It wasn't hard to track down Clara. The TARDIS could trace the call Clara had made with ease, and he landed in the graveyard where she and Danny Pink were currently cutting off his last chance to find out where his wife was before having to resort to trapping Missy himself.

The whole graveyard was full of Cybermen, but if they'd had a face all of them would have looked incredibly lost and confused. They were not a threat. They were barely worth a thought at all. His eyes scanned the area and quickly found Clara.

"Clara, don't!" he cried as he rushed over to the pair. She was standing so close to the Cyberman, who had his chest plate open. She had already started turning of the inhibitor.

She turned at the sound of his voice, though, and walked away from Danny to him. "Help me."

The Doctor shook his head. "If you do what you're trying to do, if you succeed, he will snap you," he warned and she shook her head. "Then he will step over your broken body and break another and another and another. He will never stop."

"No," Clara whispered.

"And then what?" he continued, stepping towards her and she stepped backwards. She was scared of him. Good. He was rather scared of himself right at that moment. "Will you be content on destroying my life yet again? Will your death be worth it?"

"I will not harm her," Danny called over and the Doctor spun to face him. Danny was staring back out of the Cyberman suit, eyes hard and sunken. He looked worse than death, and the Doctor could tell that he meant his statement fully, which meant that Clara still hadn't managed to turn the inhibitor on.

It also meant that he didn't know what she had done. He spun back around to her and met her gaze, rolling his eyes when she averted her gaze. No, of course she hadn't told him. It was just something else she wouldn't admit to anyone.

"Why break a habit of a lifetime?" he taunted her lowly before walking over the Danny. He could just tell him now. Let him die knowing just what a horror of a woman that he'd pledged to keep safe. Or, as he decided as he slowly walked around him, he could keep it quiet. The man had suffered enough. He didn't deserve to know what Clara had done to them all. Danni wouldn't have wanted him to tell him.

"Danny," he started.

"Sir," the soldier replied shortly.

The Doctor came to a stop in front of him. He could understand why he'd want to turn to inhibitor on. Looking down at yourself and seeing a metal monstrosity was definitely not something to be envied. But if he turned fully into a Cyberman then they would never find out Missy's plan, and he'd never be able to prove he'd won and save his wife. Danni would be lost in space and time.

"I had a friend once," the Doctor started slowly, his words picking up speed as his panic rose with each passing second. "We ran together when I was little. And I thought we were the same. But when we grew up, we weren't. Now, not only is she trying to tear the world apart, she's tearing my world apart and I can't run fast enough to hold either of them together. The difference is this." He reached out, putting a hand over the open plate. "Pain is a gift. Without the capacity for pain, we can't feel the hurt we inflict."

"Are you telling me seriously, for real, that you can?" Danny asked.

"Of course I can."

"Then shame on you, Doctor," Danny replied with a snarl and the Doctor nodded.

"Yes. Oh, yes."

Overhead, thunder rumbled as the clouds billowed and built up thicker and thicker. They all looked up. Time was running out. He needed to find out Missy's plans, and fast. He turned back to Danny Pink, now fidgeting anxiously on the spot. His instinct to just run and look for Danni was getting stronger, but he had to play a longer game.

"Danny, Danny," he called, bringing the dead man's attention back to him. "I need you to tell me. What are the clouds going to do? What is the plan?"

"How would I know?"

"You're part of a hive mind now. Presumably that's how you found Clara," he explained shortly. "Just look."

"I can't see much," Danny explained with a little shake of his head.

The Doctor glared at him. "Look harder."

Danny paused for a moment and didn't take his gaze off the Doctor. "Clara, watch this. This is who the Doctor is. Watch the blood-soaked old general in action," the Doctor frowned in confusion. What was he doing now? "I can't see properly, sir, because this needs activating," Danny went on to explain, patting the chest plate. "If you want to know what's coming, you have to switch it on. And didn't all of those beautiful speeches just disappear in the face of a tactical advantage? Sir."

The Doctor looked down at the inhibitor. This was why he needed Danielle by his side. This was how she made him better, because at that moment he would have just switched it on without a thought if it meant Danny could tell him where she was. But he could hear her voice begging him not to. She always thought he could be the better man, but ultimately he was so selfish. He'd do anything to get her back. But she was so good. She wouldn't have let him do it. She would have begged him to find another way and he would have, just to keep the hurt, the disappointment off her face.

But he couldn't bring himself to do it when she wasn't there. And he certainly couldn't do it as Danny Pink tried to take the high ground. Tried to pretend that they were both so moral. Throwing his help back in his face.

