Well, the fourteenth and last chapter of Book One of Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters, Rise of the TechnaFury!

This is very much bittersweet, I hope you guys enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Hey guys, if you don't know by now, the poll is officially closed, I hoped you voted.

For the final time, I do not own any HTTYD elements I may use in this story, nor do I own Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters. But I do own Talus, and I also own the natural Predacon evolution idea.

Review Replies:

Bluefeather4299: Thanks again XD Plus don't worry, there is going to be a sequal or Book two :)

Chandria The Snowy Owl: I hope you knew where I got the idea from X) There will a sequal or Book two and don't worry, you won't have to wait long.

Unicron1000: Of course I'm going to make a Book two! :)

Wolfimus Prime: Awww thanks Wolfimus, you're good :)

Julien Caeg: Pretty much it is, and do you mean Hiccup and Toothless? Cause I have no clue who Buck is. Thanks for reviewing though :)

Thanks guys!

Now onto the show folks!

Take Care Now, Bye Bye Then!

Chapter Fourteen: Epilogue

The Nemesis Break Room: Two Rotor Cycles (Weeks) Later

"Talus I'm sorry, I tried to go up instead of diving down, I swear!"

Talus, in her alt. femme form, snorted as she walked into the break room before she said "I don't want to hear it right now Smokescreen!"

Smokescreen sighed softly before he nodded his helm and walked away, things between him and Talus had been kind of on the fritz lately, he had been making mistakes apparently with the movable pedal and making the right tailfin go into the wrong positions on accident.

And every time, Talus saved his aft multiple times, but taking most of the damage herself every time and he didn't blame her for being tired of it.

Today was the worst though, and he and Talus had bent the artificial right tailfin badly, and Ratchet grounded her for a few solar cycles while he made repairs on the tailfin.

Talus sighed as she looked back at Smokescreen, seeing him leave the Break Room with his door wings a little too low for her to be comfortable with.

Talus shook her helm, she needed some Energon, then she would go and talk with her best 'Bot friend.

Talus walked over to the Energon refiner and she quickly made herself a cube of Energon. She sniffed it and she smiled softly, this was good Energon.

Talus was about to take a drink before she heard some-bot say "Well, well, well, what do we have here? It seems this Preddy is a bit lost"

Talus turned her helm and she saw five small...spider mechs?!. The lead one walked up to her before it and the others formed up and became one actually pretty tall mech and he said "Hello there Preddy, our name is Chop Shop, ex-Decepticon"

Talus raised a brow ridge before she said "My name is Talus", before she turned and she went to drink her cube, but it was snatched quickly out of her servo by him.

Talus blinked her optics, did he just?!

With a quick swishing of the Energon, Chop Shop downed the Energon before he threw the now empty cube away and he said "We don't think you understand Preddy, you need to leave, you see this is now our new terf. Or else you can pay us, say, 200 credits for attempting to drink our energon and trespassing on our terf"

Talus shook her helm softly as she took a deep intake in, she then said as calmly as she currently could "I don't think so, now it was nice to meet you Chop Shop, but this is everyone's...'terf'. Not yours, good day.", she went to leave until Chop Shop called out to her.

"We knew it, you Preddys are so over rated, everyone fears you for your looks. You can't even back up your 'Great ancestors' as that Preddyqueen says all the time. Ha, no wonder the TechnaWussies probably hid their bones, they were probably worse."

Talus' entire frame froze and Chop Shop smirked before he continued "And yes, we know what you are Preddy, you are even a freak among your fellow Preddys. So not only are you a freak, but you are a freak to your dumbaft TechnaWussy ancestors, and an even bigger freak among the weak Preddycons"

Talus turned her helm to glare death at Chop Shop, making him feel a bit unsettled, and Talus said in an eerily calm voice "Call me a freak, one more time. Go ahead."

Chop Shop smirked "You don't scare me, Freak!"

A smirk suddenly worked it's way onto Talus' face plate, Oh Primus this was going to be fun!

