Ezra didn't know what he would feel when he saw it again, see the world he was born on, the world he lived the first few years of his life, anger, nostalgia, sadness. But right now, as he looked down onto the world of Mandalore from his new ship. He didn't feel anything, right now the only thing he could think about was his objective. Find his mother and save her. Right now, though, he was starting to worry that it might be too late. As if on que a ship left hyperspace close to his own and his eyes widened at the sight of what was above the atmosphere, his jaw dropped and fear shot through him like it never has before.
That was without a doubt the largest ship he's ever seen. It looked like a star destroyer but it completely dwarfed any he's seen or even heard of. It had a large city like structure at the top, the familiar control tower that all-star destroyers have at the top and engines that seemed like they could replace the sun in warming the planet. If that wasn't enough, it was surrounded by a small fleet of regular destroyers.
Something is happening on the planet and he needed to hurry because he could feel it. It was a feeling he made sure he would never forget, calmly reaching out with the force, he was hit with it.
The cold.
Vader was here, and he was on the move. He needed to move and move fast. Thankfully he had a ship that would get it done, looking up at the console he couldn't help but smile at his new ship, this definitely made up for losing the Phantom. After all, having a Kom'rk class fighter with a skilled pilot would be a good boon for the rebellion. This ship could do a lot of damage with the right pilot, he would need to practice before he tried using it in missions, I mean of course there was no way he was letting anyone else use this ship. Shifting in his seat slightly he winced at the stinging sensation on his back, even with the large bacta patch covering most of it.
He rolled his eyes at the pain; he couldn't focus on pain right now. He leaned back in his chair and sighed in peace of the calm running ship, it was a very tense few minutes as Ezra stood with his weapons aimed at the protectors and their weapons aimed at him. Though he would never admit it out loud, Ezra was beyond happy that Fenn was able to see his side of things. It seemed that he had underestimated Fenn's loyalty to his mother and when they came to an agreement between them, he was more than happy with it. Which is what brought him what he has in his position now, his very own Mandalorian Kom'rk-class fighter, it was painted with a black coat and dark blue stripes. This ship alone would do wonders for Phoenix squadron, hell if used right this thing could do more damage than Soto's command ship.
He had something else to worry about, as the seconds went by the planet got closer and closer and he could see a small red light began to blink off and on indicating he was being hailed. Taking a deep breath, he pressed the button "Vahriin sunvaar, reyliik oblaan nimaar miin krif hah ek" (unidentified vessel, you are trespassing in Mandalorian territory. Identify yourself)
"here we go again" he said to himself before responding "Da Diin Ezra Rau Hind Mal Nus Slen Uth VulZun Agli Sundari" (this is Ezra Rau of the protectors of concord dawn requesting permission to land in the capital city of Sundari)
"Kiiin Opp" (stand by) there was a moment of silence where Ezra could hear nothing but static from the other end "Bahlok Daal Enook Feim" (transmit landing codes)
"this have better work Fenn" he said to himself before he started to transmit the codes while at the same time promising to come back and kill him if this didn't work. A shadow was cast over him and he looked up to see that massive ship practically on top of him though that wasn't what worried him the most, no that was the fact that he could sense the cold coming from the planet and not the ship. Vadar was down there and he was doing something, he rolled his eyes at the thought Ezra knew dam well what he was doing. Well, not exactly what he was doing but it had something to do with his mother at the very least.
"Kolp acep" (code accepted) the voice said "Kii dolp fje coolf heis puz" (proceed to land at platform eleven)
He sighed in relief before making his way down towards the planet. He didn't even notice the ship beginning to rock side to side due to entering the atmosphere, he was just thankful that this time he wasn't being shot at as he was entering. Though once he passed through the heat and the turbulence his eye brows rose at what he saw. A desert, that's what the whole planet was now. That's all it could be and Ezra knew why.
