DISCLAIMER: Boku no Hero Academia is not owned by me but by Kohei Horikoshi, Bones studio, and Shonen Jump. Please support the official series.

Chapter 1

The Mortal Boy

When people think of a social system for society they always deem it as an ironclad system; no matter how hard one tries to change it, it'll never become totally unrecognizable. Things will always be a certain way, even if they're corrupted. Sometimes others will try to change up the system, but they're ultimately never successful, and usually meet rather unpleasant ends and are forgotten by all. But there are exceptions to every expectation, and this one would take the form of a tiny piece on the game board of the world completely changing the rules. A mortal boy who shouldn't be destined for much, only to have that changed by abnormal circumstances. He would learn the ways of the world that he had been cut off from for so long, and would purify the corruption that plagued the world for generations. Not through the blade and the blazing torch,but by another means of unification that had long been taken for granted: empathy.

It all started one fateful afternoon, when the sun was sinking down past the horizon and painting the sky in vivid reds and purples, yellows and oranges in a gorgeous display as night replaced day over the little farm on the ground below.

Simply put, Izuku Midoriya's life wasn't that eventful. He had lived on a little farm for all his 19 years of life, far from the nearest town and distant even from the communities that usually form in the rural areas. He never knew why his family was tied to this place, all he knew was that his father inherited this land when he was Midoriya's age. That was until he one day disappeared, leaving his mother and him to live for themselves.

His mother had moved into the city in order to get a job to support both of them, regularly sending back money so Izuku continue tending to the farm and purchase new seeds and tools, while the boy himself sent back the produce of his farm and any little knick knacks he found or fashioned himself for her to sell. He used to have a friend that lived not too far from him that would help with the farm, but he left on his own adventure when his own mother disappeared. It wasn't a luxurious life and he often spent weeks to months living alone in the house with no one to talk to as he waited for a courier to arrive and exchange supplies with him or for the harvest to come in, but it was livable enough that he didn't mind.

Midoriya had years of his life to commit himself to this lifestyle - while at one point he did wonder about what laid beyond the world he knew, he had long since accepted that his responsibilities took priority over his curiosity. All those dreams of his were now just abstract fantasies he used to entertain himself and wile away the hours, further fueled by the books left behind in the house by his parents.

Which left him where he was now: a peaceful solitary existence on his little farm, with only the animals, his thoughts, and his books for company.

As the sun sank below the horizon, Midoriya was sitting by the hearth and reading over a book as he waited for his dinner to finish, a simple soup of vegetables, roots, and a few bits of meat. It was a book that he had read dozens of times before, something his mother read to him when he was very small - a simple story of a a boy being blessed by a god to take on supernatural challenges and eventually defeat a monster harassing his hometown. It wasn't anything inventive, a story that had been told so many other times by so many others, and yet each time he read it, he couldn't help but be sucked into the protagonist's great adventure and imagine himself on a similar quest. He paused from his reading for a moment and checked his food, stirring it a few times and giving it a small taste - almost ready, but it would still take a few more minutes before it was perfect. With a shrug, he slipped out the door and walked along one of the closer fields to his house, currently growing fallow to replenish the soil for next year's seeding, and simply breathed in the fresh air as he listened to the songs of the night-birds and the crickets in the brush. While his life could never be as adventurous as the stories he read, he could always take in the beauty of the world in front of him.

However, the boy would suddenly be snapped out of his thoughts as something lying out in the grassy field caught his eye; black and white against the green of the grass… along with a gleam of gold in the slowly ebbing sunlight.

His curiosity piqued, Midoriya trotted towards the mass; from the looks of it, it seemed like a bundle of cloth that had fallen out of a wagon passing by, and quite high-qualify stuff by the looks of the scraps that were laying around near the rest of the mass - quality that would likely fetch quite a price in the city if he sent it to his mother. What's more, as he approached, the farm boy would quickly find the source of the golden gleam; a golden buckle or clasp of some sort in the shape of a shield with an emblem of an eagle with spread wings upon it. The detail on the bird was incredible, down to the tiniest feather - it was like it was about to take flight at any second now. Whoever had made this was a master at their craft, and the buckle was undoubtedly all the more precious for it..The boy's eyes lit up as the realization hit him, and he rushed over to the pile of cloth. Surely something as finely-made as this would fetch a high price on the market, to say nothing about the cloth itself. As he drew closer and closer, however, he would quickly realize that something was amiss. The cloth and the gold weren't the only things laying on the ground; a trail of red lead from the pile on the ground to the dirt road a few meters away, staining the soil a reddish-brown and painting the grass in what could only have been blood.

