I must apologize for the long wait, Life got in the way, so I have only just been able to finish this. This chapter we will get a little more into the characters head's, since creating dialogue has been difficult for me so far, while at the same time keeping them in character. I should hopefully be done with chapter 5 soon as well, so please enjoy.

Artoo makes beeping sounds.

OBI-WAN: Now, let's see if we can't figure out what you are, my little friend. And where you come from.

LUKE: I saw part of the message he was...

Luke is cut short as the recorded image of Leia is projected from Artoo's face.

OBI-WAN: I seem to have found it.

Kylo Ren, formerly Ben Solo, was currently paying close attention to his name-sake. So far he was not impressed. But then, what was he supposed to expect from a washed up old man. Ben wasn't even his real name, and at the moment, neither was his.

Luke stops his work as Leia's image flickers before his eyes.

LEIA: General Kenobi, years ago you served my father in the Clone Wars. Now he begs you to help him in his struggle against the Empire. I regret that I am unable to present my father's request to you in person, but my ship has fallen under attack and I'm afraid my mission to bring you to Alderaan has failed. I have placed information vital to the survival of the Rebellion into the memory systems of this R2 unit. My father will know how to retrieve it. You must see this droid safely delivered to him on Alderaan. This is our most desperate hour. Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope.

There is a little static and the transmission stops. Obi-wan leans back and scratches his head. Luke has stars in his eyes.

OBI-WAN: You must learn the ways of the Force, if you're to come with me to Alderaan.

LUKE: (laughing) Alderaan? I'm not going to Alderaan. I've got to go home. It's late, I'm in for it as it is.

OBI-WAN: I need your help, Luke. She needs your help. I'm getting too old for this sort of thing.

LUKE: I can't get involved! I've got work to do! It's not that I like the Empire. I hate it! But there's nothing I can do about it right now. It's such a long way from here.

OBI-WAN: That's your uncle talking.

LUKE: Oh, God, my uncle. How am I ever going to explain this?

OBI-WAN: Learn about the Force, Luke.

LUKE: Look, I can take you as far as Anchorhead. You can get a transport there to Mos Eisley or wherever you're going.

OBI-WAN: You must do what you feel is right, of course.

It was at this point that another interruption occurred. Interestingly it was Piett who went about it this time.

"Pardon me, Knight Skywalker, but I must question how you put up with that as it is clear to me that Kenobi is manipulating you?"

This got everybody's attention, with extremely varied range of looks. Quite a few were hostile, the exceptions being the kids from the future, Luke himself, Ahsoka, and even Chewie. Gramps wasn't actually looking at Piett, though he was listening.

After getting over the fact that he was being questioned by an Imperial, even one who served directly under his Father, he quickly came up with his answer.

"I think at the time I would have seen it purely as that, but as I've matured I have come to see that he left me with a choice. Above that though, Obi-Wan believed in the will of the Force, so he believed that a solution would present itself. And it did, it was just too high."

Only those closest to Luke knew of what he was referring to, his aunt and uncle.

Piett quickly understood, relayed his thoughts.

"I see, that is a very wise outlook. I can see that is one of the reasons why Lord Vader was so intent on capturing you."

At this Leia froze, both because of the complement directed towards her Brother, and the mention of her birth-father, to whom she was trying to be more understanding. It was mostly for Luke, because if somebody as understanding and compassionate as Luke could forgive him, she could at least try to understand.

Han and Lando were still giving Piett a sour look, but everybody else had moved on.

Piett himself was pondering on his position. Technically, he was dead. He had no illusions that his so-called resurrection was permanent. In life he had been convinced that the rebels were mere fools, so intent on their goal that they put themselves and others in danger. However, the Empire had lost. Surely not completely, yet with both the Emperor and Lord Vader dead, not to mention the loss of credits and resources put into the second Death Star, he knew it was only a matter of time. Besides, he could respect a select few Rebels, specifically those he was in the presence of now. So he would enjoy this rather interesting, and amazing opportunity.

EXT. SPACE. An Imperial Star Destroyer heads towards the Death Star.


TAGGE: Until this battle station is fully operational we are vulnerable. The Rebel Alliance is too well equipped. They're more dangerous than you realize.

MOTTI: Dangerous to your starfleet, Commander, not to this battle station!

TAGGE: The Rebellion will continue to gain a support in the Imperial Senate as long as...

