![]() Author has written 8 stories for Harry Potter, Dragon Ball Z, D.Gray-Man, Pirates of the Caribbean, Supernatural, Star Trek: 2009, Touhou Project, Frozen, and Attack on Titan/進撃の巨人. prev: OtakuDrag0n Age: 20 Gender: Female Visit my: DeviantArt Also visit my: Tumblr A couple things you should know: I prefer not to write yaoi or yuri, just saying. So you are gonna find a lot of genderbending fictions on here. Speaking of, if you have any interest in beta reading any upcoming stories, and you have a lot of time on your hands, please feel free to PM me. Saviors of Humanity progress: 15/38 chapters rewritten when I rewrite them all, I'll replace all the chapters at once, so hang tight until then~ Top Bands
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Favorite Attack on Titan characters
Favorite Supernatural characters
OTPs Attack on Titan: Ymir/Christa, Mikasa/Eren, Armin/Annie, Levi/Petra, Jean/Marco, Levi/Fem!Eren, Connie/Sasha, Bertoldt/Ymir, Christa/Reiner D.Gray-Man: Lavi/Lenalee, Kanda/Allen Blue Exorcist: Rin/Shiemi, Yukiko/Shura, Shima/Izumo, Bon/Fem!Rin, Shima/Fem!Rin Once Upon a Time: Captain Hook/Emma, Regina/Robin Hood, /Belle Doctor Who: River/11, Rose/10, Amy/Rory Avatar/Legend of Korra: Katara/Aang, Korra/Mako, Jinora/Kai Supernatural: Dean/Castiel Parks and Rec: Ben/Leslie, Andy/April, Anne/Chris Upcoming Fics: Daughter of Satan: a retelling of Blue Exorcist, with a fem!Rin only! overprotective!Yukio Kings and Queens: a retelling of the anime K, with a fem!Shiro/. Feelings are Incompetent: Sherlock found that she had feelings for John, but at first she was able to brush them off and ignore them. However, as cases started to become more dangerous, or 'fun' in her sense, she found that it was getting harder and harder to hide her feelings for him. Which was uncalled for, really. She is the great Sherlock Holmes; she shouldn't have to worry about her feelings for him. fem!Sherlock, overprotective!Lestrade, overprotective!Mycroft...mostly Hounds of Baskerville, Reichenbach, post Reihenbach and anything else Johnlock The Dog Days are Over: DBZ fanfic, OC/??, slight self-insert. Better summary coming soon. The Universe-Old Question: How is it that Allen always gets lost? Lavi knows. It is a little amusing to him. Dr.WhoxDGM, two-shot drabble... Not Enough Time: Allen, Kanda, Lavi, and Lenalee find themselves chasing a strange little kid in the woods with a creepy mask on. The mask, they find out, seems to have a shard of innocence, and they intend to retrieve it at all costs. However, when they reach the kid, things start to go downhill and they find that they only have three days to save this strange parallel world called Clocktown. LoZxDGM Finally a Ginger: Doctor Who fanfic, The Doctor is ecstatic to find that after regenerating for the thirteenth time, he is finally a ginger. However, there is a catch, and he's going to need a lot of help from Clara with this one. fem!Doctor Don't You Cry No More: Supernatural fic... the family business can be rough. Sometimes the Winchesters just need to support each other through the hard times of hunting. Masquerade: Avengers fic... Antoniette "Toni" Stark has always had a mask on. The team has trouble with her and her personality, especially when she is stuck in her lab most of the time. All they need is patience for her to break through, and Steve Rodgers is the man to help. Stony. Takes place from Avengers (first movie)- Iron Man 3 (maybe) - Age of Ultron- and slight hints of Civil War No Longer a Misadventure: (sequel) Through much support and demand, ((also realization of actually promising you guys some sort of sequel haha)) I've decided I'm going to continue it. It's going to take place during the Half Blood Prince. Favorite Quotes: "You have the heart of a chief, and the soul of a dragon." Valka "I’m jealous of the light above ground. I’m jealous of the gentle breezes. I don’t have anything against you, but I can make up lots of reasons to attack you." Parsee "People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect but actually from a non-linear non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly timey wimey... stuff." 10th Doctor "Don't blink. Blink and you're dead. They are fast. Faster than you can believe. Don't turn your back. Don't look away. And don't blink. Good luck." 10th Doctor "Just this once, Rose! Everyone lives!" 9th Doctor "Patience is for wimps." 11th Doctor "When you lose your way, you can blame the fairies." Cirno "The moon tonight is dead. You will know death." Remilia Scarlet "Dishonor on you, dishonor on your cow..." Mushu "I'm not a psychopath, I'm a high-functioning sociopath. Do your research." Sherlock Holmes "Brilliant! Four suicides and now a note. It's christmas!" Sherlock Holmes "People, who can't throw something important away, can never hope to change anything." Armin Arlert "The world is merciless, and it's also very beautiful." Mikasa Ackerman "No matter what kind of wisdom dictates you the option you should pick, no one will be able to tell if it's right or wrong till you arrive to some sort of outcome, resulting from your choice." Levi Ackerman "Don't get near him, his stupidity is contagious." Bon "Walk tall, and I too will keep walking tall, ever onwards." Erza Scarlet "There's some good in the world, Mr.Frodo... and it's worth fighting for." Sam "Even the smallest person can change the course of the future." Galadriel "A day may come when the courage of men fails... but not this day!" Aragorn "The board is set, the pieces are moving. We come to it at last, the great battle of our time." Gandalf "Mordor. The one place in Middle-Earth we don't want to see any closer. And it's the one place we're trying to get to. It's just where we can't get. Let's face it, Mr. Frodo. We're lost." Sam "I don't understand... but you are small. So you must be right." Treebeard “Time passes, people move. Like a river’s flow, it never ends. A childish mind will turn to noble ambition. Young love will become deep affection. The clear water’s surface reflects growth. Now listen to the Serenade of water to reflect upon yourself”- Sheik, Ocarina of Time "Hatred will take the freedom of your heart away and destroy you from the inside." Gerard " There aint no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good." Cage the Elephant Original Content: ~She's a pirate~ "At the mere thought of him, she tightened her grip around the pistol at her belt. Only one bullet. She swore it would be for him. " "She reserved no mercy for them." "How could he be bested by a pirate wench?" |