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![]() Author has written 16 stories for Lion King, Aladdin, Disney, Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean, Vampire Diaries, Harry Potter, and Supernatural. Hi, I'm PirateWizardThief! Age: 10,000 ;) Hair color: Blonde Eye color: Green Fav color: Blue...any Blue really, but I am partial to Sapphire Favorite Quotes: Iago: "Shouldn't someone ask what the brave parrot wants to do!!" Abis Mal: "I hear all! In fact I hear the distant conversation of grazing antelope.*pause* Boy are they boring." Iago: "Ya gotta problem pinkie!!!" Mozenrath: "Aladdin, you were in my kingdom but you didn't look me up I'm hurt." Jack Sparrow: [takes out pistol, thinks better of it and puts it back, stalks off, imitates Elizabeth] "Must've been terrible for you to be trapped here, Jack. Must've been terrible for you." Well it bloody is now! [spots the Dauntless] There'll be no living with her after this." Jack Sparrow: When you marooned me on that godforsaken spit of land, you forgot one very important thing, mate. I'm Captain Jack Sparrow." Jafar: (Extremely dryly) Ecstatic. Scar: "I'm surrounded by idiots." Timon: "What do you want me to do? Dress in drag and do the Hula!?" Banzai"I said, uh, que pasa?" Mechanikles: "Scooter! Get the disinfectant! The iodine! The squawker touched me! It touched me!" Phil:"Nymphs they can't keep their hands off me!" Iago : He bought wind!? Oh, there's a lethal weapon! Hey, I'll sell you some sand to go with it!" Future Projects: Iggy: Simba's Pride: Rated K Iggy's back for a new adventure! Simba has a daughter and its up to Iggy, Timon, and Pumbaa help watch her. But how do you watch a headstrong lioness? And who is the strange meerkat girl that has suddenly shown up? Order of my Aladdin stories:
Favorite Disney movie? The Lion King. It was the first movie I had ever seen :) Aladdin comes in close second though! Favorite Disney characters? Iago, Genie, Timon, and Baloo :) The first Disney movie you remember seeing in the theaters? The Lion King Your favorite Disney song? Hakuna Matata (TLK) What is your dream job at Disney? To voice a character in a movie :) What's your most treasured Disney item? My stuffed Stitch Which Disney voice actor would you most like to meet? There are too many to count! :) Favorite Disney movie that's not a classic/famous? The Rescuers Down Under If you could, what "forgotten princess" would you add to the official lineup? Kida, Melody, Eilonwy, and Maid Marian How did you first discover the "magic" of Disney? Seeing my first Disney movie and feeling the happiness that it gave me. What's the saddest moment for you in any Disney film? I have 4 actually. 1.) When Simba was calling to his father and Mufasa’s never woke. 2.) When Widow Tweed left Todd in the forest on Fox and the Hound. That song playing makes me tear no matter what I'm doing :( 3.) When Dumbo goes to visit his mother. That song ‘Baby Mine' is so sad! 4.) Brother Bear basically made me cry like three times! When Kenai's oldest brother died, when he told Koda the truth, and when he has to decide to stay a bear or not. Best Disney kiss? Pocahontas and John Smith. I do not like John Rolfe one bit! If you could live in any world from a Disney movie, which would you choose? Aladdin! I'd love to spend the day with the Aladdin gang! If you could choose the plot/adaptation for the next Disney movie, what would it be? Rumpelstiltskin The Aladdin show or The Little Mermaid show? Aladdin, hands down! |