Mandalore wasn't able to be anything else, that's what thousands of years of war had done to the surface of the planet, it was going to be a desert because the surface was so damaged nothing could grow there again, at least not without a lot of scientific help. Much like when he was looking down from orbit, he didn't really know what to feel. Sad sure but at the same time interested in all history that must be there, though that might be just the Mandalorian in him wanting to know about the history he never got to learn growing up. It wasn't more than a minute before he caught sight if the largest city on the planet, completely incased in a multi layered dome made from some of the strongest metals in the galaxy.
Though that was to be expected was it not, if you want to take Mandalore from an army of Mandalorian's. You're going to need not only the largest fleet the in the galaxy to get past the thousands and thousands counter measures, just a small amount of them being the two dozen planetary shields that got stronger and stronger the closer to not just the capital city but any city, the first starting in high orbit and the last just outside the dome, layers upon layers of the strongest metals made up the dome itself, a few hundred of the most powerful cannons and artillery blasters placed all around the circumferences of it and then there's the millions of incredibly skilled troops needed to take the cities themselves.
Shaking his head he knew that this was last thing that should be on his mind, he steered the ship towards the landing pad and made his approach, pulling down the landing gear he slowly started the hover and with a small shake he hit the ground, quickly powering down the engine he stood up and looked out the window, immediately seeing a squad of storm troopers with one armored Mandalorian standing in the middle of them.
Taking a deep breath, he stood up and made his way to the exit as he took one last look in the mirror and saw how he looked, it wasn't much but he was given an old set of armor that was worn by the protectors, just as well too, considering his clothes where completely shredded. He went to leave again but stopped at the edge of the ramp and glanced to the right seeing an old helmet. Looking down to his belt and seeing the lightsaber, he needed to keep that hidden in order to stay as quite as possible. His anonymity was needed now more than ever, the only way he was going to do this and stay out of a huge firefight he might not walk away from is to keep hidden, quickly grabbing the helmet, he placed it over his head and looked at his saber for a moment before grabbing it with both hands and twisting the center causing it to split in two, he added this in when he created his weapon, he got the idea from Kanan though this would be the first time he uses it, finally he placed the two parts on his belt before stepped off the ramp and walked towards the group.
"halt" one of the troopers on the right said. Though it didn't go unnoticed to Ezra that the Mandalorian in the front had a small tilt of the head, he was no doubt rolling his eyes.
Acting the part, Ezra crossed his arms and took a relaxed stance trying to make it look like he knew he needed to be here but he knew he needed to follow this bullshit at the same time in order to get into the city.
"state your clan" the Mandalorian said calmly.
"the Protectors of Concord Dawn" he answered as he looked around the dock and he didn't like what he saw, there were more imperial ships than there were Mandalorian. Glancing to the right he could see a Star Destroyer docked into the dome, no doubt with troops that where flooding into the city none stop.
The Mando in front of him seemed to be confused by his answer however "and what business do the protectors have with the capital?"
"we've noticed a higher active presence of pirates and rebels on our borders" que the storm troopers glancing at each other "I'm here to talk with Gover Saxon about acquiring reinforcements to help secure the border"
It was a sound enough reason and it would also explain the unexpected visit. Before the Mando in front could ask another trooper came, though this one was different. He wore an orange Pauldron on his shoulder, signifying his status as a captain in the army "have you had any contact with the rebel cells?" he asked.
"not yet" he said maintaining his cool "though if they keep up the activity, we'll have to intervein to keep them out" he explained calmly.
The Mando stepped forward in front of the trooper causing him to back off "governor Saxion is in the senate house speaking with the imperial liaison" he stepped to the side allowing him to step through "you can take shuttle six, it'll get you closest"
Ezra nodded at him "thanks" he walked towards the designated area. It didn't take long to get there, and when he finally did. He came to a large balcony area where he could see almost the entire city and he was disgusted by the sight.
The imperials are everywhere, every street corner, every large building. Troopers, flags, propaganda 'this is just wrong' he thought to himself as he looked at the once great and impenetrable city of Mandalore, turned into this. He sighed before quickly turning and moving towards the shuttle.
