New story. New plot. What more do yah need? ...Probably an explanation.

Ahem... I am here to write a story about the characters in 'Hicca and Her Dragon' watching their story like it was a movie. I would've had the first chapter up a while ago, but i was in the middle of band camp and didn't have the time. But i'm here now, and i hope you like this.

PS: If you have not read my story 'Hicca and Her Dragon,' I strongly suggest that you read it first before you read this.

This story was requested by dialga213. Without their request, this would not be here. You rock, dude! i hope you enjoy this! :)

How to Watch 'Hicca and Her Dragon'

Ch. 1
Welcome to My Lair

Hicca stood still and watched as Austen ran off, heading back towards the entrance of the cove. She continued to stare even as his figure slowly disappeared. Once he was gone however, she finally blinked, looking like she was coming out of a somewhat trance. A small smile appeared on her face. But it fell when she heard a soft growl coming from right next to her. She turned her head to see Toothless standing next to her, a smug look on his face.

"Oh, what are you looking at?" she snapped at him.

But before he could answer there was a loud bang along with a bright flash of white light that surrounded the pair, completely blinding them. Hicca yelped in surprise and fear, and Toothless lunged forward to grab her, shielding her with his large wings. They both sat there, holding each other for dear life. The blinding flash seemed to go one for ages before it finally died down, slowly but surely fading back into color.

Toothless slowly unwrapped his wings, but kept his large paws around Hicca. Said human removed her face from the dragon's scaly chest, keeping her hands on him. They stared at each other for a moment before they both glanced at their surroundings.

Instead of still being in the cove they both seemed to be in a room of some sort. It was large, probably large enough to fit over 20 people in it. The walls were black and covered in what looked like splattered of different colors, all ranging from blue, red, purple, pink, ect. There were bright orange couches, all of different sizes(some had enough room for one person, others hand room for five). There were several tables, all of which had a deck of playing cards set in the center of them. There were two pool-tables, both of which had their balls racked and ready to go, and pool-sticks on the sides. On one wall there was a brightly lit sign with the word 'Lounge' written in bright blue.

Hicca and Toothless stared, wondering where exactly the hell they were. But before they could do more than look around, one of the two only doors in the room creaked open. As it did, a figure started to shuffle through, and they were yelling.

"Just sit down and shut up! Don't make me call security!"

There were a few distant outbursts from the other room, but the newly discovered female figure turned and shut the door, huffing in irritation. Hicca and Toothless stared at her. She had to be just a little over Hicca's height, but definitely not as skinny(AN: What can I say? I have a 'more to love' type of figure.). She had long dirty blond hair that came out in thick waves. Her eyes were a wicked bright green and where covered by brown, rectangular glasses. She was wearing a pair of solid black flipflops, and a pair of long, dark blue jeans that bushed against the floor. But the most peculiar thing she wore was her shirt. It was large, had short sleeves, and was solid black. Across it were the words 'The H Pride Color Guard,' written in curvy white writing, and the 'h' was solid red. Also, the small dash in the center came out the left side of the letter to form the bottom part of a music note.

"Ah! You're here!" the girl chimed, marching up to the pair. "And just in time, too. I just got the others settled. Well, sort of… See, I don't really have security, so I had to lie and say I did."

Hicca blinked, staring at the girl in confusion. Toothless held her tighter, growling lowly at the stranger.

"Easy, bud," Hicca soothed, then turned to face the girl. "Um, I'm sorry. But, do you-"

"Before you even ask, I summoned you here," the girl said quickly. "I've already gotten all the other guests here, you two were the last to arrive."

'Mind telling us why we're here?' Toothless asked.

"In time. For now, I must take care of your seating arrangements," she reached behind her and pulled out a black clipboard, running her finger down it. "Still a few minutes ahead of schedule… Now, Toothless, I'm sorry, but you're gonna have to go in another room away from Hicca for no-"

'No!' Toothless stood in front of Hicca. 'I'm staying with Hicca!'

"Toothless!" Hicca snapped.