Suddenly all heads turn as Commander Tagge's speech is cut short and the Grand Moff Tarkin, governor of the Imperial outland regions, enters. He is followed by his ally Darth Vader. The Dark Lord stands behind him.

TARKIN: The Imperial Senate will no longer be of any concern to us. I've just received word that the Emperor has dissolved the council permanently. The last remnants of the Old Republic have been swept away.

TAGGE: That's impossible! How will the Emperor maintain control without the bureaucracy?

TARKIN: The regional governors now have direct control over their territories. Fear will keep the local systems in line. Fear of this battle station.

TAGGE: And what of the Rebellion? If the Rebels have obtained a complete technical readout of this station, it is possible, however unlikely, that they might find a weakness, and exploit it.

VADER: The plans you refer to will soon be back in our hands.

MOTTI: Any attack made by the Rebels against this station would be a useless gesture, no matter what technical data they've obtained. This station is now the ultimate power in the universe. I suggest we use it!

VADER: Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed. The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force.

Leia was surprised at this, not that Vader would mock someone, or that he thought the Force was superior, but that he appeared to be mocking the station itself. So she addressed the only one she felt would have a proper answer for her.

"Admiral Piett, did ... Lord Vader not like the Death Star?"

This question caught quite a few by surprise, even Luke, though he hid it well.

Piett paused very briefly, then "I was not that close to Lord Vader, though I suppose I was as close to him as one could be. So while it was never discussed, I can say that he appeared to, at the very least, see the second Death Star as a waste of credits & resources, and over all a waste of time. As I did not serve under him at the time, I can't say how he felt on the first."

That seemed to satisfy Leia, who had quite a bit more to think on when it came to her father.

Don't try to frighten us with your sorcerer's ways, Lord Vader. Your sad devotion to that ancient religion has not helped you conjure up the stolen data tapes, or given you clairvoyance enough to find the Rebel's hidden fort...

Suddenly Motti chokes and starts to turn blue under Vader's spell.

VADER: I find your lack of faith disturbing.

TARKIN: Enough of this! Vader, release him!

VADER: As you wish.

This amused everybody present, and this was expressed through either smirks or outright smiles. Piett, who had lived in fear of just such a scenario for a year, found it particularly funny under these circumstances.

Kylo Ren found the most amusement from it, and despite being trapped with his absolutely irritating "family", found a strange sense of joy observing these historical events, particularly his Grandfather in his hay day. The true downside was that he found himself remembering a . . . . simpler time. A time when a naive, foolish child listened to these stories with rapt attention towards his parents, and later his Uncle. Even if the temptation of the light was gone (as far as he knew), it was unbefitting him to allow this. Unfortunately, the one called Gramps was too powerful for him to take alone, and he even had his weapon. So for now, he would wait for the opportune moment.

TARKIN: This bickering is pointless. Lord Vader will provide us with the location of the Rebel fortress by the time this station is operational. We will then crush the Rebellion with one swift stroke.


Luke and Obi-wan walk among the smoldering rubble and scattered bodies of a huge Jawa Sandcrawler.

LUKE: It looks like Sandpeople did this, all right. Look, here are Gaffi sticks, Bantha tracks. It's just... I never heard of them hitting anything this big before.

Obi-wan is crouching in the sand studying the tracks.

OBI-WAN: They didn't. But we are meant to think they did. These tracks are side by side. Sandpeople always ride single file to hide their numbers.

LUKE: These are the same Jawas that sold us Artoo and Threepio.

OBI-Wan: And these blast points, too accurate for Sandpeople. Only Imperial stormtroopers are so precise.

LUKE: Why would Imperial troops want to slaughter Jawas?

Luke looks back at the speeder where Artoo and Threepio are inspecting the dead Jawas, and puts two and two together.

LUKE: If they traced the robots here, they may have learned who they sold them to. And that would lead them back . . . home!

Luke reaches a sudden horrible realization, then races for the speeder and jumps it.

BEN: Wait, Luke! It's too dangerous.

Luke races off leaving Ben and the two droids alone with the dead.


The speeder roars up to the burning homestead. Luke jumps out and runs to the smoking holes that were once his home.

LUKE: Uncle Owen! Aunt Beru! Uncle Owen!

Luke stumbles around in a daze as he finds the smoldering remains. He is stunned, and cannot speak. Hate replaces fear and a new resolve comes over him.

The whole room was silent. There was nothing that could be said that hadn't been said already. Leia puts her hand to her Brothers back to show her support. Luke nods at her in thanks.