He didn't know what to think as he looked out over the city below him, but one thing was for sure. This was not right at all, he knew that he needed to do something about this but right now he had his own mission. It around ten minutes in order for him to reach senate house, it's only just dawned on him that the house would just be a front. The place, the home of the Mandalorians, being taken over by the imperials. How could this have happened?
But he met Saxion himself, the questions he had were answered almost immediately. Thankfully it wasn't some long drawn out process to get in to see Saxion, it seemed the guards at the doors were briefed he was coming and allowed him access to get in, it seemed that one of the things Saxion took seriously was rebel activity.
He didn't even need to speak, just by looking at the man he could that he had to imperials stick shoved up his ass and it was very much up there because when he opened his mouth Ezra sworn he could have seen it at the back of his mouth "how many rebel cells have you come into contact with?" he asked.
Ezra almost didn't hear him, he was to sickened to hear when he saw the imperial logo signet on his shoulder just under his pauldron, it was made even worse when he found out that there is no way his armor wasn't made from Beskar. Something he himself has desired for a long time, his own armor wasn't made form something like this and he would be lying if he wasn't jealous "are you listening to me?" he asked again with voice of annoyance.
"yes sir" Ezra said though with great difficulty "as far as we know it's only been one cell but they've been very persistent"
"why can you not handle them yourselves?" he asked as the two continued walk down the halls of the building.
"because despite being one cell of rebels, they have a lot of firepower and numbers" he argued back calmly "we could fight them and do a lot of damage but by that point the rebels will get a clear message and never come back"
Saxion stopped and looked deep in thought "hhhmmm" he said stroking his chin "that is a good point, we'll want them captured. Very well, I'll be in contact with the clan leader and see about sending reinforcements" he said turning to face him.
"thank you, it is appreciated by the Protectors of Concord Dawn" he spoke as formally as possible knowing he needed to be professional if he wanted to be seen as legitimate.
Which is what made the next part of ending the conversation much harder. Before he could replay another man in a more formal set a clothing, without a word he placed his ear in Saxions ear, Ezra didn't hear what he said but it did cause his eyes to widen "apologies but I seem to be needed elsewhere" he said as he reached out with his hand "this is the way" Saxion said back looking right into Ezra eyes.
Ezra himself felt like every nerve ending in his body just caught fire, he hasn't heard anyone say that since his mother took him off world. He knew exactly what that meant, a symbol of trust and respect in each other "this is the way" he said throw great difficultly before turning around and making his way out the building trying to calm himself down and unclenching his fist.
Stepping outside the building. He took a moment to clear his head, he was out and his cover was intact. Now he had time to do what he actually came here for. Without any sort of reason, he simply started to walk in any one direction knowing that he needed a plan because he wasn't going to get another chance. He needed to get in contact with Clan Kryze, from there he should be able to find his mother or someone there will know where she is.
The problem was that when the duchess Satine was killed in some sort of crime lord take over. Every clan under the banner of Death Watch came to the defense of the city and successfully pushed the criminals back. He didn't know what happened after that but it was something big because the leader of death died around the same time. A few months later the Republic came some big battle took place, he knew next to nothing about the fight itself but what he did know was that once it was done all clans under house Vizsla went into hiding, god knows why.
Thankfully Ezra had a life style that allowed him to get used to being on the run. It made it easier for him to get an idea of how he was going to find her. Step one, find the shadiest most criminal full bar he could. Step two, find someone there and get them to talk.
Finding a place like that wasn't hard, in fact Ezra was surprised how easy it was to find. Being honest he didn't know whether or not that said more about him or the city itself, which seemed to be buzzing with more imperial traffic as he looked up into the sky and saw well over a dozen different transport ships heading in the same direction, it gave him a really bad feelings and not just in his gut but in the force as well.
