INSOMNIA! This is a mentor Narcissa fic as she takes mostly cannon Harr(iet) under her wing while wondering exactly what the hell Lucius is teaching their son.

Aside from the genderbend the major deviation is that Sirius actually revealed himself and Harriet accepted him into her life.

Like I said, sleep addled story, enjoy.

Lady Narcissa Malfoy nee Black was rather enjoying her day out with her husband and son, Diagon Alley may not be Paris but it still held a charm that reminded her of her more carefree youthful days. Draco of course was trying to drag them off to look at the newest racing brooms, which Lucius would likely acquiescence after a time. She resisted the urge to roll her eyes at her boys' actions as they weaved through the crowd that spread like the sea before them as if they were the prophet from that muggle bible thing.

Boring read that, but if Andromeda felt it had been important enough to be aware of far be it from her to argue the point. Outcast or not Andi was always considered the most dangerous of the Black sisters and even their own bastard father had been weary of angering her further than he already had.

Considering his right testicle hadn't been up for negotiation when Andi had found out he tried to bind her to a marriage contract, Narcissa wasn't surprised at his reticence in the slightest.

What had inspired her older sister to curse a garlic press like that was still something that she didn't fully understand, but the simple fact that whenever it was brought up during Death Eater meetings all men present shivered in revulsion and tried to change the subject, she'd just take it as a well thought out counter measure and leave it at that.

"Mother look! They've put cousin Sirius' wanted poster back up, and increased the bounty too!"

Glancing in the direction her son was pointing Narcissa frowned as she watched the animated bit of parchment while doing her level best not to overtly react to the sorrowful mania the man was expressing in the picture. She knew her cousin well, and those were not the eyes of a madman, nothing like the gaze of her eldest sister Bellatrix, they were lost, unguided, heartbroken.

Oh Sirius...

"Well what are we to expect from a monster? Come along Draco," Lucius stated as he dragged their son along knocking her from her reverie.

Sirius Black, there was no way in any world that man had actually betrayed cousin Jamie, and the fact her husband found his incarceration amusing said more than it did not. Remembering her families words she did her best to keep her anger below the surface, as always, and she did her best to be the perfect wife and daughter of Black, just doing her best to let life pass her by.

That is until her son's tone took on an edge she did not at all approve of.

"Potter, fancy meeting you here."

The returning voice was filled with nothing short of scorn and contempt which brought Narcissa to a shocked halt.

"Malfoy, how's things? Able to tie your own shoes without a house elf to help you yet? If so, progress."

Draco sneered, he sneered at the slip of a girl dressed in over sized rags standing before him with her arms crossed and head held high, the massive black dog at her side growling quietly enough that her son didn't seem to notice its presence.

"I'm fully capable of taking care of myself Potter, I do not need a servent to survive on my own."

Much to Narcissa's surprise the girl laughed in return, "Uh huh, I believe that, you believe that too right Snuffles?" The dog chuffed in turn causing the wavy haired ravenette to laugh again while nodding to herself slowly, "Yeah we believe that."

Draco stood ramrod straight as he slowly pulled his wand from his pocket, "I do not need to take this kind of abuse from a blood traitor orphan, back off Potter."

What. The. Hell.

What was her son playing at here? Why the hell wasn't Lucius saying anything to stop their boy from causing a massive social faux pas?

This was the heiress to an Ancient Noble line he was talking down to! A line that had been ancient when the Blacks had first offered an alliance to them before the Romans even invaded the British Isles!

Much to her surprise though Harriet Potter only grinned as she drew her own wand, her emerald eyes taking on an ambiant glow as she twirled the length of wood between her dainty fingers while she took a step forward.

"What are ya gonna do this time little dragon? Threaten me with daddy? Have him plant a cursed diary on my best mates little sister again? Or maybe you'll run to mummy this time since daddy couldn't off me when he tried to cast the killing curse on me?"

What in the world was going on here?

"Come on Malfoy, I'm not a bound house elf, say what you really want to say you inbred little shit." The girls contempt was practically palpable at this point.

Narcissa moved to grab her son from this insane girl's presence when he finally spat out, "At least my Godfather didn't sell out my parents and leave me with muggles and mudbloods!"