His hands clenched, his mouth pulling to a snarl. "This is all your fault," he declared to Clara even though he wouldn't look at her. "Blood-soaked?" he repeated, meeting Danny's gaze. "Do you know why we were at 3W?" he asked. "Did Clara tell you about the life she took to get there?"

"Doctor..." Clara started, her voice pleading and he turned, glaring at her.

"No," he snapped. "This is your fault. If you had just asked for our help, if you had just been our friend then this could have gone so differently." He turned back to Danny. "To get us to bring her to you, your girlfriend killed my wife," he told Danny harshly. "She pushed her into a volcano to make a point. And you know something? If it had been real then Danni would have burnt alive."

It felt like an age ago that his rage at Clara was the only thing he'd had to worry about. "And if she had just asked, then I wouldn't have been too angry to focus and I would have noticed. And now Danni has been taken by a person who has physically, emotionally and se-.." he swallowed, unable to even contemplate that side of things. "By the one person who could make death seem like a positive for her, and all in the name of keeping her safe and that's all down to her."

"The Master has Danni?" Clara asked quietly, surprised. Having only heard second and third hand information on the other Time Lord, she was certain he was still trapped on Gallifrey, but who else could he have meant?

He looked back around at her. "All because of you," he replied firmly. "You betrayed us, you hurt us, and it's not you, me or even Mr Pink here who is paying the price. It's Danielle. You've sentenced her to a fate worse than death if I don't solve this."

"I never meant for this to happen!" Clara protested.

"No, you meant just to get your own way," he retorted. "Well, this is it." He turned back to Danny. "I need to know. Not because it's a tactical advantage. Not because I'm planning or strategising. I'm doing it because it's the only way I can get my wife back."

He reached into his pocket and pulled out his screwdriver to point it at Danny. He looked into the eyes of the man that was being condemned to death yet again and tried to squash down the guilt at what he was about to do. He had no other choice.

"For what it's worth, I am sorry," he told the other man.

"Whatever Clara did, she learnt it from you," Danny replied certainly. "If she thought it was what she had to do, it's from watching you do the same."

"She should have known better," the Doctor said. "She was supposed to be better." He shifted the grip on his screwdriver, not pausing to find his courage, but because he needed to remember this moment to ask for forgiveness later.

"Doctor," Clara said firmly and he glanced down at her. She held her hand out. "Give me the screwdriver."

He shot her an incredulous look and looked back at Danny. "No."

"Do as you are told and give me the screwdriver," Clara bit out.

"Why?" the Doctor shot back. "Fancy yourself a hero, now, do you?"

"Nothing about this is heroic!" Clara exclaimed, her voice breaking. She was shaking, and she felt emotional broken. "Nothing about this makes any of us a hero but him, do you understand that? But I will not let you do this."

"Oh?" he replied. "And why do you think you have any say saving my wife?"

"Because he is the man I love," Clara replied. "Because this is my mess and I will clean it up. You will give me that screwdriver, you will let me do this, because then you can look Danni in the eye and know that you didn't."

He knew that he shouldn't give her the screwdriver, but her words really hit home and he hated that. He hated that he was going to let her win and take the screwdriver from him. He hated the fact that he felt so much sympathy and understanding for her pain. When he'd faced down killing Danni in the Bank of Karabraxos, he knew he would have never let anyone else do it. He wanted to be the last face she saw. He wanted to share those last moments, no matter how horrific they were.

He shoved the screwdriver into her hand and walked away, keeping his back turned as they did what he had failed to do; they told each other they loved the other, and said goodbye. He placed a hand on one of the gravestones, using it to keep himself up as the weight of everything crushed down on him yet again. He wasn't even sure if Danni was still alive. What if he never got to say goodbye? What if he never found her?

He heard the sonic go off and knew he had such a short window to be able to get the information. He turned and saw Clara hugging the Cyberman tightly. He stormed over, grabbing her arm and pulling her roughly away.

"He'll kill you!" he snapped angrily, giving her another push as she tried to wrap her arms around him again. "Clara, we don't have time for this."

"Let me go!"

He rolled his eyes, keeping her away from the Cyberman. "Danny, if you can hear me, if you're still there, what are the clouds going to do?"

"The rain will fall again. All humanity will die," Danny replied, monotone and emotionless as he stared ahead.

The Doctor lowered his arm and Clara immediately hugged Danny once again. "And rise again as Cybermen," he finished.


"And I have to stop it, right?" the Doctor pressed. "That's the plan, isn't it? I stop it and I get Danni back."

"We cannot be stopped."

"No!" the Doctor exclaimed, walking away then back again. He ran his hand through his short hair, something he had not done in so long, grasping at it tightly as he paced back and forth yet again. "No, you can be stopped! I can't… I won't believe that. Tell me how to stop you!"

