A/N: Standard disclaimer here. I don't own ASOIAF and only write for fun.


He was surprised how dry his gray colored steel plated amour kept him. It was a dark and gloomy night, and the rain tapped his shoulders lighting making an eerie sound clanking against the metal plates all around him. Underneath he had worn a quilted tunic made of leather, dyed yellow to match Grey Wind's eyes. His roundels had been forged in the shape of a running gray direwolf, the background colored white to match his coat of arms. His cloak, white as snow, had been embroidered with the howling form of his direwolf.

He looked every part of the commander his men thought him to be. Inside was a different story… The feeling in the pit of his stomach made him feel sick. He was nervous. His army was standing, waiting for him to give the order to march to battle, waiting for the carnage to begin. There would be no knights charging into battle on this night. The horses would be too spooked around the giants. Part of him didn't want to give the order, hoped even that the Frey's would see his army at their front gates and surrender… It wasn't meant to be. He gave Ser Stevron his orders. He hadn't gotten a response.

He hoped that that the gods would be kind, that the rain would falter a bit so that they had more visibility, but the hour of the bat had started to wane so it was now or never. The assault on the twins was supposed to be quick. It would be tough on his men, but they were of the north so they would endure as they always did. He looked down at Grety Wind to his right, then Lyarra to his left and nodded.

The two wolves padded forward and let out a howl that he was sure could be heard through out the river lands. He took a deep breath, put the decorated horn that his uncle Benjen had given him and blew on it, long and hard.

The sound it made sounded violent, yet somehow seemed perfectly in tune with the beat of the drums the squires and young boys were banging, and the rain that clanked against the steel of men. It was a song of the north, of home. Nothing happened for a moment. Maybe the rain had drowned out the sound of the horn, so he placed it on his lips to blow again when he felt it. The ground moved. He shifted his weight from one foot to the other. Grey Wind looked around, his eyes wide and alert, but he could feel no fear from his wolf… so he would be fearless too.

He would never forget how fast they moved or how big they were. He was sure that a horse of his wolf could outrun them had they possessed the courage, but the speed that the mammoths descended upon the castle was impressive. Naturally he had seen a giant before, they had helped improve the curtain wall of Winterfell when he was younger, but he had never seen a mammoth in person before, let alone run so easily through an open field. There were three mammoths, two giants riding on each one easily, focused on the target ahead.

The giants themselves were all hair and fur but he was surprised to see how well armed they were. His uncle Benjen believed that they should be able to roam free as any man, and it was obvious that they used their time wisely. They wore weaved leather to cover there torsos and heads while their clubs seemed to be made of small trees. He doubted that even without the amour, an archer would find a hard time piercing their fur with a normal arrow. It was clear that it would take a lot to take down the giants.

Behind them, the first wave of foot soldiers followed. They were led Tormund, a free folk man that settled in Moat Cailin and helped Uncle Benjen train his men. It had taken a lot of convincing from his Uncle and his mother to stop him from leading the first wave, but in the end it made sense to Robb. The Benjen had trained had fought with and against giants before. It would be safest for them to go first. He didn't need any of his men trampled due to eagerness.

They chased behind the giants slow and steadily, their movements and formation narrow so they would be masked by the charging mammoths. He barely saw the volley of arrows aimed at the giants from the top of the walls, but he could see that giants life wooden shields made of logs and tree bark to deflect most of them easily. The few that did slip pass their defenses didn't seem to effect the giants at all. They just kept on charging.

He took a deep breath. They had almost reached the portcullis which meant that it was his time to charge. The plan had been simple. Once the giants had reached front gate they would life the portcullis and smash down the front door, letting Tormund's men in to begin clearing the barbican and start moving through the castle swiftly so that they could take the bridge and catch anyone trying to escape and fortify the second castle.

That was his biggest fear. He was afraid that once the first castle fell, the people in the second castle would flee. They had every reason too and Robb didn't have a way of stopping them. At least he didn't think he did… there was one small hope, but he knew he couldn't depend on that unless it happened.

For now, though he had to focus on the present. If some of them escaped then so be it, the realm would know what side they stood on and they would be named traitors of Riverun once he freed it. The signal that told him that they had reached the gates of the Twins finally blasted through the air, interrupting his thoughts.

He immediately lifted Ice, pointed it forward and yelled, "charge!" Her ran forward, feeling the ground shake of the men running behind him, his wolves slightly in front of him clearly slowing their own pace to stay with him. He was so focused on the gate house, though did notice something happening on the bridge. Either he underestimated Tormund and the giants or something had went horribly wrong. He quickly prayed to his old gods for success and pushed forward toward the castle.

When he entered, the castle smelled of death and blood took over his senses. He looked around and immediately concerned. These halls would too short, too narrow for the giants to fit. He hadn't seen them sense before he charged. They obviously had done their duty, but he was growing quite concerned how empty the halls actually were. He saw the odd servant, woman and child, but they mostly just knelt and begged for mercy.

As he climbed the stairs to reach the level of the castle the bridge was on, the smell of death and blood grew stronger still. It was an awful smell that almost made him gag. What the hell had happened? He pushed open the giant doors that led to the bridge and his jaw dropped. Frey bodies lay in great numbers across stone. It would be hard to step around them. At the end of the bridge, he could see men rushing into the second castle but the giants, six of them, had been standing, screaming at the top of their lungs. Their cry was victorious. The battle had been won.

It had taken hadn't taken him long to gather his war counsel in the great hall of the western castle. The doors opened and Tormund walked in, beard full of blood, a crazy look in his eyes but a huge grin on his face. "Hail to the Young Wolf!" he shouted meerily. "Your wits and cunning have given birth to a great victory on this night."

"You played no small part Tormun Giantsbane," Robb responded. "My uncle was right to console me to trust you. You have done a great deed for my house, for my family. Name your price, and you shall have it."

