Author has written 2 stories for Sookie Stackhouse/Southern Vampire Mysteries, Harry Potter, and Twilight. 2/5/2011 I've been on Fanfiction for over a year now and I can truly say I'm an addict. I'm working on it though, it helps that I have finally found a job! Anyways I ready Harry Potter, Twilight, Southern Vampire Mysteries, True Blood, X-men, Star Wars, Sailor Moon, and Avatar fanfiction. I really expanded my reading list after a while here. I have a C2 with Harry/Ginny pairings because those two were totally meant for each other! Rowling didn't do Ginny's character justice in the series so I read as many Harry/Ginny pairings to make up for it! I really like it when women are portrayed as having a strong spirit but there's a difference strong and stubborn just because they want to be. I hate when characters, not just women, are made stupidly stubborn! It irks me like you can't believe!!!! I'll try to read the story but I usually just end up deleting it from my favorites list because I just don't want to be reminded. Another reason why I don't like characters portrayed like that is because it leads to angst...I...Hate...Angst. I feel like jumping into the story and shaking whatever character causing this problem and slapping them into reason! I know that doesn't make sense but it's just really annoying. As you can tell from my stories as well I like canon pairings for the most part. I have a few three way relationship but those are really just my guilty pleasure *giggles*. The only one I'll take out of her canon pairing is Bella but it has to be with a vampire, though there was this one month where I went crazy and read fics with her with Jacob...that's never happening again. So one last thing...I have decided to write a fanfiction. Yes that's right after a year I'm going to give it a try. I never thought I would do this but here I am. I already have my first chapter ready, I have my second outlined, and I know what I want to do with the story and beyond. I'm so excited!! I used to hate writing stories but reading these all these fanfictions has gotten me inspired! So I'm going to go upload that chapter and hopfully everyone likes it! 2/11/11 I've just finished uploading the second chapter for Dead Done Right. I hope you all enjoy it. Its different than I expected when I saw the original chapter 2 very easily going to lead to writer's block so I had to trash it and start Ch. 2 all over again. Goodnight everyone! 2/14/11 Happy Valentines Day!! As a gift to everyone I have uploaded a new chapter. I was expecting it to be done till this afternoon but once I started typing I couldn't stop so I hope you enjoy and I hope to have another one by Thursday! I hope you like it and reviews are most appreciated. 2/17/11 As you can tell I updated my story again last night earlier than I had planned but that of course is not a bad thing. I'm shooting for Sunday for my next chapter. So far the reviews have been good and they make me glad I decided to write my story. After reading so much fanfiction you just kind of get the itch. I sure that I would never want to write a story and now here I am. I hope I'm not too busy this next week to make the update, it supposed to be a very busy time at work, there is sort of a local holiday called Charro Days where I live that practically goes on all month. Although I have always like this month I had never worked at a clothing store during this time. Anyways, if you want to ask question or make suggestions I am totally open to any, you can PM me and I'll respond as soon as possible! 3/15/11 I updated again! It's a very long chapter and has some controversial things in it but it also has a very nice surprise in the end! I know the link to the link at the end of chapter 7 does not work but hopefully this one does. It's an example of the dance at the very end that I had in mind, except at a slower pace. 6/22/11 I know it's been a long time since I updated but unfortunately it was out of my control. I had chapter 10 halfway done when my computer's hard drive crashed. I was devastated!!! Not only were all my notes, rough drafts, and final copies gone but all the music I had carefully accumulated throughout the years where gone! I wanted to cry but I held it together and I got a new hard drive but it seems like it's time to start shopping for a new Macbook. Anyway I've already started rewriting Chapter 10 but I got some inspiration and I'm also writing a companion fic about Godric's life. It's going to most likely be a three shot. If that goes well then I'll move on to Eric and a story of two lovers that will play a bigger role later on in the fic. So thank you for being patient and I'll try to update as soon as possible! 8/11/12
I do not own The Southern Vampire Mysteries, True Blood, Harry Potter, or Twilight. Nor do I make money off of them. The only thing I own are my OCs, plot line, and any extra ideas I decide to add to any universe I decide to play in. There, that's my disclaimer. Some favorite Harry/Ginny fanfiction from ! Forced Maturity Part I: The Chamber of Secrets by pseudonym Meaning of One, Part One: Stone and Fire & Meaning of One, Part Two: Chambers and Secrets by Sovran Harry Potter and the Magic of Merlin by Geek USA (abandoned story but great either way!) Harry Potter and the Prophecy Fulfilled by Breanie A New Southern Vampire Mysteries Fanfiction website! Area Five: Where Supernaturals Reign Fanfiction Blogs that are NOT on TexanLady and nycsnowbird's fanfiction blog-Mostly True Blood/SVM but they do have two from Inuyasha Ericizmine-SVM fanfiction, if you haven't heard of her already then you really need to catch up! |