There was a loud crack of thunder and both he and Clara turned to see the flash of light in the sky. Missy floated down, umbrella above her head like some sort of twisted Mary Poppins.

She landed gracefully on the ground. "Oh, that was brilliant!" she told them, popping her umbrella closed before tossing it away. "Oh, I love the telly here, but did you see that?" She shot Clara an overly fake sympathetic look. "Oh, Clara, you poor thing. You must feel like death. Let me pop away the pain."

She pulled out her device and the Doctor saw red. He wasn't best fond of Clara at that moment, but he wouldn't let Missy hurt anyone else. He stormed forward and snatched it from her. "Don't you dare! Don't you think about it!" He chucked it away, past Clara and Danny. "Why are you doing this?!"

"Oh, sorry, hon, I'm just getting a bit carried away," Missy explained. "It's your friends, they're so more-ish."

"Not that," the Doctor replied. "This, all of this? What is the point? You got what you wanted. You have Danielle, why everything else?!"

She rolled her eyes. "Oh, stop looking all cross-pants," she scolded and he could only stare in frustrated bewilderment as she turned around, acting hurt. "I'm here to give you a gift. Could you at least try and be excited?"

His eyes widened. Could she possibly… "What gift?" he asked desperately. She smiled in return and his hope soared even more. Was this all part of her game? Had she done something to Danni but was going to return her? That didn't matter. He could fix whatever harm had befallen her. He just wanted her back.

Missy raised her wrist, speaking into the bracelet she had used to teleport out of the plane. "Cyberdears!" she called into it. All around the Cybermen turned to face her, standing to attention.

"Look at Mummy!" she told them and the Doctor watched them copy each and every order she gave them in unison. She had the power over the entire army of Cybermen. "Raise your arms. Lower your arms. Raise your right. Lower your right. Turn on the spot. There are exits at the front and rear of the aircraft. Please follow the lights up the aisle."

He watched the Cybermen follow her every command. He had thought she had been working with them, but she wasn't. She was in control. She was the leader, not the help.

"You see, Doctor? The power to slaughter whole worlds at a time, then make them do a safety briefing. Everyone who ever lived, man, woman and child, is now at my command. An indestructible army to rage across the universe. The more they kill, the more they recruit." She grinned at him. "Happy birthday."

The look of horror on his face quickly changed to one of confusion and she rolled her eyes. "Oh! You didn't know, did you? It's lucky one of us remembers these things," she scolded lightly before popping her bracelet off. She walked over to him. "Happy birthday, Mister President." She snapped the bracelet on his wrist then quickly stepped away.

All around, every Cyberman stood to attention once again. "Doctor."

"Tiny bit pleased?" Missy asked him. "Oh, go on, crack a smile. I want to see if your eyebrows drop off."

He looked around, at all the Cybermen, and the clouds and the smile on Missy's face and none of it made any sense at all. She was winning. She had all the control, she had all the power. Why was she giving it to him?

"All of this. All of it, just to give me an army?"

"I told you, I worked it out," she explained. "I hopped across your time line and all I saw was that you always had someone to tell you what to do. It's not so bad when they're just these silly little humans that you pick up, I could almost tolerate that. But then you went and picked yourself up a wife, didn't you? One that tells you how to act, how to be a 'good man'."

"Don't you dare," he started lowly, threateningly.

"But it's not you is it?" she countered. "I would even bet my…" she glanced around and caught sight of the umbrella she'd chucked away. "I'd even bet my umbrella that you've been doing it without her by your side. Wondering what Danielle would have you do. People like us, Doctor, we don't need to be told what to do. We need to tell people what to do. It's in our nature. So," she waved her arms out, "my gift to you is just that."

"I don't want an army!" he shouted back, grabbing at the bracelet. She took hold of his wrist before he could take it off, though.

"Well, that's the trouble! Yes, you do!" she shouted back. "You've always wanted one! All those people suffering in the Dalek camps? Now you can save them. All those bad guys winning all the wars? Go and get the good guys back."

He looked down at his wrist, staring at the promise of power it gave him. He could save them all. All the innocent people who had died. All those people whose lives he wouldn't be able to make better. He could save everyone he'd ever let down.

Except one.

He raised his eyes, glaring. "I know what you're doing," he told her. "Give me an army and watch me dash off into the universe while you walk off into the sunset with Danielle on your arm?"

Missy looked at her fingernails, inspecting them with an air of indifference. "Well, someone will have to bear that particular burden."

"She'd never stand with you," the Doctor retorted. "Why take her when you can so easily create an army that will?"

"Because I don't need an army," she explained. "Armies are for people who think they're right. I don't think I'm right, I know I am."