Imperial TIE fighter races toward the Death Star.


Two stormtroopers open a cell door. Princess Leia's face is filled with defiance, which slowly gives way to fear as a giant black interrogation droid, followed by Darth Vader.

VADER: And now Your Highness, we will discuss the location of your hidden Rebel base.

The interrogation droid gives off a steady beeping sound as it approaches Princess Leia bearing a large hypodermic needle. The door slides shut and the long cell block hallway appears peaceful.

Both Leia and Luke stiffened at this. Knowing the truth only increased the pain. Luke, who truly loved his Father, who had seen the good in him and had been rewarded for it, could only feel a acute sadness knowing that his Father had unknowingly tortured his own daughter, his Sister. Leia, who even before knowing they were related was his best friend.

Leia on the other hand had forgotten, but the reminder only cemented in her mind that Vader couldn't be her father, not where it counted.

Kylo Ren was very much enjoying this, knowing his Grandfather had tortured HER! made everything seem worth it.


There is a large bonfire of Jawa bodies blazing in front of the Sandcrawler as Obi-wan and the droids finish burning the dead. Luke drives up. Obi-wan walks over to him.

OBI-WAN: There's nothing you could have done, Luke, had you been there. You'd have been killed too. And the droids would be in the hands of the Empire.

LUKE: I want to come with you to Alderaan. There's nothing here for me now. I want to learn the ways of the Force and become a Jedi like my father.


The Landspeeder with Luke, Artoo, Threepio, and Obi-wan in it zooms across the desert. The speeder stops on a bluff overlooking the spaceport at Mos Eisley.

They get out to observe the spaceport from the bluff. Luke adjusts his goggles and walks to the edge of the craggy bluff where Ben is standing.

OBI-WAN: Mos Eisley Spaceport. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious.

Ben looks over at Luke, who gives the old Jedi a determined smile.


The speeder is stopped on a crowded street by several combat-hardend stormtroopers who look over the droids.

TROOPER: How long have you had these droids?

LUKE: About three or four seasons.

OBI-WAN: They're for sale if you want them.

TROOPER: Let me see your identification.

Luke becomes very nervous as he tries to find his ID while Obi-wan speaks to the Trooper in a very controlled voice.

OBI-WAN: You don't need to see his identification.

TROOPER: We don't need to see his identification.

OBI-WAN: These aren't the droids your looking for.

TROOPER: These aren't the droids we're looking for.

OBI-WAN: He can go about his business.

TROOPER: You can go about your business.

OBI-WAN: (to Luke) Move along.

TROOPER: Move along. Move along.

Everybody who didn't quite understand the Force were in awe of the display. To them it just seemed impossible.


The speeder pulls up in front of a rundown blockhouse cantina on the outskirts of the spaceport. Various strange forms of transport, including several unusual beasts of burden, are parked outside the bar. A Jawa runs up and begins to fondle the speeder.

THREEPIO: I can't abide these Jawas. Disgusting creatures.

As Luke gets out of the speeder he tries to shoo the Jawa away.

LUKE: Go on, go on. I can't understand how we got by those troopers. I thought we were dead.

OBI-WAN: The Force can have a strong influence on the weak-minded.

LUKE: Do you really think we're going to find a pilot here that'll take us to Alderaan?

OBI-WAN: Well, most of the best freighter pilots can be found here. Only watch your step. This place can be a little rough.

At the first sentence Han smirked, he couldn't help but boast.

"Well, the old fossil wasn't wrong. He did find the best pilot in the galaxy."

Luke countered.

"Your right Han, he did. He found him on his back in a canyon taking a nap."

"Ha, Nap!? You were knocked on your ass kid. I can fly circles around you, with my eyes closed, and both hands tied behind my back. And I don't have, or NEED the Force to help me out."

"Yeah right, I could fly better than you when I was 12, 10 even!

Chewie and Leia both rolled their eyes at this, used to this unique argument. The only one in fact that seemed to take place between Luke and Han.

Those that had not heard this argument before had varying reactions.

Piett for instance thought it was undignified, though it sounded like something he had heard from troops or Imperial pilots from time to time.

Ahsoka thought Anakin would have loved it, that he would have agreed with his Son that he could beat Han, then claimed to be the best himself.

