Peter sighed as he pulled out his homework and sat at his desk. He hadn't thought that school would have been so difficult. Pretty much everyone that he was friendly with was gone. Half of his teachers were new and classes were much smaller. At lunch he'd tried to sit on his own in the corner of the cafeteria but people had kept coming up to him and asking him about Tony. He thought that he might avoid all the attention because he thought people would have more important things to worry about, but it seemed most of them had moved on from Thanos.

"Hey Fri," He said, tapping his pen impatiently.

"Yes sir?" As always, her response came immediately.

"Can you tell me some verb conjugations for Spanish?" He asked.

"I am sorry Peter," F.R.I.D.A.Y told him. "But Pepper has ordered me not to help with your homework. She thinks that you will retain more information if you look stuff up yourself." Peter groaned at that.

"But it's only conjugations," Peter protested. "Your not actually doing my essay for me."

"I am sorry Peter," F.R.I.D.A.Y said, sounding genuinely annoyed that she was unable to help him. "If you would like I can pull up a website that will help?"

"Thanks F.R.I.D.A.Y," Peter said, staring at his laptop screen. He sighed as he began scribbling. He wanted nothing more than to go swinging through the city after the day he had. Well what he really wanted was to have his friends back at school so he didn't feel so alone, but that wasn't going to happen. After Tony's lecture about grades, he figured he should probably do homework instead of going on patrol. He'd go out after dinner though. Helping people would help him forget the worries of school. People liked spider-man, at school people only pretended to like him because of Tony.

"We got you pepperoni," Tony smiled, hoping that Peter would be in a better mood.

"Thanks," He mumbled, wanting to eat quickly so that he could go on patrol.

"What do you want to drink honey?" Pepper asked.

"Water's fine," Peter said, taking the pizza box that was offered to him.

"We were thinking of watching a film together this evening," Tony told Peter, ignoring the annoyed tone that he was speaking with. "What do you fancy watching?" Peter shrugged.

"I was planning on going out on patrol," Peter replied. Pepper and Tony exchanged a look, knowing that an argument was likely to break out.

"Honey, we were thinking that it may not be a good idea for you to go out for the next week," Pepper told him and Peter scowled.

"I want to go out," He argued. "It won't interfere with my school work," He added quickly. "I did all my homework before dinner so it won't."

"We're not worried about that," Tony said, trying to look Peter in the eye, but Peter deliberately avoided eye contact. "You've just had a lot of changes in the past week. It's just until the weekend."

"But I don't wa-" Peter began but Pepper interrupted.

"Peter," She said. "I know that you don't want this, but it's for the best. You've had so many changes, we just want you to be settled in before-"

"I'll be fine," Peter interrupted.

"Kiddo, it's literally just a few days," Tony reminded him. "And we'll spend time together as a family so you won't even notice." Peter glowered slightly. "And on Saturday, I promise I'll jiggle some of my meetings so I can join you on patrol." He added, knowing that Peter loved spending time training as iron man and spider-man. Peter took a moment to think, taking it all in.

"Fine," He huffed. "But I want to go out all day on Saturday and Sunday," Pepper and Tony looked at each other at this. Tony gave Pepper a slight nod.

"Okay honey, but as long as you've done all your homework," She told him. "We don't want your grades affected. Spider-man will be put on hold for a lot longer than a few days if your grades dip." Peter rolled his eyes at this.

"I know," He huffed, annoyed that they didn't trust him to organise when he'd do his homework himself.

"So is there a film you want to watch with us?" Tony asked and Peter rolled his eyes.

"Just because I can't go out as spider-man it doesn't mean that I'm gonna watch a movie with you guys," Peter told him. "I want to do some work in the lab. Or am I banned from that too?" He asked, annoyed. Pepper and Tony exchanged a look, not sure how to react to his attitude. He'd never acted like this before. They knew something had to be wrong for him to be behaving like this, but they had no idea what. Something to do with school, but they would get to the bottom of it, however much Peter didn't want to.

"Want any help?" Tony asked, hoping that Peter might open up whilst they were working together.

"I don't need a babysitter," Peter snarled, grabbing a couple of slices of pizza. "I don't want anymore." He said standing up and turning to go to the lab.

"Sit down," Pepper ordered quickly. "We eat together. We might have hectic lives, but unless it's absolutely unavoidable we have dinner together. That rule extends to you as well." He huffed at this but sat back down, munching on his pizza as he did.

"So what did you get up to at school?" Tony asked after a few minutes of awkward silence.

"Stuff," Peter replied, not wanting to talk about school. "The usual boring stuff."

"Did you not have science?" Tony asked, surprised because he thought that he'd seen it listed as fourth when Peter got his timetable.

"Yeah," Peter shrugged. "But I do way more advanced stuff in the lab so I knew it all."

"Well at least your science grade will be high," Pepper said brightly.

"I guess," Peter sighed.

"What do you think is going on with Peter?" Pepper asked, rolling over to face Tony in bed. He sighed in response.

"I don't know," He told her. "He seemed a bit down when I picked him up, but he cheered up again when I took him out."

"It's probably to do with school," She sighed. "I wish he'd just talk to us."

"So do I," Tony said, wrapping an arm around Pepper and pulling their duvet over them. "There's nothing I wouldn't do to make him happier."

"You know you do the exact same thing," Pepper told him.

"What do you mean?" Tony asked, flicking some hair off her face.

"You hate talking about your feelings," Pepper smiled sadly. "You didn't even tell me when you were dying because of palladium poisoning."

"I did try to-" Tony began but he was silenced by Pepper's glare.

"We've discussed this," Pepper reminded him. "You did not try properly. You know I'm right."

"You're always right," Tony smiled and Pepper laughed at that.

"I know," She smirked.