"Nobody can have that power," he protested.

"You will, because you don't have a choice," she replied. "There's only way you can stop these clouds from opening up and killing all your little pets down here. Conquer the universe, Mister President. Show a bad girl how it's done."

She dropped into a deep curtsy and he ripped off the bracelet, clutching it tightly in his hand. "I'm not doing this!" he exclaimed. "I'm not playing your games. Why are you doing this?"

"I need you to see it," she replied. "I need you to see that you're never going to run away from a battle. That you think you'll spend your life looking for her, until the next big bad comes along. I need you to see it so that she will see it too."

He blinked. "You're trying to make me give up on her?" he asked quietly.

"I don't need to try," Missy replied. "You will, eventually. Now you know you can save the universe, win every battle, you won't be able to resist. The moment you both see that, the happier you will be."

"You'll never break the fight in her," the Doctor promised. "The one thing I know about her is that she will always fight you."

Missy smirked. "We'll see," she replied. "Once you've started to win the universe, she'll see that she's where she's supposed to be."

He looked down at the bracelet. Winning, for once, would be such a wonderful thing. He'd be able to stop every bad thing from happening. But no one should have that kind of power. No one should ever be able to decide who should live and who should die.

Oh, the temptation was there. He could use the Cybermen to fight. He could send them out, across the universe, searching, looking for Danielle and stopping anyone who got in his way. An army who would always win, who would always recruit, who would never stop expanding. He'd always find her with that on his side, the consequences be damned.

His gaze turned back to the Cybermen, all who were standing to attention. All but one. Danny Pink, with his arm around Clara, wasn't facing him waiting for orders. He had his arm around the woman he loved because protecting her was more important than any order he would ever receive.

Because Danny had promised he would never hurt her. Just like he had promised Danni that she would always be safe from the Master. That she would just have to find him and he would always protect her from the monster that had visited her while she slept. Now, though, she couldn't find him. She was trapped and he was the one who could run. He would always protect her. Nothing else was worth losing her for.

He tilted his head, looking down at Missy, who had the biggest grin on her face. She'd thought she'd won. Oh, how she had almost won.

"Thank you," he told her honestly and she seemed slightly surprised by his response. "Thank you so much." He held his arms out. "I really didn't know. I wasn't sure. You lose sight sometimes." He ran from in front of her and she climbed up off the floor. Her brows were furrowed and she turned her back on Danny and Clara.

"I am not a good man!" he declared and her confusion fell away. She was smug instead. "I am not a bad man," he continued. "I am not a hero. And I'm definitely not a president. And no, I'm not an officer. Do you know what I am? I am an idiot." He grinned happily. She did not. Good. "With a box and a screwdriver. Travelling with my wife at my side. Just passing through, helping out, learning. I don't need an army. I never have, because I've got her." He jabbed his finger in the air, pointing out into the universe. He didn't know where Danielle was, but he would work it out.

"And she doesn't tell me what to do, or how to act. She shows me how to love the universe, and she loves me when I can't. Through her eyes I can see everything." He turned to Missy, meeting her gaze to let her know how sincere he was. "And I'll never stop looking. I will never stop searching until I find her. Because love, it's not an emotion. Love is a promise." He looked over at Danny Pink. He knew what had to be done, and he knew the sacrifice it meant. But there was nothing else to be done, and the Doctor knew that while Danni wouldn't like it, she'd understand. Because Danny Pink wasn't doing it for her, he was doing it for Clara.

"And he will never hurt her," he finished. "PE, catch!"

He quickly chucked the bracelet towards Danny, who caught it with the precision of the Cyberman he had become. "You didn't notice, did you?" the Doctor taunted Missy. "While you were doing all your silly orders, while you where showing off, the one soldier not obeying."

She shook her head, looking as panicked as she should have at this new information. "No, that's wrong. That's impossible."

Danny turned slowly, letting go of Clara to walk walk over to Missy. He stood in front of her, with no fear in his eyes. "The rain will not fall."

"Oh? Why won't it?" she asked, humouring him. She was still in control. She still had the power.

"The clouds will burn."

She placed her hands on her hips. "And who'll burn them?"

"I will burn them."


His gaze was unwavering, his mission wiping away any nerves or regret. "I will burn."

"One burning Cyberman is hardly going to save the planet," she pointed out.

And she was correct. One Cyberman was never going to be enough. Danny did his part, and the Doctor would never be able to thank him enough despite the fact that he knew the soldier would never accept it. He'd already said his goodbyes to Clara and, with command over an entire planet of Cybermen, he shot up into the air. The Doctor looked up and watched as the sky filled with fire, burning up each and every cloud until blue skies looked down at them again.