What was laying on the grass wasn't some merchant's dropped loot that had been dislodged from a bumpy wagon - it was an entire person, a woman to be precise. Powerfully-built and broad of shoulder, she looked as if she could move mountains on her own, but her attire was flowing and luxurious: a form-fitting sleeveless shirt of black silk that extended down to her waist, where it was overtaken by a white pleated skirt of either leather or more silk, he couldn't tell which - whatever it was made out of, though, it looked more like something a gladiator would wear than a noblewoman. A cape secured by two golden clasps with a chain of similar make covered her back, once snow-white but now mottled in reds and browns with partially-dried blood, and bronze bracers adorned her powerful arms.

She was clearly unconscious, sprawled out on the ground as if she had collapsed right there and a look of great pain still on her face; dark bruises were scattered over her powerful frame, her arm hung limply at her side, clearly dislocated at best and broken at worst, and crimson slashes and gashes crisscrossed her limbs and torso, some half-clotted but most still oozing fresh blood. Midoriya would notice with alarm that many of the wounds were over or dangerously close to several vital points on her body - puncture wounds indicating someone had stabbed into her hamstrings, cuts on her Achilles tendons, and most worryingly of all, two deep and clearly fresh wounds over both of her femoral arteries. It wasn't hard to piece together what had happened at the bloodstained scene before him - somebody had attacked this mystery woman with intent to kill, and although it seemed that she had won the fight, she had passed out from exhaustion and loss of blood. Frankly, it was a miracle that she was even still alive, if the rising and falling of her chest was any indication, but she wouldn't be breathing for long if she didn't get immediate medical attention.

"H-help me…"

The ragged voice quickly snapped Izuku out of his half-panicked observations; for a brief moment, her grey eyes opened, unfocused as she struggled to stay conscious, but a split second later she had sank back down to the ground in a heap again

The farm boy was already moving into action before her head reacquainted itself with the ground, cradling the mystery woman's head in the crook of his arm and hooking his other arm under her legs as he lifted her up with only a bit of difficulty - the stranger was a good deal taller than Izuku and clearly weighed more than him as well, but a lifetime of farm work had prepared the young man well for this. As quickly as he could, he rushed back to his home and set her down on the cot in his room, then grabbed the medical supplies he had stashed in the kitchen before rushing back to the woman's side and starting to treat her wounds. As he worked, however, the boy would quickly notice something odd - none of her injuries were anywhere near as deep as he had thought, even the ones over spots that should have caused her to bleed out in moments. It was as if her attacker hadn't had the strength to plunge their blades deep enough into her flesh to cause permanent damage… or as if her body was far tougher than it looked, and she already looked tough enough to wrestle a bull and win.

Nevertheless, he had a hurt person who needed treatment, and he was hardly going to stop and gawk like a fish out of water. Midoriya worked quickly and quietly, cleaning and dressing each wound before wrapping the injured areas in gauze as well as dabbing cool rags on her bruises. The woman hissed and flinched a bit at the sting of the antiseptic, but her ragged breathing soon stabilized, her heart rate slowing to a more regular pace. Soon, all that was left to do was her arm; a preliminary check showed that it fortunately wasn't broken, but popping the dislocated limb back into the socket was going to be painful for her… and his soup still needed to be attended to. Quickly dashing out to make sure his dinner wasn't ruined, Izuku returned as quickly as he could.

While he looked down at his patient again, though, he couldn't help but stare a little bit at the woman in his care. She was absolutely gorgeous, tall and sturdy with a powerful, muscular build as if she had been carved from pure stone,. Her face was similarly statuesque, fair-featured but still strong and commanding like some storybook warrior queen; silky soft raven-black hair spread across the pillow like a halo, and a cute little mole peeked out from just below her lower lip - a tiny detail that seemed to make her seem all the more real, like she was really there rather than just a figure in a dream.

