Reviews for Days Past: The Beginning of Days
Razor of DOOM chapter 1 . 8/2
I too see bold words faster than others in a fic
and also tend to read them first on accident
bold words were designed to catch your eye after all
how ever
spoilers have never ruined any form of media for me as I enjoy the reading/watching as much as the story

I think this story tutorial was a good idea tho
LifeIs42fortytwo chapter 1 . 11/13/2018
I'm gonna be straight forward, but this is one of the absolute best fanfictions I have read on the web (sorry I had to do that). It almost upsets me that your not interested in writing as a career, but I get that its more of a hobbie than a huge passion. I will 100% recommend this to someone (once I find someone). I wish I had this wonderful ability to bring this much life to a story. Sorry for rambling.
Spriggs272 chapter 64 . 10/30/2018
Its good to see that you are still kicking, it was a very pleasant surprise to see a bunch of Days Past updates in my inbox. Hope you are doing well :)
Tina Tissue chapter 64 . 10/29/2018
Wow I can't believe it started 5 years ago! I was just re-reading this story a few days ago so it's great to have the rest of the chapters come out. I haven't read the new ones yet but I will give my individual reviews on them once I do.

Thank you for finishing this story and I look forward to the next book!
Magnor chapter 57 . 3/20/2018
I must admit that I was skeptical coming into this story, as I thought it would end on the destruction of Fastoon and the death of Kaden, and didn't feel like getting invested in characters that would all die or live a life of exile and regret. I'm very glad indeed that I gave this fic a chance despite my reservations, as they were completely unfounded. This is, without a doubt, the best Ratchet and Clank fanfic I've ever had the pleasure of reading and one of the best fics I've read in general. It's criminal that a work of this length and quality only has around fifty favourites and follows. It also saddens me that its sequel is only 15k words long and doesn't seem to be actively updated, and I do dearly hope that you continue this excellent work, but won't insist on it. I know all too well the feeling of being on the other side of a review urging you to resume work on something you've lost interest in, so I won't inflict that on you more than I already have. Instead I thank you for having written this, as it was an absolute pleasure to read.

Detallista 257 chapter 3 . 7/6/2016
First off for anyone who's reading the reviews to see if this story is any good: the answer is YES, STOP WASTING TIME AND START READING! GO! GO! GO! GO!

Now for the review:
So much going on! If this where a movie I would be gripping my seat for fear of being thrown off. It help that I was listening to "Noratan" by Ris Dominic as I read, the rap and the fast beats fits the pace of this chapter. Even though there's more action than exposition, the little details on Lombax society you manage to fit in makes the environment richer and more real, even though I read this before I was pleasantly surprise to catch little bits of info that I didn't catch the first time. The spirit of chaos and sarcastic wit that marks the source material is very present in this story too, your story it's different but at the same time faithful to the R&C universe, good job on that!
There's more I want to say but that would be going in to spoilers, not questions but story elements and characters I wanna gush about...especially the ending of this chapter (I admit I laugh a little harder than I should).
Nothing more to add except keep it up and going!
Detallista 257 chapter 2 . 7/2/2016
Since I've already read the whole series already I decided to read it again, this time more calmly and critically, at the same time evoking the feelings and thoughts I had when I first read the chapter. Hope it's not to confusing.
Initial thoughts: At first I believed the story was starting on the day Tachyon attack Fastoon...that is until I read Kaden's name. What!? He's a terrorist now!? I'm so confused...but very much intrigued. This kid is one bad-radioactive-lab-accident away from becoming a supervillain if what he considers what he does a prank. I wonder about the science behind this, since I don't think mammals are made to break the sound barrier without dying in the process...but what the heck it's Ratchet and Clank, science accuracy is more like an after thought for this series.
Critically: This is a very strong opening for the story, it's action pack, funny and it gives us a peak of the Lombax world in it's glory days, I can't ask for more except to keep reading!
Forgive me but I'm not really sure if I like the name "Beginning of Days", it sounds kind of weak and a tad bit redundant, to me at least. If I could just suggest another title, one that came to me as I write this review actually, how about "Glory Days"? I feel it fits the premise of the story (and it's overall plot) better since it literally means: a time in the past regarded as being better than the present (This is specially true considering what goes down in the games). It's just a suggestion of course, your word is the word of god when it concerns this story.
Anyway I'll keep reading and leave a review for every chapter I go trough, not sure how long it will take but I'll get there. Happy readings!
Detallista 257 chapter 1 . 7/2/2016
Usually for me at least, big authors note in the beginning of a story are a big red flag for me, if your story can't hold up without some kind of instruction manual then you're not doing a good job (again, just something I learned through personal experience) but after noticing the length, reading it through and seeing the amount of detail and thought you put in it, I was sold and read the whole thing.
Took me two days and a night to finished it (including book II) and all I can say is: I love it, I love it so freaking much! This reminded me of the reason why I joined this site in the first place, for stories like this that pick up where canon left, for authors like you who take the time to put together this stories despite everything. You sir (or ma'am) deserve all and every credit I can think of.
Looking forward to the future and see what you dish out (I'm ready to take it!) Keep up the good work!
Batwizard15 chapter 57 . 4/19/2016
So, now that the movie is almost out and the game is, will we see book 2 soon?
TheRestingRiolu chapter 57 . 9/28/2015
Holy fragging hell you have a knack for chaos and destruction in an otherwise orderly world that fits R&C perfectly I just read this book in one giant binge start to finish and it was amazing.
Your skill at portraying an alien culture without blending elements of human culture into it is brilliant.
The characters are clearly defined individuals with their own goals and motivations though Azimuth comes off a bit weird. The scene was set perfectly balancing the reader's ability to fill in the blanks with enough vivid details to paint the scenes of the story without boring readers with excessive amounts of them. I can't wait for a sequel if it's anything like the original thank you for sharing this art with the fanfiction community.
Xoneon chapter 56 . 9/8/2015
Well that was certainly an... interesting ending.

I also noticed:
"Kaden gaged and choked" should be 'Kaden gagged and choked'.
"the armored Lombaxes fault" should be 'the armored Lombax's fault'.
Xoneon chapter 50 . 9/8/2015
So he still has the knife. Isn't that theft?
Xoneon chapter 49 . 9/8/2015
That was quite... unexpected. Somehow, he doesn't seem like the type to snap like that.
Xoneon chapter 47 . 9/8/2015
So Boogoh was also on the news?
I thought I saw him on one of the loading screens. Maybe he was mentioned twice?
Xoneon chapter 43 . 9/8/2015
The news segment here was much better that the script-style segment a few chapters back.
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