He couldn't help but grin. He'd done it. He'd worked it out. He'd saved the world which meant that his part of the deal was done. She had to give him Danielle back now.

"Well. The clouds have all gone," Clara commented and he nodded.

"Yes, burned up. Totally burnt. Burnt to nothing," he replied gleefully. Clara hung her head, devastated but quiet.

"Ten zero eleven, zero zero by zero two," Missy said lowly from behind them. He turned on the spot to look at her.

"What did you say?" he demanded.

"The current coordinates of Gallifrey," she explained, although that wasn't what he'd been questioning. He knew the coordinates, of course he did. "It's returned to it's original location. Didn't you ever think to look?"

He stormed over, eyes blazing. "You are lying!"

Missy shrugged. "Where else would I take her? It's where she left me."

The Doctor shook his head, completely distrustful of her. Even though this was what he'd expected – well, perhaps not Gallifrey – he didn't trust that she was just giving up Danni without any fuss.

"You wouldn't dare," he replied. "You'd've be clapped in irons."

"I'm careful," she offered. "I wanted to show her where she abandoned me."

"Doctor, I'm assuming you'll remember those coordinates?" Clara asked and they both turned to see Clara holding out Missy's device, pointing it at her with a set look on her face.

"No. No, don't you dare," the Doctor said, rushing over to her with his hands out in front of her. "I won't let you."

"If you let her live, then this is all on you," Clara replied without taking her gaze off Missy. "It's not my fault, or hers, it's yours. Danny is dead, and Danni is gone because of you."

"Clara, if you kill her then we'll never get her back," he quickly explained. He'd seen that look on her face before she'd pushed Danni to her death. If he didn't get the device off her then she would kill Missy and they'd never get his wife back. "She's our only shot. We need her alive to save Danielle."

"She told you where she was. We don't need her. She needs to die," Clara insisted firmly.

"Yes, she does," the Doctor agreed. "But we do need her. Until I get Danielle back, until she's safe and sound back on the TARDIS, then we need her."

Clara didn't move. She didn't lower the device, and she didn't look at him. She stared at Missy and thought about all the pain she'd caused. How she'd hurt Danni, how she'd taken her away from the people who cared about her.

How she'd killed Danny Pink.

"No," she replied firmly.

The Doctor sighed, turning to look at Missy, who moved over to a pair of gravestones. She posed on them both, one hand on each. "Look at that," she crowed. "I win again."

He spun back around, stepping in front of Clara and the device. "I won't let you do this," he told his companion. "I won't let you hurt Danielle, not again. You won't kill her again!"

"Move out of the way," Clara warned him.

From off to the side the sound of a gunfire drew their attention. A blue blot had shot past them both only to strike missing, vaporising her where she stood.

"No!" the Doctor cried, spinning around to see one Cyberman still standing away from them. "What did you do that for?!" he screamed at it.

In reply, the Cyberman lifted its arm, pointing down and away from them. They both looked over and Clara spotted the body on the ground.

"Doctor!" she called, running towards it. He was close on her tail. It wasn't Danni, but if he was right, and he usually was…

He dropped to the floor by Kate's side, checking her over. "Kate!" he frowned as her chest rose and fell. "She's breathing! She's alive! She can't be here."

"She is."

He looked up at Clara. "She fell out of a plane," he pointed out before scrambling off the floor. "The Cyberman must have caught her."

"Doctor." He looked down at Clara. "She's talking about her dad."

He could have laughed. Of course. All of the dead had been turned into Cybermen, and not all of them had been able to fight it. The majority had flown up into the atmosphere and burnt because of a command, but he was sure there would be a few scattered about. A few Danny Pinks, who had much more important missions to carry out. Those with promises they'd never be able to break.

"Of course. The Earth's darkest hour and mine," he murmured to himself. He raised his hand, saluting the Cyberman Brigadier. "She would have been so sad to have missed you!" he called over, hoping the Cyberman could hear him. "And I know you were trying to help. I don't blame you. Thank you!"

He lowered his arm, then turned and ran. Clara called after him, but he ignored her. He should have gone back. He should have waited and looked after Kate, who should have been dead, but now the Earth was safe and he'd done his part, he had somewhere to be.

He chucked the TARDIS door open and ran as fast as his tired bones would take him. He hastily set the coordinates and set the time machine into the flight.

The moment she made it to the other side he was by the doors, ready to open them up and to step onto Gallifrey. But he hesitated. His palms were sweaty, his hearts were racing. He felt so warm, so nervous. He took off his jacket and chucked it over the railings but it didn't help.