'Hicca, I don't wanna leave you, especially after what-'

"Listen!" the girl snapped, suddenly looking very angry. "I've just been through two hard weeks of band camp. My body's sore, my back is sunburned, and I haven't slept properly in since day 1. I'm tired as hell. The only reason why I'm working right now is because I love to write and I was asked to do this project days ago by a fellow writer. I'm already behind schedule as it is. Now, if you could please just listen to me, shut your mouth, and do as I say! NOW!"

Both Hicca and Toothless stared at the girl, not sure what to say. The girl took several deep breaths, brushing her bangs from her eyes.

"Now, if you're ready to work with me," she gestured to the pair of doors. "Toothless will go through the door on the left. Hicca, you'll go through the right. Understand?"

Toothless growled and was a about to retort again, but Hicca interrupted him.

"It's okay, bud," she said calmly. "I'll see you later, I promise."

Toothless stared at her, but the strange girl just smiled.

"Good! Now, lets go. Shall we?"

She turned around, and the couple was able to read the words 'Hancock High School Marching Band' on the back of her shirt. The girl walked over to the door on the right and opened it. She bowed slightly, waiting for Hicca to come forward. Toothless gave an affectionate lick to Hicca's cheek before he finally let her go, making his way to the door on the left. Hicca gave him a small wave before walking over to her designated door.

"Don't be so sad," said the strange girl. "You'll see your boy in a bit, don't worry."

Hicca didn't respond. The girl sighed, then stood in front of Hicca and extended her hand out.

"Sorry, where are my manners? My name is Heart of the Night Fury. …Well, that's my professional name. If you want, you can just call me Jess. But that stays between us."

Hicca slowly lifted her hand to grab Jess'. "Sure, Jess. Um, I'm Hicca…"

"Yeah, I know that," Jess looked down at her clipboard. "Still got time… Alright, this way."

The two girls stepped further into the room that was quickly revealed to be and incredible theater. It was beyond large- about half the size of a football stadium. It held- not simple theater chairs, but rows upon rows of brightly colored beanbag chairs, all of which were surrounded by dozens of Pillow Pets. On the far front wall was a huge, long black screen. There were several popcorns stands that stood in lines of either side of the theater, waiting to serve anyone.

Hicca was surprised by the amazing room. But after further inspection, she discovered something else to surprise her. As she looked at a section of beanbag chairs, she saw what appeared to be the entire island of Berk sitting impatiently. As Hicca and Jess walked closer towards them several heads turned. One Viking up front stood up, and Hicca instantly recognized him as her father.

"Hicca!" he ran up to her, grabbing her shoulders. "Oh Gods, are you alright? Are you hurt?"

"N-no! I'm fine," Hicca stuttered. "Really, dad, I mean it."

"Okay, now that Hicca's here, we can finally get started!" Jess turned around to face a small window on the back wall, where a young man sat, surrounded by equipment. "Ridge! Is everything all set?"

"Hold on…" Ridge spoke into the microphone, his voice echoing loudly in the theater. "Uh…Yeah! We're good to go, gurl!"

"Good," Jess turned to her guests. "Now, if you would all please take your seats. Hicca, that big green beanbag over there is for you. …No, the one with the kitty Pillow Pet. …There yah go, get comfy."

Hicca shifted her weight as she sat on her designated beanbag and had to admit it was quite comfortable. Her father had gone back to his red beanbag, and everyone else had settled down into their seats. Jess quickly walked up and stood in front of them all. She glanced down at the brown watch that was on her wrist.

"Yes! Just in time! Ahem… Good evening, everyone!" she smiled at the crowd. "You're probably wondering why you're all here. Well, the answer is simple. You're here to watch a movie I have selected for you all."

She was about to continued when a Viking in the back raised his hand. Jess looked back at him.


"Erm…what's a movie?"

"Oh geez.." Jess rubbed her forehead. "How am I gonna explain this? Okay, um… it's sort of like a play, and/or a moving picture-show. …Does that make any sense at all?"

The Viking sat there for a moment, then slowly nodded.

"Good. Now, before I go, are there any other questions?"

Austen raised his hand.

"Yes, Austen?"

"What's the movie about?" he asked.

