Written in 45 minutes, probably needs editing, please enjoy!

The last week had been, if he were to be honest with himself, one of the most stressful weeks in his entire life which was saying something really. The most stressful had been the week following his graduation at Hogwarts, due to his father forcing him to take the Dark Mark in his stead from the Dark Lord quickly followed by his marriage to his betrothed not a day later.

Pretending that he had been put under the imperius curse once said Dark Lord had blown himself up had not been stressful in the slightest though, rather it had been cathartic. Sure, he disliked mudbloods and despised muggles but Lucius Malfoy had been more than content to just sneer at them from afar while sipping wine and be done with it there.

He had no desire to be branded like livestock with a tattoo that looked like it had been designed by an emo fourteen year old, and getting sent out to terrorize people he would have never otherwise interacted with was just insult added to injury. He had no desire to go out raping and murdering muggles just because he could, at the very least he could say he hadn't actually participated considering his wife was a vengeful Black, but he did have to at least attend the revels.

The screams, ugh, he tried to ignore his near impulsive shuddering

Moving on he most assuredly had no desire to push forth that monsters ideals after his fall, so why the bloody hell had he planted that diary on Weasley's daughter nearly two years ago? The implications terrified him and he knew he wouldn't like the answer.

Namely, that he had either been so mentally weak willed that the book his father entrusted him with had overpowered his occulamancy barriers, or even more concerning the Dark Mark had given it a back door to force him to put it into play once touching it.

So, like all powerful men confronted with something that they didn't wish to think about he had pushed it aside, trying to forget the terror it had inflicted on his Alma Mater, that he had put his son in danger, and that he had been outwitted by a twelve year old girl.

A twelve year old girl that was considered the hero of their nation that he had tried to murder in sight of everyone in retribution for tricking him into freeing a bloody worthless house elf.

Lucius pinched the bridge of his nose and not for the first time lamented his father's association with that sadistic psychopath and how even after the monster's death he still affected all those he had touched. He knew he was smarter than that, but whenever anything related to Harriet Potter popped up he just...lost control.

Oddly enough, that gave him some reassurence to his own sanity really. Whatever Voldemort had done to him when he had been marked twisted his emotions to try and destroy the girl who had destroyed him, and thus knowing the problem now existed he could ignore it.

Because, at the moment his magic was screaming that he go out and murder a teenage girl for reasons he really did not even begin to care about, and knowing that ignoring those orders spited the bastard who had tainted him with a soul brand hardened his resolve further.

In the end, his own pride, arrogance, and yes, love for his wife were enough to at the very least resist the Dark Lord's influence, and allow him time to reflect.

Glancing at the TV in the corner of the muggle bar he had found himself in he eventually snarled out, "Oh come on that is obviously a foul! Red card the bastard!"

The other drunken men watching the football game with him cried out in agreement as he seethed to himself, seriously cleating was cheating.

After binge shopping for everything from books, shoes, a sword, and lingerie the week long excursion finally came to an end when the younger pair of the trio of witches got their Hogwarts letters.

Neither of them were really surprised by the contents of said letters, they both had taken the same electives in the end after all. Namely Arithmancy, Runes, and Creatures, and the DADA books were actual text books like with Lupin rather than the shite Lockhart had them buy so no complaints there. What confused them both was the dress robes.

"I...don't understand, why would dress robes be mandatory?" Harri asked as she glanced over to Cissa and Sirius who were themselves looking through a large amount of paperwork that had recently begun showing up from Gringotts. She really should investigate that, something was just off about it and she felt like it would affect her in some way down the line.

Harri's train of thought was knocked off track as Cissa replied, "Oh it's for the Triwizard Tournament, there is traditionally a Yule Ball involved with it thus the dress robes."

Harri gaped at that while Hermione made a choking noise beside her, eventually she managed to grind out, "Triwizard tournament?"

Narcissa glanced up and met her gaze while nodding, "Quite, it's been in the planning stage for years now I'm actually surprised they finally got it off the ground honestly."

There was silence for a few moments before Mia spoke up, "The Triwizard tournament, that had been shut down for centuries due to the last one ending with all the champions, all but one judge, and half the audience getting killed in the first task, is not only being brought back, it is being held at Hogwarts?"

Sirius and Narcissa glanced up from the legal documents they had been reading when they both paled and glanced to the completely horrified Harriet as she placed a hand to her mouth and began to gag.

"Oh god I'm going to die," with that she ran to the loo and threw up in the toilet.

As familiar as all three present were with her past, they had no idea what to really say at this point since...well... Potter luck all but guaranteed her unwilling involvement.

Narcissa glanced to the half opened door as Hermione rushed in to watch over her friend when she glanced over to Sirius, "Would it be a bad time to mention that I don't think she's quite cottoned on to the fact that she'll be put on full display of high society at the end of August? That if she doesn't attend the Ministries ball it would be such a social faux pas that it would at best be labeled political suicide?"

As the retching noise from the loo grew louder Sirius winced and simply nodded as he replied, "Lets...wait till tomorrow for that revelation... I am her legal guardian, so even as an escaped prisoner do you think I could transfer her to oh I don't know... Anywhere but Britain?"