Reviews for Grace for the Appointed Knight
James Birdsong chapter 18 . 7/2
Lovely story of course
ChampionOfVesta chapter 18 . 6/28
I love this story. Linpha is easily my favorite of any fiction ship, and the tragedy behind their story makes it just so much more heartbreaking yet enjoyable. My girlfriend was diagnosed with brain cancer, so the possibility of losing someone very close to me is what draws me close into the story of Mipha and Link, especially with their tragic ending. My girlfriend is getting better, but the possibility of losing her at any second is still real, but seeing how Link can literally lose everything but still go on and even save the world while never forgetting (after he regains his memories lol) is what keeps me strong. Thank you so much for this story.
Allthingsconsidered99 chapter 18 . 6/28
Damn that was a great way to relieve stress for both Mipha and Link, I mean just thinking about having the lives of every single Zora, Gerudo, Goron, Hylian in Hyrule causes a lot of stress, plus with Zelda constantly disregarding him and emotionally thrashing you every day he needs some stress relief.
Killeradio chapter 18 . 6/27
Yoooo update sir brim
Waging Wonder chapter 13 . 6/21
I like the expounding on the Zora lore, very interesting, and the tie in to Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess. The Zora had a pretty hard time in Twilight Princess. What happened to Rutella was pretty damned sad.

A short but solid chapter.
Waging Wonder chapter 12 . 6/21
Well I'll be darned if this isn't the sweetest most adorably awkward date I've ever read in a fanfic. Kayden sure caught on quick, just as Gad did. It seems just about anyone can sense the attraction these two have to each other.

Also, Mipha is very disciplined at containing her emotions. I also really enjoyed the cooking scene, it make me believe you must know something of cooking, which I do not. I actually made me hungry.

Interesting to see where it will go from here.
Allthingsconsidered99 chapter 17 . 6/14
Good chapter love how you portray them in new light hope you keep updating. Stay safe my dude or dudette
Allthingsconsidered99 chapter 16 . 6/4
Ahhhh please keep this story going, I loved the tragic love between Mipha and Link shown in Botw, it really showed in some of the memories just how much they respect and care for each other, plus with both being superb warriors it just feels right to me. Any way happy rant over, your writing is really great love how you write all of your scenes though there are some mistakes they are just that mistakes so keep er going my dude or dudette.
Waging Wonder chapter 11 . 5/31
Ah, so simple and seemingly subdued their reunion, but hinting at all the great and poignant emotions stirring beneath the veils Link and Mipha wear. Being together makes each of them stronger, more complete. You display this masterfully.

Let us not forget the supporting cast, of course, Gad, that sly devil, doing her part to reunite the pair. And, of course, Sidon, the adorable little guppy that he is in this stage of the story.

In these moments, Mipha could not be more faithfully rendered from the game. I can see her doing and saying every bit of this, as it fits her character perfectly. Very well done.
Waging Wonder chapter 10 . 5/31
A short but penetrating insight into Link's character. Very well done. He and Mipha do share something in common, the keeping of a veil of sorts, of putting on a facade of normalcy/stoicism to conceal all that which bubbles beneath the surface.
Beserkians fury chapter 16 . 5/30
I utterly love this story, and would give you the biggest bear hug I can if we did meet. The interactions between the two always make me smile.
Waging Wonder chapter 9 . 5/18
Ah, I see. So Gad is Mipha's wingman-fish-lady, doing her part to get the two together. Its seems being a guard doesn't suit Gad at all, she would probably be better off as an adventurer or rogue. It is nice how you've expanded upon her and Tot's characters, making them more than the background figures they were in the game. It makes sense, of course, in this expansion of the narrative.

Now it remains to be seen how interesting things get once Link arrives in the domain once more.
Waging Wonder chapter 8 . 5/18
Is it just me or is Hoz acting a bit fishy.

I can see that this is still during Zelda's bratty phase, so I would imagine Link having little difficulty with taking up his newly appointed task as liaison to the Zora.

Anyhow, a note on drawbridges. Because of the difficulty of opening and closing them, they were general raised during the night when most things were locked down, and then left down during the day for general traffic, unless there was a siege or a war or something similar. Its only a detail really, but I just thought I would mention it.
Waging Wonder chapter 7 . 5/18
Well this was interesting. I can only imagine Gad has in inkling that Muzu is up to no good, but had to find some kind of proof that would be impossible to get through normal procedures.

Quick and intriguing, it will be interesting to find out what this was all about.
rosescientist chapter 13 . 5/9
I am very much so enjoying this... you’ve done a phenomenal job of capturing everything, from the characters to the interactions to the world itself. You’ve managed to invoke a wide variety of emotions out of me through your telling of the story. Despite the description of their backgrounds being brief, you did not need more to set them up. The growth of these two is a wonderful thing to read, yet also heart wrenching to know where it will lead.
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