Reviews for Personal Log of Leonard McCoy, Year Two
atymer chapter 367 . 8/6
I love McCoy's logs and the occasional interjections from other crew members. The character development is enhanced through these short progressions. I love seeing through his eyes friendships develop and the emotional highs and lows of daring the unknown reaches of our universe; and occasionally getting a peek of other realities as well.
Melira chapter 1 . 7/20/2017
I have only now started watching TOS and only now can I really, fully appreciate the work you've done here. Awesome, how you mixed the original stories with your version of the five year mission. Absolutely great. And exactly as the first time I read all this, the mirror-versexenopolycythemia arc had me captured more than I'm comfortable to admit.
PSW chapter 367 . 2/24/2017
Another good one! Boy, Bones had an especially rough year though, right? Again,I appreciate the TOS episodes that you have made your own, rather than just a complete copy of the original. Very enjoyable - though I admit the 'World is Hollow' bit also was a bit disturbing (I suspect you meant it that way, though... ;-) Thanks for another enjoyable read!
Guest chapter 366 . 2/16/2017
I really am enjoying these and the way you tie into the old series
Fetherhd chapter 3 . 2/14/2017
Ouch... been there, done that!
ThePro-LifeCatholic chapter 367 . 11/15/2016
Another wonderful contribution to the Star Trek fandom! Thank you for writing this.
Moving onto your other the third instillation of Leonard McCoy's medical logs!
ThePro-LifeCatholic chapter 242 . 11/15/2016
"Watch over Jim for me. It's been an honor to serve with you."
ThePro-LifeCatholic chapter 233 . 11/15/2016
The Empaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaath...
It approaches...

My favorite TOS episode of them all!
*cracks nuckles*
Let's do this.
I'm ready.
Maybe not emotionally, but still. Let's still do this.
ThePro-LifeCatholic chapter 116 . 11/15/2016



You don't even go here!
And Bones is trying to recover! And now you're making him think that he's loosing his mind. How could you, Charlie. You should be ashamed of yourself. Poor poor McCoy. It never rains, but it pours. Isn't that how it works?
ThePro-LifeCatholic chapter 109 . 11/15/2016
Yay! He's cured! Spock and Kirk were there for every long leg of the journey, and now we see the fruition. I love the little tidbits that you include in your medical logs: things like Bones' " and laughter have been sorely missed". It makes the scenarios all that more real.
ThePro-LifeCatholic chapter 91 . 11/15/2016
Spock talking to McCoy about stuff that's going on during his treatment sessions.
That is all.
You're simultaneously making me feel really happy while also ripping my heart out and stomping on it. I know this ends well...but dang. You're really invested in this Xenopolycythemia thing, and I'm really happy about that.
ThePro-LifeCatholic chapter 87 . 11/15/2016
The pain.
Of COURSE Jim would insist on being there. And Spock is doing such an awesome job of watching over the both of them and running the medical log. Good job you three. The strength of the triumvirate gives me joy; you've depicted it very well.
ThePro-LifeCatholic chapter 77 . 11/15/2016
The forced mind-meld AND Xenopolycythemia? And Khan's blood? And old Spock and young Spock?!

It's like...
It's like all the Bones angst at once.
It's so such a painful and wonderful "gosh-I-love-this-character-so-much" kind of way.
ThePro-LifeCatholic chapter 56 . 11/15/2016
The amount of Bones-centered angst from this episode...ugh.
Continuing now...Going to see the angst! I know there's only so much you can do with 100 words, but I have confidence in you, Avirra. This is gonna be good. Can't wait for disclosure. :D
ThePro-LifeCatholic chapter 1 . 11/15/2016
Can I just say how much I loved the first one? And then I actually took the time to go to your account, and realize you have TWO whole other ones sittin' there! Thank you so much for writing these! You managed to draw out whole storylines with only a handful of words, and all from the perspective of Bones McCoy. I especially love any angst that's involved (especially mental-related angst, since that's what affects McCoy the most in the series).
Anyhoo, thank you for putting together such a wonderful and unique series! I'm going to be powering through these within the space of a few days, so expect a few more reviews.

Also, quick note about writing in 1st person: I tend to shy away from stories written in this perspective. More often than not, I dislike it. You, however, pull it off wonderfully in these medical logs. Wonderful, wonderful work, sir or madame. :D
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