Walking down the dark and dirty back alley for the low-class section of the city, Ezra found what he was looking for, a door with one tough looking guy that looked to be wearing some armor that seems tough and rugged. He had no doubt that the guy had seen action and knowing the most likely outcome of his visit will lead to a fight but with the force on his side he was confident he could take him. Above the clear bouncer was a red light showing in the air above with a pointing downwards. Behind him, a door that was full of dirt and grime.
Once he was half way down the alley the man turned to face him though he didn't seem very interested, not that Ezra could blame him, he's probably had to deal with people like Ezra before. Stopping just in front of the man, Ezra nodded to the door behind him. The man shrugged and stepped to the side "don't start trouble and there won't be trouble"he said.
Ezra nodded and walked past him. Once he stepped inside, Ezra wasn't surprised by the sight. The place was dank, dark, dirty, full of real shady looking characters. All of which turned to look at him the second he walked in. He couldn't help but roll his eyes under his helmet, it seems that no matter where you were in the galaxy, places like this where always the same. Without missing a beat Ezra walked towards the bar and calmly placed his hands on the counter, the bar tender came up to him and looked at him calmly "something strong" he calmly said. The man nodded and started to pour him a drink.
Knowing that he didn't need to worry about his identity here, he took off his helmet and placed it on the counter and then just waited, knowing that it was coming. Hearing the sound of a chair being scraped across the ground he smirked as the drink was set down in front of him "we don't really like new faces around here" a deep voice said.
"is that so" Ezra said in a not caring attitude as he downed the drink, turning around he saw a large built man wearing a dark blue Mando armor.
The man slammed his hand down on top of Ezra's wrist. Ezra didn't move as he looked down at his now unable to move hand "that is so" he snarled.
Well Ezra assumed he snarled; he honestly couldn't tell due to the full-face helmet. Having a quick glance around the area, he could tell that everyone had gone back to their own business but they were paying attention to him without looking like that and he knew he needed to do, it was like making a statement, he was new here and he had to earn his place. Turning his body to the opposite direction of the one in front of him. Without a moment wasted, he turned his whole body and out stretched his leg. The result was a powerful kick that sent the large man back a few steps back but that was about it. After all he was a big guy, Ezra was a good fighter but the thing is when you're dealing with someone who is bigger than you, the rule is don't get in a closed space with them.
However just before the large man charged at him with all his strength a hand landed on his shoulder, the man stopped and turned to see who grabbed him and his angry look immediately faded when he saw who it was "I haven't seen you around here before, My names Sandro" a women's voiced said. Ezra turned his head to see a middle-aged brunette wearing her own armor but Ezra's eyes immediately landed on her shoulder and the symbol painted on it. A black snake that moved in circles with its head in the middle 'Clan Rook' he thought to himself. That was useful, Clan Rook was affiliated with Death Watch "and what brings a handsome boy like yourself to are little dark corner of Sundari" she smiled.
"I'm looking for someone" he said taking a step closer towards her and leaned against the counter.
She herself took a closer look at Ezra, slowly up and down. This was not what he wanted to see. He knows where that look comes from, he's seen to a lot when he was having a night out back on Lothal "is that so? Someone in hiding most likely" she guessed, getting a nod from Ezra "well you're in luck because I make it my business to know everything I can when it comes to people and there hiding places. So please, tell who it is you're looking for. If I know of them, I'd be more than happy to tell you, for the right price of course" she leaned on the counter and grabbed a drink that the barman placed in front of her without a word "now, tell me, who are you looking for?" she asked.
"Lady Bo Katan" he said back quickly. Ezra knew the second he arrived that he wouldn't need to worry about who he was looking for anymore then he would his identity. These were criminals, they wouldn't risk rating him out to anyone.
It was also very clear that she knew the name, the drink in her hand stopped midair as it made its way to her mouth, she tried to keep a neutral expression but not only had her feelings given it away which he felt through the force but the fact that now everyone were trying really hard not to look directly at him "I see" Sandro said as she found the nerve to have her drink "you don't think small, do you kid and what exactly do you want with Lady Katan" she asked.
"I have it on very good authority that she's about to be attacked by the empire's number one attack dog" he said honestly not knowing a better way to describe Vader without giving away what he really was.