The following crack of Draco's nose breaking was audible across the alley as her son fell to the ground in a spray of blood, and while the girl standing over him was intimidating it was the surrounding area the brought everyone, including Narcissa, pause.

Hoarfrost was forming across windows, down walls, onto the cobbled streets, and as the area grew colder Harriet Potter's eyes grew brighter, a sneer mirroring her sons earlier visage curling across her lips the entire time.

"You dare?"

Both she and Lucius rushed forward as the girl grabbed Draco by his tie and pulled him up to her eye level while smearing her free hand across his face. As the adults came to a stop the girl spread her bloody fingers before their son while laughing lightly.

"Look at that dear cousin, your blood is just as red as mine, funny that. Calvary is here, run back to mummy and daddy, at least you still have yours to do that. Come on Snuffles, the twins are waiting for us at the book store."

With that the thirteen year old girl let go of their son and walked away as her massive dog followed her, gently licking Draco's blood from her fingertips in the process.

The entire time Narcissa did her best to remain poised and perfectly collected, and eventually, for the first time in her life, lost her calm and turned to her bloody faced son and quickly spat out her thoughts of the last few minutes.

"What. Is. Wrong. With. You?"

"Mother I-"

"What, did you do, to that girl, to make her first response to an altercation, be to punch you?"

Draco glanced at Lucius, who for his part damned himself by glancing away, then turned back to his mother who only raised a brow in turn. Eventually, shoulders slumping he wiped away some of the blood from his nose with his sleeve before muttering out, "I...may have accidently insulted her parents before I even knew who she was."

Taking a page from her estranged sister, Narcissa couldn't help muttering, "Goddamnit..."

"So you punched Draco Malfoy in front of his own parents," George asked in an amused tone.

"Yarp," Fred sidled up next to her as he snaked an arm around her shoulders grinning manically in the process.

"And no one so much as reprimanded you?"

Harriet grinned viciously at her brother in all but blood while attempting to read the book in her hands, "His mum started berating him the moment I left her sight. T'was glorious lads, glorious."

The Weasley twins broke out laughing as they both kissed Harriet's cheeks at once earning them an eye roll as they turned to leave the reading room.

"Well don't be starting anymore fights you hear me young miss?"

"If you do so mum might find out!"

"And if she does we'll never here the end of it."

"Because she'll blame us for it!"

"And we will gladly take the blame!"

Doing her best not to break out laughing at her adoptive brothers antics Harriet turned to grab a book on ancient runes when she found herself eye to bosom with Draco's mother.

Not meaning much by it she jumped a step back and felt the comfortable weight of the knife Sirius had given her shortly after he had introduced himself fall into her left hand as she snatched out her wand in her right.

The blonde woman stared at her a few moments and Harriet just stared back, eventually she twirled the knife between her fingers and held it in an underhand grip as she brought it before her.

"What do you want?"

Narcissa stared at her a few moments longer before letting out a tired sigh, "Do you have any idea how much you remind me of your grandmother?"

Harriet blinked rapidly at that statement before turning her confused gaze back at the Malfoy matriarch, "Who?"

The blonde witch's response sounded pained as she ground out, "You don't know who Dorea Potter nee Black you?" Glancing towards her Godfather's animagus form she realized he looked amused rather than alarmed, and thus decided to just roll with it.

"Up until I was eleven I was told my parents were drug addict drunks who got themselves killed in a car accident, as far as I'm concerned I have no family beyond that..."

Narcissa let out a withering sigh before shaking her head and extending her hand towards the girl before her, "Ah...Well... I'm you're cousin, Narcissa Malfoy-"

"I'm aware of who that assholes mother is thank you."

Nonplussed Narcissa continued unabated, "-And despite what my son may have made you believe, I wish nothing more than to be a friend, a family member to you."

Harriet stared at the blonde a few minutes, turned her gaze to the amused dog in the corner, and eventually shrugged, "All right, keep your boys on a leash and we'll talk."

Narcissa smiled in return, "It is all I ask, Lady Potter."

"Err...Lady? What do you mean by that?"

Narcissa couldn't help it, she let out a resigned sigh as the dog in the corner seemed to have a coughing fit.

Funny enough, Dumbledore had never quite planned for this turn of events to unfold.