eye on the dragons, watching them turn their heads this way and that and chirping and crooning. It was strange to see them act so indifferent and relaxed when they were used with terrifying, bloodthirsty beasts ready to tear them apart during raids.
The chief sighed heavily, his body refusing to loosen up with their enemies so close. He stole a glance at his son, on Gobber's other side and saw him carefully watch the devils. He mentally nodded at his caution. He should have said something but the words got stuck in his throat as they always did. He shook his head and looked forward to the wall where a boy was fishing in the clouds from his place on a crescent moon?
He questioned what he was seeing for a second before the image changed into water.
The screen is on the water. Suddenly something fast and black moves across the surface causing the water to part and spray sideways. Something red is visible in the short time it moved over the screen.
"What is this?" He heard somebody ask in the back. The Chief wasn't surprised when nobody answered.
The angle turns up and Berk can be seen in the distance. Sea birds are heard in the background along with the shifting waves. Slowly, the camera moves forward towards the island. It closes in on one of the Viking totems before it disappears.
Sounds of wonder fill the room. Stoick himself was left speechless as the sight of his home was shown by this magic…person…thing. His puzzlement and curiosity were starting to hurt his head.
This is Berk. The best kept secret this side of…well anywhere.
He could practically feel everybody jump at the voice. It was lower pitched, but still held that familiarly nasal quality he recognized as his son's.
"Why is Hiccup talking?" Snotlout piped over the new round of whispers.
"Am not." Hiccup snapped back dryly. It was quiet enough that only he and Gobber heard. He knew his son was just as out of it as everyone else, but Stoick still wondered how this was possible.
The screen moves over the cliffs to a container of water.
Granted, it may not look like much but this wet heap of rocks packs more than a few surprises.
The people, now somehow used with the voice of their heir coming out of nowhere, took the time to pay attention to the new look of the village. Stoick too found himself pleased to see the village looked in good shape. His thoughts wandered to the letters and how they were going to see their future. Did this mean that the war was over? He couldn't quell the giddy feeling in his chest and he grinned.
The screen goes over roofs and houses. Something fast moves overhead. In-between two houses, the screen goes down to see a couple of scared sheep watching the sky. An overview of the village shows a shadow is seen passing on the ground.
The giddy feeling dropped faster than Thor's Hammer in unworthy hands.
Life here is amazing.
For a second Stoick was torn between distress that the dragons were still around and the fact that his son finally grew out of the awkward, troublemaking phase he was in right now. The news that his son was taking his role seriously eventually won out.
Beside him, Gobber nudged the teen with a joyful smile. Hiccup was surprised at first, but a proud smile lit up his face. Maybe he wasn't such a disappointment to his father after all.
The bunch of sheep is crossing the plaza back to back.
Just not for the faint of heart.
The happy atmosphere spread all around and many Vikings found themselves nodding along with the boy's words.
Close up on the sheep. The sides of the sheep are painted with a colorful target.
Astrid narrowed her eyes at that. Something wasn't right here…
You see, when most folks enjoy hobbies like whittling or needle point, we Berkians prefer…
Snotlout and the twins scoffed.
"Who does that?" Snotlout jeered.
"I know, right? Destruction for the win!"
Some villagers rolled their eyes as the twins banged their helmets together.
The marked sheep is pushed away. It looks up alarmed just before being snatched.
"Damned beasts!"
The dragons roared at the Viking in question making him cower in his seat.
…a little something we like to call…
Fast shapes move across a totem, buildings and then a weathervane making it spin uncontrollably. The shapes are more clearly seen when they fly around a decorated post.
Dragon Racing!
A series of gasps echoed around the room. Stoick's mouth dropped, the teens watched in confusion as did every single person. They wondered if dragon racing was some kind of code for a good old dragon battle in the arena.
The dragons turn around in the air and the camera shows behind them stands with cheering Vikings. The camera moves back and Fishlegs, older from his appearance, comes out wearing paint on his face. He whoops in victory with the Gronckle doing the same. In its claws is the sheep.
A pin could be heard dropping in the silence that followed.
Fishlegs shrunk under the sudden glares aimed at him. Nobody could blame them; after all, the boy was riding a dragon. It hurt him how his parents looked at him as if he was a stranger, but in a corner of his mind Fishlegs couldn't help being stunned by his future self's bravery.
"WHAT IS THIS?" Hiccup and the rest of the younger generation flinched at the Chief's bellow.
The dragons on the other hand, tilted their heads curiously at the human.
Suddenly they are hit by a tail and the dragon drops their cargo. Snotlout and a Monstrous Nightmare appear on the screen and the sheep is caught by them.
It was Snotlout's turn to gulp as the eyes turn on him.
Just what was wrong with those kids?
Haha, I'm sorry, Fishlegs. Did you want that?
