![]() Author has written 22 stories for How to Train Your Dragon, Transformers, Saint Seiya, Yu-Gi-Oh, Transformers/Beast Wars, Suicide Squad, Magi/マギ, Seven Deadly Sins/七つの大罪, Legend of Zelda, Ironman, Star Wars, Avengers, Last of Us, and Elder Scroll series. Hiya, Wandering Winter here, I've been a member here since 2013. Basic stuff 'bout me :) Name: just call me Winter Pronounce: whatever the hell you want Age: 20 Below are other sites I'm on: (Remove all spaces in links) Deviantart: snowprincess14. deviantart . com Quotev: www . quotev . com/27648940 Acolyte Series (Star Wars): Playlist: https://open . spotify . com/playlist/3ufXvljKyWw92eYcpvlKom?si=KYio_FHeS4i-Dc-Tm4QDzQ TFA Rise Outfit: https://www . Flickr . com/photos/162867732@N02/49981557132/in/dateposted/ Apprentice Outfit: https://www . Flickr . com/photos/162867732@N02/49981280678/in/dateposted/ Saint Seiya - Four Maidens: https:// www.deviantart. com/sleepless-kueen/art/Persephone-s-Maidens-Saint-Seiya-798788008?ga_submit_new=10&ga_type=edit&ga_changes=1 Reincarnation is a Dosey: Beth's Boar Hat outfit :https://www . Flickr . com/photos/162867732@N02/49051017342/in/dateposted/ SkinWalker: Outfit set 1: https:///p/2iXwPkp Outfit set 2: https:///p/2iXzyJC Animal form: https:///p/2iXB8ko Tattoos: https:///p/2iXAqMy Pinterest moodboard: https://www. Pinterest ./Wandering_Winter/tatyana/ Timeless Sage- Main OC's Zelda - just past shoulder length mahogany dyed hair with bangs that go across her forehead and longer at the sides, stops just before her eyes. Deep sapphire eyes. She works for a government in a special group called Omega. Her signature colours are Red, White and gold. She is paired with Sideswipes and Sunstreaker. Prime-verse Zelda Reference: https://www. deviantart. com/sleepless-kueen/art/Transformers-Prime-Zelda-781652938 Sideswipe's holoform: Dean Geyer Sunstreaker's holoforms: Lucas Till Autobot forms: https://uk . pinterest . com/pin/337770040775949119/ Aria - mid-back thin pastel blue-dyed hair, her hair is divided into two pairs; more hair goes to the right with a little to the left, she wears the rest of her hair in a long plait. Her eyes are a light sky blue and she wears black framed round glasses. Her signature colours are blue and white. Aira is paired with another OC called Logan (more info about in the story) Chapter 1 LINKs: 1a) Bike: s88.photobucket . com/user/doctormikescott/media/red2.jpg.html 1b)Helmet: img02.taobaocdn . com/bao/uploaded/i2/10669024928585535/T1gMNGFo8fXXXXXXXX_!!0-item_pic.jpg 1c)Bike suit: leatherslink . com/estore/products/suits/mst100/mst100.jpg Dragon Creed Items Human Toothless look: img15 . deviantart . net/9c11/i/2012/284/5/5/human_toothless_concept_by_mergreze-d5hgx9h.png Song from chapter two: www . youtube . com/watch?v=s5Tbmy0gruM Small black birds Tattoos: www . pinterest . com/pin/384494886909863051/ On her back, Dragon Tattoo: www. pinterest . com/pin/340655159286670831/ Wrapped round her right wrist: www . deviantart . com/art/Nightfury-blason-181391126 Ring: www . etsy . com/listing/112604830/lord-of-the-rings-game-of-thrones-night |