Reviews for Rick, Morty, and Myra
Guest chapter 31 . 6/26
Update please
Gamelover41592 chapter 31 . 6/19
Excellent work on this chapter thank you for doing one of my favorite episodes XD
Shadow knight1121 chapter 31 . 6/19
Great chapter as always. I loved mason in this chapter he was hilarious. Love your updates and as always I can’t wait to see more.
starrat chapter 31 . 6/19
I liked it looking forward to the next chapter
Jss2141 chapter 31 . 6/19
Looks like they gotta find her baby.
cbustroyer chapter 31 . 6/19
Ok this will be my long ass review so prepare yourself.

When I read the first chapter/introduction to Myra's character. I will admit, she sounded like Evil morty except he is a girl and doesn't hate Rick as much. Those were my serious thoughts. Going to the 2nd chapter or first episode. Giving her that weird ability to attract literally every male alien didn't really make sense to me at all. Like why? What was your thought process in all that?

After that point on, I skipped most of season one except for actually few plot point chapters. Example being Evil morty episode, the accidental Cronenberg world, and the last chapter of season 1. Then I stopped skipping and read on from ch13 until the latest one. So here are my current thoughts of the story, the positive and the negative.

Positive: Myra's character.

I like the fact that despite being similar intelligence to Rick, she isn't like him. In fact, I think this might be Rick when he was a teenager. Hence Tiny Rick. She actually grows more as a character over time when she falls in love and has a kid at the age of 14 talk about growing up too fast huh. I like to think that there is massive potential in this character. And I hope you will use it to it's fullest.

Negative: The pre-existing stories.

Besides the original chapters with Myra, the rest of the chapter are just carbon copies of the original episode of Rick and Morty with just the added cast, doing nothing to change the episode. The purpose of having an OC is to change the story in a major way, not just be there to be a side character.

Let's start with the Evil Morty episode. You had so much more potential there to actually change the conflict or the ending of the episode, but yet decided not to and just copied the ending with Myra added. You could have idk, have Myra be the one to admit herself of controlling both Rick and Morty to defeat the Council of Ricks or something along the lines. We could have an interesting conversation between our Myra and Evil Myra and see the two of them clash in their personalities as well as their ideals and motivations on why the other person is doing what they are doing in the first place. Why would Evil Myra control Morty, his own twin when she should be the overprotective twin? It could have been great, seeing huge changes like that. It would explain why j skilled most of season 1 really.

Another chapter you missed out is chapter 25 or season 3 ep 1. We didn't see what happened to the original Myra back on the Cronenberg world. We didn't see Morty and Summer's reaction to the said original world. Would Myra convinced Morty to stay or would she kill? That was the question that was burning in my head. I was disappointed to say the least when we got nothing at all from that.

What I'm trying to say is thay Myra in the grand scheme of things, besides having her own story and arc, does nothing to the show as a whole. She doesn't change the endings of most if not all the stories that Rick and Morty already have. It's kinda disappointing since she has the potential to do so much more.

Final Verdict:

I like the story idea as a whole, I really do, I just hate the fact that you are not capitalizing on it. Your not making any difference to the dynamic of Rick and Morty as a whole. I do notice little bits of changes in some of the existing episodes, but they really don't do much in the grand scheme of things. What I'm asking is to bring serious change to the story as a whole. Maybe change the ending of certain preexisting episodes or better yet, make actually OC chapters that involve the whole cast and actually changes something like the wedding chapter. I did enjoy that one in all honesty. I like something like that, actually originality to the story, not a cardboard copy of it. I'm excited to see why you have both Evil Morty and Myra. And the matter of Space Beth would be interesting as well.

I think for me story-wise, Myra should be the one to try and convince Rick to be not an asshole in the foreseeable future. Since Myra is similar but yet different as well to Rick. It would make for a compelling story. After all, Rick in season 4, just lost everything at the last episode. His families respect, His control over their decision, his best friend. And he is just lost and broken and doesn't know what to do. Having Myra teach him some lesson or crap like that would really change the dynamic as a whole. You have the potential. U just have to reach for it.

TL;DR: story idea is great. Great potential, preexisting stories with only minimal changes barely affects the ending of it in general. Needs improvement.

Thank you for reading this long ass review. I like this story and want to see how far it goes. I just want you to spice things up is all.
recline chapter 31 . 6/19
Thanks for the chapter.
Shiranai Atsune chapter 30 . 6/16
Yey! A new update!

So happy that this is continuing!
Garfieldious chapter 30 . 6/17
Keep up the good work you're amazing
alicia7788 chapter 30 . 6/17
Cool update, keep up the good work.
Jss2141 chapter 30 . 6/16
Good to see you're back and I am loving this as usual.
recline chapter 30 . 6/16
Great chapter.
Wolfbloob09 chapter 30 . 6/16
Awesome chapter and finally a chapter
Nightshadekiller chapter 30 . 6/16
yay new chapter.
thanks for updating
AlchemyWriter chapter 30 . 6/16
Glad to see another chapter!
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