Hey readers, this is my first story. Reviews would be greatly appreciated so I know if I should continue or not. Oh, and I don't own anything about Transformers except for my OC and plot. BTW, full summary:
Charlie loves being a mechanic. It was literally in her blood. Taught by her father, she was prepared to take the most beat-up, rusty, twisted up car and turn it into perfection. What she wasn't prepared for; to meet an alien robot disguised as a car who crash landed on Earth, searching for his twin brother. Could this mechanic help this mechanical being find what he's looking for? And maybe...she'll find something in the twin aliens that she wasn't looking for.
Chapter One: An Odd Feeling
"You've got to be kidding me." I grumbled, staring out at the sad excuse for cars in the junkyard.
Dave, a tall and burly man with a thick mustache and a trucker's cap on his head shrugged as we continued our stroll through the cars. No, you can't even consider them to be cars. Most of them were missing more the one essential parts, rusted metal, flat tires, chipped paint. Some cars looked like they just had a fought with a bull, the front twisted and crunched. I sighed, stopping at a 1988 Cadillac Deville. The poor thing was rusted completely, with no front tires, the passenger's door missing, and the headlights and the hood also crushed. I could only imagine what the poor thing went through.
"Sure, it needs some cosmetic work..and a few parts, but with mechanical skills like yours, you'd be able to fix it up in no time." Dave said from behind me.
"Dave, this is a graveyard. Not a junkyard. Not one of these cars can be a functioning car again," I lifted the hood, and immediately stepped back when three moths fluttered out. I peered in the inside and groaned, "It doesn't even have an engine!"
"Whoops," Dave chuckled as he came closer, "Forgot to check if it did."
I rolled my eyes, the hood making a loud and creaky metal noise as it shut.
Sure, I was a mechanic. It was practically in my blood, my dad runs an auto shop in the town, and when I'm not in school, I'm usually there, helping him work on the automobiles. He's been teaching me ever since I was four years old. Of course, my mom tried her best to keep my away from the auto shop. She didn't like how I'd come home completely covered in oil and grease, smelling like a gas station. But I was drawned to it, like a moth to a light. Fixing cars was what I was good at, it was my dream job.
After my junior year, I asked them for a car. You would assume that because my dad was such a grease monkey and a car enthusiast he would say yes, right? Nope. He told me that if I wanted a car, I'd make my own car. Not sure how that logic made sense though. So, a few arguments later, I ended up here, at the town's junkyard. But as I have previously stated, this place was a graveyard. Even I couldn't find one that could possibly be fixed up. They were pretty much all hopeless, and so was my request to have a car. I sighed, turning around and making my way back to the entrance, Dave following behind me.
"Oh come now Charlie, you've only seen one side." Dave argued.
I shook my head, "I've seen enough. I'm just going to beg my dad to help me build one."
"Wait!" Dave said, and I stopped, turning around. "If you're going to build one, I do have some parts that'll be useful."
I snorted, "Yeah right. I'd rather not have my car break down in the middle of the road."
"No, I'm serious! Wait here, I'll be back." He said, before jogging quickly away, rounding another corner and disappearing behind a pile of rusty metal parts.
Tired of standing, I walked over to the nearest car, it was silver and low to the ground, but I couldn't really make out the model or anything because of the mud and grime almost completely covering the car. I sat down on the hood, waiting patiently for the burly man to come back when I felt warmth spread under my thighs. I shifted a little on the hood, and the warmth seemed to spread and I could feel a faint, vibration coming from the warmth under me.
"Why is this car so warm?" I muttered, shifting again, pressing my hand to the hood
The warmth suddenly felt like a burning fire and an engine revved deeply, the vibrations made my hand feel numb. With a shocked yelp, I jumped off the hood and tumbled ungracefully to the ground. A small dirt cloud came up as my back hit the ground, and I growled a curse as I sat up, rubbing the center of my back where pain throbbed. Standing up slowly, I stared back at the grumbling engine. I blinked, rubbing my eyes, and then blinked again. The car was still rumbling. Was someone in the car? Please tell me someone was in the car. I walked over to the window, wiping away the dust and grime to see that the driver's seat was empty. I checked the small back seats. Absolutely no one. How did this car start without a freaking driver? The engine revved deeply again, and I involuntarily let out a small shriek. A deep, metallic, huh-huh-huh sound came from the car, almost as if it was...laughing? Did the car just laugh at me? What is this thing possessed or something? Eyes widened in fear and confusion, I slowly began to back away, my eyes never leaving the silver automobile. Just then, the engine shut off and the car went eerily still.
"Found them!" The familiar voice of Dave shouted.