Talus slowly turned around to where she faced Chop Shop and she said in a scary calm yet almost excited tone, "I've been wanting to hit something since the sun rise. And for me, it's an 'all-you-can-beat-buffet'.", she had learned that last part from Miko, and it seemed to meet the situation.

Chop Shop frowned and backed away as Talus' large transforming shadow came over him.



Smokescreen's Quarters: Ten Cycles Later

Talus walked into the quarters with a satisfied smirk on her faceplate, that had felt good. Maybe a little too good.

But she froze a bit when she saw Smokescreen sitting on his berth, a pede over his knee joint, with his servos crossed, and he glared at her sternly.

"What did you think you were doing?"

Talus raised her right brow ridge, before she asked right back at him, "I don't know what you're talking about"

Smokescreen raised a brow ridge before he said, "Oh really, cause I just happened to be in the Med bay talking with Ratchet about the tailfin's repairs, when a Constructicon named Chop Shop was wheeled in. He looked like he was barely functioning when he got there"

Talus just shrugged her shoulder joints softly before she said in a not really caring tone,"Poor bot"

Smokescreen then said sarcastically, "But you know, he had the weirdest marks on his armor. Scratches, like from a Predacon"

Talus said in the same uncaring tone, "Well it could have been any Predacon you know Smokescreen, there are a few more of us now-a-cycles"

Smokescreen nodded before he said, "True, but he had one bite on his shoulder parts, the bite clearly came from a TechnaFury Talus. And last time I checked, there was only one of those around now-a-cycles, and I happen to be her rider and friend.

So, do you want to tell me why you are lying to me, and why you nearly scrapped someone!"

Talus gave glare at Smokescreen as if saying, that isn't any proof!

Smokescreen rose off of the berth and to his pedes, before he walked over to her with a few stomps for emphasis..

Smokescreen poked her chassis before he continued "Oh and how about Ratchet found some saliva and guess what, it has your CNA in it! So do you want to explain to me now!"

Talus glared down at him before she said with a small snarl, "It is none of your business!"

Smokescreen pointed a digit at her again before he countered, "Wrong! It is my business when my partner slices and dices a fellow Cybertronian Talus! What were you thinking?!"

Talus glared at Smokescreen and asked in spite "Oh! Is this because I'm a Predacon, huh?!"

Smokescreen, blinked, where had that come from?!

He steeled his structure and he glared and he rose his voice and he sternly answered, "Don't you dare pull the race card on me Talus! I am your best friend, rider, and partner! I don't care what you are, you know that! But every other bot out there does! You're supposed to be an example for all Predacons, Autobots, and Decepticons alike!

It doesn't matter if you're annoyed, angry, or glitchy, you need to keep a level processor or else every bot out there will label you as an animal, or worse...a monster. I don't want to ride a monster Talus, I don't want my best friend to be labeled as one either!"

Talus glared at him, her servos were shaking they were clenched so hard.

"Do you ever think before you do something like that? Do you have any idea what you could have started? Maybe Predacon hunters! You could have...!"

"Do I ever think? Do I ever think?! Of course I think, but it seems that nobody in this scrapped place ever thinks that maybe I don't want to be an example! That maybe I don't want to be the link in-between all of our races. That maybe...I could just be...me." Talus was almost whispering by the time she was done.

Smokescreen looked at his best friend before he asked "Is this what's been bothering you Talus? The pressure of being the Ambassador for Cybertronians and Predacons?"

Talus sighed and she said, in a defeated tone, "I don't want to talk about it Smokescreen"

Smokescreen looked up at his best friend's helm before he asked "Why not?"

Talus just shook her helm before saying "Because it doesn't matter Smokescreen, you know Predaking needs me, but so do you Autobots.", with that she then walked out of Smokescreen's quarters.

Not caring if he called her name right now, she needed to be alone right now, just for a while, to think things through.