Sandro frowned at that information before turning back around and looking down at the counter "while I do have a great amount of respect for lady Katan, I'm afraid I'm already aware of that" Ezra's eyes looked onto hers "Lady Katan and all the remains of Death Watch under her command have been under siege for an hour now"
"WHAT?!" he shouted as he grabbed a hold of her and forced him to face her, something she didn't appreciate as shown by her head butting him and kicking him in the chest.
Ezra fell backwards landing on one of the tables knocking all the drinks that were present on top of it over, quickly getting back up Ezra got back up immediately and charged the woman, all sense of clear thinking gone. The large bulky man stood in front of Ezra while Sundro looked board and a little upset about the whole situation, he wasn't going to let anyone stop him from finding his mother. He didn't know what happened but it was like he could feel the force with his arm, within his muscles. It's like the force itself was giving him strength and when he struck the large man in the chest he flew backwards over the counter and into the shelves of drinks causing a loud crash.
Much like before, he didn't need the force to know that everyone had stood up. Without even looking his kicked the underneath of the table causing a turned over bottle to fly up into the air, spinning around he performed a round house kick, the bottle connecting with his foot and flew through the air and landed in someone's face knocking them backwards with a bloody nose.
Ezra quickly turned around just before someone could place a blaster barrel to his back, grabbing the barrel of the weapon he twisted it and the man's hand along with it causing him to cry out in pain with a sickening crunch. Before the blaster fell to ground Ezra's foot connected with it kicking back up into the air.
Unknown to him however Sundro was frowning at him in not only confusion but shock. She started to realize that what Ezra was doing wasn't just amazing reaction times because he was acting before the others did, her suspicions were confirmed when he grabbed the blaster out of the air and aimed at the door, which just opened up and her favorite bouncer was about to step in but before he could even aim his rifle at him, Ezra fired his hand blaster and the bolt hit the door controls causing his to shut back in his face.
Turning back, he aimed the weapon right back and Sundro's face "where's the siege taking place?" he asked with a large degree of malice in his voice but what confirmed her suspicions, his eyes had changed color from an ocean blue to a fiery yellow "where is she?" he demanded.
"the docking bay on the other side of the city on the ground level" she turned back around and picked up a broken bottle before taking a drink "you don't need the exact platform, just follow the trail of dead Stormtroopers, cause Deathwatch isn't going down without a hell of fight"
Ezra didn't even wait till she finished talking before he turned towards to the door and sprinted. Much like before, he didn't know if he did this on purpose whether the force was just acting on his behave but he could feel the force giving him strength without acting he shoulder barged the door completely smashing it and the bouncer to the ground, though he himself didn't even stumble. He just sprinted back out the alley and towards the road just as someone was getting into a speeda. Grabbing the man by the shoulder he threw him to the ground and sped away towards the docking bay.
"Hey!" the trooper yelled "HEY STOP!" he shouted aiming his blaster at the incoming speeder. He expected the speeder to try and run them through or stop, what he didn't expect was for someone to jump off the speeder and while igniting a blue blade midair "oh son of a bi..." were the last words that this trooper said.
Ezra stood back up while he surveyed the area, he'd been riding for ten minutes now and the closer to got to the docks the less and less people he saw, he could tell that this was the far outside of the attack sight. He could hear the distant sounds of blaster fire and based on the number of troopers he's seen so far was minimal, this must have been the start of the perimeter they were forming to stop not only Death watch from escaping but others from coming in to rescuing them.
Not wasting any time, he ran forward not stopping for a moment and not even bothering to turn his saber off, he just couldn't focus on anything other than his objective. He was so close, he could sense a presence through the force. He knew it was his mother, even though he didn't even know about the force when he last saw her. He knew it was her.