Lando thought it was annoying, from Han this was almost expected. But Luke, Lando had known him for just a standard year, and he could see why Han liked the kid. He had charm, a sort of unassuming kind. He was humble, had a decent sense of humor, and turned out alright despite being raised on Tatooine. He'd been on the planet a few standard months, and he'd nearly wanted to murder someone. Kid was too good sometimes. But he guessed even someone that good had pride.

Ren was stuck in an odd state. He had never seen Skywalker, or his Father in such a state. Skywalker had always been serious, dedicated to his foolish Jedi order. Ren couldn't remember Skywalker ever making jokes and having "Fun" the way he seemed to be at the moment. And his Father! He had never seen him so relaxed.

So focused on these thoughts were Kylo Ren, that he hadn't even noticed that he had thought of Han Solo as his Father.

Rey found herself feeling more connected to these two men, one who been a mentor & father-figure to her, the other would soon, hopefully, teach her the ways of the Force. True, the argument was annoying. But she felt that knowing a little bit more about them both was worth it. Plus she too was a good pilot and felt that this meant she also had something in common with them both.

Finn didn't get it. He really didn't get it. Having just found a family in Rey, Poe, and even Beebee-Ate. They were all he had. And as this strange situation continued, he could see himself forming an attachment to most of the people here, minus Ren of course. But when it came to Poe and his obvious love of and need to fly, he didn't get it. And when it came to these two he didn't get it either.

Poe's reaction was the most interesting however. He sat up straighter, and his mouth opened up into a big toothy smile. Then he spoke up.

"I think I might be able to take you both."

Now everyone, except Gramps, was looking at him. Despite this he didn't get nervous or falter, he faced the attention head on. Seeing this, Han decided to test this.

"Yeah? What do you fly?"

" T-70 X-Wing fighter! "

Han rolled his eyes while Luke leaned forward with a curious look.

"I Haven't heard of that kind of X-Wing. Is it new?"

Poe looked slightly up. "It will be in about, 9 years."

Luke nodded. "Good to know. But you should know that as a pilot, it's you who makes the biggest difference, not your ship."

Poe agreed but countered with "Yeah, but it definitely helps."

At this Han finally cut back in.

"Yeah, and that's why I will win either way. Cause I'm the best pilot with the best ship."

To emphasize this he pointed at himself with his thumb. Poe & Luke looked each other as a sort of understanding passed between them. Luke then faced Han again and said.

"Sure Han. You'll beat us with that piece of junk." He said this with much sarcasm. Rey secretly agreed about the state of the Falcon.

Han seemed to get truly offended at this barb.

"Hey! That piece of junk happens to be the Fastest Hunk of junk in the galaxy! Just ask Lando. He said so himself."

At this his competition turned their heads towards the former administrator, only to find that he was seemingly ignoring the debate to talk to Piet of all people. Turning back to the now scowling Solo, they continued.

"Sure she's fast, but she's not very maneuverable. At-least, not compared to an X-wing." This was Luke.

Poe continued with "And we have the added benefit of Astromech droids."

"That's true. No one is as helpful or reliable as Artoo."

"Yeah, well I have Chewie!"

Up till his name was mentioned the lovable Wookiee co-pilot was having a talk about how much trouble Han is with Leia, and speak of the devil.

"(Leave me out of this cub.)"

He then turned back to Leia without another word, leaving Luke and Poe with smirks. Before the two could argue who had the better Astromech, Gramps spoke earning himself all the attention.

"I personally think Vader could take all three of you." There was just a moment of absolute silence, then "And the young Knight of Ren agrees with me." As everyone turned their heads to the aforementioned young man, they once again missed the smirk under Gramps hood. Ren on the other hand didn't know what to do, as of course he did agree, but wasn't used to being put on the spot, at-least not in recent memory anyway. And he could see that his three fellow travelers from the future found this situation quite amusing. Deciding he didn't like the attention he went and got it over with.

"Of-course! Gr . . . Lord Vader would win with ease."

Ren then faced the projection again, using every technique he knew to negate his embarrassment and frustration.

With that everyone decided that it would be a good time to focus on the projection one again. Though, not without some becoming slightly Suspicous of Gramps. Luke & Leia in particular felt he had a stronger reason for his previous action than just messing with them.

LUKE: I'm ready for anything.

THREEPIO: Come along, Artoo.


The young man and his two droids follow Obi-wan into the smoke-filled cantina. The murky, moldy den is filled with a startling array of weird and exotic aliens creatures at the long metallic bar. Obi-wan moves to an empty spot at the bar near a group of repulsive scum. A rough-looking Bartender stops Luke and the robots.