The Nemesis' Med-Bay: Two Megacycles Later

Talus walked into the Med-Bay of the Nemesis, there were three patients in there currently, one was the Constructicon Chop Shop she had nearly scrapped.

The second was a still in stasis Starscream, he also showed no signs of waking up, Ratchet had always sad that it would be a miracle if the Seeker even opened an optic. Predaking, Darksteel, and Skylinx had did a number on the Seeker, even Talus was disgusted when he came in.

The third was a recently cloned Predacon named Grimwing, whom looked a bit too much like Darksteel to be comfortable, just a dark grey and green where Darksteel was more blue and silver in color.

Despite being powerful enough to go toe-to-toe with Predaking on a good day, his inherent sense of honor and chivalry separate him from the other vicious, ambitious members of his kind.

He finds it disgraceful that his brothers and sisters use their abilities to try dominate the weak, and he will go to any length to stop his fellow Predacons from trying to conquer the weaker Cybertronians behind Predaking's back with Talus.

He had become the second ever Predabot, right behind Talus, when he had asked Talus about her unique symbol and what it meant, he also helped with relations between the Autobots, Ex-Decepticons, and Predacons.

Talus and Grimwing had also become pretty good friends. They both spar a bunch, and Grimwing has a sense of equality so strong, he doesn't even fly when they spar, Talus secretly loved this about him, not that she would ever tell him that though.

But when Talus and Smokescreen take off into the air, Grimwing would usually join them and both Talus/Smokescreen would race the green Ursagryph.

The Technafury and rider usually won though.

Talus smiled at Grimwing as he lifted his helm up and once his piercing yellow optics landed on her structure, he smiled and waved his right clawed servo at the TechnaFury.

Talus waved back and she asked as she walked over, "What happened this time?"

Grimwing sighed so tiredly that it made Talus' brow ridges to go up into her helm-line, before he explained "Right now it's just Skystalker and Windrazor causing havoc a short while ago, but I fear they are going to try and harm more Cybertronian civilians, especially those known to operate with the Autobots."

Talus' optics narrowed before she asked "Do I need to get Predaking on this?"

Grimwimg shook his helm before he said "No, but Divebomb is currently scouting the skies for any signs of Skystalker and Windrazor."

Talus nodded and she said "Good, but how did you get hurt like that my friend?", Talus pointed a clawed digit to Grimwing's left wing, which had a huge bite mark dented and scratched into the delicate metal of the 'feathers'.

Grimwing looked at his left wing before he winced and said "That is courteously of a recently newly-birthed Predacon, he is massive Talus. Predaking has given him the name Rot Gut. He has to be the biggest Predacon to come out of the cloning chambers currently."

Talus raised a brow ridge before she asked "How big we talking about?"

Grimwing narrowed his optics as he calculated before he said "He is not as long as yourself or his majesty Predaking, Rot Gut is about a fifteen histers (Feet) shorter than his majesty, but Rot Gut is about twenty five histers shorter than you Talus.

Height wise, Rot Gut is about three histers taller than yourself Talus, and about five histers shorter than my king.

Strength wise, Talus, I will not feed you a bunch of lies. Rot Gut was barely beaten by Predaking, his majesty Predaking had air superiority that helped him win the fight, but Rot Gut will still barely listen to my king, so I tried to talk with Rot Gut...Well you can clearly see how well that talk went"

As Talus heard this last part, she felt the all too familiar rage building up in her processor and spark. Nobody hurt her friends or family and got away with it.

Grimwing put a servo to her foreservo armor, Talus blinked her optics, snapping out of her growing rage before Grimwing said "Talus, you must get a grasp on that rage of yours, I can see it building up in your optics, that is not a good look for you"

Talus sighed through her intakes and she said "Sorry, it's just frustrating with new scrapping responsibilities with every scrapping new Predacon, every scrapping solar cycle. It just a slagging plate of scrap"

Grimwing raised a brow ridge and he said calmly "Please shift your gears before you bust a gasket Talus, you definitely have the 'Fury' of your ancestors, that does not mean you need to let it control you"

Talus nodded her helm before she said softly "I know Grim, I know"

Grimwing smiled and he said "Good, now to let the good doctor check my wing now"

Both Predabots heard an all too familiar voice say "A very logical assumption my good Predacon, of course I must make that wing shine again, but it's condition will be all too better than new when I am done with you", it was Knockout.

