AN: I don't own HTTYD in any shape or form. This story is just for the fun of it. Also for those who have read my other stories, I removed them and they won't be coming back. I had a lack of confidence in myself at the time mix that with writers block and lack of interest and you can guess why. Anyway this is going to be kinda the same as the other story I had named Marked but at the same time not really.
Vikings and Dragons, Dragons and Vikings. When told of these two you would think of Berk, and how they defend themselves from the raids of dragons that tend to happen on occasion. However the raid that was currently happening is only the beginning for an individual, this individual is Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third and she has a destiny that could change everything the people of this world know, the only thing is... at what cost?
Hiccup could only sigh, after being caught outside during the dragon's raid all she was allowed to do is sit at home till the fighting had stopped. She was supposed to be helping Gobber down in the forge but it looks like she wouldn't be able to to that this time. Knowing her father would probably just end up drinking a lot after the raid made the young teen shiver. "He's probably going to beat me again.." She sighed "I won't be able to work much tomorrow either if he does" The teen then looked up at the ceiling. "If only he didn't drink." Hiccup had let out another sigh and looked over towards the back door, a plan starting to form. "If I wait till the raid is over I could just hide in the forest till my dad has cooled off..." Hiccup then nodded to herself, it was the safer plan. If she went to the forge that was the second place her father would look for her. "I'll explore the forest for a while then." Hiccup quickly ran upstairs into her room and grabbed her journal along with a bag of herbs and things to stitch herself up with. Now Hiccup wasn't the usual Viking no beefy arms or any strength at all really. If you walked about the village you would hear them talking about Hiccup the useless, or the Talking Fishbone. The young girl would to her best to ignore the comments though as much as they did hurt. In fact the only thing Hiccup seemed to be good at was inventing contraptions, and archery. Though Hiccup had to hide her habit of that, ranged weapons weren't Viking like so to speak. To be a 'true' viking you had to get up close and personal with your opponent/enemy and that ranged weapons like Bows were for cowards who couldn't fight. Soon enough though a horn that was quite familiar began signaling that the raid was over and it was safe for kids and elders to leave their homes. Hiccup had wasted no time to quickly dash out the back door of her home and ran into the forest "Just in time" She heard the front door open and slam shut. By the time the back door was open, Hiccup was nowhere to be seen and already exploring the forest.
Hiccup could only sprout a smile as she walked about in the forest. No one even knew that Hiccup had nearly explored the entire forest on their island, in fact she had a fairly detailed map of it in her journal. The girl would quickly flick it open and stare down at it for a moment. "Alright, the fallen tree is over there.. and I haven't really explored much that way." With a nod Hiccup quickly closed her journal back up and put it into her vest pocket before walking along. The tree had come up quickly and Hiccup ducked under a branch. "I bet if I was mad enough I'd hit that branch." She then laughed "It would also swing back and hit me if I did." The teen had then found herself stumbling down a hill almost hitting a rock as she hit the floor. "I guess I deserved that for not paying attention..." Though the sight she saw when she had gotten back to her feet startled her. Not even a few feet away from her was a dragon. Though upon closer inspection Hiccup realized what kind of dragon it was. "A Night Fury."
The Dragon, hearing a voice had quickly opened his eyes and stared at the figure in front of him. "A Human… Probably from the viking village." Hiccup could only gulp, for some reason she couldn't break eye contact with the dragon. "She doesn't look like the other Vikings that's for sure." Hiccup had quickly found the inner strength to break eye contact with the dragon only to notice a rope tangled around it violently. "Where you shot down… no you couldn't have otherwise there would be people looking for you… So then this is a ground trap." There was also another thing Hiccup had usually kept secret from all the other vikings, and it was that she had no real desire to kill any. Sure they raided for food every now and then, but they only take food. The only time a Viking had been hurt was if they fought with a dragon all of the children and elders never got attacked or were in danger. Hiccup then took out her dagger from her belt and looked at the ropes. "I'm going to cut you free, don't panic alright." True to her word Hiccup began to quickly cut at different parts of the rope, loosening its grip on the dragon. However in the blink of an eye the dragon quickly pounced and Hiccup found herself pinned to the ground by the Night Fury. In the panic Hiccup had lost hold of her dagger and could only bring her hands up to try and pathetically shove the dragon's paw (foot? talons?) off of her. The Night Fury could only stare down at the human in amusement, he wasn't going to be aggressive. He wasn't growling or snarling in fact he was quite quiet. After a bit of nothing happening the teen looked up only to see the dragon staring at her with amusement in its eyes. So that's how it was going to be, Hiccup frowned and turned her head the dragon was just messing with her.
Soon enough though the sound of voices in the distance caught their attention, Hiccup was the first to react. "Go one get out of here before you're seen… I'll cover for you." The Night Fury quickly looked between the voices and the young girl before turning around and dashing off into the forest. Hiccup quickly took this time to get up and brush her self off. She also made sure to pick up her dagger and put it away. The young teen then bent down and picked up the rope as if examining it. She already had a cover story as to why she was out here.
"Oh look its the talking Fishbone."