BARTENDER: Hey! We don't serve their kind here!

LUKE: What?

BARTENDER: Your droids. They'll have to wait outside. We don't want them here.

Luke looks Obi-wan, who is busy talking to one of the Galactic pirates. He notices several of the gruesome creatures along the bar are giving him a very unfriendly glare. Luke pats Threepio on the shoulder.

LUKE: Listen, why don't you wait out by the speeder. We don't want any trouble.

THREEPIO: I heartily agree with you sir.

Threepio and his stubby partner go outside and most of the creatures at the bar go back to their drinks. Obi-wan is standing next to Chewie. Obi-wan speaks to the Wookiee, pointing to Luke several times during his conversation and the huge creature suddenly lets out a laugh. Luke heads towards the bar. He gets the bartenders attention and asks for a drink. Luke is terrified but tries not to show it. He quietly sips his drink, looking over the crowd for a more sympathetic ear or whatever.

A large, Creature gives Luke a rough shove.

PONDA BABA: Negola dewaghi wool dugger?!

The freak is obviously drunk. Luke tries to ignore the creature and turns back on his drink. A short, grubby Human join the belligerent monstrosity.

DR. EVAZAN: He doesn't like you.

LUKE: I'm sorry.

More than a few people found this response very funny.

DR. EVAZAN: I don't like you either.

Ponda Baba is getting agitated and yells out some unintelligible gibberish at the now rather nervous, young MAN.

DR. EVAZAN: You just watch yourself. We're wanted men. I have the death sentence on twelve systems.

LUKE: I'll be careful than.

DR. EVAZAN: You'll be dead.

Everything at the bar moves away. Luke tries to remain cool but it isn't easy. His three adversaries ready their weapons. Obi-wan moves in behind Luke.

OBI-WAN: This little ones not worth the effort. Now let me get you something...

A powerful blow from the unpleasant creature sends the young would-be Jedi sailing across the room, crashing through tables and breaking a large jug filled with a foul-looking liquid. With a blood curdling shriek, the monster draws a wicked blaster from his belt and levels it at Obi-wan. The bartender panics.

BARTENDER: No blasters! No blaster!

The bartender is hardly audible over the commotion.

With astounding agility Obi-wan's Lightsaber sparks to life and in a flash an arm lies on the floor and the human leans against the bar in agonizing pain. Obi-wan carefully and precisely turns off his Lightsaber and replaces it on his utility belt. Luke, shaking and totally amazed at the old man's abilities, attempts to stand. The entire fight has lasted only a matter of seconds. The cantina goes back to normal, although Obi-wan is given a respectable amount of room at the bar as he goes to help Luke up.

Luke: I'm ok.

Pretty much everyone's opinion matched that of the younger Luke, as Obi-wan's show of skill clearly impressed them (even those who would be his enemies) and showed that he was more than a wise old man. Han on the other hand who had been there, focussed on something else.

"Hay look Chewie, it's you buddy. Guess that means I get to join soon."

Most just rolled their eyes at this, unimpressed. Some however were excited, not by Han's appearance, but that they would likely get to see themselves in the future.

OBI-WAN: Chewbacca here is first-mate on a ship that might suit us.


Threepio paces in front of the cantina as Artoo carries on an electronic conversation with another little red astro-droid. A creature comes out of the cantina and approaches two stormtroopers in the street.

THREEPIO: I don't like the look of this.

I decided to end there. Like I said above, sorry for the wait. I appreciate that this story still gets so much attention even though I haven't updated in awhile.

Now, I have a few things to make you aware of about the future of this story. Don't worry, it's nothing to get scared over. First, I should hopefully have chapter 5 done within the next week, to two weeks. If I do not have it done please know it is because something important came up. Secondly, after chapter 5, I decided that I'll do the rest of Episode IV as one long chapter, and that I will do the same with the rest of the film's. I've decided this because it is too time-consuming to continue in this format as I have done so far. Lastly, you should all know that the end of the next chapter will be the destruction of Alderaan. As such, by the time the longer chapter is out with the rest of A New Hope the characters will be taking a break for Leia, so that she can deal with her grief and they can discuss fully what they've seen so far.

Now please give me your thoughts and encouragements as you see fit. I greatly enjoy reviews, but any type of gratification for what I'm doing here is appreciated. I'll even take negative criticism. And until next time, May the Force be with you all.