Talus raised a brow ridge and she was about to ask something before Knockout said "Yes I will take good care of him, no I do not know where your creator is"

Talus shut her jaw strut and she said "Okay then", Talus turned to Grimwing and she said "I'll see you later Grim, I have to talk with Smokescreen now"

Grimwing raised a brow ridge and he asked "Why? Did something happen?"

Talus sighed and she said "Yeah, we got into a fight, he keeps making the tailfin he controls go into the wrong positions now, and while my armor is thick, most of the landings still hurt"

Grimwing was about to say something when Knockout but in and exclaimed "Oh that's right, Fury, the old mech wanted me to tell you that it wasn't your Praxian rider messing up your precious flight pattern, turns out one of the wires for controlling said 'fin', was slipping from it's housing case."

Talus' brow ridges were in her helm line and she immediately felt a heavy guilt settle in her spark, she sighed and she said "Oh Primus, I really glitched this one up didn't I?"

Both her fellow Predabot and the Cybertronian doctor nodded their helms, Talus sighed again and she said "Well then I'm going to go make it up to him, don't wait up for me"

Both Knockout and Grimwing voiced their goodbyes and Talus went to leave the Med Bay when all three of them heard groaning coming from the second occupied berth in the Med bay.

All three of them turned and their optics widened in unison when they saw a groaning Starscream sitting up and rubbing his helm with his clawed servo.

Starscream's optics opened and he immediately froze when he saw the two Predacons currently in the room.

Talus cocked her helm to the side and she gently asked "Uh, hi there, how are you feeling there Screamy?"

The reaction was immediate, Starscream screamed, yes screamed, at the top of his vocal processor while he thrashed in the berth as he tried to get away from the evil 'Predacon'.

Starscream raised his servos and he frantically tried to fire his missiles, but of course his weapons had been turned offline.

Talus started to run over to help hold Starscream down as Knockout got a injector quickly ready to sedate Starscream, turns out that was the wrong thing to do with a desperate and cornered Seeker.

It happened almost in slow motion, as Talus went to hold Starscream down, Starscream literally ripped a missile off of his foreservo armor, and he threw the missile right at the running TechnaFury femme.

The missile flew through the air and before anyone could react or even move, the missile's head hit dead on with Talus neck components.

The explosion knocked the TechnaFury silly and immediately her optics started to get fuzzy and she started to lose consciousness.

Talus' large structure slammed onto her spinal struts and compacted main wings, onto the hard floor of the Medbay, dazed and confused.

Wh-Why couldn't she get any intake in?!

She felt odd...disconnected from her structure almost.

Wait was that Energon...her Energon?!

She could faintly hear voices, they were almost like she was under an Energon river, or under Earth's water...what were they saying?

She could hear her name.


She could make out other things as well.

'Stay awake!'

'Get Ratchet now!'

'Talus stay with me!'

'She's losing Energon too fast!'

Talus felt almost...Numb.

It felt good, she wanted to go into recharge now, she slowly made her numb structure shut her optics.

The last thing she heard before she went into oblivion, was...Smokescreen?


After that, she knew no more.

Well there we go, that's it.

Book One of Transformers Prime: Beats Hunters, Rise of the TechnaFury is officially complete. :)

And yes, I had to leave with a cliffhanger, all the great authors do that! XD

Well you all know the drill, please read and review. Who knows, if I get a lot of reviews, I might put Book two out early?

Well until next time guys.

This is DIZILLA signing off for now.

Take Care Now, Bye Bye Then!