Turning a corner, he felt his blood boil. There was a patrol coming, all of them battle ready no doubt looking for stragglers that got separated from the main group. But that wasn't the worst part, no, the worst part was who was standing in front of the two-legged walkers. Men and woman walking in Mandalorian armor but flying imperial colors, all of which turned to face him, raising their weapons "wha... JEDI!" one of them shouted as they started to fire "SAXION, THERE'S A JED..." that was a far as she got before a blaster bolt was reflected off Ezra's saber and landed back in her face.
Ezra jumped in the air spinning his saber as he did and landed in front of the group but still a few meters in front of the walker, he sliced one in the chest and he fell to the ground Ezra grabbed a grenade from his belt and using the force to guide his aim as he threw it through one of the two pilots viewpoints, why they didn't put ray shields over those he would never know. Not bothering to watch his work he pulled his blaster from its holster as the explosion was heard behind him, firing the weapon, he could see in the corner of his eye that the bolt landed within the neck of the target and he fell to the ground. With another slash of he cut throw the chest of another severing him in half, turning his body he threw his Saber and it flew through the air and landed in the chest of the last.
Taking deep heavy breaths, he walked forward to the one who surprised Ezra, due to the fact that even though he had a saber through his chest. He hasn't stopped breathing heavily since he left that bar and unknown to him his eyes hadn't changed back to blue yet. Stopping in front of the Mandalorian traitor he grabbed the hilt of the saber and the back of his neck, pushing his face towards his "this is not the way" he snarled before pushing him back to the ground.
Before he could take a moment to think about just how much of his own, he just killed a large explosion caught his attention, he was about to start running when something caught his attention. Laying on the ground was the one he shot in the neck lying on his stomach but that wasn't what's on his mind, no that was what's on his back.
A jet pack, not one of the single thruster designs that was used for quick and stealthy attacks. No, this was a new triple thruster design. He's never seen one with his own eyes and it wasn't in the data chip because it was something that the empire had created, it was designed for space combat, it would take a lot of training to use well. It had to thrusters on either side like the other well-known designs but it had another thruster that was built into the middle which allowed a speed that matched starfighters, used for small single boarding parties.
Not knowing why and not really questioning it at this point he grabbed it off his back and attached it to his own. Then continued to run towards the sound of war.
Another mile of running and he's pretty sure that his heart his beating out of his chest due to how much he's putting his body through but something happened that made him forget about his own health completely. The silence, there was no blasters, no explosions and that wasn't a good thing, a sign that the fight was over and he doubted it was in Death Watch's favor.
And once he reached the battle field his fears where confirmed. The final corner led him to the edge of a large platform that gave him an overview of the battle that just took place. He could see three levels below him, bodies everywhere, fire's, destroyed walkers, and downed fighters. Right at the bottom he could even see dirt, actual ground that had dirt within the dome. He was at the domes edge and a massive gate was wide open that was the size of all three floors, this docking bay was most likely used for cargo ships "Hey, Hands up" a voice said to the side. Ezra didn't even look as he used the force to drag the intruder towards him and into his open hand, he didn't even think twice before use the force to snap his neck.
Hear a familiar sound, he dropped the body as he heard the sound of the well-known imperial shuttle making its way through the open gate, he followed it with his eyes as it landed in the middle of the open ground on the bottom floor as there was movement within some building with black smoke covering the entrance but when he saw it.
He dropped to his knees, three figures. Two guards, large, wearing black armor and held what looked like a type of pike with red lightsabers sticking out the end instead of a steel blade. He didn't have time to wonder what the hell they were, a type of inquisitor, an elite guard or if they're force users because of what was in the middle of them, being dragged between the two, being dragged by her arms, barely being able to walk by herself with a busted face. Was his mother, she didn't look any different from the last time he saw her, expect for the lack of tears in her eyes and multiple bruises that covered her whole face. Her entire body looked battle worn, her blue armor was broken and he could almost see the blood leaking out through a blaster bolt that must have landed in her side somewhere.
He was so focused on her that he failed to notice who he was being led to and his worst fear just got ten times worse due to what came out of the now landed shuttle, It was him, the cold feeling through the force was chilling his bones and it almost surpassed his fury, for a moment he thought about it and he almost let his fear get in the way of him doing what he came here for.
