Reviews for A Change In Me
Guest chapter 28 . 6/19
You would think after her father almost got sent to an insane asylum over outside people's inability to believe in magic without substantial proof Belle would understand Adam's perspective more... and I honestly find her self-righteous and frankly controlling here... and wrong. She doesn't know anything about this uncle and I'd expect someone of her intelligence to want to get a feel for the man before fighting the uphill battle to tell the truth without getting labeled insane.
darkandtwistedmind2.0 chapter 6 . 4/6
The last paragraph of this chapter is me 100% I once read the entire Harry Potter series in less than a week, let’s just say I was banned from books for the rest of that holiday
Adam Shirk chapter 1 . 1/6
The one thing I have to criticize is the title of the chapter, "Belle's POV". Its told in traditional 3rd person so why label it Belle's POV? I'd change it to chapter one or something. Other than that, its pretty good.
cjj chapter 10 . 12/20/2019
you are one amazing writer. thank you for sharing this with us!
Starfire23 chapter 40 . 5/4/2019
You've done a marvelous job with this story and the prequel. I'd hate to see them taken down, but have you considered publishing? You could either replace the Disney elements or approach Disney with the book. Anyway, thanks for the magic.
BBLove chapter 40 . 2/4/2018
Amazing story I read all 40 chapters and I absolutely loved it.
Sarya33 chapter 40 . 7/15/2017
Such a sweet story. I love it! You made all seem so real, so wonderful 3 Hope you don't stop writing
CaramelWillow chapter 40 . 7/3/2017
This was the BatB story I never knew I needed-Thank you! I so enjoyed seeing how Belle and her Beast grew closer and how Adam adapted to life after the transformation. A wonderful story with fantastic character development and the perfect amount of giddy romance! Can't wait to read another of your stories!
TARDIS-elf chapter 6 . 4/24/2017
This whole Belle getting sick thing is canon as far as I'm concerned
audreyyrosee chapter 25 . 4/12/2017
They are so good and amazing and sweet
draugeltheshadowhero chapter 40 . 4/2/2017
I don't know what it is about your work but it just grabs me and takes me on a ride that I don't want to leave.
0FanFictionLover0 chapter 20 . 3/25/2017
OMG this was one of the most realistic and sensible fan fictions I have ever read. You are an amazing writer. I actually had to convince myself that you weren't the author of the Beauty and the Beast. I feel like it covered all the important details of the story while still being unique and creative. It was nice seeing the pov of Bell as well as Beast. I fell in love with the story. 10/10
Guest chapter 1 . 3/25/2017
You've done a much better job then the new 2017 film.
Romance and Musicals chapter 40 . 3/8/2017
Okay so let me start this off by saying I have been trying to read this fic for years now. I always loved it and somehow life always got in the way and I kept losing track of it. But now that I've finally finished it, let me tell you it was well worth the wait. This is definitely the best batb fic I have ever read. It was stunningly beautiful. Your prose is gorgeous and your characterization is perfect. I love the alternating points of view and I really enjoyed getting into both Belle and Beast/Adam's heads.
You managed to retell most of the movie without making it boring. I was never bored while reading this. It was more like you put a fresh coat of paint on the movie and you drew out the parts that happened off screen in such a lovely way. I loved the close study of my favorite fictional relationship.
And the aftermath of the movie was fantastic too. I think you wrote Adam regaining his humanity, adjusting to this new life and becoming more confident extremely well. And Belle's adjustments were great too. After all things keep changing for her and no matter how much it might unnerve her at first, she always perseveres. This was how I wanted their relationship to progress post-movie and you really did it so well. I like that they're not perfect, that they still disagree but that they always make up in the end. I loved seeing them grow together.
The other characters were great too. You got every one's personality from the movie down perfectly. And I loved seeing Belle and Adam's interactions with them. Everyone in the castle is a family and I love that. I also really enjoyed your OCs.
Anyway thank you for writing this lovely story. I can't wait to read the sequel now!
gisela19wwe chapter 40 . 3/4/2017
Just beautiful . Thanks for writing this lovely history
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