Of course, the young man could hardly just gawk at the woman all day - there was still the matter of her arm to attend to. Taking a deep breath, Midoriya took firm hold of the dislocated limb with both hands, took a moment to adjust his grip just in case to make sure he wasn't squeezing any bandaged areas, and shoved, forcing the arm back into the shoulder socket where it belonged.

The effect was immediate; the sleeping amazon's eyes shot open with a primal bellow of pain, her newly reoriented arm shooting out and smashing into Midoriya's jaw hard enough to send him flying until the far wall of his room broke his fall. With a groan, he slowly pushed himself back up to his feet, cupping a hand over his now-split lip and nervously looking over at his newly-awakened visitor as she immediately bolted up out of his cot and to her feet, towering over him by nearly a foot.

The woman howled at him, "Where hast thou taken thee!?" Her voice boomed in an unnatural way as she held out her hand toward him.

"Y-you're in my house!" Midoriya squeaked, he would've been weirded out by her strange choice of words if he wasn't cowering in fear, "I found you passed out in my backyard so I took you in and treated your wounds!"

The woman paused for a moment, taking a moment to see how she was bandaged up before shouting again,"Who dared give thou permission to touch thee!?"

"Y-you did, you were kinda out of it." Midoriya explained, he made sure to only touch her when it was necessary to helping her. It was difficult to resist all the temptations he has, but he managed to stay objective on his task. The most he touched her was to tend to her stomach wound, which he only noticed when he saw a small pool of blood forming on the cot.

Then there was a silence that formed between the two, one standing on the bed looking like she was about to attack the defenseless boy hiding behind a chair.

They were both speechless on what to say next, the woman eyes fluttered around the room as if she was struggling on how to continue the conversation.

Eventually the female sat back down saying, "Well, good job obeying me- I mean thee."

Midoriya sweated, 'Did she just broke her own dialect?' he wondered. She spoke with such authority as if she owned the place but for a moment she spoke like a regular person. He wasn't annoyed, he just guess she was putting on a front so she won't be seen as completely submissive. He couldn't blame her for that, while he may not have any ill intentions one may never be too trusting of someone they just met.

"I apologize for the hostility, as you can tell I was recently injured after someone I trusted betrayed me," The woman told him crossing her arms.

Glad that he wasn't going to be assaulted, Midoriya emerges from his hiding spot saying, "It's ok, I would have a less aggressive reaction if I woke up in a stranger's home. W-what's your name?"

"I am called by many names," The woman announced, placing a hand on her chest with elegance before answering, "But for your assistance you may call me Nana, Nana Shimura. May I ask of your name young boy?" As she asked she held out a hand to shake.

Giving a nervous smiles, Midoriya hesitated before shaking her hand, "My name is Midoriya; Izuku Midoriya."

"Izuku Midoriya," Nana repeated, pulling her hand away from the handshake that went on for a bit too long, "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

"Are you royalty?" Midoriya asked.

"Royalty? Ha, those wannabes wish they were on the same level as I am, why do you ask?"

"Because you act so… formal - I was wondering if you came from a royal family or a noble house; the way that you describe yourself, it's almost as if you think you're some god or something."

"That's because I am a god."

Midoriya paused, did he just pick up a mega narcissist?

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Nana question, tilting her head, "Are you doubting the possibility?"

"No, well… a bit," Midoriya answered, "I mean, aren't gods supposed to be giants; divine beings that live in the clouds?"

Nana bursted out in laughter, "Where did you get that notion from?"

"The countless myths and stories, they always depict gods as these divine goliath whose heads pierce through the heavens!"

"While we are divine, most of us have the same to similar body types with humans, it's easier to work with and aid mortals when we can talk to them eye to eye. Also, we won't be able to enjoy any of the tributes mortals would want to give us if we're too big to make use of it. Besides we have many other methods to show off our divinity then making ourselves 100 feet tall for a giant dick measuring contest- I mean, just to try to make ourselves look bigger," Nana cleared her throat after her little slip up.