If Gallifrey was really out there, then so was Danni. Maybe not where he'd landed, but he'd find her. He'd run through fire to save her. He just had to open the door and step out. But he couldn't. His own fear of failure kept him frozen in place. No matter what was on the other side, he had let her down. He'd promised to keep her far away from the Master and that hadn't happened.

He ran his hand through his hair, glancing back at the console. He was obviously going to go out to get her. Of course he was. Maybe he should have brought some help. He could nip back, couldn't he?

No. He turned back to the door. This was his mess. He would clean it up.

He swallowed down the lump that had appeared and slowly opened the door, staring out blankly.

Stars. Nothing but black and stars.

He slowly shut the door again and turned, walking to the console. Each step felt like he was walking through the thickest of air. Each moment he felt his hearts crumble into dust as the hope he'd had was ripped out from underneath him.

He stumbled as his knees gave way and he managed to catch himself on the console. She'd lied. Of course she'd lied. He shouldn't have believed her. He'd just wanted it to be true so badly. For not only his wife, but his home, to be outside those doors.

He roared as he brought his fists down on the controls. They sparked and the TARDIS let out a noise of pain. He did it against, both fists, destroying the plastic buttons underneath. He continued to bring his fists down, smashing the glass of the dials, cutting up his knuckles, but he didn't care. He destroyed the console top, but none of it made him feel better.

He fell to his knees, arms on the shattered plastic and glass and he rested his forehead on them as he sobbed. His whole body shook, and in response the TARDIS dimmed her lights. Mourning his wife. She was gone. She wasn't there. He'd lost her.

He'd not thought that Missy would stoop that low. He had thought that, somewhere, within her obsession of his wife she would have kept Danni safe. She'd given him the coordinates and he'd followed them because he'd had so much hope.

But it was all gone. Shattered. He'd lost Danielle, his wife, his everything, and there was nothing he could do. How could he find her when she could be across all of time and space?

He'd failed her. He'd let her down. And she'd paid the price.

"Please. Help me," he begged, but no one was listening.


Clara was pacing. She seemed to do this all the time, now. Even when she wasn't waiting for anything she paced. Since seeing Danny give himself up for, not just the safety of the world, but for her, she'd not been able to find her place. She couldn't sit and watch TV, so she'd tried exercise to use up all that excess energy. That hadn't worked either, so she'd tried baking again. That hadn't worked, either.

So she paced a lot. She would put music on, or have the TV playing in the background, but she kept herself moving. She'd reorganised everything in her flat. She'd gone into Danni's room and sorted out the wardrobe of clothes she'd left there.


Clara refused to allow herself to believe that Danni was part of the reason she was pacing. She refused to believe that she was waiting for Danni to come back and see her. The Doctor had been quite explicit about their relationship now. Or, lack of it. The Doctor was going to find her again, and Clara was never going to see her again.

Part of her didn't care. As long as Danni was safe and sound away from the monster that was Missy then she really didn't care. And with Missy dead that was the only possibility. But, still, it would have been nice to have been told…

She paused with her hand reaching out for a book – rearranging them yet again – as the sound of the TARDIS came from her hallway. She fought the impulse to run out for a whole three seconds then dashed out.

No one came out straight away and that had to mean they were behind the door snogging, right?

The door opened and her breath caught, her eyes wide and a smile just about to grace her lips. It was all that hope, that expectation, that made her so happy.

The Doctor stepped out. Her eyes swept over him. He wasn't wearing his jacket. His knuckles were red. His hair looked like he's been grabbing at his. His eyes were also wide.

Her shoulders fell as she let out the breath she'd been holding. "You didn't find her."

It wasn't a question. She could tell just by looking at him and he barely gave a little shake of his head. "Gallifrey wasn't there," he replied lowly. "There was just… nothing."

She felt her heart break and she could see that pain echoed on his face a hundred times more. They stood in silence, staring at each other. Clara didn't know what to say that would make him feel better. What could she possibly say? At least her Danny was at peace, now. Who knew what was happening to Danni?

"I don't trust you," he declared and, even though she didn't blame him, she didn't know where the statement had come from. "Your single mindedness, your selfishness almost got my wife killed and your disregard for anything apart from what you want is what caused this mess. She's missing because of you."

She opened her mouth to defend herself, but he wasn't finished. "I need your help," he told her, surprising her slightly.

"My help?" she asked.

"Because of what you did, I know you'll never give up," he explained. "I may not like it, but you're the best shot I have at finding her because you'll never stop until you do."

She quickly nodded. "I'd never give up," she promised eagerly. "You can count on that. You know I'd do anything to help find her."

"Why?" he shot back.

She blinked. "Because, she's my friend, because you're my..."

"Is it because you're in love with her?"