Fishlegs scowls and urges his dragon to go faster but the Nightmare spreads his wings and is pushed back while the Gronckle flies by.
Snotlout, that was mine!
Uncertainty floated like a cloud over every single being in the room. What kind of magic were they watching?
Stoick wanted several block of ice in that moment.
Snotlout looks behind to see the twins getting closer on a Zippleback.
Here you go, babe! (He throws the sheep to Ruffnut.) Did I tell you you look amazing today? Because you do.
He smiles. Ruffnut gags.
Ruffnut gagged.
Astrid leaned back in surprise.
Snotlout froze.
"Never talk to me!" The blonde twin grinded.
Come on Barf. It's starting to stink around here.
Barf starts to release green gas as they pass. Tuffnut and the other head of the dragon appear beside Snotlout with Tuffnut leaning down on him. His face is hideously painted black and yellow.
Vikings flinched at the horrendous face paint. Tuffnut was quite taken with it though.
"Oh man. That's awesome and scary. And we're really riding a dragon."
His words brought more darks looks to them but the twins, slow-witted and simple-minded as they were, didn't notice.
Nope! Still hates you. (Fist pumped in the air.) Let's blow this place, Belch! (The gas is lightened and an explosion separates the Nightmare and Zippleback.) Alright!
The dragons fly down closer to the stands and the twins throw the sheep down a hole and into a net with their mark. From a platform, Stoick laughs as he watches the teens go.
Hiccup was completely lost. The other kids were riding dragons. They were enjoying it along with the rest of the village if the cheering crowd was anything to go by. What's more, his father was supporting it! It was official. Whatever would happen in the future would make them all insane.
Ahaha, that's nine for the twins. Astrid lays with three, Fishlegs and Snotlout trail with none and Hiccup is… (Stoick looks around and then heavily sits down in his chair.) …nowhere to be found.
Stoick felt the beginnings of panic gripping his inwards. Not only were Fishlegs, Snotlout and the twins involved but also Astrid and his…his son?
Gobber leans on the back of the chair, smiling teasingly.
Scared him off with the big talk, didn't you Stoick?
Stoick glares.
Gobber frowned. There was clearly something big that happened in order for Berk and their mentality to switch in such a radical manner. It was clear the war was over and that dragons were welcomed in the village. But what could have gone down?
And from what he was hearing, Hiccup was in his father's good graces if 'big talk' meant what he was thinking of.
Back in the game, the camera is on Snotlout when Astrid appears upside down on a Deadly Nadder and slaps his helmet.
"Wow!" Snotlout shouted. He was taken aback by how beautiful Astrid would become. His feeling was secretly shared by Hiccup who kept staring dreamily at the blonde while Gobber snickered, not unnoticed mind you.
Said blonde on the other hand, was enraged. How could she dishonor herself and her village like that?
What are you doing, Snotlout? They're gonna win now!
She's my princess. Whatever she wants, she gets.
Ruffnut? Didn't she try to bury you alive?
Only for a few hours…
As dizzying as it was watching everything, the people couldn't help but laugh at the exchange. Maybe whatever was going on wasn't as bad as they believed. They certainly didn't think that if this was their future.
The two of them fly closer to another weathervane and the Nightmare kicks it with his claws.
Now dragons used to be a bit of a problem here.
Stoick was glad his son was speaking again. Maybe he could tell something about what changed between them and the dragons.
Snotlout hoots while he, Astrid and the twins fly around stacks of rocks.
But that was five years ago, now they've all moved in.
Murmurs rose from the crowd. So 5 years passed since…what? The war ended? They found the nest? Made peace with dragons? There was still so much they didn't understand.
They go through a structure at the mouth of a cave where all kinds of baby dragons are.
And, really, why wouldn't they? We have custom stables…
They even made arrangements so the dragons could live comfortably?
Outside, a Nadder is eating from a container.
…all you can eat feeding stations…
Switches to the right where a Gronckle is using a stone back scratcher.
…full service dragon wash…
A baby Gronckle sneezes and sets fire to a house decorated with a wooden Nadder head.
…even top of the line fire prevention, if I do say so myself.
Astrid notices the fire and she and the Nadder immediately go there. Her dragon pulls on a rope above the house, releasing a jet of water that puts out the fire before it can spread.
Hiccup raised his brows at the ingenious solution. They could apply such a system during raids. Why didn't he think of that? Well, considering what he's heard he had already thought about it…sort of.
On the platform, Gobber and Stoick applaud at the show.
It's time, Gobber.
Righty-ho! (Waves at a man waiting near a giant horn.) Last lap!
The Viking nods and blows. The loud noise makes Astrid perk up in excitement.
The black sheep! (Leaning down to her dragon.) Come on, Stormfly, we can still win this thing!