Midoriya looked more surprised to hear someone who claimed such a high standard would use casual crude language, it might've been a sign that her claims of being one of the gods were actually false. He didn't want to take this lightly before she gets him in trouble by making outlandish statements under his household, people don't take it lightly when others try to play their lives off as superior with nothing to show for it.

"C-can you show me?" Midoriya asked her.

"Huh?" Nana responded to his request, crossing her arms again as she glared down at him, "You're asking a goddess to display her power way too casually."

Despite his suspicions, Midoriya knew he had to feed into this act a bit if he was going to find out the truth. He bows saying, "Oh, I'm sorry for my rudeness. May you please display your glorious divine power so I may observe...your highness."

Nana would gesture for him to raise, "Tone it down mortal, a little respect was all I needed, not ass kissing… Oh excuse my language, I mean you don't have to overpraise me."

Midoriya wanted to comment on how she has come off like she would love it if someone would kiss her foot, but he held back, as long as he can clear his suspicions he can deal with it.

"Now stand back and I shall show you a piece of my power," She would state, standing up from her bed and holding out her arm, "Sumairu Shine!"

To the surprise of the boy, her hands started glowing a bright light, seemingly forming an object in front of her before it suddenly disappeared. Gone as soon as it appeared.

While he was awed at first, the anti-climatic ending really set him off his excitement. He waited a moment to see if anything else was going to happen, watching Nana's facial expression being as surprised as his own wasn't raising his hopes. Granted, seeing her hands glow like that does prove that she isn't some woman delusional of being powerful, and her shocked expression to her lackluster performance might mean she was also expecting something more as well. Maybe she was onto something.

He tried to lighten the mood by telling her of how she impressed him for a moment, "That was very...bright-"

"I-I'm just exhausted is all!" Nana quickly shouted, flustered from the embarrassment she felt, "Just need some time to recover!" Quickly turning her head away in an attempt to hide her shame.

Shaken a bit from the outburst, Midoriya would suggest, "Do you want to eat? I made some soup."

"Y-yea, Yes! I request one bowl of your finest meal...I mean, a meal of your finest di- argh! Fuck this, please get me a bowl of soup." Nana stated, "God I hate speaking like a god."

'So that was a facade!?' Midoriya thought to himself seeing this, he had a feeling she was trying a bit too hard to seem refined, but there was no mistaken that the light she emitted was real, "Why did you speak in it for so long then if you hated it?"

"Because as gods, we need to at least sound holy with authority so that mortals will see us as the divine figures we are and will be willing to worship us." Nana explained to him.

"Shouldn't your powers be enough to make people worship you," Midoriya questioned.

Nana would shake her head, "It's an important process to make sure we gain as much genuine support from our worshippers as possible or else-," she was about to go on about the subject but then her stomach growled, reminding them of her earlier request.

"I'll get you that soup," He tells her before leaving the room.

Clearing her throat she would mumble silently, "Yeah...that'll be best."

In a few moments the prideful Nana was enjoying a piping hot bowl of soup Midoriya had served her. She still showed some table manners as she ate, he wondered if she was still holding back some of her other unsightly actions since she's in front of him or did she naturally have this amount of poise when eating.

Bringing the conversation back on subject, Midoriya asked, "As you were saying about genuine support?"

"Ah yes," Nana said, continuing to eat as she took breaks to speak, "For us gods getting our worshippers to truly believe in us is important for worshippers help fuel our power, secure our territory, and many other benefits. While striking down some peasant with ungodly power will give you control of a city, you won't make them truly worship you without their own individual will and respect. Even if you force them to pray in front of you, that won't cover the other 90% of their day they spend resenting you."

Midoriya thought back, he did remember one occasion when a merchant traveled by his area. He seemed lost and Midoriya gave directions the best he could but as the day grew late he did invite him to stay the night. While he promised this was done out of goodwill, Midoriya also saw this as a chance to question the merchant of his adventures around the world. The stories while not as adventurous as the books he has read, was still aweing to a village boy such as himself. The only thing that stuck out as weird was the box the merchant had, it was filled with different metals, each engraved with an image of some woman.