The question cut through her words, causing her to trail off. This again? He was never going to let it go, was he? And so soon after Danny had...

She raised her eyes to meet his, ready to argue her case yet again, when she saw it. The terror in his eyes, the way his lips were pursed together because she was sure that he was on the brink of falling. He didn't look angry, or accusatory. He looked like he was about to break. He'd lost all control, and he needed to get it back.

He wasn't asking because he was accusing her of anything. He was asking for reassurance. He needed to know that she was on their side. He needed to know he could trust her.

She swallowed, crushing down the panic that threatened to fill her. Seeing the normally brave, stoic, reserved man so emotionally on the edge told her that the veil he'd let down when he'd regenerated was still gone. He needed her help. He needed her to be honest.

"Yes," she whispered, finally admitting it out loud. With the man she loved gone forever, she couldn't risk losing someone else.

"Say it," he pleaded and she nodded.

"I will never stop, because I love her," she promised.

He didn't move for a moment, and he didn't say a word. He just stared, waiting for her to retract her words, waiting for a tell that would say that he couldn't bring her on board. But nothing happened. He saw the same look on her face that he had when they'd been stood by that volcano – the determination to get what she wanted. And what she wanted was his wife safe, and back with them both.

He turned and silently headed back into the TARDIS, trusting her to follow him in.

Clara turned to look back at her flat. Where her life with Danny Pink should have been starting, but would never come to be. Where her heart laid in ruins because the man she loved was gone forever. She could never go back. It would never be the same again. Her apartment was just a reminder of everything she had lost.

But she could do this. With a nod to herself that cemented her future, she turned and followed the Doctor into the TARDIS.

"What are we going to do?" she asked him as she shut the door gently behind her. He was already at the console, his focus solely on his next step.

"We're going to get what I need," he replied. "And, apparently, that's an army."


Danni groaned as she woke up. Whatever had whacked her on the head really had done a number on her, it felt like it was still echoing through her brain. She tried to open her eyes but groaned again at the glare from the light above her. Great. She'd been moved. Oh, she hoped Theta was okay.

She tried to open her eyes again to find herself on her own in what appeared to actually be a rather nice bedroom. She was lying on a huge four poster bed, soft brown sheets underneath her. The woods of the furniture were a lovely dark colour, and while there wasn't actually any windows, one wall had luxurious curtains hanging on it as if there was one. How odd, must have been a personal choice by... well, by whoever's room it was. She tried not to think of all the reasons she could have woken up in a stranger's bedroom, instead just deciding to find the Doctor. After all, she could have just been placed there to recover from the blow to the head.

She didn't get very far, though, as the cuff around her wrist stopped her from going anywhere after standing up on the floor. She was chained to the bedpost by a rather short chain. She began tugging at it, her chest tightening in panic.

"Doctor!" she shouted, a million disgusting thoughts rushing through her head. There was only one real reason anyone would be chained to a bed, especially one this well-kept. She hoped nothing had happened to her already, she didn't feel like she'd been- but then again, how would she know if she has been unconscious? Nothing hurt, that was a plus, and she was dressed. All good signs.

"Doctor!" she screamed again, panicking so much she could barely breathe. She needed to get out, she needed to get the chain off and fast! She looked upwards, but there was no way she would be able to get the chain off over the top with the way the frame was built for curtains to go around the bed as well.

Curtains, which could be used very easily to block her and whoever else off from everyone.

She looked around, seeing what she could reach in her immediate area, but there was nothing she could use really. The lamp on the grand bedside table looked pretty sturdy, but if she started bashing the bedpost someone might hear. Best leave that for a last resort. Otherwise, though, the bedside table was empty and useless.

She turned her attentions from it to the wider area, eyes desperately searching the room. She paused at the sight of herself in the full length mirror in the corner opposite her. Apart from the obviously panicked look on her face, she didn't look any different, and certainly didn't look hurt. Good, that was good. She kept hold of that thought to ground herself. She wasn't hurt. Nothing horrid had happened. She was fine.

Just as she was considering if she could drag the bed over to the chest of drawers to see if she could look through them, the door opened. She pushed herself against the bedside table as a woman in a very pantomime outfit stepped in. It was the woman who had kissed her back at place with the dead people, 3W. What had it called itself? A welcome droid? There was no way that was just a droid, not by the way she was grinning at her, like she was so happy to see her in the bedroom. The same uneasy feeling fell on her that had when she'd first met the droid, except this time she knew that she should have listened to it

"Now, now, Danielle, do calm down," the droid – Missy, that was it – told her. "It's rather unnecessary, you're not going anywhere."

"Who are you?" Danni snapped, trying to sound angry and not petrified. "Where's the Doctor?"