In the stands the Vikings clap and yell.
Stoick and Gobber looked at each other. The smith raised his shoulders hopelessly as if saying 'I've lived to see this too' while Stoick is rubbing his head. He still found this so very hard to believe.
Meanwhile, the teens, the dragons and some Vikings were getting excited. No matter the game, even if it involved dragon riding, it was enough reason to feel energized. They loved to be entertained and most of all they loved to compete and win.
A foot and peg leg is seen moving slowly across the screen.
Come on, Barf.
Let's go.
"Oh, ho, ho…" Tuffnut was rubbing his hands sitting on the edge.
Ruffnut was grinning widely beside him. "This is gonna be so cool."
A jagged wheel is turning.
On Fishlegs catching up with the others.
Come on, Meatlug.
Even if he felt so scared at first, Fishlegs could really say he was enjoying every minute of it.
"Meatlug? Really?" Sneered Snotlout.
Almost every minute.
A big crossbow pointing towards the sky is being prepared.
On the teens flying towards the screen. Astrid, in the lead, cries out in joy with the twins, Snotlout and Fishlegs behind her.
There was no way Astrid was enjoying this. Her pumping heart and jittery feet were because she was in a room with dragons watching impossible, bewitched gibberish. Yes!
A bored black sheep is sitting in the crossbow. Gobber leans down with a wink.
This is your big moment. Have a nice flight!
The screen widens and the entire mechanism is revealed. When Gobber gets ready to pull the lever, the sheep freezes in realization. It lets out one last "BAA" before it shoots in the sky.
The Vikings cheered, too caught up in the game to notice. Stoick did, and Hiccup watched his father with an apprehensive eye. He was the only one not present. But his father mentioned him earlier…so where was he?
Up up up up up!
Astrid comes closer and closer to it; Stormfly pulls ahead her sharp talons ready to snatch the sheep. The black sheep stops midair where it bleats frightened. As it starts falling down and Astrid approaches, Fishlegs suddenly shots in front of her taking her prize.
Everyone groaned, even the dragons. The Deadly Nadder whined unhappily at being beaten and Astrid straightened up, not believing that Fishlegs got ahead of her.
Yes! Good job, Meatlug!
Meatlug puffs, just as happy as her rider. She then spins around and throws the sheep.
Here you go, darling! Mine's worth ten!
Another round of jaw-dropping occurred. Fishlegs was chasing Ruffnut too now?
"Seriously, stay away!" Growled the female twin. Her brother was giving her the freaky eyes. Tuffnut could somehow understand Snotlout going after his sister, he must have gotten sick of Astrid saying no, but Fishlegs?
Ruffnut catches the sheep while Tuffnut slowly puts down his arms, having expected to catch it.
Yeah! The black sheep!
With Astrid flying alongside Snotlout.
You guys are fighting for Ruffnut?
I'm totally winning!
(Appears on her side, a love struck smile on his face.) We're winning together!
"Oh, I'm going to be sick!"
Ruffnut grunts and pushes him away. Behind, Astrid ducks Fishlegs in time but Snotlout is not so lucky and they, along with their dragons are sent spiraling backwards.
The crowd is ecstatic.
"This thing is crazy!" Tuffnut cried referring to Ruffnut evident suitors. "I don't know if it's good or bad, and that's saying something."
On the twins and their Zippleback as they fly.
Whoo-hoo! No one can stop me now!
Except for me, we're attached, genius!
Hiccup rolled his eyes. "Of course it would come to that."
The twins' parents heard him and shook their heads in resignation.
In the background, Astrid and Stormfly close in.
Stoick narrowed his eyes. He might not go along with this mess but it didn't mean he didn't like to see a good challenge. He was hoping the Hofferson girl wouldn't give up that easily. She wasn't that kind of person.
(He grabs the sheep's horns and pulls it towards him) Quite trying to steal all my glory!
On Astrid as she leaps on her feet on Stormfly. She smiles determined. From the stands, Stoick pushes himself up from his chair.
Everybody leaned forward in expectation. The dragons flapped their wings as well.
Get them, Astrid!
It's my glory.
Astrid comes from behind them and jumps on Barf and Belch.
RUFFNUT (Still playing tug-a-war over the sheep.)
…always ruining everything!
…no sheep, no glory…
Astrid runs on the back of the dragon and somersaults over the bickering pair, grabbing the sheep in the process.
The Vikings applauded at the impressive demonstration of skill.
Astrid couldn't stop the proud smirk as she watched herself perform such risky maneuvers in the air. Fleetingly, she pondered that she must have trusted that Nadder a lot to do it.
Gotcha! (She lands perfectly on her dragon.) Ahaha! (She smiles victoriously.)
TUFFNUT (Bewildered at what just happened.)