He stated that he tries to gather as many different versions of these as he could as he enter each city, stating that people will be more friendly and accepting to trade if you seemingly worship one of the gods they do. The merchant also claimed that it helped make sure he's able to adapt incase a town he's going to recent change gods they're worshipping and he can avoid hostility with the locals. He told countless stories of how this method saved him when a town switches overnight or he enters a town in the middle of a god war.

At the time he didn't think much of it, merchants are known for their multi-face tactics so hearing of them using religion as a market point wasn't anything new, he wasn't one much for specific worship either with all the stories he has read of the radicalism that came with it. Hearing how a god's power can be affected by such support makes sense why some people put some much dedication in it and why the gods in his story sometimes take rash actions to secure their followers.

"Is that what happened to you?" Midoriya asked her, "A mortal you thought was loyal changed sides and attacked you?"

Nana would put down her bowl before chuckling again at the boy's suggestion, "A mere mortal would never be able to harm me the way I was. I was definitely betrayed by mortals, but the head who truly betrayed and harmed me had to be one of the gods. Whether or not they had assistance from mortals or mythical creature is up for investigation."

Midoriya tilted his head, "You don't know?"

Nana shook her head, rubbing the back of her neck, "All I currently remember is that I was attending a meeting with an ally of mine, then an ambush occurs, my memory of the event is still a bit hazy, it's probably a curse that was placed on me as a contingency plan in case I escaped alive. But my instincts are strongly telling me that the ambush was an inside job. I was lucky, one of my loyal Knights was around to get me out before I was killed."

"Why were you attacked in the first place?" Midoriya ask, "In all the books I've read, while gods have fought in a multitude of ways, the act of actively killing a god is never mentioned no matter how severe the war."

"That's to keep the order of things, despite our numbers, each gods have a specific purpose to serve in this world. Killing one can cause an imbalance and could shatter our divine imagery to mortal if they find out we can be killed, even if it's only by another god," Nana explained; she paused for a moment and took a second to stretch her powerfully-built form, "But explaining why I was attacked is a whole other story, I've probably said too much as it is to a simple mortal."

"What, no!" Midoriya stated, he was becoming so invested in what he was learning he didn't want it to stop, "At least give me a shortened reason."

"No," Nana told him, getting up from the cot, she felt as if she recovered enough energy to stand, "There's a reason why we gods don't tell you mortals everything, too much risk for little results. Not like you'll ever have a use for the information anyone or need it to survive."

He didn't want to give it up, while she was right about him having zero reasons to be involved, these are answers for questions he've been having since childhood. Finding out what is outside this world he knew, before he only had books which obviously favored fantasy then any reality. Now there was not only someone who could educate him on this, but a goddess herself who can explain it all to him.

In a panic he went to grabbed one of her hands, "Please wait!"

He would soon regret this action as on queue Nana eyes would flash the same yellow her hands were glowing before, she looked pissed, "Watch how you touch me, I may have been betrayed by mortals once but I still got enough power to make sure it won't happen again."

Frighten Midoriya quickly retracted his hands making her eyes go back to normal, he wasn't deterred from his goal, "Please Mistress goddess, it's been a lifetime of wonder to discover this kind of stuff. I don't have much to do on this land, all I do is work on it and do my best to support my mother the best I can. The only use I had of my free time was reading these books about the legends of you gods, I don't wish for much, I already know I'm destined to be locked down to this land of my family for the rest of my life. I can accept that, but if that's the life I'm going to be forced to live then all I could want is an answer to all my questions about this world. Please, I don't mind swearing my life to silence about what I learn, I just want to know."

These words seemed to have hit something in Nana, she paused, not saying anything as she glared down at the mortal boy requesting to reveal all her knowledge. She sat back down on the cot and crossed her arms again, she was in deep thought.

She stayed like that for what felt like hours, until finally, she gave a chilling answer.


"I understand," Midoriya replied with a sigh, though disappointed he got up from his seat. He wanted to sleep off the disappoint, but before he left he would turn toward the goddess, "Oh the soup is in the kitchen, if you want something more go ahead and take as much as you like. If you want you can stay the night, I'll see if anyone can lend you a horse tomorrow to use."