"Give me ale and mead and food," Tormund said. "Give me more battles to fight in like the one we fought today. Allow me to test my strength against the will of these southerners and watch them fall. Its all I ask. Your father did my people a great favor letting use south, and your uncle had given me a home with all the things I love. You believe it the walkers, so I cannot ask much more. If this is what it takes, fighting this war so that one day I might be able to travel beyond the wall again safely, then so be it. Take me home. I will not ask more of you."

"I appreciate you all the same," Robb responded with a grateful nod. "Care to tell me what happened? I didn't expect it all to happen so fast."

"Cowards the lot of them," Tormund replied quickly after a great laugh. "As soon as they saw the volley had no effect on Mag Mar and his giants, most of them ran. They stopped firing and ran toward the bridge. Mag Mar is smart though and he didn't let them escape. They ran in the water towards the bridge and climbed it. Stopped them before they could even begin to cross, three of them holding off the men trying to cross the bridge, the other three deflecting arrows from the middle tower. It wasn't a fair fight really. The first wave of them backed into our waiting swords. Some of them tried to be brave and turned to try to fight us, others tried to run in between the giants with little success. Some did escape, lucky bastards."

"Did we take any prisoners?" Robb asked, starting to grow worried. He knew that if they killed everybody it reflect poorly on his house.

"Your mother told me we would be looking for an old man," Tormund said. "I found quite a few, but none claiming to be the man she told us about. We did find some who claimed to be his sons and all of the women who claim to be his daughters. I'm not good with numbers so you will need to ask someone else."

His uncle Benjen spoke up. "From what I have gathered, we have killed most of the Frey forces while loosing very little in comparison. If we count the women, children and the men we captured we have little over two hundred captured. The rest of them escaped and unfortunately Lord Walder was among them. We have not finished searching either castle so hopefully he will be somewhere hiding here. We did find a lot of his sons though including Ser Stevron and his son Ryman. His second son Emmon escaped, but we got his son Walder, and his son Emmon."

Robb sighed, he had hoped to catch Walder and present him to his grandfather for justice but this would have to do.

"Uncle Brynden take your scouts and see if you can find them, I don't want any word reaching anybody outside of this castle, especially Tywin Lannister," Robb commanded. He turned to Domeric. "Lord Bolton, I need you to take men and secure the castle. Make sure that those hiding are captured alive if we can."

Grey Wind interrupted him just as he was about to give the rest of his commands. He jumped to his feet, ears up, eyes alert as he looked toward the door, a low whine escaping his throat. Lyarra stood up too, although she was not as tense as her child.

The doors opened and his hand immediately reached for Ice, before his could feel the muscles in his face breaking into a grin. He smiled and laughed happily.

"I think you have some runaways Stark," his brother, Jon Snow said as he pushed a roped and gagged Walder Frey through the doors and on his knees. Ser Arthur walked behind him. They had some of his sons bonded as well. Ghost ran forward and clashed with Grey Wind in the middle of the hall. Lyarra gave out a low warning growl and they stopped immediately. Robb laughed again.

"I saw the giants on the bridge," Jon said in awe. "Did you actually use them in battle?"

"Father told me not to trust the Frey's," Robb responded easily. "It was the only way I could think of to take the castle quickly but how did you know we would attack? How did you know to be waiting."

Robb knew the answer. He just wanted to confirm it. Jon paused and looked at him. "I think you know brother." Robb nodded. There were somethings better left unsaid.

"Remove his gag," Robb gave the instructions to Jon but it was Ser Arthur who stepped forward and let the old man's voice free.

"Mercy," Walder Frey begged. "Please have mercy."

"I offered you mercy," Robb spat. "I gave your son my orders, and you ignored them. You thought your castle could not be taken but you, like many others below the neck, do not understand the true power of the North. We have united as one and that includes all men and woman of Northern blood included the giants. I will not take your head today Lord Frey. My grandfather will punish you for not answering his call. Let your tale be caution to all those who would turn traitors against my family, whether that be a Stark of Winterfell or a Tully of Riverrun."

"What will happen to me, to my sons…" Lord Frey responded.

"I would wipe out your entire line if we up to me," Robb growled, feeling more and more rage as he looked at the man. "For now your sons will be held captive until my grandfather decides what to do with you, or they learn a tough lesson about loyalty and respect from my uncle before they take the black."

He turned again to Domeric. "Lord Bolton," he paused. "Place him in his dungeons for the night before you clear the castles."

"At once my lord," Domeric responded, moving forward with his men and gagging the old man again before walking him toward the giant doors.

"Domeric," Robb called out and paused. When he spoke again he felt his voice grow colder and he snarled, "Don't take too much skin."

Domeric laughed. Robb knew that Domeric would not actually flay Lord Frey as flaying had been outlawed in the North, Walder Frey, however, did not know that if the wet spot on his breeches was anything to go by.

Ser Arhur glared at him. "Win with grace," he spoke quietly but sternly, ever the teacher. Robb nodded, but he could not take back his words, the damage had been done.

"What is next for us brother," Jon called out once Walder had been led from the hall.

"Next we free Riverun," Robb responded, suddenly a burst of confidence filling his chest.

A/N: The battle of the Twins. I hope I didn't disappoint. I realized early on that this would be from Robb's POV which meant that we really couldn't get into much action. To be quite frank, it would be stupid for some one of Robb's stature to participate on the front lines of a battle like this, especially when he has never battled with giants before. I think here I was able to show their power and hopefully gave a realistic rendition of what would happen when men met what they thought to be fairy tales. Most of them ran, but it allowed them to be trapped...

I don't know who is next, but hopefully it is soon. Until then, thank for every review, like, follow, message, everything. I'll see you all soon.