Stoick jumps out of his seat while Spitelout, on his left, rolls his eyes.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Gripped Astrid's father making some laugh.
Well played! (Hits Spitelout playfully in the shoulder, shoving him two steps away at the same time.) That's my future daughter-in-law!
Hiccup choked and blushed scarlet. Gobber's blatant winking didn't help.
"What?" Shrieked Snotlout.
His reaction was shared by the majority of the villagers.
Some of them seemed to take it in stride though since, in the future, they also seemed to enjoy dragon races and the kids were riding said dragons. Why was one more earth-shattering news going to matter? For others, this was as earth-shattering as it sounded.
Astrid was blushing as well. She personally didn't have anything with Hiccup. She always thought that he was clumsy, weak, never in the right place but she admired his smarts and determination to keep trying. He was cute in a dorky kind of way but she was never interested in him romantically. She was dedicated to battle and honoring her family and tribe.
Stoick was surprised out of any disgust this future brought him. His son was promised to Astrid Hofferson? Probably the best Viking of the younger generation? He would be lying is he said he wasn't proud but it all came back to the standard question.
What brought this all on?
"There is no way, no way I will believe that Hiccup of all people is going out with Astrid!" Raged Snotlout.
Astrid scowled. "Oh, so you were expecting that the billionth time you ask me out I would by some miracle say yes? Is your head as filled of rocks as it looks?"
She turned away from him spluttering about his muscles to look at Hiccup as he was making himself smaller and smaller in his seat. She shook her head, nearly pitying herself for such misfortune. And she didn't even see Hiccup in the future yet.
Astrid and the others are passing by the stands, very near the finish line. Fishlegs tries to make a grab for the sheep but Stormfly and Astrid get out of the way. Snotlout comes from the front, swinging a bludgeon in his hands.
Uh, excuse me!
People looked shocked that Snotlout would threaten Astrid with how he fawned over her so much. Astrid glanced at him blankly and the boy turned away embarrassed.
As they draw near each other, Astrid drops down and reveals Fishlegs right behind her. A clang is heard as the weapon hits and the crowd winces. Below, Stormfly spins out of control underneath the nets with sheep. Astrid gasps as they keep going towards the water but manages to pull them back up in the air in the nick of time. They come back above the nets and she drops the sheep. A woman swings a flag signaling the end of the competition.
(Pumps his fist violently, causing the elder to gasp.) That's thirteen! (Spitelout still looks bored and as if he expected the outcome.) Astrid takes the game.
Astrid stands up on Stormfly, cheering along with the people at her success.
The Vikings were cheering along with the ones in the picture. In the end it was a pretty impressive game.
Yeah, Berk is pretty much perfect. All of my hard work has paid off and it's a good thing too…
Astrid flies closer to the stands and leans down to clap the people.
Because with Vikings on the back of Dragons…
Fishlegs gasps and dips lower for cover when Stormfly passes by and then upwards into the sky.
…the world just got a whole lot bigger…
This made the people wonder.
"So it is Hiccup's fault that this will happen?" Said Snotlout.
The twins high-fived and cried 'Awesome'. Fishlegs looked intrigued but most of the older Vikings seemed uneasy.
Astrid was confused on what to think. On the one hand, she has sworn herself a warrior, to kill the beasts that have ravaged her tribe for three hundred years. On the other hand, watching herself so free and happy on that Nadder made a thrill of adrenaline run down her body. She didn't remember a time when she looked so content.
Stoick was frowning so much Hiccup feared it would be permanent. The earlier mortification regarding him and Astrid passed away as the words of his future-self washed over the room. He somehow stopped the war. And not only that, he somehow made Vikings and Dragons live in peace. All his life he prepared himself to one day kill a dragon and earn his father's approval. Naturally, everything he tried ended up harming the village as much as the dragons did and he almost came to believe that there was no way to get rid of Hiccup the Useless. But here he was now, five years later and so far, every mention of him by his dad didn't ring with disappointment or shame. His father looked angry and annoyed that he wasn't there, participating with the others in the race. In that moment Hiccup felt a sliver of hope bud in his chest.
The Chief was conflicted. He didn't know what changed, when and how and why. It was all so astonishing, like a storm hitting him from all sides. He was disoriented. The village from what he had seen was flourishing. And dragons lived among them. There were new constructions; some of them he was sure came from Hiccup's brilliant mind. The peace came from Hiccup's brilliant mind. Vikings versus Dragons; a conflict that went on for centuries, traditions all thrown away and he saw the result before his eyes. Stoick was a man of honor and pride and staining his ancestors' names by allying themselves with dragons felt like treason. But, he reminded himself again, the village was flourishing. The people were happy with dragons.
A Chief protects his own! Was breaking tradition a worthy price for this peace?