"Thank you, I'll think about it," Nana stated, not moving from her spot but she continued to watch Midoriya.

Midoriya without a moment of hesitation left for his room, he basically face planted onto his bed. His disappointment was immeasurable and his day was ruined. He just had the key that'll allow him to see into all his fantasies dangled in front of him, but in the end it got swiped away before he can get more than a peak. He really did understand it, as much as it's a cruel reality for him to face, it'll be more unfair to Nana make her risk centuries of god's rule just for him to have a few questions answered. Besides, to them a human's life is only a fraction of their existence, why should they waste their time making one nobody happy. He just had to accept his place in this world, maybe in a more natural way he can change his fate. Right now, he had to think about who does he know that'll give him a horse and what he'll have to trade for it. He basically promised it to her and wasn't going to back out of it just because he didn't get the results desired.

It was right around that moment that Nana would burst into his room, the action mad Midoriya jump up in his bed.

"Nana!?" Midoriya exclaimed, wondering what's she's doing here, 'Oh god, is she going to rob me!?'

She didn't rob him, instead in her usual godly fashion she placed a hand on her chest before stating, "It was an ungodly of me to not properly introduce myself. I am Nana Shimura, God of Happiness or you may refer to me by my epithet, Nana the Smile."

Midoriya would just stare at her blankly, since wondering what was the point of introducing herself again. Also what's the God of Happiness suppose to be?

"Despite your generosity to my short minute of need, as a god I can't allow an average mortal to know of the full world of gods," She continued on, Midoriya wondered what was the point, he knew this already, "But, if you shall become one of my personal knight you can learn everything you ever wanted and experience it as well! I'll even be sure to gratefully pay you for your services!"

Midoriya eyes began to light up hearing this, was this really happening.

"You can travel together with me and my other Knights, we'll campaign throughout the land on many adventures and witness many things. Your life will change from an average live to one filled with the legends you've read and most importantly you will have your answers," Nana stated gesturing out to Midoriya, "Let us have many merry adventures with each other."

It seems a bit too much of a 180 considering her earlier action, Midoriya physically slapped himself to check if he was dreaming. He was just resigning himself to his fate of an average farm boy and now he was being offered to become so much more. He wanted a peek into the outer world and now the door was busted open with someone is calling him in.

"But why, you rejected it before?" Midoriya had to ask.

Nana would smile down at him, "Through my own method I decided to check your morals by seeing if your heart would waiver or be tempted by disappointment, yet your intentions stayed pure. You've proven to me worthy of being recruited, what do you say Midoriya, do you accept my offer?"

He was on the verge of crying, choking down the emotion to reply with excited, "Yes!"

Despite his efforts, Midoriya couldn't help but let some tears drop from his eyes, he was so happy. What a golden opportunity he was given here, he didn't know what else could be done to make it any better.

"It's my job as the God of Happiness to bring smiles to others, so take in the moment Midoriya and cherish it. Since you'll be under me as a new recruit, I suppose I can start calling you something more chivalrous like, Young Midoriya," Nana told him, seeing him at the height of his joy, "Now I must perform the proper ritual for you to become one of my official knights. Young Midoriya… take off your pants."

The glorious moment stopped, did he hear that right?

He would quickly wipe away the tears that blinded him, by the time he opened them Nana was already seated on his bed. He could only witness as she pulled off her top, casually showing off her astonishing perky breasts. They hung perfectly off of her chest, their milk white color helped give them a bit of gleam, their size were both amazing and alluring.

To add to this predicament, Nana had shook her head after removing her top to deal with her slightly fizzled hair, but in doing so had made her pair of melons move side to side as well. They were basically hypnotizing to look at, as if they're calling for someone to tend to them.

Once Nana opened her eyes again she would look surprised to see Midoriya stunned.

"What's the matter Young Midoriya?" She asked him moving closer, an almost endearing but teasing smile formed on her face, "Oh, don't worry about performance, since I'm going to be the host I can just take the lead."

She got so close that Midoriya had a chance to pick up on her unique scent, her grey eyes were staring at him with a godly desire, those plush lips of her continued to speak more tempting words, "Just leave all the heavy lifting to me, now take off your pants."


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