The woman rolled her eyes, taking a step into the room. "Oh, you know him. He'll be running around the universe in that blue box of his, trying to find you and save you from the evil lady," she replied, sounding incredibly bored with the description. "That's his usual style, isn't it?" Danni nodded.

"It is," she agreed. "He's always coming for me, you know that, don't you?"

"No, he'll always try, he'll never find you," Missy replied. "No one but me knows you're here, and I certainly didn't tell him."

"Who are you?" Danni asked again and the woman held her hand against her chest, like she was hurt by the question.

"Why, Danielle, don't you recognise me?" she asked. "I know who you are, but I guess we both look a bit different since the last time you saw me."

Danni narrowed her eyes in confusion. "I've met you before?" She asked uncertainly and the woman nodded, "And it was before I re- before I changed?"

Hiding the fact that she regenerated seemed a bit redundant at this point considering that Missy already seemed to know she had changed bodies at least once. However, keeping the information to herself made her feel a little bit safer.

"Oh, quite close to it, I would suspect," Missy replied. "I mean, you had just been shot, hadn't you sweetie?" Danni's hearts both skipped a bit, her blood running cold in her veins. "Back on Gallifrey, remember? Before you left me." The last two words were bit out in pure anger before it disappeared and it just made her seem more deranged. There were only two people there, and only one she'd left behind.

"No, no you can't be," she whispered in horror, looking over the woman again, the realisation of just what situation she was in rapidly sinking in. "You're trapped. I know you are, you're trapped on Gallifrey. You can't be here!"

Missy grimaced at her words, looking almost embarrassed on her behalf. "Was trapped," she corrected. "Not anymore, am I? No thanks to you, though, my Pet." Danni shook her head.

"Please, Master..."

Missy tutted. "It's Missy now. Well, the Mistress, but there's no need for formality between old friends, is there my Pet?"

Danni winced at the nickname. The Master had been the first to call her it, that was true, but it was what her Theta called her now. It sounded dirty coming out of her mouth. "I don't blame you, though. I know it was that mean old Doctor's fault, keeping us apart," Missy continued before shooting her that half-crazed grin that had unsettled Danni before. "No need to worry about that now, though, is there?"

Danni was trapped. Trapped in a bedroom, to a bed, by the Mas- the Mistress. The Doctor didn't know where she was, she had no way of getting free and Missy was looking at her like she'd finally won her prize. She turned around, grabbing the chain, tugging at it frantically in a blind panic. This couldn't be happening, everything she had worried about, the subject of all her nightmares, it was coming true. And who knew what Missy wanted to do to her now. She had to get away, she had to escape! Everything felt so close, the whole universe was crumbling around her and weighing down on her chest! She had to get free!

"Doctor!" she screamed through her tears, sobbing out of pure desperation, using every bit of strength she could muster to try and get free.

"Oh, there's no need for that," Missy crowed happily, sounding so sure of herself Danni let go of the chain, turning back around. "That silly Doctor won't come between us again, don't you worry about him coming to take you away."

"Please, Missy..." Danni whimpered, shaking, tears running down her face.

"Oh, look at you, oh so worried," Missy cooed, sauntering over to her. "You're safe now, my Pet. You're safe with me."

"Please let me go," she begged the Missy, who just gave a slight shake of her head. Another, devastated sob broke from her throat. "What are you going to do?" she asked.

Missy tapped her finger against her red lipstick-covered lips. "Well, I was just thinking about this whole blonde hair, brown eyes thing you've currently trying to pull off," she waved her hand in the air, motioning to Danni, the Scottish accent just reminding Danni of how far away the Doctor was compared to her. "And I hate to have to be the one to tell you this, but I just don't think you can wear it as well as I did." Her face pulled into a terrifyingly happy grin. "So, we're going to change it."

Danni's face fell in realisation of just what Missy was hinting at but not actually saying. She scrambled onto the bed as the other Time Lady took another step closer, the grin on her face seeming even more menacing now. Her hearts raced, her palms were sweating and she felt so terrified.

"No, no, please. Please Koschei, don't please!" she screamed, begging Missy desperately as she started tugging at the chain once again.

The Mistress only tutted in reply, using her heeled boot to close the door behind her.



So, that's it. The end of Undone. What did you think?

I'll be taking the customary break, but Danni will be back in Time Child: Recovery. So, I would suggest making sure you give me a follow on here and on Tumblr (dannifielding) so you know when it'll be posted, and so you can ask me all the questions you like :D

Thank you all so much for sticking with me though this story. I know it wasn't exactly what some people were expecting, but I hope you all enjoyed it. Much love to you all. See you in the next story! xxx