I turned around quickly, still jumped about the strange car, but relieved to see Dave with a handful of engine parts. I smiled, as he stuffed them into a bag and handed them to me.
"Thanks." I muttered, re-adjusting the weight so that I could sling the back on my shoulder. Dave smiled, and began to chatter something about car engines, but I couldn't concentrate. The feeling of being watched seeping into my body, and goosebumps ran up my arms. I subconsciously tugged my rolled up sleeves down, shifting my weight nervously. I wanted nothing more than to bolt right out the exit, especially after that silver car. I could still hear the teasing laughter like an echo in the back of my mind.
Thankfully, my phone went off.
"Oops," I said, interrupting whatever Dave was saying, I checked my phone. "I got to take this, I'll see you tomorrow Dave."
Dave nodded, "Alright Kiddo, see ya tomorrow. And could you bring in some extra paint from your dad's shop?"
I nodded, before pressing the phone to my ear as I made my way to the entrance.
"Hello?" I asked, even though I knew who it was.
"Hey stranger," Jana teased, "Are you done dumpster-diving? I've pulled up to the front."
I sighed, "Yeah, I'm done."
"What's wrong? Did you find anything good?" She asked, I could just imagine her raising her eyebrows. She always does that when she asks a question.
"Not even a little good?"
"Did you at least find a good engine?"
She sighed, "What are you gonna do? You think your dad will change his mind?"
I snorted, "Not even a little."
"Well, you can always get a new bike. I heard it gives you great legs." She offered.
I rolled my eyes, "Sure, bike five miles to school every five days. That's sounds fun."
"What about a scooter? You think he'll say no to that?" She asked.
I sighed, "Just be glad you have nicer parents. I'll just stick to getting rides from you."
"Alright then."
I sighed again, just as I saw Jana's Honda Civic LX roll up to a stop in front of me.
"Show off." I grumbled, she opened the door and I got in.
"I heard that by the way," She said. I snorted, closing the door, "You didn't hang up yet, genius."
I rolled my eyes, throwing the bag of engine parts in the back seat as she pulled off the dirt road and back on to the regular one. Dave waving from behind us. If Dave doesn't start bringing in parts and pieces that are actually useful, I can kiss my dreams of having my own car goodbye. Sighing inwardly, I let my head lean back against the seat.
Once we pulled up to the house, I grabbed my bag from the back and waved her goodbye before walking up the steps to the house. Opening the door, I lazily threw the bags on the small table near the door, the smell of tomato sauce wafted through to air which made me smile. I always liked it when mom made spaghetti.
"Charlie's home!" I shouted, as I kicked off my dirty-brown combat boots, and setting them down by the other shoes.
"And there goes my peace and silence." My older brother, Colton, grumbled from the couch aimlessly flipping through the TV channels.
I picked up a pillow from the chair, chucked it at him, before plopping down next to him.
"Nice to see you to." I said, grinning widely.
He threw the pillow back, but I caught it at the last second. "Ha!"
"Yeah whatever." He grumbled, changing the channel again.
"Colton honey, is Charlie home yet?" My mom called from the kitchen.
"Yes mom," I answered, getting up from the couch and walking towards the delicious waft of tomato sauce. As I entered the kitchen, I saw her stirring the metal pot in one hand, while sprinkling in pepper in the other. As if reacting to the sight, my stomach growled loudly.
"Just in time, I'm almost done with the sauce." She said, placing the pepper back on the counter, "Did you find a car?"
"I wish." I grumbled, pushing myself on top of the counter next to her, getting a cup out of the cupboard and pouring in some water.
"That's too bad," She said, pouring the sauce into a giant bowl, "But your dad said that Dave was getting new cars tomorrow. Maybe you'll have better luck."
"Maybe." I muttered, before taking a long swig of water.
After I downed the cup, I accidentally belched, and I covered my mouth quickly. Mom hated burping. She shot me a stern look, but her green-blue eyes widened slightly as she looked me up and down. I raised an eyebrow.
"Charlie, why are you so dirty?" She asked, crossing her arms.
I gave her a toothy grin, "I was at Dave's junkyard. What'd ya expect?"
She huffed, muttering something I couldn't quite catch before moving everything to the dinning table. She called everyone in and I hopped off the counter, taking a seat around the table as Colton and dad entered the kitchen. I decided I wasn't going to mention the whole car thing, not really in the mood for it to turn into some spectacular argument. Right now, I was starving and as I ate the spaghetti a feeling of warmth came over me. Which reminded me a lot of the warmth from the 'possessed' car. The question was: Was it really? Maybe It wasn't. Maybe I just breathe in too much oil and gasoline...or something.
Well, that was the first chapter. Tell me what you thought about it! Good? Bad? :)