Reviews for Sandy's Affections
Archive of Warriors chapter 29 . 8/17
this is one of my favorite fanfics, hope you return to it someday 3
Guest chapter 29 . 5/22
This story was good in the beginning, but got messed up.
Archive of Warriors chapter 29 . 4/18
oh my goodness, you cannot leave this story unfinished. please please please update this. I would be so happy if you did.
Archive of Warriors chapter 9 . 4/18
I'm a little disturbed that she's a teen, but I'll just assume that she's 18 or 19. I don't know the legal age where you are, but yeah..
Archive of Warriors chapter 14 . 4/18
Is he really mad? about her period? That sudden mood change, idk it was amusing. I love this Yautja
Archive of Warriors chapter 12 . 4/18
He's so cute, this was a good chapter it made me smile
Archive of Warriors chapter 13 . 4/18
She's one of the few humans who actually reacted well to a Yautja's face reveal, and isn't she really playing with his ego? lol
Archive of Warriors chapter 8 . 4/17
I like Katie as a character, I find her really funny and refreshingly confident but still with her own insecurities. It's well written so that it doesnt seem to contradict, I love it.

though.. she should have told the police...
Archive of Warriors chapter 7 . 4/17
I cant imagine how scared Katie must feel, this is not only really creepy but also really terrifying.. but well written, even though it's set up like a text, you do a good job of making me feel worried for the main character.
Archive of Warriors chapter 4 . 4/17
I usually would comment more, and this sounds corny but I was too excited to read more of this. I love this story wow
Archive of Warriors chapter 1 . 4/17
I'm instantly hooked. Also, I like your writing style a lot
belladu57 chapter 29 . 2/8
Very good
Arbitrator11 chapter 2 . 8/25/2019
Applause! Well done you! you totaly nailed those “alien” responses on chat! Soo many people flop in this area, when they forget this fact: Yautjas are non humans, naturally they should respond in a totally different way!

Gives off that eerie vibe strangely hot at the same time

This is so exciting!
equipagan chapter 29 . 8/3/2019
Ooh I hope you're not done with this one! I really like Katie's wit, grit and unashamed lust for her beautiful hunter. And I'm intrigued about what will happen now that she's meeting the fam!
Plus, extra kudos for not going down the 'slimy Wey-Yu operatives catch them' route or the 'she gets kidnap/rescued by well meaning human catalogue models dressed as marines' route either. We's here for the Yautja Goodness!
And I want to know what he meant by mother...
vampgirliegirl chapter 29 . 7/31/2019
Keep going please
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