Chapter 1: Gone Questing

Dumbledore looked over his desk at the stoic visitor in his office. "I admit, I was rather shocked when I received your missive, my lady."

"You'd hardly be the first, headmaster. My order has a tendency to turn up unexpectedly."

"Yes… may I be frank, my lady?"

"You, Albus Dumbledore, be frank? This I MUST witness."

"I am not comfortable with you being in the castle. Your order has a certain… reputation."

"And you have one of your own, among those who don't worship at the hem of your robes."

"Quite. I'm afraid I cannot allow you to remain here if I don't know what you are here for."

"Headmaster, I do not need to explain myself. The Hogwarts bylaws explicitly state that my order is to receive hospitality no matter the circumstances."

"I am aware, but-"

"However, I will divulge the greater part of my mission to you. As you may be aware, since the Grindlewald war my order has been struggling to rebuild in many aspects."

"Indeed. I do remember your contributions in the conflict, my lady."

"Many do… but many do not. To that end we have scattered far and wide, seeking aid and working to ensure we are not forgotten by doing good wherever we can manage. We have succeeded, and are well on the mend, but there is one resource we are missing."

"And that is?"

"People to carry on the legacy. Finding worthy souls to join our ranks has proven increasingly difficult in recent years. And as such…"

"You mean to search among the staff?"

"No. Your staff is far too skilled as educators to spare for our efforts. We will not damage future generations by removing talented professors."

"I admit some relief there."

"Instead, I will be looking for recruits among the students."

"Absolutely not-"

"Peace, Albus. I do not mean that we shall steal them away. Nor will we indoctrinate them. More that I will offer select students the opportunity to study under me and learn the basics of the order. A part-time apprenticeship, if you will. Should they be interested, I will speak to them and their families about further training and arrange it with you to take place alongside their normal education."

"...Well, I admit that is far less worrying. Very well. Would you like me to announce you this evening?"

"That would be helpful, yes. Thank you, Professor Dumbledore."

"My pleasure, Commander Starsteel."

Harry looked up at the head table in mild confusion as the Headmaster rose for the year's opening announcements. Among the old favorites (Filch's complaints about banned items), a rather worn looking defense teacher (Remus Lupin, the man that had driven off the dementor on the train), and warnings of Sirius Black and the dementors around the castle, Harry and the rest of the student body were shocked when Dumbledore added at the end;

"And please join me in welcoming a woman of impeccable moral character, protector of the magical world, and one of the the seven field commanders of the Knightly Order of the Sapphire Path. I present to you, Knight-Commander Tiavel Starsteel!"

The room went still in shock as a woman strode up to the podium. She stood about five feet and nine inches tall, currently bedecked in a mix of midnight blue studded leather under sky blue metal plates, trimmed with silver and set with sapphires.

Her face was not beautiful, but it was assuredly noble, with high cheekbones and piercing brown eyes that seemed even darker alongside her dark skin and white hair (shaved except for a single long braid over one shoulder). She radiated command, even beyond what Professor McGonagall was capable of when she was in top form.

"Greetings to you all. I will be brief, as I'm sure you all wish to catch up with friends and prepare for tomorrow's classes. My order has sent me here for a single purpose; to find worthy young men and women to join our ranks when they are of age. In particular, I myself am looking for a squire."

A muttering broke out across the hall in shock and surprise, and not a little excitement.

"To this end, I will be watching over the course of the year, and will approach those I feel may be worthy. Of course, I will hold no ill will if any wish to approach me for questions or to seek a more direct evaluation… but be warned."

The hall started as one when the woman's gaze seemed to sharpen. "I do not suffer fools easily, and I do not enjoy having my time wasted. Approach for questions, but do not pester me. And only approach for evaluation if you are truly considering this path… because I will not be gentle with my words."

"Thank you for your time." And with that, the woman sat down and resumed a previous conversation with Hagrid.

As Dumbledore sent them all to bed, Harry looked around and came to the same conclusion many of his fellow students had; this was not going to be an ordinary year at Hogwarts.