That feeling left him when he saw what was about to happen, she was being dragged before Vader who said something he didn't hear before igniting his saber and raising it above his head. And that was it, a feeling of rage he had never imagined he would ever feel, it was so primal and uncontrollable Ezra felt that he wasn't even in control of his own actions.
Actions that would have dire consequences.
He leaped over the railing and landing to the ground with a thud, dozens of face turned to see him and some even turned their blasters to face him but all he did activate all thrusters on the jetpack before anyone could fire he charged forward, right at the Sith Lord.
Vader sensing the incoming attack, he quickly turned but even he was too surprised by what he saw, it caused him a moment of distraction which led Ezra doing what he did. He wrapped his arms around Vader's waist and they both shot away towards an open garage "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" He yelled at the top of his lungs as the two crashed through a wall of hard glass and onto the road and into speeders, some with people in them and some with not. Using his new found strength he pushed the dark lords body into the ground as the two continued to fly forward, he pulled his arm back and punched him in the face, and again, and again, not caring about he was probably hurting his own hand more then Vader's face due to the helmet "YOU THINK YOU CAN THREATEN MOTHER!" he shouted in rage and it was in that rage that led him to forget that Vader had his saber in hand.
Though instead of driving it threw his chest he sliced the jetpack instead causing the thrusters to holt and the two to come to a stop in the middle of an occupied road that was full of civilians all looking at the two in shock and awe. But it didn't stop the rage he felt. He just kept punching him again and again.
And it was in his rage that he failed to see Vaders fist coming. His left hand connected with Ezra's face and before Ezra could react the face fist was brought back but this time it held force push that caused him to fly a few feet away and land on his back. Getting back to his feet with a snarl he ignited his blue Saber as Vader found his own feet.
All around him he could hear whispers of "Jedi"
"you made a mistake coming here boy" Vader said as he and Ezra walked towards each other, though the dark lord paused when he noticed the force around Ezra and the changing colour of his eyes "interesting" he mumbled to himself.
Ezra wasn't hearing any of it "I won't let you take her away from me again" he snarled as he raised his left hand and compacted it into a fist.
The ground Vader walked on cracked as the force was being used and Vader paused before he dropped to his knees but Ezra's moment of triumph was cut short by what he heard next "yes" Vader said out loud as he looked up to the Jedi "such hatred, strong with the dark side" he slowly started to pick himself up but maintaining constant eye contact even if it was through the dark helmet "you would make an excellent inquisitor" he said raised his hand and used the force to push Ezra back a few steps causing him to lose his grip on Vader.
He knew that he should have turned and ran but he just couldn't, the anger wouldn't let him. Even when he heard the sounds of multiple drop ships and transports all moving around him, there wouldn't be an escape from this. Taking his saber he held himself in his form seven Juyo stance "you'll have to kill me this time" he snarled making it very clear that he wasn't going down without a fight.
Vader seeming to know this, took his own stance with his Saber and readied himself as Ezra charged towards him.
Ok guys, Wow. I really don't know what to say, I know that it's almost been a year since I last updated, and being honest I had no plans to update this story, I just lost the passion I had for it. But the other week I, Like many others were stuck in my house due to this virus so I went on this sight and I started wondering if there were any new Rebel stories that I didn't know about and I was just shocked to see that out of all the stories on Rebels mine is the second most favorite out of all of them?! Only 70 more until it's number one!
Guys I was just blown away and now that we've had the Mandalorian series and Jedi Fallen Order game which gave me more information and motivation which you may have noticed some things that would be referenced in this chapter. I'm gonna say that I will try and update this story more often and I can say for a certainty that next chapter you will all know the truth about Ezra's family and his father.
Anyway, let me know what you guys think the reviews would mean a lot to me and would help giving me more motivation to continue. Good look with this Virus crap, hopefully we'll all survive this coming apocalypse.
Goodbye and may the force be with you.