"Oh! I'm glad you asked. You see, this particular story is about you're very own dear Hicca. Her, and her little…special someone."

Jess gave knowing smirk, winking at the now nervous Hicca, who was blushing a bright red.

Everyone sitting around her turned to stare at her in confusion. Stoick was no exception, although his confusion was coupled with suspicion. Special someone? That could only mean that Hicca is seeing someone. But…who?

The gang of teens were just as confused as the adults. They never thought that Hicca would have her own story, least of all, a special someone. The only one among them that seemed have a clue as to who this 'special someone' was, was none other than Austen. He had a pretty big hunch as to who the someone was.

"Okay, those are all the questions I have time for," Jess said suddenly. "I'm gonna quickly visit my other guests and explain a few things to them. After that we'll go ahead and start the movie. KK? …Awesome! Well, see yah!"

Jess quickly turned on her heel, and Disaparated.

She then reappeared in a second seating section that sat above the first. This one was a little bigger than the first. Laying on the large, bouncy mattresses laid out for them, staring in confusion, were all the dragons that inhabited Berk. Amongst them was Toothless, sitting comfortably on a mattress with a black sheet on it.

"Hey dudes!" Jess called out. "Now, if you couldn't hear me down there, I brought you all here to watch a movie. And, I just wanna let you all know, you will be joining the Vikings sooner than you think. Before you freak out, I did take all of their weapons when I brought them here, so they won't be able to harm you. However, I'm asking you now to not harm them in return. Especially," she pointed downstairs to the small form that was Hicca. "That one. Do I make myself clear?"

All of the dragons made grumbling noises, but they all seemed to be agreeing with her. Toothless sat up straight from his mattress.

'I won't do anything,' he said loudly. 'As long as no harm comes to Hicca.'

"Trust me, dude, letting Hicca get hurt is the last thing I want," Jess clapped her hands, rubbing them together. "Now…I'm off!"

Then, she turned on her heel again, and this time she reappeared in the control room. Her best friend Ridge sat buy the control panel, wearing a set of headphones, a bag of popcorn in his hands.

"About time," he kicked out the chair next to him. "C'mon, gurl, let's do this."

Jess ran up and slid easily into her chair, spinning around to face the control panel. She picked up a set of headphones and put them on.

"The cameras we set up have been recording the whole time, right?" she asked.

"Yep. They've been recording since before the village got here," said Ridge. "Don't worry. You'll have plenty of stuff to write with later once we're done here."

Jess looked around and found the 'on' button for the microphone. She pressed and spoke into the mic.

"Before we begin, does anyone want any drinks or snacks?"

The people and the dragons all mumbled soundlessly, but no one seemed to want anything.

"You sure? I can just make Ridge get up and go get it. Just sits here and plays with buttons all day, anyway."

"I will not, and I do not!" Ridge snapped. "I'm not your assistant!"

"You know what? You're right," Jess smirked. "You's my bitch! That's what you are!"

"Excuse you? If anything, you're my bitch!"

"No, you're mine!"

"No, mine!"



"Fine, we're both each others bitches. Happy?" Jess cleared her throat and continued talking into the mic. "Anyways… ladies and gentleman, creatures of all kinds, please sit back and enjoy the wonderful show called… 'Hicca and Her Dragon.'"

The whole crowd(both Viking and dragon) whispered amongst themselves, all buzzing about the name of the show they were about to watch. Hicca? And her dragon? Why would she have a dragon? But there was no time for any further discussion. Because as soon as Jess finished speaking, she pressed a large green button that started the movie just as Ridge dimmed the lights. The screen lit up, and the movie started to begin.

"This is gonna be sweet," said Jess, reaching over to snatch some popcorn from Ridge's bag.

And that's all for right now. I wish there was more for the first chapter, but i hope it's enough for now. I'm still a bit tired. See, everything i added about band camp is true. I actually did just get done with band camp. It ended Friday. Its midnight on Sunday and i'm still hurting. I didn't really get my back sunburned at all. I got my shoulders burned a bit, though, so i guess that counts.

Anyways, you know the drill. Read, comment, be nice. That's all i ask. See yall later.