![]() Author has written 15 stories for Halo, State of Decay, The Thing, Doom, Gone Home, Recess, Star Wars, Half-Life, and Slender. Hello, I am Obsidian. I've been writing for this site, off and on, for sixteen years. (Holy crap! That's literally half my life now!) In 2013, I took a long hiatus due both to burnout and a shift in focus to self-publishing original work in an attempt to pay my bills doing what I love. Since then, I wrote a fifteen novel series and almost went crazy doing so. In the years since leaving this site, I never stopped wanting to write fan fiction. Now I'm back! I'm going to be writing again for the foreseeable future. Below is a list of links to my social media that I'll keep up to date on. Thanks for reading my works! One last thing: Reviews really help. (Seriously, I can't emphasize this enough. If you could take the time to leave even basic reviews, I would DEEPLY appreciate it.) CURRENT STATUS (07.05.2020): Had some bad anxiety problems last month and they left me worse for the wear. Trying to fix things and readjust. All updates are paused. Important Links –NOVELIZATIONS– [This section covers my novelized versions of games I love and is, at present, my biggest section. That will change.] STATE OF DECAY [Complete] –HλLF-LIFE UNIVERSE– [My Half-Life universe basically chronicles the adventures of Eric Bishop, a guard at Black Mesa, alongside the games. Eventually, I will run out of games since Valve gave up, the lazy f*kheads. Then I'll have to figure out where to go with the story from there. But that's a long way off.] BISHOP'S WAR [Complete] –CLASSIC HALO UNIVERSE– [This is gonna be my big one. This is going to start out as kind of a love letter to the original Halo Trilogy, and then continue from there. Fans of The Rookie Chronicles will particularly enjoy this universe, I think, as Nerves of Steele is basically a spiritual successor to The Rookie Chronicles. You'll see some of the same stuff, a lot of the same crossovers, same characters, but a great deal more expansion on all of it. I plan to take my time and write it all out. I fully expect to be writing this universe all through my 30s.] TRUE TERROR [This series is smaller and deals with more out there horror crossovers. It's very horror themed and it will cross over a few times with Nerves of Steele.] GATHERING DARKNESS [Complete] NERVES OF STEELE [This is the main focus. It follows Alex Steele, a fifteen year Marine who has been fighting the Covenant for half his life. It picks up as he arrives at Installation 04 and just goes and goes and goes from there.] NERVES OF STEELE [Hiatus] OTHER [I've come up with one story that doesn't fit into either of the above two categories, so it goes here.] THE WILL TO LIVE [Hiatus] –KOTOR– [Originally, I was only going to write KOTOR III. However, after writing And There Was Another, not only did I get some ideas for future titles, I realized it'd be really cool to make a sort of shared universe between the two.] AND THERE WAS ANOTHER [Complete] –OBSIDIAN CLASSICS– [So this section needs a bit of explanation. I've been writing for over 15 years now. Some of the stories you see in other sections are rewrites or reboots of older ideas. Those ideas, my Half-Life and Halo stories for example, are kind of getting a full treatment, in that I'm writing them with a lot of goals in mind. But I have a few ideas that while I don't think they need that sort of 'full treatment', I do still feel the urge to write them. So here's where I decided to put them. These are written in a more relaxed state of mind, meant more for fun than anything else, and are also more experimental. Think of my other works as more rigidly planned, and these are more 'go with the flow' type writing. It also lets me write for games I normally wouldn't otherwise.] DREARY (Unreal TournamentxThe Thing) [Announced] –STAND ALONE– [Some fan fictions have no larger agenda, no big universe they fit into. They don't fit anywhere else. They're just ideas I had. These will definitely be rare, but they do exist, so I figured I'd make a section for them.] SEE YOU AT THE BOTTOM [Complete] |